Chapter 98

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
What Weisuo didn't know was that almost at the moment when his figure disappeared in the transmission array, the red robed friar who had competed with him for the ground fire furnace room also entered the building.

He ordered the array that Weisuo had just sent away and handed in two inferior spirit stones. After that, the monk in red robe with the face of Yin dove also stood on the transmission array.

On the other side, just out of the teleportation array, Wei Suo's face became more and more ugly before he could see where he had been sent to the outside of Lingyue city.

The place where the array is transmitted is a valley, and the monk named Chen, who is close to the mouth of the valley, has already offered a magic instrument like a paper kite.

Wind bamboo kite!

Although it looks like a bamboo paper kite and creaks when riding on it, the flying speed is far beyond Wei Suo's wind and cloud shoes.

Weisuo gritted his teeth and took out the white jade crane, which was the magic weapon of wendaoge. A stream of Zhenyuan penetrated into it. The appearance of the white jade crane had become pitted and pitted, and the white jade crane was suddenly enlarged and floated in front of Wei Suo.

"Hoo" a, white jade crane with Weisuo fly out of the sky, but the moment in the air a burst of chaos, Weisuo's figure also in the white jade crane swing.

"Surnamed Chen!" Not familiar with the magic weapon of control, Weisuo, who almost couldn't help falling directly from the air, let out a sharp drink: "did my parents hurt you?"

The monk Chen surnamed Chen on the wind bamboo kite in front of him was obviously sluggish, but he still did not look back. "There is an answer in what I give you. You don't need to chase me."

His voice came from the face of the night wind.

The place outside the transmission array is the gray bone mountain in the northwest of Lingyue city. There are thunder owls, stone swallowing apes and many other monsters. In the night wind, there are also faint howls of many monsters.

If you don't stop to take care of me, you can't stop to ask why

Friar Chen no longer spoke, but fled to a nearby mountain forest.

Although Wei Suo's white jade crane was damaged and ugly, its flight speed was much faster than that of the wind bamboo kite. However, Wei Suo could barely control the white jade crane. He could not exert the speed of the white jade crane at all. For a moment, he could only barely get away from the distance, and vaguely saw the back of monk Chen in front of him.

After chasing and fleeing, the two men flew a hundred miles away. The monk Chen did not dare to enter the depth of the grey bone mountain where there were five levels of demon Lei Xiao. He just ran away close to the edge of the gray bone mountain, hoping to get rid of Wei Suo's pursuit with the help of the surrounding terrain and forest. However, with Wei Suo Lue adapting to Bai Yuhe's control, friars with the surname Chen couldn't get rid of Wei Suo.

"This guy can't run away. You just have to be ready to fight him. We just bought a lot of things this time." The voice of the old man in the green robe cried in weissou's ear.

This monk Chen's escape speed has reached the limit. As long as Wei Suo can't get rid of him, Wei Suo is more and more familiar with the control of white jade crane, and he will surely be overtaken by Wei Suo.

"And the friars here?"

All of a sudden, both Weisuo and friars Chen saw a red light in the valley on the left.

"Han Weiwei?" What makes Weisuo unbelievable is that the one who appears in his sight is Han Weiwei, who just goes out of his Tian class residence in the daytime. Her two panda eyes did not know what kind of elixir was used, and they were completely cured.

At the moment, she was exerting a fire shield and running towards the outside of the valley, but behind her, she was running after five giant gray bats with fur all over their bodies, three feet long and a wolf head like head.

Weisuo is also in her admiration a little speechless.

This is because the gray bat is obviously a wolf headed bat, a low-level monster of the fourth wind system.

Anyway, it's not so easy for a monster of level 4 or above to see one in the sky, but she leads five at once.

Although Weisuo has a number of half spirit weapons and good defense tools, it must take a lot of effort to deal with so many wolf headed wind bats at the same time.

And when is this? This is a night when even the friars who are two or three heavy in the surrounding area dare not wander around at random.

But now she was alone. At such a time, she ran to the gray bone mountain where there were many monsters. Wei Suo was crazy when she saw this scene.

Now Han Weiwei is obviously unable to support her. It seems that she has no such things as Huiqi pill. Zhenyuan has been exhausted to the point that her powerful magic weapons can not be used.

If friar Chen and Wei Suo don't save her, I'm afraid this charming beauty will become the midnight snack of the five wolf headed bats. At this moment, Wei Suo's mood is extremely tangled. If she chooses to save her, she must be escaped by monk Chen. But at this time, Han Weiwei, who did not know what kind of nerve would be here, also saw the escape of him and monk Chen. She was extremely surprised and plundered towards Wei Suo and Friar Chen."Is it you?"

When she saw Wei Suo on the white jade crane, Han Weiwei, who had no trace of blood on her face, was stunned.

"You pig! Stand still and wait to die? " At the sight of such a scene, weisoton was so angry that he suddenly shot out the Yin magic blade which had been clasped in his hand.

"Woo ~ ~"

I saw a gust of wind laughing wildly in the mountain forest. A terrifying skull and a black light directly cut off the head of the wolf bat that had already flown over Han Weiwei's head and had opened its mouth to stimulate the wind blade.

Wei Suo's whole body Zhenyuan was almost sucked out by the more broken Yin magic blade. He managed to control the white jade crane to land in the air, and at the same time directly swallowed two Huiqi pills.

