Chapter 73

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Enough!" Nalan Bing's face was cold, "Liu Anting, it's not the time for you to make a fool of yourself."

Liu Anting laughed, "nonsense? Do you think I'm doing this nonsense? "

Nalan Bing said coldly: "now we are in a dangerous situation. He is obviously friendly with us, but you have to force him to fight with you. What is this not nonsense?"

"Good!" Liu Anting narrowed his eyes. "I might as well say that this man has a chance to save Huang Yiyi, but he can't help him. I can't let him go because he and Huang Yiyi met the monk. Huang Yiyi died, but he didn't lose a hair."

"Shut up!" "Liu Anting, don't forget it's up to me this time. I will never allow you to do it with him. "

Liu Anting's killing opportunity flashed by. Looking at Nalan Bing and Wei Suo and others, he said, "in tiece, I can't make the decision now, right? OK, I'll quit tiece from now on! Anyway, I joined tiece for the sake of Huang Yiyi. From today on, I have broken off with tie CE and I am no longer a tiece person! "

"Liu Anting, you can think clearly!" When hearing Liu Anting's words, Nalan Bing and other people's faces are floating with a trace of anger.

"Of course, I think clearly. Now I can make my own decisions." Liu Anting sneered and turned his head to look at Wei Suo, "since you can kill the friar of zhoutianjing, you should not dare to fight with me, a monk with five levels of Shenhai realm."

Wei Suo couldn't help it. He wanted to teach this guy a lesson. But before he could say anything, Nalan Bing said coldly: "Liu Anting, our iron policy is free to come and go, and will not restrict you to leave tiece. But you are not our tiece's person now, and he is our friend. If you want to deal with him, you should pass my level first Say

"This beautiful woman is very nice." Weisuo see Nalan ice so protect himself, the skin color of some dark beauty immediately in the heart greatly increased.

Liu Anting sneered and didn't look at Nalan Bing, but he was staring at Wei cableway: "how come you, a man, only dare to hide behind a woman's buttocks and dare not fight?"

As soon as Nalan's ice color changed, she could see that Wei Suo's accomplishments were much worse than Liu Anting's. In her opinion, even if Wei Suo could kill one or two friars in zhoutianjing, she should rely on some magic weapon or chance, which may not be Liu Anting's opponent. Now when Liu Antang said this, she was afraid that Wei Suo would be provoked by words and would fight Liu Anting immediately.

"Yes, it's just a fight." But to her surprise, Wei Suo didn't seem to be angry. She just laughed, glanced at Liu Anting and said, "but you have to wait a moment. Let me choose what kind of magic weapon I want to use."

So, Nalan Bing and the other two friars of tiece saw that Weisuo took out a black nabao bag and kept pulling things out.

Liu sanpao's broadsword, the short gold spear of the stout Taoist priest, a silver lion's head seal, a green wooden fish and a Yellow Jade axe on the other three monks who were killed here together with the friars in grey Wait, there's a pile in front of you.

Nalan Bing and the other two friars of tiece stare more and more.

Because it is obvious that all the things Weisuo brought out were at least half spirit weapons. Even the friars in zhoutianjing had only one or two, but Weisuo had so many.

"Even the friar in yellow, who had twice the heaven and earth, died in his hands?"

What made Nalan Bing and the two friars tiece even more pale was that what Weisuo took out of the nabao bag was not only some things that looked like magic weapons, but also a number of robes, including the purple robe, the old-fashioned dragon tiger Ziwei robe, the black and white Bagua clothes of the stout Taoist priest, and even the yellow robe of the wendaoge Pavilion.

We should know that Nalan Bing and others were intercepted and killed by wendaoge, and finally escaped. Now Nalan Bing's most worry is not to be chased by the Yellow monk. However, he didn't expect that the monk with double heaven and earth had already fallen.

Liu Anting's eyes solidified and his mouth opened unconsciously.


Weisuo deliberately took out the body of the heart eating insect elder and threw it in front of him, "Oh, it's wrong. It can't be used against the enemy. "

"Well, these two things and my spirit should be almost the same."

Wei Suo picked around and murmured with the Yin magic blade. After that, he took Liu sanpao's broadsword and stout Taoist priest's mixed gold short spear in his hand, which directly stimulated the reformed clothes on his body. He was wrapped in a fire phoenix and a layer of vigorous wind.

"I'm ready. Would you like to prepare your magic weapon as well?" Then Wei Suo said such a sentence to the opposite Liu Anting.

