Chapter 49

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Wind spirit? Ice and snow sword beetle? "

In a spacious VIP Hall of Jinyu Pavilion, two young people in splendid clothes stand respectfully at the bottom of Weisuo's head. One of them is embroidered with gold silk on the edge of his clothes. Obviously, his identity is much higher than that of the rest of the young people in Jinyu Pavilion. It is the young man named Liu Xiang who delivered the spirit stone from the auction house to Jiya of Zhenbao Pavilion on that day.

At the moment, seeing Wei Suo's fenglinggui and a large number of ice and snow sword beetles from nabao bag, Liu Xiang and his well-dressed teenagers suddenly flashed some amazing looks.

"How many inferior spirit stones are worth He asked, drinking a good cup of tea.

"This fenglingzhen has become a climate, worth 500 lower grade spirit stones." Liu Xiang looked at it carefully, "it's just that these ice and snow scallops, although they look good, can only use paint..."

Wei suohan for a moment, even busy way: "this paint is my hand painted, not want to shoddy, you should give what price is good."

"I don't mean that." Liu Xiang was no nonsense. He said, "the demon pills of these ice and snow sword beetles are all there. Some of them can still be used to refine weapons. The total value is 1600 spirit stones. Do you think it's OK, master?"

In the Tianxuan continent, it is generally the monks with low accomplishments calling those with high accomplishments as their predecessors. It seems that Liu Xiang's accomplishments will never be inferior to Wei Suo, but he respects Wei Suo as the elder. Obviously, he is very professional. In Weisuo's original calculation, these things together can sell 1800 lower grade spirit stones. Now they can sell 2100 lower grade spirit stones. Of course, Weisuo was very satisfied. He immediately nodded and said, "yes."

After saying this, Weisuo hesitated for a moment, and took out a piece of gauze transparent, flashing red light, which made Han Weiwei feel that he was a pervert.

"Fire Phoenix treasure clothes?" In Liu Xiang's eyes, there was a flash of surprise. "Master, are you going to entrust us with the gold jade Pavilion for auction?"

"It's not." Weisuo coughed for a while, and said with some embarrassment, "I heard that there is an elder Zhang in Jinyu Pavilion who is a craftsman who can make utensils. I want to add a layer of clothes on the outside of the Huofeng belly bag, but it does not affect the efficacy of the fire phoenix belly bag. Do you think it can be done?"

"Is it equivalent to using this treasure coat as a interlayer?" Liu Xiang was very professional and did not laugh. He nodded, "this should not be difficult to do, but what kind of material do you want for the clothes you add outside? Are there any special requirements? "

"As long as you can strengthen the protection function, at least it can't be easily cut and expose the fire phoenix treasure clothes in the clip. The rest, if you can make it ordinary, it's better to make people think that they are rubbish and have no defensive power." Said vissault.

"This guy .。” As soon as Wei Suo said this sentence, even the professional Liu Xiang couldn't help sweating. Fire phoenix treasure clothes women's embarrassed to wear, made into a folder, this is very obscene, and other people's clothing is how to look gorgeous how to do, but he actually how to do garbage, this is not too obvious?

But Liu Xiang nodded immediately and said, "yes. We have a lot of black wind mulberry silk in Jinyu Pavilion, which will not affect the power of Huofeng's mantra, but can also stimulate a layer of vigorous wind. Strengthen the defense level of the robe. When the time comes, add a layer of ordinary green silk cloth to the outside of the clothes. It should look like the clothes you are wearing now. The price is about 350 lower grade spirit stones. Do you think it's ok? "

"Yes." Weisuo nodded and asked, "how many green beetle demon pills do you have in your shop now? How much is each one worth? "

"Green beetle demon pill? Now there are 15. The value of each stone is 60

"Well, I'll take all the fifteen."

… ...

"you can see that this person is just an ordinary low-level monk. How can something of this level be delivered? At the rate he earns spiritual stones like this, even the friars in the surrounding world can't match him at all. " At the gate of the Golden Jade Pavilion, looking at Wei Suo's back, another young man in gorgeous clothes who has been standing beside Liu Xiang said, "and how could he buy so many green beetle endosulfan all at once? Is there anything wrong with this man

"Don't forget the rules of Jinyu Pavilion. No matter how strange he is, he is also a guest of Jinyu Pavilion. It is not for us to speculate and track down." Looking at the gorgeous young man around him, Liu Xiang said coldly, "what's more, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers among the monks. Some low-level monks may not be as good as the high-level monks. Some monks have some secret listening skills. If you just let him hear it, it will certainly cause him unhappiness. In the future, you should pay attention to these."

"I see." Liu Xiang's gorgeous young man immediately looked awe inspiring and nodded at once.

"Grandma, how poor!"

After walking out of the Golden Jade Pavilion, Wei Suo shook his head in dismay, and at the same time, he focused his attention on the real yuan.

Feng Lingzhen and ice and snow sword beetles sold 2100 lower grade spirit stones, which were shared equally with Nangong Yuqing. Weisuo was able to get more than 1000 lower grade spirit stones. With the original 700 pieces, Weisuo could have had 1800 lower grade spirit stones. However, it took 1250 pieces to reform Huofeng treasure clothes and buy 15 green beetle demon pills The second is spirit stone.In this way, Weisuo had only about 550 inferior spirit stones on his hand.

