Chapter 40

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
With a flash of milky white light, three monks in dark gold robes stepped out of the transmission array of Qingming mountain.

The three monks, who all seem to be about 30 years old, have good accomplishments. The two strong monks on the left are all four fold accomplishments of Shenhai realm, while the friar on the far right with a pair of shiny black gloves is the five fold cultivation of Shenhai realm. The dark gold robes of the three monks are made of soft pure gold. It seems that the defense effect is good. There are two ancient seal characters "Golden Eagle" near the chest. Judging from the three people's body's robes, they are all the monks of the Golden Eagle palace.

"It's another low-level monk who doesn't know the height of heaven and earth, and goes to find his own death!"

As soon as he came out of the teleportation array, the friar on the far right with black gloves just glanced at it and gave a cold sneer.

In the distance ahead of the three, there was a low-level monk in ordinary blue, who was walking rapidly towards a valley among the mountains.

… ...

in the eyes of the three golden vulture monks, this low-level loose cultivation who went to find his own death was Wei Suo who came out to practice.

In the eyes of these three people, Weisuo must die because there are a large number of level 3 monsters from Qingming mountain. According to the common experience of friars, a monk with two levels of Shenhai realm can deal with two middle level monsters independently, and the friars of Shenhai environment can deal with two middle level monsters independently. And the three people also can see that Wei Suo's cultivation should not have reached the four levels of Shenhai realm.

In Qingming mountain, where six or seven third level monsters may be encountered at any time, the monks of the four levels of Shenhai state usually need several groups to go deep into hunting and killing the monsters, and now Weisuo is heading for the direction of wanshe valley.

Wanshe Valley is very humid and messy. There are not only a lot of grotesque stones in it, but also many kinds of plants because of the warm climate in the valley. From the outside, it looks even more chaotic than Liuxia Lane in Lingyue city. In the valley, there are not only a lot of first-class and second-class monsters, but also a gathering place of three-level middle-level monsters called flesh winged scale snake. The friars of Shenhai state may not have a way to live when they enter, but Weisuo seems not worried about it now.

When there were still dozens of Zhangs away from the mouth of the valley, Weisuo directly put Zhenyuan into the Lingtian jade plate, which could be used three times, so that the Lingtian jade pendant could be excited at any time. After that, Weisuo inspired a dark yellow talisman. As soon as the dark yellow talisman was aroused, a golden light mask like a golden bell was formed outside his body, and the inner wall was also faintly covered with stripes.

After that, Weisuo went straight into the valley of ten thousand snakes with this golden bell like mask.

About two hundred Zhang deep into the ten thousand snake Valley, suddenly, two three foot long black lines flew down from a big tree on the left of Weisuo without any sign. "Pa" hit the golden mask outside Weisuo.

Weisuo stopped at once. The two snakes, three feet in length, were on the golden mask of Weisuo's body. They were all black and blue, similar to the bark of ordinary trees. Just below the neck, there are two short legs like bird claws and a pair of meat wings. A triangular head appears to be somewhat huge, and two red eyes look very ferocious.

This kind of strange snake is the famous level three medium level monster meat Wing scale snake in the ten thousand snake valley.

Unable to break the golden mask outside Weisuo's body at one time, the two flesh winged scale snakes became obviously impatient and gave out a silky whistling sound. Moreover, the speed of the two flesh winged scale snakes was extremely amazing. They could fly and turn in the air, keep flying and biting the golden mask. They looked as if two black lights were constantly attacking and stabbing outside the golden mask.

Just a moment later, three more of the same fledgling snakes came flying, hitting and biting at the golden mask. The momentum looked very frightening.

"Ha ha, what the old man said is really good."

There appeared five level three medium level monsters. The whole situation looked very terrible, but Wei Suo, who had never made any action, was happy and took out a white talisman.

First order ice fog Rune!

With the inspiration of this white talisman, a group of cold white fog rose from Weisuo's body. The speed of the five dark blue fledgling snakes slowed down in the cold white fog.

Golden Snake, leisuo!

Green water blade!

After aiming for a long time, Weisuo accurately smashed the two methods on the mask which was always attacking his head, as if he wanted to bite his head.

The flesh Wing scale snake was hit by ten golden snake like lightning. The flesh Wing scale snake fell to the ground convulsively. Next, a green wind blade was cut in its neck, and the water splashed everywhere. It seemed that it did not cause too much damage. But before the meat Wing scale snake could breathe back, another golden snake, Lei Suo and green water blade hit it again, and the flesh Wing scale snake immediately hit it again Convulsed like epilepsy.

