Chapter 96

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Because I saw those two things, I happened to think of a place." The old man in green robe said, "do you know the golden spotted ginseng?"

Wei Suo shook his head, "golden spot ginseng? I don't know. What kind of cure is it

The old man in green robe said, "you know, it's very useful for friars of zhoutianjing to break into Fen Nian state. Yangshen grass is a kind of elixir that can warm and nourish the mind and quickly recover the weak consciousness. Compared with Yangshen grass, jinbanshen is not a little bit more powerful. It is a kind of miraculous medicine that can directly and substantially strengthen the divine consciousness. The friar of zhoutianjing has the nourishing spirit grass. It may not be 100% insurance to break through the fennian state. However, if he gets a golden spot ginseng and can't break through the fennian state successfully, the monk is really more stupid than a pig. "

Weisuo's eyes suddenly came out of gold: "so powerful? How many spirit stones does that one need? Do the two things you asked me to buy have anything to do with the ginseng? "

The old man in green robe yelled and scolded: "you pig, you know the spirit stone. Who will sell this thing to ordinary monks? Of course, it's for their own use! The stronger the divine sense is, the farther the scope of awareness is, and the faster the casting speed is. In addition, in the future, the refining of talismans and utensils also depends on enough divine awareness. How much benefits can it bring. Do you want to sell it if you get it? "

"There's no spirit stone, and there's no way you can buy anything. It's not." Weisuo dry smile, "I am not such a question, besides, this is not also has not got it."

"Hum!" The green robed old man snorted heavily and said, "I asked you to buy these two things because there are black blood Jiaos to guard the golden spotted ginseng."

"Black blood dragon? Old man, do you want to kill me for money, but even if I die, you can't buy things with a spirit stone. " As soon as Weisuo heard it, he let out a scream.

Black blood Jiao, that's a monster in level 6!

What is the concept of six levels of middle order? In the concept of friars in Tianxuan land, generally, five level low-level monsters need to be treated independently by friars with two levels of surrounding environment. The five level high-level is only possible to deal with it independently. For those of the sixth level, at least the monks who have three levels of mind state can deal with them.

Wei Suo knew this from his own experience. Ordinary heart biting insects are monsters of the fifth level, but ordinary friars with the highest level in the world can't deal with them.

Black blood Jiao, everyone knows that this kind of strange dragon with a single horn is because the blood in the body is black, so it has such a name. However, there are few friars who can really see and make the black blood Jiao bleed. Even with a real spirit weapon, it is not enough for people to crack their teeth.

"What is it called?" However, the old man in green robe sneered with great disdain: "did I let you buy things for nothing?"

Weisuo depressed said: "old man, what is going on, you just say it clearly, don't sell the point, but I have to hurry home to practice when I buy something."

"All right." As soon as the old man in green robe stopped shopping, he explained, "I used to work with a host and other people and collected ginseng once. This kind of ginseng is different from other ginseng. The useful place is the ginseng fruit. Moreover, this kind of ginseng grows in a unique place, so it can't be transplanted at all. Ordinary friars can only collect fruits, and they won't do the thing of cutting grass and roots. This kind of ginseng fruit is produced once in 2000 years. It is located in a gorge of duanlong cliff I asked you to ask. If you are lucky, you may be able to collect ginseng fruit. Black blood Jiao, a monster, is very sensitive to this kind of golden spotted ginseng. Generally, there are black blood Jiaos waiting there. When I went with the master before, I also killed a black blood Jiao. The blood lotus stem and dusk fruit are the things that black blood Jiao likes to eat. However, if these two things are eaten at the same time, the black blood Jiao will have dizziness and other adverse reactions in the time of two incense sticks. During this period of time, the black blood Jiao's strength will be reduced to five levels at most. "

"Five levels of medium level?" Weisuo blinked his eyes twice. If he was in the middle level of level five, if he had broken through the cultivation of more than one level in zhoutianjing, he was still a bit sure to deal with it.

"I've read a lot of ancient books and records in Tianxuan land. There are not many people going to the duanlong cliff outside the sky. If you can get a black blood dragon and a golden spot ginseng, it will be equivalent to making tens of thousands of inferior spirit stones." The old man in green robe said, "but if any abnormal friar picked the ginseng fruit and pulled out the golden spotted ginseng by the roots, then I can't help it. You think you're bad luck."

"If there is such a place, I will try it anyway." Weisuo nodded and complained, "old man, you don't say that there is such a good place. If you think about it carefully, you must know a lot about it."

"Why are you in a hurry?" The green robed old man sneered: "the advantages of this place are not so much. I didn't think of it for a moment. Moreover, your current cultivation is not enough. I had already planned what to do next. Next, I planned to take you to a place where there was a great war between monks in ancient times. There were at least 100 monks who were defeated by two big forces in ancient times, and none of them came out alive. If you go there, it is very likely to find the real magic weapons above the spiritual level dropped from the monks. I have a master who happened to know that place, but he was killed before he could go. Now it's a bargain for you. Next, I'll take you to explore the fiefdoms and caves at that time. If you are lucky, it's not impossible to get a cavern that has been repaired in a big way. These places and plans will naturally let you go when I think your accomplishments have arrived. Make sure you don't earn spirit stone slower than anyone else in Lingyue city. ""Damn it!" Weisuo was excited when he heard it, "old man, you've already calculated it. Well, you didn't say that earlier. You said that earlier. I have more motivation to not practice. Ha ha, for your sharp sake, I really have to let you buy a happy one today. "

"Buy it! Buy it! Buy it When the old man in green robe heard a happy and excited cry, "it's best to get a magic weapon with poison to deal with black blood Jiao. It's the lowest ability to resist poison among Level 6 monsters."