Weisuo now has other valuable things in his hand, such as yuyunzhi, and the white jade box that has been tested out and is indeed Baoyuan jade box. However, the old man in green robe must be very useful in the future, so Weisuo can't sell them.

The amount of 550 lower grade spirit stones is already an amazing wealth for the ordinary sanxiu of the four levels of Shenhai realm. But the more he saw the world, especially after an auction last time, the more he knew how much difference he had between himself and those powerful monks, and the more he felt that he was dying of poverty.

There are too many things for weisseau to buy now.

After the reform of Jinyu Pavilion, if the defense power of Huofeng belly bag can be upgraded to a higher level as Liu Xiang said, it will be close to the real magic weapon of spirit level, which can resist the skills of four friars in the surrounding world. For Weisuo, in terms of defense, it will be enough for a long period of time.

The power of Golden Snake thunder Jue is not uncommon, and Golden Snake lightning has paralytic effect. This skill is barely enough for Weisuo in the next period of time.

In terms of attack power, the power of Qingshui blade has been completely inadequate. It can only be made up by fireball Rune and buying other attack amulets. But after all, it would be too expensive to use a second-order Rune against the enemy.

So we must find a way to cultivate a powerful attack method.

There are also some places where you can't run on two legs. There are flying magic weapons and magic weapons. Weisuo doesn't have the same kind of magic weapons, let alone attack magic weapons and real magic weapons.

If you want to buy enough things in Weisuo's ideal future for a period of time, let alone 550 lower grade spirit stones, I don't know if 50000 are enough.

In addition, Weisuo had to prepare the materials for refining the tonic pill. According to the old man in green robe, the tonic pill was also equivalent to the consumable like spirit stone. If Wei Suo wanted to keep practicing, it would be a huge expense.


"What are you looking at?"

Nangong Yuqing saw Wei Suo standing under the bulletin board in the north market of the city from a distance. She was a little warm when she saw Weisuo, because she could guess why Weisuo wanted her. After all, there are not many people who regard other things more important than a pile of cold spirit stones these days. However, as soon as he went to see Wei Suo's appearance, Nangong Yuqing couldn't help but scold him. Because she did not notice her arrival Weisuo, it was obvious that not far away, a red dress nun with a big breast was peeping.

"Ah? Nothing. When did you come? I didn't see it Weisuo's old face was a little red, but a pair of I have not done anything, quickly took out a fur bag, "those things sold, a total of 2100 lower grade spirit stone, which was originally 200 middle grade spirit stone, I took 105, you point right."

"I will not be in Lingyue city for the next two days. If you have any problems, you can only come to me in two days. I should not be able to see with the jade rune." Nangong Yuqing glared at Weisuo, and took up the animal skin bag without looking at it.

"Two days away from Lingyue city?" Weisuo slightly a Leng, "what do you want to do?"

"Someone in tiece has found the trace of a heart eating insect. It's just that there must be enough white phosphorus animal bone meal to deal with heart eaters. We're going to hunt and kill enough white phosphorus animals in these two days. " Nangong Yuqing looked at Weisuo and said.

"Heart eater! Five level monster? " Weisuo took a cold breath.

The heart eating insect is also famous in Tianxuan continent. This kind of monster like a big silkworm baby can not only emit a piece of blue and yellow light ring with amazing attack power, but also can stick out a pipe with a sharp cone in its mouth. Usually, its biggest hobby is to sneak close to the monk's side and pierce the monk's spirit The Friar's brain served as an appetizer.

Only the bone meal of white phosphorus beast can make its skin change and show its original shape, and it can not maintain transparent and invisible state. The white phosphorus animal itself is a fourth level monster. Ordinary friars will not carry the bone meal of white phosphorus beast on their bodies. Therefore, even if it is not in the case of heart biting insects' sneaking attack, only one of the fierce friars with less than two levels in zhoutianjing will die alone Words.

"Is it too dangerous?" Wei Suo, who took a breath of cold air, couldn't help but say to Nangong Yuqing.

"We have made arrangements, there should be no problem." Seeing Wei Suo worried for himself, Nangong Yuqing's heart was slightly warm and nodded.

Weisuo thinks about it. Tiece is also a big force in Lingyue City, which is not comparable to his own small free cultivation. After nodding, Wei Suo took out two magic light symbols and handed them to Nangong Yuqing, "here you are."

"What is this?"

"It's a magic light rune. It's not easy to refine because it's easy to use. It's useless if you use it too much." Weisuo explained: "one of them can turn into 30 ice and snow sword beetles, and the other one can turn into a wind spirit goblin, but of course they are all fake and can only cheat people."Nangong Yuqing's mouth moved, but he didn't say anything and took it back.

"I'll give you the light on the ball again." Originally, Wei Suo was a thorough miser, but I don't know why. Moreover, Nangong Yuqing just went to fight monsters with tiece's people. But when Nangong Yuqing was ready to leave, Wei Suo suddenly couldn't help but take out a fireball symbol and put it in Nangong Yuqing's hand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!