Chapter 66

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Heart eating insect is a lower level monster of level 5, but the difference between level 5 and level 4 is much greater than that between the friars of zhoutianjing and Shenhai.

It is estimated that the most rubbish monsters among Level 5 monsters can beat the one horned viper who nearly killed Weisuo. Although Weisuo has such powerful things as Yin magic blade in his hand, he can only deal with one heart eating insect at most. The last four common heart eating insects must be dead. What's more, there is a heart eating insect elder who is at least level five.

What makes Weisuo feel more terrifying is that the effect of white phosphorus animal bone meal is also continuously weakening. Obviously, the blue fluorescence of the four headed heart eating insects has faded a lot. If the four head heart eating insects will disappear after a while, it is estimated that if there are no two or three spirit level magic weapons, two more zhoutianjing friars will be useless.

Seeing Nangong Yuqing and Liu Wu struggling with those three heart biting insects, Wei Soton cried out without tears: "Revenge of the gentleman, ten years is not too late. For the sake of my painstaking efforts to save you, you should stop making trouble. After running out with me, you can find the trouble of these heart eating insects. Don't stand there and die."

When he yelled, Weisuo was ready to cast the powerful Yin phosphorus bone sword on his hand. But to his surprise, the heart eating insect elder didn't take the black monk who had lost the ability to resist completely. He didn't attack Nangong Yuqing and Liu Wu immediately. He just stopped at the same place and seemed to stare at Nangong Yuqing and Nangong Yuqing coldly Weisuo et al.

"We can only go over there. Let's kill the heart eater first." Wei Suo, holding Yin magic blade and Yin phosphorus bone sword in both hands, stares at the heart eating insect elder. As soon as Nangong Yuqing and Liu Wuyue come to him, they say this first.

Now there are three heart biting insects guarding that end, but there is only one on the grey Friar's side. Moreover, the grey friar of zhoutianjing has already run out of the collapsed corridor. Only the heart eating insect is still lying on the head of the monk Qingshan who has lost any vitality.

"This heart eater is so terrible that even one of them is hard to find out. Why do you want to kill it?" Seeing that Nangong Yuqing and Liu Wu have understood their intentions, Weisuo takes the lead to rob the half collapsed corridor where friars in grey fled, and can't help asking Nangong Yuqing.

Nangong Yuqing gnawed his teeth and said, "we have got the news that there is only one heart eating insect. Although the heart eating insect can be invisible, it will have some unique fishy smell. As long as you are careful, you can still detect it. But I don't know why there is no fishy smell on these heart eating insects."

"No smell?" Before Weisuo's brain had time to think, he suddenly heard a scream and a whoop in front of him as if he had been stung by a bee. He saw the friar in grey who had just run out and came back like a piss.

"Damn it! No way Weisuo's eyes popped out.

Rotten corpse!

There are at least two or three hundred decaying corpses outside the corridor. Among them, some of them are dark green and look very old. It is obvious that the rotting insects controlling these decaying corpses are of elder level.

Now Wei Suo and Nangong Yuqing and Liu Wu suddenly understand why the heart biting insect elder just stares at them coldly with a plan in mind. He is not in a hurry at all.

It is obvious that all the decaying corpses in this tomb have been taken over by the heart eating insects and become the younger brothers of the heart eating insects.

No wonder Nangong Yuqing and others were immediately intercepted by rotifers after they entered the tomb. It turned out that it was the elder level rotifer who deliberately kept their teams together to deal with them separately.

To be able to understand how to use the high-level monsters of low-level monsters shows that they have a certain amount of wisdom.

And this heart eating insect elder knows how to control these rotting corpses like an army. This wisdom is not so high. These heart biting insects have no unique fishy smell, which should be the ghost of this heart eating insect elder.

So many rotten corpses are blocked up. Even if it is a real spirit tool of Wei Suo, Nangong Yuqing and Liu, it will take a long time to chop it up before they can get a passage. What makes Weisuo's scalp numb is that the old heart eater's ability to digest white phosphorus animal bone meal is much better than the rest of the heart eating insects.

Now the other three heart biting insects are still blue, but the figure of this heart eating insect elder has become hazy. According to this speed, if you don't need half a stick of incense, the heart eating insect elder will be completely invisible.

"Boy, now you have two choices."

