Chapter 105

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
This large group of red beetles originally wanted to be a group of Weisuo and Han Weiwei two, but on the contrary, Wei Suo and Han Weiwei two people beat up.

Because the red beetles can't fly, Wei Suo and Han Weiwei, who stop over this large group of red beetles, can fight as they want. Under the random smashing of magic methods and magic instruments, the bodies of red beetles lie on the ground in all directions.

The red beetle elder is the worst.

Because Weisuo didn't want to have too much damage to its back armor, the red beetle elder was frozen into ice lumps by Han Weiwei's ice dragon, and then was violently electrified by Wei Suo with Golden Snake thunder formula.

About ten times in a row, he was frozen into ice lumps, and after being electrified for more than ten times, the red beetle elder finally couldn't bear such inhuman torture. He kicked his short leg and died.

Seeing that the red beetle elder was killed, the remaining scarab beetles still wanted to revenge for it, but after more than 20 red beetles were killed by Weisuo and Han Weiwei, the remaining scarab beetles finally couldn't stand it, and rushed back to the mine.

The first thing weisseau did next was to take the wolf headed bat back into the Naboo pouch.

He had a thorough insight into the power of the cloud spirit that day. In case of extreme misfortune, a monster of level 5 or 6 would be attracted in such a place 300 miles away from Lingyue City, he would have no tears to cry.

"What a big red beetle."

Han Weiwei curiously walks to the red beetle elder. The head was interrupted before he was satisfied. The red beetle, who was still in his grave, did not look very good from a long distance. It looked like a big round table from a close look. The complete back armor like a millstone was even bigger than Han Weiwei's.

"Damn it, isn't it too thick?" Weisseau jumped right on the back of the red beetle. He found that the little arrow with black light did not seem to be able to pierce the elder scarab beetle's back armor at all. From the appearance, the black arrow did not enter at least one foot, that is, the thickness of the red beetle elder's back armor should be at least one foot.

It took Wei Suo a long time to pull out the small black arrow which was inserted in the back armor of the red beetle elder.

This small black arrow is only a foot long. It looks like jade, but it is much heavier than ordinary jade. The whole body is as bright and clean as new without any damage.

Wei Suo is a little curious to try to stimulate the black arrow at a common red beetle corpse nearby.

With a crack, the black arrow went directly into the body of the red beetle, but it did not fly back automatically.

"Is this black arrow like a red bracelet, but it can't be recycled automatically?" Weisuo couldn't help muttering.

"You pig, the talisman array in this little black arrow is obviously very complicated." The green robed old man heard Wei Suo's murmur, but immediately cried with disdain, "it's obvious that you didn't know the control array above. But you're in a bad luck. This little black arrow looks like a real spirit level magic weapon

"Is it?" Weisoton got excited and quickly cut the red beetle with a big knife and took out the black arrow from his body.

Sure enough, when he and Han Weiwei looked closely, they could see that the small black arrow was covered with mysterious and unspeakable runes, which formed a spiral pattern from the tail to the tip of the arrow.

"You try to control this thing the way I tell you to see." Soon the voice of the old man in the green robe rang again in weissou's ear. It is obvious that while Wei Suo and Han Weiwei look carefully, he is also studying the black arrow carefully.

Weisuo quietly in accordance with the green robe old man's tips will be true Yuan along the spiral pattern of a little rotation and up.

This time, it seems that the power contained in the black arrow itself has been inspired. A trace of brilliance is emitted from the inside, and the whole black arrow becomes transparent.

More and more brilliant, Weisuo's hands seem to appear in a black aura visible to the naked eye.

Weisuo's face changed immediately and shot out the black arrow in his hand.

He felt that the power of this small arrow could become stronger and stronger with Zhenyuan's continuous attention, but to a certain extent, if it is not stimulated immediately, it will be uncontrollable and explode directly in his hand.

Judging from the breath from this small black arrow, if you don't send out the black arrow in time, not to mention the whole hand, I'm afraid even half of the body will be directly blown to pieces.

Therefore, although the power of this small arrow can be improved by accumulating true elements, it is still slightly dangerous to control it.


This time, the black arrow easily penetrated the body of a red beetle, but it flew back to Weisuo's hand.

"Isn't this a real artifact?" Han Weiwei can't help but stare at her eyes because of the complicated patterns and unique exciting methods on the black arrow.

"It looks like it." Weisuo nodded, "it's to see if there is the power of the spirit weapon, but my thousand refined silver is left in the heaven level residence, not with me.""If you want a thousand refined silver, you can try this one." Han Weiwei ha ha a smile, directly inspired the hands of the mixed gold short spear.

"Han Weiwei, what are you doing?"

Wei Suo exclaimed, and before he could stop him, Han Weiwei's mixed gold spear had already hit the red beetle elder's back armor.

"What a black sheep." Weisuo was almost black in front of his eyes. Although the mixed gold spear can't pierce the red beetle elder's back armor, the better the back armor is, the higher the level of the artifact refined. However, seeing the position of the mixed gold spear, Wei Suo's face suddenly looked good and understood Han Weiwei's intention.