Along the way, Weisuo followed the old man in green robe. He bought whatever the old man said he would buy.

The old man in green robe is indeed a Shopaholic. What he buys is called miscellaneous.

Adding the body of the magic weapon can reduce the weight of the magic weapon when it is carried. However, when the true element is applied and the power is stimulated, it will be a hundred times heavier. It is specially used to refine the yuan magnetic refined gold of heavy rolling type magic weapon.

It can improve the vision of monks in the dark.

If it is planted, it can grow quickly with spirit stone, and it can play an early warning role when monks rest in the field.


These miscellaneous things have cost Weisuo more than 6000 lower grade spirit stone, and the most speechless of Weisuo is a bottle of pink liquid named Tianyun Jing.

This bottle is actually a kind of aphrodisiac refined from the elixir of Tianyun snake and several kinds of monsters.

Moreover, if this kind of aphrodisiac was useful to nuns, Weisuo might have a golden eye. However, this kind of aphrodisiac which excited the old man in green robe was still useful to some monsters, not to friars or even ordinary mortals. On the contrary, if you spray this kind of heavenly cloud spirit on the monk's body, it will make some monsters and beasts. If you want to make a big move, you think the monk is a "beauty" in their eyes.

Fortunately, the old man in green robe is probably the most comprehensive and miscellaneous thing in the whole monastic world. Some stall owners and shops don't even know the real use and value of these miscellaneous things.

For example, the old man with green robe just bought a magic bead in a small shop that the shop owner thought was just ordinary water green Lan Jing, but it was actually a magic bead produced after upgrading green leaf dish of five level low-level monster with the same level as heart eating insect!

The green leaf dish is a kind of powerful water monster, which can fly away. It looks like a big green butterfly, but it has four claws. According to the old man in green robe, the magic beads produced by the advanced demon beast have the effect of differentiation and sputtering. After being stimulated, for example, a wind blade issued by a monk will be dispersed into hundreds of small wind blades. Although the total power is unchanged, it can greatly enlarge the coverage of the spell.

This kind of bead is very useful for some skills that can paralyze the opponent. For example, if Han Weiwei had one of these beads and could stimulate the power of this bead, one ice dragon would turn into many small ice dragons, and Weisuo would be frozen if he could not run away.

Because the owner thought it was just a small ordinary crystal, he only sold five lower grade spirit stones, which can be said to be a big bargain for Weisuo. And this magic bead can also be used on qingsuo silver in the future.

Now we are preparing to deal with the black blood Jiao who doesn't know whether it exists or not. Wei Suo and the old man in green robe are still looking at whether there is a suitable poisonous weapon.

"Yi Qi Dan?"

At this time, an object placed on a humble stall nearby caught the attention of him and the old man in green robe at the same time.

Yiqi pill is a kind of unique pill that can change the breath of monks. It can change the appearance and make others not recognize it.

Because it's very simple for a monk to change his appearance and voice. He only needs a common mask and a low-value biansheng pill. However, if the breath of the skills and skills on his body does not change, it is easy to be recognized.

The reason why Wei Suo doesn't dare to leave the city easily is that he feels that he has made a lot of enemies. If he can get some of this Yi Qi pill and then put on a mask, he will be safer when he leaves the city next time.

"How many spirit stones are you Yiqi pill?" There are experts like the old man in green robe. Weisuo, of course, does not need to consider whether it is true or not. He goes directly to ask the stall owner who runs the stall.

This stall owner's hair is a little bit bald. He is a middle-aged man who looks a bit obscene. After hearing Wei Suo's question, the bald uncle gets excited immediately and shows a yellow tooth. "I have three inferior spirit stones of Yiqi pill. If you buy more, you can get a little cheaper."

Weisuo took a look at the stall owner, "how many of these Yi Qi pills do you have?"

The bald uncle immediately said, "I have twelve of these Yi Qi pills. How many do you want, brother?"

"If you want all of them, how many spirit stones are they?" Asked vissault.

"Buy it now, thirty-two spirit stones."

"Thirty." Weisuo said without expression.

"Well, thirty is thirty." The bald man took out a pill bottle and gave it to Weisuo together with the Yiqi pill displayed on the stall."Ha ha! Now, you can go out and do bad things in the future. " As soon as Wei Suo had paid for thirty lower grade spirit stones, he had just put twelve Yi Qi pills into his pocket. In his ears, the old man in green robe burst out laughing with great joy.

"I'm dizzy!" Weisuo couldn't help rolling his eyes. It seemed that the old man was not a good man either.

"Brother, I don't know if I can speak for a moment?" At this time, what made Weisuo stupefied was that a thin friar in a yellow robe embroidered with a tiger came to his side and whispered to him.

"No, is there another Lin Daoyi?"

Wei Suo looked at the sharp mouthed monkey cheek suspiciously, only the thin friar of Shenhai state had three accomplishments. He felt that when the thin friar came up to chat with himself, how could he be so similar to that of that day when he chatted up with him.

"Brother, don't worry. I just want to sell you something. There's no malice." Seeing Wei Suo's suspicious appearance, the skinny friar with sharp lips immediately said with a dry smile, "it's just that I have something special. It's not convenient to say it when there are many people."

"Selling something? Good! Good! It must be a bit mysterious. Let's see what he is. " The old man in the green robe cried out immediately. , the fastest update of the webnovel!