Chapter 57

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
From the dialogue between the Yellow monk and the purple robed Taoist priest, we can see that the place where tiece's people hunt the heart eating insects should be Qingfengling.

The name of Qingfengling sounds ordinary, but Wei Suo's heart is still a little hairy at the thought of the place name.

Lingyue city was originally located at the edge of the sky in the south of Tianxuan continent. Lingyue city itself was built on the mountain with north facing south. Qingfeng mausoleum was 3000 Li to the south of Lingyue City, which was already on the edge of the sky.

So if the high-level friars of Lingyue city want to take the shortest way out of the sky to see a variety of high-level monsters, they can go straight through Qingfengling. However, even if the high-level friars of Lingyue City wanted to go out of the sky to fight for high-level demon pills and collect materials, they all took a detour from Wuji mountain, where there are many black Silkwood trees growing in the southeast of Lingyue city.

The closer you get to the sky, the more monsters there are. Because although many high-level monsters can't cross the sky to enter the land of Lingyue, some low-level monsters that don't have much mana fluctuation can pass through the sky. In addition to the number of monsters far more than in other places, Qingfeng mausoleum is also a huge tomb mound full of ghost.

Maybe in ancient times, this place belonged to Fengshui treasure land. There were many tombs of great people in it. When Wei Suo arrived at the edge of the sky before Wei Suo, he was also relatively safe. The monsters inside were plowed over and over again by many high-level friars, and the Wuji mountain did not pass through Qingfeng mausoleum. However, just from some hearsay and records, Weisuo can be sure that the site of several intricate tombs in it will not be smaller than that of Lingyue city.

In fact, the body of this monster is a kind of ugly thing which is the size of the palm of several tentacles. This kind of monster feeds on the viscera of rotten corpse. It is enough to make people upset, but it has eaten up all the things in the corpse After that, this kind of monster can still cling to the rotten corpse, control the action of the rotten corpse, regard the rotten corpse as a shell, and constantly secrete a kind of mucus on the surface of the rotten corpse, making the surface of the rotten corpse as tough as the skin of some monsters.

There are a lot of rotting corpses in the area of Qingfengling. If many people who don't know the inside story happen to see them, they think they are a group of zombies. In fact, they are all corpses controlled by carrion animals.

It's very troublesome to kill this kind of monster, because most of the carrion worms hide in the brain of the decaying corpse, but there are also a lot of individual carrion insects that have to hide in other parts. In such cases, they have to fight hard and smash the rotten corpse to kill this kind of sex rotting corpse.

From the south of Lingyue city to Qingfeng mausoleum, there are two transmission arrays. First, the transmission array in the south of Lingyue city is transferred to Guangling ruins, and then from Guangling ruins to the north of Qingfeng mausoleum.

On the way from Jinyu pavilion to the south of Lingyue City, Weisuo also spread some news on some bulletin boards, directly saying that someone was going to plot against tiece's people in Qingfengling, and that there was any miraculous medicine in Qingfengling.

Wei Suo was not sure whether this would make friars Huang Shan and others feel that the conspiracy was exposed and not to start, or that monks would go to Qingfengling to watch the night. Anyway, for Weisuo, the safest thing is to take a chance and see if he can find a person with iron policy after going to Qingfengling.

With a flash of white light, Wei Suo came out of the transmission array of Guangling ruins.

Guangling ruins used to be an important town set up by monks. Later, for some unknown reason, a group of high-level monsters suddenly surrounded them. Although those high-level monsters were later killed by the fierce monsters in Lingyue city and Luoyue city and other nearby cities, the place was also a ruin, and only the tianyimen gate made a transit station for transmitting the array.

Because it was at night, there were not many monks in Guangling market. It was like a brothel where the top brands were poached by competitors. It was very lonely.


But when Wei Suo came out of the transmission array connected with Lingyue City, there was a flash of light in a teleportation array nearby, and two people came out. The two people were also stunned when they saw Wei Suo. They were surprised that they were Wei Suo's acquaintances, ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei's brother and sister.

