Chapter 43

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Through the fog of night, from the valley where the teleportation array is located, Weisuo can see that there are many ruins of dilapidated buildings and flickering light among the mountains in the distance.

The dilapidated ruins in the mountains and forests are all relics left over from ancient times. Many of them are even weathered and can not see their original appearance. There are many ruins of dilapidated buildings in the five or six mountains of Yanggu mountain. In ancient times, this place should be either a big city or an important town. The flickering light among the mountains should be the lamp in tianyimen smelting crystal mine.

Smelting crystal is a kind of unique crystal stone, which will melt if burned with a little fire. However, after the melting crystal is solidified again, it can not only bear a great deal of heat, but also become stronger than many refined gold. It is this easy to shape and very strong characteristics, so the melting crystal is widely used in refining tools, especially It's the Dharma shield for refining defense.

There is only one smelting crystal ore in Yanggu mountain near Lingyue City, which is controlled by tianyimen. In addition, tianyimen has experts from the surrounding area stationed in this vein. Many low-level friars and ordinary mortals help tianyimen mine day and night.

Although Weisuo felt shameless about tianyimen's occupation of the whole ore vein, it was useless even if the whole smelting crystal vein was placed in front of Weisuo, because the melted crystal was translucent white before melting and black after melting, which was contained in large pieces of miscellaneous stones, and only a large number of manpower could obtain a certain amount. And now these flickering lights give weisseau some comfort in the dark, wild mountains.

After spending more than half an hour in the dark forest, Weisuo finally arrived at the entrance of the stone maggot cave that Nangong Yuqing said.

This is a cave with a flat entrance. The entrance is only a few feet square. It looks like a giant beast with a big mouth to swallow people.

Seeing that there was no sign of Nangong Yuqing near the entrance of the cave, Wei Suo didn't panic, but immediately took out one of the three communication jade runes on his body. With the purple Zhenyuan's penetrating into it, all the three communication jade runes on his body gave out bright brilliance. Just for a moment, Nangong Yuqing, wearing that tight red soft armor, quickly walked out of the cave.

"You're smart enough to let me know you're here in this way." As soon as Nangong Yuqing saw Wei Suo at the entrance of the cave, he immediately said, "I've already sent you news several times with Yufu. I can't wait to get here first. How can you come here now?"

"Is there anything urgent? Come to me at this time. " Wei Suo took a look at Nangong Yuqing's soft armor with a bit of regret, because he found that all the cracks in Nangong Yuqing's soft armor had been repaired. It seemed that even traces could not be seen, let alone what else could be seen. Looking at Nangong Yuqing, he seemed anxious. He also quickly explained, "today I went to Qingming mountain I guess it's too far away. I can't see your message on the Yufu. "

"How many fireball symbols do you carry?" Nangong Yuqing asked directly.

Wei Suo is a little strange, took a look at Nangong Yuqing: "still have 80 Zhang appearance?"

"About eighty?" Nangong Yuqing seems to have no idea that Wei Suo has so many pieces of fireball rune, slightly Leng Leng. "Time is a little tight. Talk as you go." But she immediately turned and took the road ahead. I don't know what happened. Although Wei Suo made her wait for a long time, and because she was afraid that Wei Suo would not be able to arrive, she tried to inform tiece that other people also came, but she did not think that Weisuo would deliberately not come.

"What? Yuyunzhi Wei Suo followed Nangong Yuqing and walked into the stone maggot cave. He saw that there were grotesque stalactites everywhere, and the humidity was very heavy. And listen to Nangong Yuqing just said two words, Weisuo was suddenly surprised.

The reason why Nangong Yuqing was so eager to find Wei Suo was that she chased a three-level five colored centipede all the way into the stone maggot cave, but she found a yuyunzhi which was about to mature in a fork in the shimaggot cave.

There are many unique gems of genius that can only be picked within a certain period of time so that the aura will not be lost. Moreover, if you miss the time of picking after maturity, the aura will be lost in a very short time, and Yunzhi is one of them. Yuyunzhi is a kind of white Ganoderma lucidum, which is crystal clear, and can also emit jade light at night. The greatest effect of this kind of miraculous medicine is that it can make the monsters below level 5 advanced!

That is to say, as long as a monster below level 5 swallows a mature jade cloud fungus, it can be immediately upgraded by one level just like the friars under Fen Nian state who swallowed the hexu Dan refined by Ji ya.

