Chapter 59

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Dry!" The horse face Friar's bulging leather bag was also obviously his spirit stone bag. When Weisuo opened it, he could not help but cry in his heart.

Compared with these high-ranking friars, Weisuo was a poor man indeed.

Besides, monk Ma Lian seems to have a hobby of collecting top-grade spirit stones. In his spirit stone bag, there is not even a middle-class spirit stone. In addition to more than 50 lower grade spirit stones, the rest are actually more than 30 top-grade spirit stones.

The amount of aura in one is equivalent to that of one hundred lower spirit stones. Wei Suo has seen it, but he has never had one. For him, the top spirit stone is also very rare.

So he couldn't help but take out one and look at it.

There is no difference between the size and the middle grade spirit stone and the lower grade spirit stone, but the color is milky white, and the color is more crystal clear.

Seeing that Weisuo actually looked at the top spirit stone, the old man in green robe suddenly cried out, "do you still have time to study the top spirit stone? I don't want to see if there's anything to protect your life. "

Wei suohan for a moment, immediately put the top spirit stone, looked at the rest of the things.

In addition to a pile of spirit stones, there are two white jade Dan bottles, a gold foil Taoist book, six pieces of golden willow leaves and a black bead in the nabao bag of purple robe.

"This is the elixir!"

Wei Suo took out two white jade Dan bottles, originally thought that the contents were just the same as Lin Dao's Huiqi pills. But among the two white jade Dan bottles, only one white jade pill bottle contained 20 breathing pills, while the other one contained three pale gold pills. Weisuo immediately recognized that it was a golden elixir made from the demon pill of three level monsters and several kinds of miraculous herbs!

Today's friars all rely on the elixir refined by spirit stone and demon pill. Jinlingdan is a kind of elixir refined by three-level demon elixir. The amount of aura in it is not as good as that of a top-grade spirit stone. However, the speed of the friars' refining is much faster than that of absorbing the spirit of the top-grade spirit stone. Therefore, the price of a golden elixir is more than 110 lower grade spirit stones.

Only purple robed Taoist priest, who has the ability to kill high-level monsters, can cultivate with this golden elixir. Ordinary low-level friars know that the pills refined by demon pill can be cultivated faster, but they can't have enough spirit stones to buy this kind of pills.

Even Wei Suo was reluctant to waste dozens of inferior spirit stones to buy golden elixir for cultivation.

"Xuanjie advanced skill?"

He picked up the golden leaf road book again. Wei Suo just looked at it and didn't know whether to cry or to laugh. "Golden liquid flowing Dan Jue", this golden foil Taoist book written by the purple robe Taoist priest, is actually a metaphysical advanced Zhenyuan skill. In the past, Wei Suo had always wanted a higher-level skill to change the true formula of Zixuan, but now that there is a tonifying pill, he can't repair this golden liquid flowing formula again. Of course, this Taoist book is of no use to him.

"A complete set of magic tools?"

As soon as Weisuo picked up six pieces of golden willow leaves, he found that they were six thin pure gold flying blades, and the patterns on the six flying blades were all different.

"The flying firefly blade is a half spirit weapon. The consumption is not much. " When Weisuo looked at this set of things suspiciously, the old man in green robe gave the answer directly and coldly. At the same time, he said, "if you use the Yin phosphorous bone sword, and the Yin enchantment blade has no real strength, this set of things can still stand up."

"The offensive half spirit?" There was a flash of surprise in Weisuo's eyes, and then a wry smile.

Such a set of magic weapons, usually has been extremely rare, but now for their opponents, such things seem to be a little insufficient.

"And what is this?"

Weisuo couldn't see the last black ball like wax ball in the bag of old Daona in purple robe.

"Fenghou pill", the old man in green robe sneered scornfully: "the water is colorless and tasteless, but even many fifth level monsters are poisonous to death. If you can't think of it, if you swallow this thing, it will be a hundred you, and it will be over immediately. It seems that this Taoist priest is also a sinister character

"Quicksand rune, stone pillar Rune and fire shield talisman are better than none." By the way, the old man in the green robe also said a few pieces of friar Ma Lian's things in one breath.

"Is this?" Weisuo opened another leather bag of friar Ma Lian. At first, he saw that there were only two things in it, a bag of white powder and a piece of silver refined gold. They all looked like refining utensils. He was disappointed. But when he took out the bag of white powder, Weisuo was excited.

This bag of white powder is white phosphorus animal bone powder.

It seems that friar Huang Shan's side is also a good iron strategy of the people and the heart eating insect fight both lose, but can not fight the heart eating insect, and then they go in to kill the heart eating insect.

With this bag of white phosphorus animal bone meal, if Weisuo is not lucky in this Qingfengling, he will have a good chance to live.