"I said why you are so fearless. It turns out that there are so many powerful magic weapons on you." Liu Antang took a deep breath, did not move, but looked at Wei Suo in a very gloomy way: "today you have so many powerful magic weapons on your body. I think I can't defeat you. But when I see you later, I will make you regret what you did today.""What have I done? I'm just telling you the truth for you?" Now Wei Suo is depressed, he is not afraid of what lengtouqing, the most afraid of this kind of Yin test tangled guy. But Liu Antang coldly swept him and nalanbing and others, but he didn't say a word. He wrapped Huang Yiyi's body in clothes and held it up. After turning around, he swept out into the rear corridor alone. In a moment, he disappeared in people's sight.

"I can't imagine that he is such a man who is not able to distinguish right from wrong and is so impulsive." Looking at Liu Anting head also don't return to leave, Nalan ice face ugly to Wei Suo said, "you don't worry, today's matter we all looked at, if he dares to you in the future, I Nalan Bing will be the first to let him go."

"With all his skill, I guess he's looking for trouble to deal with weissel." Nangong Yuqing muttered.

After all, she knew that Weisuo was not an ordinary monk from the beginning of knowing Weisuo. Moreover, after all the fighting, he didn't freeze up because of the impact of the heart eating insect elder's consciousness. This really shocked her and Liu Wu.

"We just can't defeat this monk who has two levels of heaven and earth. I can't imagine that he died in your hands." Nalan Bing's eyes soon stopped on the body of the heart eating insect elder and the yellow robe of wendaoge.

"We are just by chance. If it wasn't for these heart biting insects to stir up the trouble, maybe we would have died in his hands." Weisuo had a rare modesty.

Nalan Bing looked at Weisuo, "I wonder if brother Wei can tell us how to find out their plot carefully. After all, we don't know their origin at the moment."

"Of course." As for Wei Suo, when he arrived at this place, he had already made a fortune and had nothing to do. After nodding, Wei Suo saved the trouble of meeting wendaoge and the friar in grey, and followed wendaoge and Zipao Laodao to hear about Qingfengling and Jinyu Pavilion , how to get here, how to meet Nangong Yuqing and others, how to be chased by the heart biting insect elder, how to meet wendaoge, how to escape by fluke, all of which were told quickly, but the matter of old man Wuling was hidden.

"Nangong Yuqing is really lucky for us to make friends like you. If it were not for you, we would all be buried here today. " Heard that Wei Suo bet all the money to come, in order to remind Nangong Yuqing to expose his whereabouts, Nalan Bing and others are very moved. As soon as Wei Suo finished speaking, he said positively: "thank you very much. In the future, as long as you can use our place, we will fight for help."

"It's nothing. It's just a bit of bad luck. I didn't meet you earlier." Wei cableway: "and I have gained a lot from this trip."

"I can't imagine that there are four heart biting insects here, and there is an advanced heart eating insect elder. If they were not chasing you, we would not have come out alive if we passed through their nests. " Nalan Bing pondered: "the underground mausoleum is full of dangers. We'd better go outside first."

"Have you passed their nests?" Nangong Yuqing was a little curious and asked.

"When we were escaping from the Yellow monk's pursuit, we happened to pass through the nest of the heart eating insect, and found five heart eating insect eggs in it. Now, I'm afraid that the monk in yellow clothes knew that it was the nest of heart eating insects, and he was worried about it, so we could escape. " Nalan Bingxin said with lingering palpitation.

"Five heart biting eggs found?" Just now Nalan Bing said that when he passed through the heart eating insect nest, Weisuo didn't think about it. After all, he also had a map of Diling. He knew that the place where Nalan Bing and others passed by must have been marked with a heart eater on the map. But when he heard that he had found five heart eating insect eggs, Weisuo was shocked. The place where the heart eating insect lays its eggs must be the true nest of the heart eating insect. What really shocked Weisuo was that he just got a remnant of slave animals from the one eyed monk. It seems that there is a method for cultivating heart biting insects. If a heart eating insect can be domesticated, it is not more powerful than a spirit weapon?

"Heart biting eggs, can you show me?" Originally wanted to leave the ghost place as soon as possible, weisoton couldn't help looking at Nalan Bing and asked.

"Of course." Nalan Bing nodded. The friar in her forties, dressed as a scholar in blue, nodded immediately, took out a black nabao bag, took out a heart eating insect egg, and handed it to Weisuo.

"Damn it! Is there a big difference between the small one and the old one? " As soon as he took the heart biting egg, weissorton couldn't help but cry in his heart.

The heart biting insect is as disgusting as it grows. However, the egg of the heart eating insect is only the size of an egg. Its shell is like a crystal. It is pink. It is actually very cute. , the fastest update of the webnovel!