This kind of elixir is of great significance to the friars. Because now many sects, such as the Golden Eagle palace where Li Honglin is located, are able to raise and tame demons. If they tame a monster of level Four and feed it a jade cloud fungus, then the monster of level Four will be upgraded to level five, which is equivalent to the monk's own strength. After all, a four level medium one horned viper has already made Weisuo want to die.

For these sects and friars, this kind of miraculous medicine is priceless. Because it is rare in number, and its maturity period is only one day and one night, it will wither immediately after the maturity period, and the aura will be lost. Therefore, in the Tianxuan continent, this kind of Ganoderma lucidum has no fixed value at all. To be sure, this kind of thing is definitely qualified to be handed over to Jinyu Pavilion for auction at a large-scale auction."Two plants", it seems that Wei Suo is not enough shock, in front of the hurry to lead the Nangong Yuqing added a sentence.

"Damn it!" Weisuo was really shocked. Even if you tame a four level medium level monster and feed two jade Ganoderma lucidum plants, you can immediately make the four level medium level monster go up two levels and become a level five monster? However, Weisuo was also very clear that there must be fierce monsters around the treasures like hexu pill for the demon beasts, because the range of activities of the monsters was much larger than that of the friars, and they would go to any dirty places. Moreover, their sense of smell and the sense of the aura of miraculous medicine were far beyond the monks. So Weisuo asked quickly, "what level of monster is guarding jade Yunzhi?"

"It's a four level wind spirit." Nangong Yuqing replied quickly.

"No, it's level Four again!" There was a scream from Wilson. Fenglingzhen is a kind of strange animal with a little shape like a big carving, but it has four claws and a long tail like a monkey's tail. It can not only send out the extremely sharp vigorous wind blade, but also can shed its feathers and shoot it like a sharp arrow. The most important thing is that this level 4 monster can obviously be as frightening as a unicorn viper.

Nangong Yuqing seemed to say something strange to Weisuo. He turned his head slightly and looked at Weisuo. "Don't worry. I'll deal with this head of Fengling when it's time."

"En en", Nangong Yuqing's calm look made Wei Suo think of her magic weapon fragments which can be easily killed by the third level monster. He immediately understood and nodded. But after a moment, he couldn't help asking, "if you can handle this fenglingqu, why call me together? Do you think it's a long night and a person is too lonely and empty. "

"Lonely and empty, you head! You're still in the mood to joke at this time Nangong Yuqing gave Weisuo a fatal look. "In addition to us, there are about 30 ice and snow sword beetles who are also interested in these two jade crabs. They are just afraid that the wind spirit is afraid to go in. They are standing in a cave outside with the wind spirit."

"Damn it, sister. Are you kidding me? About 30 ice and snow bladesses? How many pieces do you want me to be cut into? " Weisuo almost turned around and ran away.

After staying with the old man in green robe for a long time, Weisuo now knows that there were not so many monsters in the monastic world tens of thousands of years ago. Later, the two great powers in ancient times fought against each other. One of them deliberately led down many stars and broke many space channels, which led to many kinds of monsters. These monsters were later named by friars. The ice and snow sword mantis is is a little like a big Mantis half a man high, so it has such a name. But the ice and snow sword mantis is is an authentic level three monster. Not only can they spit out the cold breath, but the forelimbs of those two big knives can also be used to kill, dismember and destroy corpses. It's no problem to deal with one head and two, but if more than thirty heads rush up, Weisuo will only be able to get stabbed.

"What are you afraid of? Do you think I want you to come here to die?" Nangong Yuqing glared at Weisuo. "I've seen it several times. Those 30 odd ice and snow sword beetles have been fighting with the wind spirit in a cave outside yuyunzhi's growth. The cave is not small, but the cave leading to fenglingzhen is not spacious, and the passage to the outside is not spacious. We should be able to block it. Moreover, the resistance of this ice monster to the fire technique is worse. As long as you block the exit and you keep firing the fireball rune, they should have only two choices, either they will be burned by your fireball rune, or they will rush into it and fight with fenglingzhen. "

"Well, you didn't say it earlier. I was so scared that my liver was so scared." Wei Suo hehe's a smile, "send a fireball Rune ah what I'm the best at."

While Weisuo said this to Nangong Yuqing, there was a flash of light in the transmission array of Yanggu mountain, and two monks also came out. One of the young men was dressed in a red robe with a helpless look on his face. A very charming young girl beside him was excited. However, the girl with an excited look was wearing a silver robe It's Han Weiwei who was robbed of two stone tailed lizards by Weisuo. , the fastest update of the webnovel!