"This is qingsuo silver, which is the best material for refining utensils!" The other silver gold, which was only half a fist in size, surprised the old man in the green robe. "How could this horsefaced miser have such a piece?"Weisuo asked in surprise, "what is qingsuo silver?"

The green robed old man replied: "anyway, it's useless to talk to you now. I'll talk to you when you have the life to go back."

Weisuo didn't answer back. After putting the spirit stone and the Dragon Tiger purple Wei robe into the purple robe Taoist's black nabao bag, Weisuo sank down and thought about what he was going to do next.

But at this time, boom, a burst of muffled sound, the ground slightly shaking, Qingfengling seems to be a sudden earthquake in general.

As soon as he heard this voice, Weisuo immediately cried, "grandma, old man, I like to drill small holes, I don't like to drill so big holes."


This kind of muffled noise is indeed from the underground of Qingfengling.

Located in a dense forest on the north side of Qingfeng mausoleum, there are several holes which are almost vertical downward, like mine caves. With the spread of muffled sound, they constantly flash through the lights.

If it goes down vertically along these mines, it's the dirtiest and dirtiest mausoleum that Qingfengling is famous for.

These ancient underground palaces are basically dilapidated. It is because of their dilapidation that some places collapse and some places are in good condition. Therefore, even if a corner is larger than the shimaggot cave, the complexity of Qingfeng mausoleum is no less than that of a mysterious palace.

If you have to use words to describe it, you can imagine that a big city with millions of people will be shocked by a big earthquake, and then you will fall into the eternal night without sunshine. In this way, it is estimated that even the old residents of this big city can't tell the southeast and the west at all. He can't find a way to the brothel he frequents most.

What's more, there are a lot of monsters like carrion insects in it.

Now it is located in the underground palace of Qingfengling. Nangong Yuqing and others are surrounded by a group of rotting corpses.

There are more than 30 corpses in total. The corpses under control are swarthy and their skin is shiny. It looks like a group of people who have been soaked in black oil for a long time. The bodies of more than 30 decaying corpses were twisted in some extremely uncomfortable positions, but they all rushed to Nangong Yuqing and others from all directions at a very fast speed, throwing two dark and bright arms. It looked as if they were going to kill Nangong Yuqing and others with their fists, or tear them into pieces.

In addition to Nangong Yuqing, there were only five monks surrounded, including Liu Wu, who met with Weisuo in the shimaggot cave.

Each time he raised his hand, a small lightning shield about the size of a watermelon appeared around the five people.

At the moment, the five people were already densely suspended with thirty or forty sides.

All the rotten corpses that come into contact with these bright lightning shields are trembling with electricity, and they look very funny.

A monk in black robed beside him was very short. Every time he cast a spell, many stone spines with bamboo shoots were erected on the ground about one or two meters around, making the decaying corpse in the stabbed unable to move for a moment.

Nangong Yuqing and Liu Wu, as well as another young friar with a sallow complexion, are only concerned with the offensive techniques. The young monk, who was wearing a conspicuous emerald green robe, turned out to be a monk with the highest level of the world. Every time he cast a spell, there was a rotten corpse cut into several sections by his five dark green light blades.

The five men had a tacit understanding in attack and defense, but they were very relaxed and more than enough to deal with the more than 30 corpses. In just a moment, they had killed more than ten decaying corpses.

But the faces of these five people, including Nangong Yuqing, were all slightly suspicious.

"Nangong Yuqing, what's going on?" All of a sudden, Liu Wu felt the obvious abnormality of Nangong Yuqing and quickly turned his head to ask.

Nangong Yuqing said with some disbelief, "he has come."

Liu Wu and the other three monks were puzzled and looked at Nangong Yuqing who was stunned: "who?"

"It's the vissault you've seen. Only when it is three hundred li away from him will this Herald jade charm shine. The underground palace is a hundred miles deep underground. At this moment, he must be gathering in Qingfeng mausoleum, and one of the entrances to the mausoleum is not far away. " Nangong Yuqing glanced at the message jade Fu which was still shining in his hand, and said to Liu Wu and others, "according to reason, he can't come to Qingfengling at this time. What's more, he should know what kind of message I'm here to convey to me by using the jade rune

"There seems to be something wrong with it." The Yellow faced young friar, who had been rehabilitated in zhoutianjing, said in a deep voice: "we are divided into three groups to search for heart biting insects. It is not reasonable to say that they can be attacked in three places at the same time. And they don't seem to be just holding us back from meeting the other two groups

"No way! It's impossible for such a thing as carrion to have such an intelligence quotient. " The little black monk immediately shook his head and made a shrill voice.

It seems that the Yellow faced young monk, who is the leader of the five, pondered for a moment, "anyway, first meet with Nalan Bing as soon as possible, and then try to contact the friend Nangong , the fastest update of the webnovel!