The remaining four wolf headed bats, with an ugly shrill, were all attracted by weissel.

Wei Suo, whose face was ugly, fell directly on the ground. He reached out quickly and touched Liu sanpao's Bronze small flat bell, which was full of bronze, and was excited.

At the moment when a bronze curtain of light was formed outside his body, four sickle like gray Yinfeng blades were cut on the bronze light curtain and made four piercing noises.

Han Weiwei, who had been chased by these wolf headed bats, was left on the side.

Weisuo turned his head slightly, and his face was a little livid. For a moment, the monk Chen had completely disappeared in his sight.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

Four wolf headed bats are flying around Weisuo's bronze mask, constantly exciting the wind blade and killing the power of the bronze mask.

The gloomy Wei Suo Xian is not slow to sacrifice a side full of his half the size of the oval white bone shield. Then his hands moved, and a Golden Snake power grid covering several feet round just covered a wolf headed bat in front of him.


A short spear of gold shot out of his hand and hit the wolf head bat, which was so hairy by electricity. He saw that the head of the wolf head bat suddenly shot a stream of blood light, and dropped down from the air with almost no sound.

"Ah Han Weiwei exclaimed.

At this time, she saw that under the fierce attack of these wolf headed bats, Weisuo's Bronze Mask finally broke apart.

She could see that the white bone shield in front of Weisuo's body should be made of the skull of the piercing cloud python, and it was also a half spirit level defense weapon. But at this time, a wolf headed bat immediately circled behind Weisuo and rushed down. At the same time, a gray Yin wind blade had been ejected from his mouth and cut into the back of Weisuo's brain.

It seemed that the blade would hit the back of Weisuo's head, but at this moment, a dazzling Phoenix suddenly emerged and blocked the blade.

Han Weiwei is stupefied. This just reflects that Wei Suo's body is also a good Dharma suit with good defensive power.

At this time, Weisuo lifted his hands, and two red lights shot out of his hands. Han Weiwei did not have a bag to see what kind of magic weapons these two red lights were. The wolf headed bat had been beaten upside down and fell to the ground.

Five wolfhead bats in a moment were killed three by Weisuo, the remaining two werewolf bats also seem to be aware of the bad, all began to flee desperately.

Weisuo stretched out his hand a little, but a copper ring the size of a bucket appeared just above one of the wolf headed bats, who was desperate to escape. All of a sudden, he caught the wolf head bat and smashed it down.

At this time, the other wolf head bat was at least 15.6 Zhang away from Weisuo, but with a whoosh, the golden spear shot out of Weisuo's hand, and hit the bat's back with a stream of blood and fell down.

After the mixed gold spear flew back to his hand, he was inspired to go out without expression and hit the head of the wolf headed bat, which was surrounded by five elements of copper.

With a squeak, the wolf headed bat did not move.

Han Weiwei was stunned. It was very difficult for the friars of Shenhai kingdom to deal with the five wolf headed bats. However, Wei Suo killed all the five wolf headed bats, and could not escape.

"How did you come here?" In addition, Wei Suo used to use the magic weapon of flying and escaping, which was not found in general free practice before. Now Wei Suo has become a little mysterious in Han Weiwei's eyes.

"How did I come here? I think you should ask yourself Wei Suo didn't even look at Han Weiwei. His face was extremely gloomy. He took out two red Bracelets from a bat's body. He said in a cold voice, "even if you want to die by yourself, don't drag others down."

Han Weiwei's face turned white. She had meant to thank her, but she didn't expect Wei Suo would say such a sentence. For a while, she bit her lips and couldn't speak.

Weisuo still did not look at her, his face was extremely ugly and wanted to leave.

"If you think I'm a drag on you, you can't save me." See Wei Suo look do not look at her appearance, Han Weiwei is really can't stand, can't help saying, "I know before I was and you do right, but since agreed to write off, you a big man, also need not be so stingy.""I'm mean. Do you know how important the man I was chasing is to me!" Weisuo also burst out, staring at Han Weiwei's eyes, snapped: "I'm not stingy like you. As the eldest lady of treasure Pavilion, you can go to this place to die in the middle of the night. Don't worry. If you have a brain disease again, I won't save you even if I see it."

Han Weiwei was frightened by Wei Suo's expression and stepped back unconsciously.

Wei Suo once again inspired the white jade crane, but turned around and left, out of a feeling behind Han Weiwei no voice, can not help but look at a glance, see Han Weiwei still standing still, pretty face white appearance, Weisuo some can't bear, ugly face flew back, threw to Han Weiwei a Dan bottle, "inside is the gas back pill."

Han Weiwei catches the Dan bottle that Wei Suo throws over, but does not know what to say for a while, just stops there.

"Why, do you want to go back like this and eat Huiqi pill after you go back?" Looking at Han Weiwei stiff there, Weisuo can't help but say, "or do you think I'm poisoned by Qi Dan this time, afraid to poison you?"

See Han Weiwei also don't argue, a bit pitifully poured out two return gas Dan swallow, Weisuo's face just looked better.

"Yes?" At this time, a burst of broken air voice came, a red figure, but appeared in the vision of Wei Suo and Han Weiwei.

"Is it him?"

What surprised Weisuo was that the friar in red robe, who was flying from here, was the middle-aged monk with a dark face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!