Weisuo is also Leng, "how can you be here?"

"Brother weissou!" The simple and honest Ye Xiaozheng gave Weisuo a bear hug when he came up. However, ye Guwei, who was gentle and quiet, was a little red in his face. Some of them did not dare to come forward. "We were entrusted to get some owls. We happened to pass by. Originally, we wanted to go to Lingyue city to see you. Unexpectedly, we met here. How could you be here so late?"

"Someone has to deal with tiece. Nangong Yuqing is also in it." If someone else had changed, Wei Suo would not have told him, but ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei had passed the test of life and death, which can be said to be one of the only people he could trust, just like Nangong Yuqing. So after pulling Ye Xiaozheng out for a while, Wei Suo quickly reflected how he heard the conversation between the Yellow monk and the purple robed Taoist priest in Chengbei market Wei said it again.

Ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei listened and all changed their faces, "brother Weisuo, we really didn't make friends like you in vain." After looking at each other with ye Guwei, ye Xiao immediately said, "we will go to Qingfengling with you.""It's too dangerous for you to go with me. Why don't you go to Lingyue city and help me spread more news. " Weisuo immediately shook his head, because Weisuo can see that ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei are still the triple monks of Shenhai realm. Judging from their strength last time, the friars in zhoutianjing could not help Weisuo, but might drag Weisuo's hind legs.

Ye Xiaozheng is also honest and upright. Hearing what Wei Suo said, he immediately felt that Wei Suo was more righteous. He said excitedly: "since we also know about this, how can we let Wei brothers go all out on your own."

Looking at Ye Xiaozheng's appearance, Wei Suo was also depressed. He could not directly say that you could not do it. You dragged me back. He could only say very seriously, "brother ye, the news that you went back to Lingyue city for a walk is much more important than going with me. Because it is possible to spread the word, those people found things exposed and did not dare to start. There is no danger for me to report to tiece. There's no danger for everyone. It's better than when you two go with me and are besieged by friars from the surrounding areas... "

After listening to a lot of reasons from Weisuo, ye Xiaozheng finally felt that Weisuo was reasonable and nodded, "OK, let's go to Lingyue city and try our best to spread the news."

"You should be careful. You'd better not let other people know that the news is spread by you, or I'm afraid those friars of zhoutianjing will deal with you at that time." Weisuo explained.

"Brother weissou, take care Ye Xiaozheng gave Weisuo a bear hug again. "We don't have any good things on us. The spirit fog beads and invisible talisman we just got this time may be useful to you."

"Fog beads? Invisible symbol Looking at Ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei take out two things, Wei Suo pour is some stare big eyes.

Spirit fog bead, a magic weapon made from the eyes of white sea fish, can release thick fog and cover a hundred feet. It is a good thing to cover the enemy's sight and escape.

Stealth rune, can stimulate a distorted light aura mask, achieve the effect of hiding traces, the maintenance time can be up to half a stick of incense.

It is not difficult to see the spirit fog beads, but the invisible rune is also a kind of ancient talisman which has been lost for a long time. It can only be obtained from some ancient relics and the corpses of ancient friars by chance.

"Take care

When he and ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei were separated, Weisuo held ye Guwei with a reddish face. However, Wei Suo didn't think he was obscene this time. After all, if you haven't even held a girl for two times, if you're not lucky enough to hang up this time, you'll be really in a loss in your life.

"I knew I would have gone to Liuxia Lane yesterday."

When the aura of the teleportation array appeared outside the Qingfeng mausoleum, Weisuo could not help but howl in his heart.

The scene in front of me is really too poor and vicious. The transmission array in other places has at least a building, but as soon as this place comes out, it feels dangerous. Because the transmission array not far away from Qingfengling is actually arranged in the hinterland of a mountain crack, and there is also a blinding array outside. The reason why people have to set up a Dharma array to hide in this kind of mountain is that not only the number of monsters is large, but also there are likely to be high-level monsters coming, which can only be covered. Even the one in charge of guarding the array was a disciple of tianyimen shenhaijing wuchong. Moreover, the disciple also held several spirit stones in his hand, and his face was alert. It seemed that he was going to run through the array at any time when the situation was bad.