Just when Weisuo thought it must be over, the voice of the old man in green was in Weisuo's ears again. "One is sure to work. You can squat in a corner to stimulate the green gourd and wrap yourself with green wood gas. Heart eating insects and heart rotting insects are all perceived by their breath. After being wrapped with green wood gas, they will treat you as wood and will not find you. But you can't move. When they move, they find that the wood will move. Maybe with the intelligence of the heart eating insect elder, you will be finished. On the other hand, I'm only 50% sure that heart eaters and carrion worms are monsters that can only go out at night. Such monsters are generally afraid of sunlight, which should have a certain destructive effect on some parts of their bodies. If you cast your sunburn talisman, it may kill them to some extent. You can cast it for a while, and then hurry to run. But because there is no clear record, I don't know whether the heart eating insect elder has evolved to be not afraid of sunlight at all, so the second choice itself is very dangerous. ""Shit, squatting here as wood? Isn't it dangerous? "

Wei Suo didn't want to stay in this pile of rotten corpses and heart biting insects. After biting his teeth, he quickly took the sunburn talisman in his hand and whispered to Nangong Yuqing and Liu Wu: "wait a minute. As soon as I inspire this treasure charm, you will rush with me."


At the moment Nangong Yuqing and Liu Wu nodded their heads, a group of blazing light gushed out from Wei Suo's hand, covering the half tomb where the head of the heart eating insect elder was.


Including the heart eating insect elder, the three headed heart eating insects all screamed and puffed out green smoke.

Weisuo and Nangong Yuqing and Liuwu directly rushed through under the three headed heart biting insects.


A dark skull and a black light almost at the same time rushed on the heart eating insect elder. This is not reconciled to Weisuo. When he is trying to escape, he wants to try whether the Yin magic blade can kill the heart eating insect elder by the way.

"Damn it!" However, what made Weisuo take a cold breath is that the Yin enchantment blade was killed on the heart eating insect elder, but it was not stressed at all. It was like playing a rubber ball, and the heart eating insect elder just left a shallow wound on his body, and some yellow blood came out.

The front strike of the Yin enchantment blade only cut a hole in the heart eating insect elder, which made Weisuo dare not stay there. He took the lead to run to the corridor where the friar in white ran away.


Just as Weisuo, Nangong Yuqing and Liuwu disappeared in the corridor, there was a dazzling white light in the corridor.

This is Wei Suosheng's fear that there are still heart biting insects lurking in the corridor, which also inspires a burning talisman the next day.

"This guy escaped, too."

Weisuo had just escaped from the corridor. Soon after, he saw that the friar in grey also escaped from the corridor. Obviously, the friar of zhoutianjing was also clever and took advantage of Weisuo's light to run out.

Wei Suo, who was worried that the heart eating insects would catch up with him, did not dare to deal with the monk in grey clothes. He just continued to take Nangong Yuqing and Liu WuChao to escape from the position of a tomb exit recorded on his map. Anyway, for Weisuo, Nangong Yuqing has been saved, and he can't control the life and death of others.

The friars in grey clothes didn't follow Weisuo and others, but ran out along another channel.

"Liu Zhongzhou! What's going on? "

I don't know how long he ran. Two friars suddenly came out of the ruins in front of him.

One of the two monks was wearing a black and white Bagua Taoist robe and a chicken blood stone crown. He was a stout Taoist priest with two moustaches. The other one, wearing a yellow robe, was the middle-aged monk with yellow clothes who had made double accomplishments in zhoutianjing.

"Wendaoge, have you been killed by that boy?" At a glance, he saw the middle-aged monk in yellow clothes who appeared in front of him. The grey monk named Liu Zhongzhou suddenly saw a ghost like cry.

The middle-aged monk named wendaoge was surprised by the light in his eyes, "Liu Zhongzhou, you are crazy, what? I was killed by that boy. What's going on? What about them, young and old? "

"That kid said you were killed by him. He killed both qinglaodao and Zixiao, as well as heart eating insects." Liu Zhongzhou said incoherently.

Wendaoge's face changed greatly, and he yelled: "who is that boy, and what's the matter with heart eating insects?"

Liu Zhongzhou finally came back to his senses after being yelled at by wendaoge. He said, "it's the boy you and Zixiao met in the market in the north of the city. He killed Zixiao, Liu sanpao, Han Yingyan, dressed up as the body of Han Yingyan and killed qinglao Dao. He also said that you were killed by him with the Yin phosphorus bone sword! We've just been attacked by four heart eaters, and I'm the only one who came out. "

"What!" The dazzling brilliance of the seven regiments surged out of wendaoge's body with an astonishing murderous spirit.

"Wendaoge, what can I do now?" The stout Taoist priest in black and white Bagua robe beside Wendao Pavilion couldn't help asking.

Wendaoge's eyes twinkled, looking at Liu Zhongzhou, he continued to ask: "how about the group of people in tiece?"

Liu Zhongzhou replied: "only two monks from Shenhai state and the boy ran out. The group led by Liu Baiyu in front of us has all been killed by us. "

"There are only a few people left in nalanbing. At the moment, we still have three friars of zhoutianjing and several friars of Shenhai realm. They are definitely not our opponents." Wendaoge said in a cold voice: "these people let them run out one or two, and don't talk about him, but that boy, if he doesn't kill him, can't dispel my hatred in my heart." , the fastest update of the webnovel!