Chapter 71

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
A strong white light suddenly gushed out of Weisuo's hand and fell on the elder's body.

Weisuo once again excited the sun burning treasure rune, and after this excitation, the sun burning treasure Rune in Weisuo's hand was also split and turned into powder.

All the powers in sunburn talisman have been completely exhausted.

"Chop his straw With Wei Suo's cry, Nangong Yuqing and Liu Wu's flying fireflies and a pair of black claws hit the straw that the heart eating insect elder stabbed to the Yinmei blade.


The heart eating insect elder was burned fiercely, but it did not inspire the gray and black light that could corrode the magic weapon. The straw he spit out did not have the same amazing defense as its outer skin. It was directly cut down by the firefly blade and a pair of black claws, just like a tongue cut by a sharp blade.


At the place where the Piper of the heart biting insect elder broke, the yellow blood flowed wildly, and the whole body convulsed violently. It seemed to be extremely painful, but it didn't make any screams. The heads of Wei Suo, Nangong Yuqing and Liuwu were numbed by the extremely high scream.

Those rotting corpses that have been constantly integrated into the valley are also in a kind of inexplicable panic.

"Not good!"

But at this time, the shrieking insect swallowing elder's mouth suddenly opened, which was bigger than ever before. A transparent ripple, like a transparent giant clock, enveloped Weisuo, Nangong Yuqing and Liuwu.

Three people, all petrified! You can't even move your eyes!

At this time, the other head was cut six times by Nangong Yuqing, but the heart eating insect with slight injury had already reached the top of the three people's heads and opened his mouth at once.

Nangong Yuqing and Liu Wu's mind is blank, the only idea is that they must be killed by this heart eating insect. But at this time, Weisuo, who had been rigid, suddenly moved!

It seems that even the heart eater who opened his mouth and was about to stab out the straw was in a daze. He seemed to be shocked. He couldn't imagine how this man could move without hindrance under the impact of their elder's divine sense.

As soon as Weisuo shook his hand, a pill like sugar beans just dropped into the mouth of the heart eating insect that had reached the top of his head.


The heart eating insect seemed to be suddenly stuck in its throat by a huge fish bone. Its eight claws full of suction cups were clawed toward its mouth, and the whole fish's bubble like body fell directly from the air to the ground only a few feet away from weissel.

As soon as it landed on the ground, the whole body of this heart eating insect has turned black. What flows out of its mouth is not yellow blood, but black water one by one.

"I can't stand it. Be careful." The voice of the old man in the green robe was so loud in weissou's ear that it disappeared immediately.

"Isn't this guy dead?"

There was no way to do it. He took a chance with a sealed throat pill he had got before. As a result, Weisuo, who was really successful, looked at it and saw that the heart eating insect, which had been severely damaged by wendaoge, had fallen to the ground and was dead. However, the heart eating insect, whose blood was still raging in his mouth, seemed to be afraid of dying. He looked at his intact self as if he had seen a ghost Run back. At the sight of this situation, Weisuo was not willing to let the head almost kill him several times, forcing him to escape the heart eating insect elder who wanted to jump the wall.

At present, he took the flying firefly blade from Nangong Yuqing's still stiff hand, and directly inspired him out.

When the six flying fireflies were excited out, Weisuo was still afraid that the heart eating insect elder would destroy the flying firefly blade because of his talent after another promotion. After all, this flying firefly blade is a complete set of magic weapons. Although the six pieces fly out and cover a wide range, as long as one is destroyed, the remaining five pieces will be useless.

But when the straws were cut off, the heart eater's wounds seemed to be more severe than Weisuo had imagined. The six flying fireflies, without exception, were all cut on its body.

Although he only cut six small wounds on his body, he also hit the head of the heart eating insect elder on the top of the cave, and then bounced down.

Weisuo certainly won't keep his hands at this time. The six flying fireflies that he took back from his hands were aroused again and chopped on the body of the heart eating insect elder.

The heart eating insect elder who fell straight down was hit and bounced up again.

Then the heart eating insect elder was knocked down, and was hit by Weisuo.

Liu Wu and Nangong Yuqing managed to recover from the impact of divine consciousness. Their brains recovered their ability to think. They almost choked on their own saliva. They saw that the extremely terrible heart eating insect elder was like an inflated skin bag, which was hit by Weisuo.

And the carrion insects seemed to be frightened by Weisuo. Instead of going forward, they retreated like the tide, as far away as possible from the guy who shot their boss like a skin bag.

