Chapter 55

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Magic fragment? Take a look. " Purple robe old road face expressionless toward Weisuo approached a few steps, coldly said.

Weisuo stretched out his hand and took out something, which was just a fragment of the Yin magic blade.

"Go away!"

Just a glance, the purple robed Taoist priest just had a flash of cold light in his eyes, and he simply vomited out a word. Six groups of brilliance appeared on his body, and a strong pressure gushed out.

Weisuo immediately looked like a scurry, and ran out of the alley without looking back.

"The monk in yellow is very alert. The way you peddle is to pretend that there is no flaw at all. Your expression and manner are very similar. Otherwise, with the cultivation of those two people, you may be killed at once, and tianyimen people will not be able to arrive. In the future, you must not take the risk of doing this kind of thing of the monk who has a great difference in tracking strength. " It was not until he ran out of the alley and there were more monks around him that the voice of the old man in green robe sounded. It sounded like he was still in a state of palpitation.

"Grandma, fortunately, I used to be a peddler." Weisuo also wiped a cold sweat. The situation just now is too dangerous. If two people really want to kill him, even if the old man in green robe immediately tells him how to use the Yin magic blade, he may not be able to escape from the attack of two zhoutianjing friars.

"This kid is sneaky and suspicious."

"Look, he is just a low-level minor monk. He wants to sell a piece of magic weapon which is impossible to use. Hum! If you kill him here, you'll be in trouble if someone from tianyimen is recruited. "

The voice of the old man in the green robe suddenly came to weissou's ears.

"What are you talking about, old man?" he said

"It's so dangerous today. You have to listen to what these two guys are up to. I'll try my best to lose some energy. I'll swim outside my mind. Don't go far. Otherwise I can't feel what they're saying The old man in Green said quickly.

Wei Soton's spirit was refreshed, but there was a touch in his eyes. When he asked the green robed old man why he wanted to drink fire scorpion blood, he heard the old man green robe say that as long as he had enough vigor to a certain extent, the spirit of the old man in green robe could swim out of the body of the magic weapon for a certain distance, but now the ghost tank array is damaged, even if there is a supplement of fire scorpion blood, green robe The old man's vitality is still lost every day. I didn't expect that the old man in green robe would fight so hard for himself at this time.

"Tiece's people have already poured out their nests and went directly to Qingfengling. They should start tomorrow morning."

"If we miss it, we will die without a burial place. Is this really a 100% assurance?"

"If we don't have complete assurance, how can we do it? Don't worry. A group of tiece's highly skilled practitioners happened to be entrusted to go to the Seven Star City. At the earliest, they didn't come back until two days later. Moreover, the news is very certain that one of those heart biting insects is an advanced elder level heart eater. "

"Now that the information is confirmed, there should be no problem."

"There is also a monk in there who must be captured alive. Then he will pay you 500 more inferior spirit stones. I'll order the man then. You don't have to deal with him first. "

"When will we meet?"

"We can meet at sunrise tomorrow. There are a lot of high-level monsters in the night. They will not choose to start tonight."


The Yellow middle-aged monk and the purple robed Taoist priest left at the exit of an alley. And mix in front of a stall Weisuo body is already cold sweat, suddenly down.

Though it was only a few words, weisseau had already recognized a general idea.

These tiantiece people are preparing to kill a fifth level heart eating insect. The heart eating insect five level demon pill is worth more than 500 lower level spirit stones. Moreover, the heart eating insect is different from the ordinary five level monster. It also has several materials for refining powerful magic weapons.

It also has a magic crystal, which can be used to refine magic weapons like magic sound. The outer skin is an excellent material for hiding magic weapons. For some high-level friars who know how to refine weapons, the meaning of this kind of monster beast, which is very small and hard to hunt, is more than hundreds or thousands of crystal stones themselves.

Among the forces like tie CE, there must be some powerful friars in zhoutianjing. However, after listening to the conversation between the two, tiece's people get the news that there is only one heart eater. In fact, there are more than one heart eater, and there is a heart eater who is as advanced as the red beetle.

Many friars in Tianxuan land are used to turning this kind of monster with a long age and breaking through the original class into an elder level monster.

The heart eating insect is already a low-level monster of level 5, and has the talent of invisibility. Even if it only breaks through level 1, it is at least level 5 medium level monster.

The level five medium level monster has the same strength as the friars in the three levels of Zhou Tianjing, and Weisuo has already known that this kind of elder level monster will generate one or two unique talent abilities after upgrading. That is to say, the heart eating insect elder who is promoted from level 5 to level 5 will be more difficult to deal with than ordinary level 5 medium level monster.If we only prepare enough white phosphorus animal bone powder to show the shape of a heart eating insect, and then encounter several heart eating insects and a heart eating insect elder, even if there are many friars in zhoutianjing, it will be very dangerous.

