Chapter 87

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Are you sick?" As soon as I entered Han Weiwei's box, I saw Han Weiwei sitting complacently. Wei Suo, who was a little confused, couldn't help crying out, "there are only a few spirit stones for two stone tailed lizards. In order to get rid of me, you have to spend 15000 lower grade spirit stones. Are all the spirit stones in your treasure Pavilion picked up on the road?"

Wei Wei looked at the fox, why not like me? It's better than some people do dirty things with seven hundred spirit stones. "

"What seven hundred spirit stones?" Nangong Yuqing, who is following Weisuo, looks at Weisuo with some incomprehension.

"What do you want?" Wei Suo was so angry that he wanted to rape and kill this beautiful woman in silver clothes. He had the heart to rape and kill again. He called out in front of his eyes.

"I told you I'd make you beg me. Why, it seems that the psychic gating is very important to you? I've just seen it. It's very simple. It's very general. " Wei Suo more gas, Han Weiwei is more proud, "I don't want how, just want to fight with you fair again, teach you a lesson."

Weisuo was staring at Han Weiwei, "what if I win you again? You give me this skill, and promise you won't pester me again? "

"If it's open and upright, you can still win me?" Han Weiwei sneered contemptuously, "OK, as long as you can win me, I'll give you this skill, and I won't trouble you any more. But if you lose... "

"If you lose, you can say it all at once." Exclaimed wishord.

"What's the hurry? I haven't decided yet." Han Weiwei tooted her mouth and thought, "OK, I think well. If you lose, you can be a slave for a month. Then you can do whatever coolie I ask you to do. You can't pretend to be sick and cry tired, and you can't stop shouting. OK, master."

"My Lord, you are a big man." Weisuo looked at Han Weiwei, who was very proud. "If I win, will this door control spirit skill? If you win, not only I don't have psionic skills, but I have to be your slave for a month. What do you want me to do? I have to call you master? You don't really like me. It's cold and lonely at night. You want me to do something with you. "

"Shameless!" Han Weiwei said, "I want you to be a slave. I just want you to work in the daytime. At night, you should go back to where you go. What's wrong with soul control? It's worth 15000 low-grade spirit stones. But I don't want to argue with you, an old rascal. If you can win me, I'll give you this soul control skill, and I'll make you a slave for a month. "

Weisuo sneered, "well, that's what you said. Don't go back on it."

Han Weiwei also disdains to look at Wei Suo: "I repent? I'm Han Weiwei's best word. Do you dare to swear? "

"Weisuo..." At this time, Nangong Yuqing pulled at Wei Suo and seemed to want to say something to Wei Suo, but Han Weiwei said immediately, "Nangong Yuqing, I think you'd better stay away from this shameless guy in the future, so as not to be cheated by this boy in the future."

Hearing Han Weiwei say so, Nangong Yuqing shakes her head slightly and doesn't say anything anymore.

"What oath?" Weisuo asked fiercely.

"If you don't count on your words, your double monk will be fatter than a pig, and his face will be pockmarked. He will be three feet tall and his waistline will be three feet. And you can't get to the golden elixir for a lifetime. " Han Weiwei smile, "but look at you like this, this life repair to the golden elixir realm also has no hope."

"Damn it!" Wei Suo was almost stunned by anger and called out: "well, if I don't count, I'll marry a woman who is fatter than a pig, full of pockmarks, three feet tall and three feet around the waist. If you don't count, you'll marry a man who is fatter than a pig, full of pockmarks, three feet tall and three feet around his waist, and that man is from Beihan city."

"Why should it be from beihancheng?" Han Weiwei is a little confused.

Wei Suo hums to explain a way: "again did not see, north cold city square three thousand miles all have no water, there's a monk habit all year round don't take a bath, rub one can rub a hand of mud."

"How vicious Han Weiwei was shocked and looked at Wei Suo with disbelief. After a long time, she came back to her senses and said, "OK! I'll take this oath. If I lose at that time and don't count on my words, I'll marry a man who is fatter than a pig, full of pockmarks, three feet tall and three feet around the waist, and that man is from Beihan city. "

"Well, when shall we fight?"