The mixed gold spear hit the most edge of the Scarab elder's back armor.

If there is some slight damage at the edge, it will not affect the level and durability of the magic weapon. After all, after refining the magic shield, the opponent's magic weapon and the part of the magic attack must be in the middle of the magic shield.

Now, there is a pit about three inches in the area where the short spear is mixed with gold.

Weisuo fired the black arrow again at the very edge of the Scarab elder's back armor.

"Hiss! The black arrow was inserted into the thick armor on the edge, but the depth of penetration was even more than that before, far more than a foot. Look, its power is at least twice as powerful as that of the mixed gold spear.

"The true artifact!"

The result of this trial, let Weisuo pour a breath of air-conditioning, immediately can't help but look up to the sky and laugh wildly.

"Is it really a spirit tool?"

Han Weiwei couldn't help swallowing.

From the comparison with before, the friars who used to make the black arrow either did not know how to control the small arrow's array, or his accomplishments were quite different from those of Weisuo. Maybe he only had the double or triple cultivation of Shenhai realm.

It should be similar to think about it. If it was not for such a low-level friar, he would not run to deal with the red beetle with only two levels. Moreover, he could not get the black arrow back. What's more, the monk might have been beaten to death by these red beetles.

And a real spirit tool is extremely rare. Many fierce friars with more than four levels in the world may not have a real spirit tool.

However, this guy was extremely relaxed with himself. Killing monsters was like enjoying himself and got a real spirit tool.

In Han Weiwei's eyes, this wretched guy has become more and more difficult.

"With this real spirit tool, even a monk with two levels of heaven and earth has to weigh it up if he wants to move me."

Weisuo held the black arrow, and the more he thought about it, the more happy he was. He couldn't help imagining how he could hold the spirit weapon and kill all directions.

"I said, Weisuo, how are you going to divide it?" At this time, Han Weiwei's words have brought him back to reality.

"I brought you this place." Weisuo said with some flesh ache: "not three or seven, I seven you three. Anyway, I'm sure I want this spirit weapon. Look at almost how many spirit stones I can make up for you."

"Sanqi, you are so mean." Han Weiwei tooted her mouth and said, "at least four or six."

"Four or six?" "You didn't care about anything just now. How can you be so smart now?" waisoton screamed

"It's not like you." Han Weiwei ha ha ha smile, holding the hand mixed gold short spear to shake, "if you can't give up four or six, it doesn't matter. I can use this thing very well. If you give it to me, everything else will be yours. My green bamboo sword is destroyed, and it's just short of offensive weapons. I've tried the broken iron bowl of Liu Zongting just now. It's fairly powerful. It's just that the excitation speed and attack speed are too slow. This is a good thing. "

"That's about it." Wei Suo laughs. He thinks it's a pleasure to cooperate with this beautiful woman. Anyway, he has many magic tools in his half spirit level, and there is a real spirit tool in his hand. It doesn't matter if you don't use the gold spear.

There are about 70 red beetles lying around. Anyway, there are three nabao sacs on hand, which are enough to hold them. After collecting the small black arrows, none of these red beetles, which are worth at least some spirit stones, have not been let go, and they are all put into the nabao bag by him.

"Thank you for making me a lot of spirit stones today." When she and Wei Suo went to the transmission array nearest to big green hill, Han Weiwei suddenly thought of something and asked Wei Suo, "was that the first time I ran into you last time?"

"What, the first time that?" Weisuo, who had a good harvest in the evening, was still thinking about how many spirit stones he might have got this time, but he didn't respond for a moment.

"It's seven hundred spirit stones!" Han Weiwei glared at Weisuo fiercely.

"For the first time, of course." Weisuo replied angrily, "it's OK. Why are you talking about this again?"

"Because you are the first time to commit a crime and save me again, I have made a lot of spirit stones. Would you like me to tell Nangong Yuqing "Han Weiwei said," or I will go to say that I and you do the right, deliberately nonsense, in fact, there is no such thing. ""Come on, I admitted myself last time. She could see that I would take care of it myself. You don't make trouble for me. "Wei Suo looked at Han Weiwei." I'll shut up for a while after I go back. If you want to earn Lingshi, you should be careful. Keep in mind that safety is the first thing. Only when you have a small life can you earn spiritual stones. Those who live long and have high accomplishments in the world of monasticism are not how powerful the skills are, but they are more careful than others. "

"I see. Safety first. I'll go back and practice in seclusion for a while. " Han Weiwei looks at Wei Suo suddenly very charming smile, "how, you care about me?"

"I care about your size, problems." Weisuo glared at Han Weiwei, but in his heart, he scolded a goblin. Because when Han Weiwei looks at him and smiles, he is very careful. He jumps much faster than usual. Sometimes, this little girl with buttocks is really a goblin. , the fastest update of the webnovel!