"Dead at last?"After about 20 or 30 times of chopping, he poured a lot of bottles of Huiqi powder. On the contrary, Wei Suo saw that there was almost no intact place on the heart eating insect elder. Yellow blood was dripping everywhere, and his eight long legs full of suction cups were also dropped from the bottom.

But when the elder fell to the ground and didn't respond for a long time, Weisuo was worried that he cut twice with the flying firefly blade. When Nangong Yuqing and Liuwu recovered completely, he gave the flying firefly blade to Nangong Yuqing again. After picking up the Yin enchantment blade he had left on one side, he approached the heart eating insect elder who could not die any more.

Looking at the wendaoge Pavilion, the short fat Taoist priest and the corpses of these heart biting insects, Weisuo, Nangong Yuqing and Liuwu are filled with a sense of emptiness after a disaster.

After all, no matter which side, it is much better than them.

But just a moment later, Weisuo was completely excited again, his eyes shining with gold.

According to the previous statement of wendaoge, there is only one head of heart biting insect elder in this tomb. If there are four heads of heart biting insect elder with the intelligence quotient of this head of heart biting insect elder, there will never be only three. Therefore, there should be no other heart eating insects in the mausoleum.

As long as there is no heart eating insect, with the power of the magic tools on hand of Weisuo and others, the number of those rotting corpses is not difficult to deal with at all.

What's more, Wei Suo has already felt that the corpse worms are very afraid of the heart eating insect elder, and they are even more afraid of themselves who can severely damage and kill the heart eating insect elder. As long as you take the corpse of the heart eating insect elder, there will be decaying corpses. If you dare to come here again, just use the corpse of the heart eating insect elder. It is estimated that those decaying corpses will feel it again and flee again.

These heart biting insects, Weisuo himself, are to be completely taken away. Because the heart biting insects are all good materials for refining weapons. All the heart biting insects are of high value and can be ranked in the auction of Lingyue city.

And there are also these monks who are at least five levels of Shenhai realm!

In the tomb just now, there were many monks dead. The things on those friars may be far more valuable than a heart eating insect.

Killing people and stealing goods is the quickest way to earn spiritual stones for a monk. However, this kind of danger is too big at ordinary times. If you can't kill others, you can easily be killed. If you kill someone with a big background, you can only wait to die.

But now those dead are dead. If you don't take it, you will be a fool.

Liu sanpao's peculiar sword, which can attack at least half spirit weapon, and defend it at least close to the spirit weapon level, Weisuo must get it.

Nangong Yuqing and Liu Wu have no objection to Wei Suo's decision. After all, they still have a small group of tiece people who are not known for their lives and lives. Moreover, the waxy faced friars of zhoutianjing and others are friends who have lived and died with them. Nangong Yuqing and Liu Wu can't bear to leave their bodies there.

He skillfully rolled up all the clothes of wendaoge and pudgy Taoist priest. After all the clothes were put into the nabao bag, he looked at the map carefully and set out towards the tomb.

"Whoa ha ha ha! I'm rich now

Because the old man in green robe had completely returned to the ghost pot to recuperate, without his warning, Weisuo was more careful all the way, and it took an hour to get to the tomb where the battle had just begun. Before arriving at the tomb, Weisuo was worried that the corpses inside would be taken away by the carrion insects. But as soon as he entered the tomb, Weisuo's heart was full of joy. It seemed that the rotting corpses were not interested in whether they were decaying corpses. There were many corpses of those friars just now, and the big knife that Weisuo was most interested in lay on the ground on one side. However, Nangong Yuqing and Liu Wu's three friends died here, and Wei Suo, who was not familiar with those three people, was only happy in his heart for a while, and did not burst out laughing.

"Spirit stone bag, another spirit stone bag..."

Of course, Wei Suo, the three men of tiece, will not move, but those of Liu sanpao are not polite. Wei Suo, who wanted to leave the place as soon as possible, just stripped off the clothes of these people and rolled them up, so that all the magic tools dropped around them were put away. But when he picked up his clothes, Weisuo could at least feel that these people also had spirit stone bags containing spirit stones.

"It seems that in the future, heroes should do more to save the beauty. This trip is really in vain."

Considering that there were already so many spirit stones on those people of purple robe Taoist priest before, even if the spirit stone bag of Liu sanpao and others is only one thousand inferior spirit stones on average, with other magic tools and other things, Wei Suo has already made a thorough fortune in this trip.

"It's heavy!"

The most exciting thing for Wei Suo is that although Liu sanpao's big knife, which he cares about, has been cut out a trace by his Yin magic blade, but it has not been greatly affected and can still be used perfectly!

"Who are you?" But just as Weisuo held the sword in his hand, the sound of breaking the air suddenly came from the passage which had already collapsed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!