"Right now, our treasure house has a room nearby to test the power of magic weapons and magic. It's big enough." Han Weiwei looked at Weisuo and snorted, "I don't want you to prepare something dirty again. You'd better not use any magic weapon for reelection. It's fair to fight like this."

"If you say so, we'd better not even eat Huiqi pill, which is not the most fair." Weisuopi said with a smile.

"That's what you said. How dare you do it?" Han Weiwei looked at Wei Suo with disbelief, because Wei Suo gave her the impression that her cultivation was not so good, but there were a lot of devious things.Wei Suo white her one eye, "you want to look for to beat, then I have what method."

"Well, we are not allowed to use any magic weapons, even defensive weapons and pills. If anyone uses them, he will lose." Han Weiwei was excited. "Let's go. Now we'll go to the room of treasure house to play."

"Wait a minute." Weisuo suddenly waved his hand.

"Why, do you want to regret it?" Han Weiwei's eyes glared.

"What's the hurry? Let's finish the auction of these two things. The next two things are mine. " Weisseau went to the window.

"Heart Eaters? Is this heart eater his? " Han Weiwei looked out of the window curiously, but she was stunned. After all, she is also very clear about the value of heart eating insects.

At this time, the auction of Weisuo's first heart eater had begun.

"2500 inferior spirit stones!"

"Three thousand inferior spirit stones!"

Perhaps it was influenced by Wei Suo, Li Honglin and Han Weiwei's crazy bidding. As soon as the first heart eating insect came out, the price increase was very large. The price has already exceeded 3000 spirit stones.

Obviously, just as shopkeeper Tian expected, the appearance of this heart eating insect immediately aroused the whole auction hall to scream. After all, the skin of the heart eating insect can be used to refine the hidden type of magic clothes, and the bone tip of the straw in the mouth can be used to refine the concealed attack magic weapon, making the opponent unable to defend.

However, the price of three thousand lower grade spirit stones was only sold twice, which made most of the monks on the scene swallow their mouths and extinguish their greedy eyes.

Although things are good, the key is to see their own spirit stone bag.

"Three thousand and five hundred spirit stones!"

"Four thousand inferior spirit stones!"

Only after the sound of the third bidding, the two sides of the contest were left with the figures in the two VIP boxes above.

The two monks, who obviously wanted to get heart biting insects, also had certain identities. After reading the list of auctions, they only offered one price to each other, and the people in one of the VIP rooms deliberately gave in and did not raise the price again. When the next heart eating insect caused the whole audience to scream again, the monk who did not raise the price of the previous heart eater got the second heart eater with 3800 lower spirit stones.

Although the people in the two VIP boxes had a tacit understanding and did not compete with each other, Weisuo was very satisfied with the price of 7800 pieces of these two heart eating insects.

In addition to the 4000 lower grade spirit stones that had been obtained previously, 380 processing fees would have to be deducted for the 3800 more ones. However, shopkeeper Tian had already said that 30% of them could be exempted. In this way, Wei Suo had at least 35000 pieces of income just because of these two heart biting insects. In addition to the other two robes and the half spirit artifact qingmuyu, it is conservatively estimated that there will be at least 2000 inferior spirit stones in the account.

After watching the auction of two heart biting insects, Wei Suo had nothing to buy anyway, so he simply followed Han Weiwei out of the auction hall and walked towards the place where Han Weiwei said to test the power of magic weapons.

"Are you sure?" With Han Weiwei behind the direction of treasure Pavilion, Nangong Yuqing secretly asked Wei Suo. For Nangong Yuqing, this kind of duel between the two sides without any magic weapon made her feel more at ease. After all, the power of the magic weapon was relatively strong, and the fighting method was very dangerous. No one could guarantee that neither side had any damage. Both of them are monks of Shenhai state. If one of them is defeated, she can stop them at least. But before Nangong Yuqing, she knew that Wei Suo's skills and techniques were very common, so she was worried that Wei Suo would be a slave to Han Weiwei for a month.

"Sixty or seventy percent." Wei Suo said with a smile.