The whole Qingfeng mausoleum is like a huge tomb bag, with gray and black rocks and mud fields, strange twisted trees and heavy ghost. There is also a huge swamp in the south, with some rotten dead branches and bones floating in it. This kind of place can't be associated with Fengshui Baodi.

Weisuo's figure disappeared soon after the mountain road leading to Qingfengling disappeared. Suddenly, seven or eight monks came out of the mountain with a transmission array. The first of them was the middle-aged monk in yellow clothes and the old Taoist priest in purple robes.

"According to the appearance described by the disciple of tianyimen just now, it should be the boy we met in the lane of the market in the north of the city that let us leak the news."

Just a few times before he appeared from the mountainside, the Yellow middle-aged monk immediately said to the purple robed Taoist priest and others, "now I have to fight hard! That boy should not be able to find tiece's person immediately. Brother Zixiao, you and I as well as Liu Daoyou scatter to look for that boy! "

"Wen Daoyou, if you pretend to be tiece, you will say that tiece is killing a fierce monster here and blocking this place. No one is allowed to enter except our people!"


The sky in the distance is a little bright. To the south of Qingfeng mausoleum, it seems that there is a wild wilderness that can't be seen at all. However, there is a white light curtain connecting the heaven and the earth, and there is no end at all. There is an obvious boundary between the wilderness outside and Qingfengling.

The green wind mausoleum is still dark, and Weisuo's front color is a little ugly at the moment, staying beside a pool.

The situation is very bad.

Because he had never been to Qingfengling in the future, and he didn't have a map of Qingfengling, so as soon as he entered the Qingfeng mausoleum, Wei Suo was inevitably dizzy and lost his way. When he came down for more than half an hour, Wei Suo did not meet any iron policy man at all.In this half an hour, Wei Suo paid at least five or six times to the jade Rune of the imperial court. However, except for his own Zhenyuan, which had been shining, the three pieces of jade runes on his body did not shine at one time.

This said that he should have not even reached the distance of 300 Li from Nangong Yuqing.

But at the moment, the sky is about to light.

I don't know that the middle-aged friars in yellow clothes and others have changed their plans. Wei Suo, who took action early, thinks that he must take action now.

"Old man, are you healthy? Can you spell it for me again? "Weisuo, who stopped by the pool, took out some fireball symbols and said to the old man in green robe.

"You should be clear about the usage of Yin magic blade?" The old man in the green robe snorted coldly, as if he knew Wei Suo's idea very well, "don't worry, no matter how you use it, you can't die. As long as you're lucky enough to survive this time, you should step up your cultivation and enter the country faster. Don't let me die before you reach the golden elixir. "

Weisuo nodded and said nothing more, but his eyes were directly fixed on the opposite side of the pool.

On the other side of the small pool, there was a black toad the size of a face, with yellow eyes bulging fiercely on his face. But he seemed to be afraid of Weisuo and didn't act for a moment.


A fiery ball of fire shot out of weissou's hand and hit the black toad. At the sight of the fireball, some fear flashed in the black Toad's eyes. With a puff, a blue water arrow was ejected. But with a hissing sound, the fireball was only half destroyed, and it still hit the black toad.

Without any pause, it was a fireball rune, which was inspired by another fireball. The black toad, who was cooing and screaming, tried to jump into the pool. He knocked the black toad upside down without any anger.

He had already killed the black toad, but Weisuo made a roar, and sent out a fireball at the top of the slope.

After a moment's motionless waiting, the voice of the old man in green suddenly rang in Weisuo's ear, "coming!"

As soon as the voice rang out, Weisuo, dressed in the wind and cloud shoes, immediately flew up and hid in a big tree nearby. At the same time, an ancient Fu was also inspired by him. With a flash of light, his whole person disappeared on the tree. , the fastest update of the webnovel!