This time, both Weisuo's two techniques were smashed on one of its wings and cut off a piece of it.The other four flesh winged scale snakes saw that their brothers had been beaten so miserably that they suddenly became more crazy. Even their red eyes seemed to be bulging. But Weisuo didn't care about the other four flesh winged scale snakes. A Golden Snake, leisuo, and a green water blade, were staring at the fledgling flesh winged scale snake.

After about a dozen Golden Snake leisuo and green water blade, the flesh Wing scale snake finally died and did not move.

"Ha ha!"

If the three friars in the Golden Eagle palace could see the present Weisuo, they would definitely think that Weisuo was simply abnormal, because when he killed the fleshy winged scale snake, five other iron wire snakes joined the battle group. But Weisuo was more happy to laugh.


A fireball suddenly fell into five ferocious first-class monsters, iron wire snakes, and three of them were blown to the ground and flew out miserably.

"Whoa ha ha ha! A few more! "

Weisuo issued a fireball rune, and then focused on dealing with another flesh Wing scale snake.

In fact, Weisuo is so coquettish and arrogant now because the wanshe valley of Qingming mountain was selected after he and the old man in green robe carefully combined attack.

Originally, Weisuo still wanted to go to the green copper mine in Daqingshan, because after Weisuo and the old man in green robe had said about the red beetle leader, the old man in green also suspected that a short black arrow stuck in the ass of the red beetle leader should be a magic weapon. Because according to the experience of the old man in green robe for so many years, even some low-level monsters, if they live long enough, or if they happen to devour some natural material and treasure, they are likely to be more powerful than the high-level ones. The red beetle itself is a kind of monster with the growth of years and its strength will be advanced. For example, the red beetle with more than 1000 years of age should be able to spit out flames. Judging from the size and appearance of the big red beetle described by weisseau, the old man in green can be sure that the red beetle is not a thousand, but also 800 years old. But the scarab beetle of this age is not the ability to spit fire against the enemy, but its extremely thick shell.

It is estimated that the skills of a friar in zhoutianjing can hardly break the shell of a red beetle of this age. However, the short arrow obviously penetrates its shell and penetrates into its flesh and blood. Moreover, it looks black and shiny, and it is not ordinary at first sight.

However, thinking that the mine is in all directions, I don't know whether there are other monsters, and the place is crowded. If a group of red beetle brothers rush up, his life may not be able to survive. Therefore, Weisuo and the old man in green robe discuss for a while, but give up going to the green copper mine to meet the red beetle brothers again.

The reason why he finally chose wanshe valley was that the old man in green robe knew the beast of flesh Wing scale snake very well. The snake was ranked as the third level middle level monster with a bad reputation. Many monks died in the hands of flesh winged scale snake in recent years, including some powerful monks with five levels of supernatural power. But according to the old man's experience, most of those killed were met by surprise To be attacked by a sneak attack, the most difficult thing to deal with is its lightning speed and ability to fly. To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to a flying sword that can bend freely in the air. However, its impact force and strength are not as good as most other level 3 monsters.

So as long as the power of the defense mask is enough to limit the speed of the meat Wing scale snake, this three-level monster is not difficult to deal with.

Now Weisuo, under the guidance of the old man in green robe, is completely targeted and prepared. The light shield outside his body is inspired by the second-order Golden Bell talisman. The duration of this kind of light mask can be as long as a incense stick. The first level ice fog Rune can slow down the fleeing speed of the meat Wing scale snake. Moreover, the Golden Snake thunder rhyme obtained from Lin Dao Yi can paralyze the flesh winged scale snake. It matches the green water blade perfectly.

Just a moment later, after Weisuo had filled a bottle of Huiqi powder, another fledgling snake was slashed to the ground by him.

"Don't worry, the next thing is you. It's you. The middle one says it's you. You need to be anxious!" After killing a fledgling snake, Weisuo is very coquettish and points a little to a fledgling snake in the middle. "Shit, what is this?" But it was at this time that Weisuo couldn't help but stare. There was a crackle of broken branches in the miscellaneous trees on one side, and a green boa constrictor came out like a hill.

This green Python is covered with scales the size of copper coins, and its whole body is as thick as a bucket. This figure seems to be very fierce, but what's more, the first half of the green Python is still standing upright like a human being. It seems that it is not high enough to climb on the ground, not fierce enough, and should stand up and despise you.

It is estimated that a large mouth of blood basin can swallow Weisuo, and the most peculiar thing is that there is a lump of sarcoma on its head, and there is a pale yellow single horn on the sarcoma.

"One horned viper! Damn it

As soon as he saw the pale yellow translucent short horn on the blue Python's head, Weisuo immediately screamed, and inspired a fireball Rune to hit the green python, and at the same time turned around and ran , the fastest update of the webnovel!