"Sixty or seventy percent?" Looking at Wei Suo's confident appearance, Nangong Yuqing's heart is also a little curious.


"What's certain, sixty or seventy percent? Does this kid have anything to do with treasure house? "

What Weisuo and Nangong Yuqing didn't find out was that after they and Han Weiwei came out of lingyunfang together, a friar wearing a Douli had already secretly followed them.

The monk, who had changed his ordinary blue cloth clothes and covered his face with a hat, was Liu Zhongzhou, a monk of zhoutianjing who was threatened in the cave that day.

"Treasure pavilion's magic weapon and the test place of magic arts?"

Liu Zhongzhou, who secretly followed the three of them, saw Wei Suo, Nangong Yuqing and Han Weiwei walk into a square green palace. Suddenly, he pretended to be upset and ran into an alley behind the Blue Palace.

Liu Zhongzhou does this, is to want to eavesdrop on Wei Suo and Han Weiwei exactly what is the relationship.

As a matter of fact, Liu Zhongzhou has been guarding Weisuo in Lingyue city these days. Heisha asked him to thoroughly investigate Wei Suo's details, which he could easily understand. How can a small monk without any background be able to deal with so many friars in the zhoutianjing. Don't kill him all at once, but he has an extremely powerful backstage, and the black devil is going to have a lot to eat.The Heisha only gave him a month, but these days Weisuo had been practicing in the Tian class residence. Seeing that half of the deadline had passed, Liu Zhongzhou was dying in a hurry. For this reason, he also bought a magic instrument called parrot voice snail, which was used to eavesdrop on other people's conversation. But this time, he finally heard Weisuo's voice in the auction hall. However, there was a special prohibition in the auction hall, and he could not hear Weisuo's conversation with others at all.

So he had to wait outside the auction hall until Weisuo and Nangong Yuqing came out. But what he didn't expect was that Han Weiwei, the eldest lady of treasure Pavilion, came out with him, and from his appearance, he seemed to be very familiar with Han Weiwei. Does he really have any big background?

Treasure house, which is specially used to test magic tools and the power of magic, has no special restrictions. His parrot voice snail can eavesdrop on Weisuo's conversation.

As soon as he ran into the remote back lane of the Blue Palace, Liu Zhongzhou couldn't wait to pick up the parrot voice snail again. After focusing on Zhenyuan's stimulation, he immediately put it in his ear and began to eavesdrop.

but he was as like as two peas in the middle of the back lane. Even a middle-aged red friar came in and had the same sound as a parrot in his hand.

Liu Zhongzhou and the middle-aged monk in red were all stunned.

If Wei Suo could see the monk in red here, he would be stunned, because the monk in red was the one who had robbed his ground fire stove room. It was likely that he was a sword monk.

And he is obviously at the moment and Liu Zhongzhou to eavesdrop on his conversation with Nangong Yuqing and Han Weiwei.

When Liu Zhongzhou and the monk in red stare at each other, they are stunned. However, Han Weiwei's voice is clearly heard from the parrot's voice. "Old rascal, I take off my clothes, and you also take off your clothes."

Now Nangong Yuqing is also in it. The relationship between miss zhenbaoge and Weisuo has reached such a stage?

Liu Zhongzhou's mind suddenly came up with a picture of a man and two women. After staying for a while, he and the monk in red changed their faces. At the same time, he put away the parrot voice snail and quickly retreated toward both sides.

Almost in the moment of their disappearance, a monk who just happened to pass by walked out of the alley. Inside the Blue Palace, Han Weiwei looked at Weisuo with disdain and said, "I don't think it's time to smash your clothes outside and see a disgusting belly bag inside."

"Come on." Weisuo's old face was slightly red, "aren't you afraid that I still have some magic weapon in my body? Change it, everyone put on your treasure Pavilion ordinary clothes, and then hit it. If you don't worry, you can watch me take off all my clothes

"Bah! I'm afraid I can't eat for a year Han Weiwei said so, but still facing a treasure Pavilion disciple standing in the open hall door, "you go to give him a suit of clothes, and then watch him change." It can be seen that Han Weiwei, a little girl, is very careful sometimes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!