What's more, listening to the tone of these two people, it seems that they have designed an ambush. After the people who want to ride tiece fight with the heart biting insects, they will come out to clean up the mess and kill all the people of tiece!

Just for a moment, Weisuo has seen three friars of zhoutianjing who are ready to deal with tie CE!

Other tiece people's life and death for Wei Suo, but there is no relationship between them, but there is Nangong Yuqing.

After a moment's hesitation, Weisuo gritted his teeth and took out the Yufu of the message. A stream of real Yuan Dynasty focused on it.

"Do you really decide to take care of it?" The green robed old man's cold voice immediately passed into Weisuo's ears. He seemed to be able to feel Weisuo's thoughts at the moment.

"Damn it! I want to ask her to borrow the spirit stone

After Wei Suo's attention to the real yuan in the Yufu, he quickly ran to the direction of the largest billboard in the north of the city.

"Then don't save the spirit stone this time. At least let me spend all the spirit stone on you The voice of the old man in the green robe sounded in Weisuo's ears, and this time there was a trace of murderous air in his voice.

"Well, we'll get things ready later."

After Weisuo agreed with the old man in green robe, he quickly ran to the bulletin board and grabbed a low-level casual repair that was studying the contents of the bulletin board. It was obvious that he was looking for a way to earn his own spirit stone. He directly took out a medium-grade spirit stone, "brother, do you want to earn this spirit stone?"

"Yes The low-level friar, who was less than twice the God sea realm, suddenly nodded fiercely.

"Pay you five lower spirit stones first! You can help me stand here till tomorrow morning. If a nun named Nangong comes to ask you, tell her not to leave and let her focus on Zhenyuan in her piece of things. I will come right away. No matter whether she comes or not, as long as you have been standing here all night, I will give you five lower spirit stones tomorrow

"Is it just a sign with this sentence?" The low-level monk was overjoyed and grabbed five inferior spirit stones. Then he quickly went to find a board and wrote a big Wei character. He stood still under the notice board like the wood.

"The Golden Jade Pavilion should not be closed yet."

Looking at the south of the city from afar, Weisuo said this to himself, and then he rushed to the south of the city to the Jinyu Pavilion.

"You are a little confused now. For example, if you give him two inferior spirit stones, he will stand for you until dawn. If you have a few more spirit stones on your body, you may be able to buy a useful magic weapon, which will increase your chances of living." When Weisuo ran wildly, the voice of the old man in the green robe rang again, "the more dangerous, the less chaotic."

Weisuo was shocked and calmed down a lot. "I see." Spit out these three words, Weisuo is still running all the way, but his eyes are like two cold stars.

"Master Wei? I don't know why I came here so late? "

The square city in the south of the city is usually opened not too late. Jinyu Pavilion is characterized by various materials for refining utensils, and some materials collected on that day need to be processed immediately. Therefore, Jinyu Pavilion is usually closed at midnight. When Weisuo arrived at the Golden Jade Pavilion, the Golden Jade pavilion was not closed. However, seeing Wei Suo in such a hurry, a young man in charge of receiving Wei Suo was also very surprised.

Weisuo looked at the young man in silver and said quickly, "I want to entrust you to release a message for me. There are also purchases and mortgages. What's more, I'd like to ask if the frock I made you change last time is ready. "

"That robe is in good condition today." Silver shirt young still some surprised way: "do not know Wei elder is to mortgage and buy what kind of things?"

Wei Suo took out the nabao bag without expression, and took out two things from it. "I want to buy some powerful magic weapons or magic weapons. If there is something I like in Jinyu Pavilion, not only these two things, but also the nabao bag and golden silk Rune pen you auctioned out can be mortgaged first."

"Yuyunzhi? Is this jade box? " Young silver shirt listen to Weisuo so said, and see what Weisuo took out, suddenly is a fright.

Weisuo took a look at the boy, "this is the Baoyuan jade box that can keep the elixir and aura intact. I don't know if you have heard of it."

"Baoyuan jade box? Mr. Wei, these things are too expensive for me and vice manager Liu to make a decision. " The young man's face changed again. "You allow me to ask manager Tian to come out."

Weisuo nodded. "In this case, you can release a message for me. I want to go out of the city to hunt a demon beast. I need to hire two monks to go there together. You can help me appoint the person of tiece. Let them come directly to you to find me. "

"Good!" After seeing Wei Suo's so many things, the young man in silver clothes knew that the cost of some spirit stone for publishing the news was nothing to him, so he didn't talk nonsense at all. He nodded his head and quickly ordered him down. Then he ran inside to invite manager Tian.Wei Suo sat calmly and watched the young man run in. It was the real Yuan Dynasty that sent a message into the jade Fu.

Now Wei Suo hopes that Nangong Yuqing can see the message of Yufu, or tiece doesn't pour out like the Yellow monk said. There are still tiece people in Lingyue city.

If it really can't, it also put on the whole fortune to fight! , the fastest update of the webnovel!