Chapter 108

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Zhou Tianjing friar of prefecture level skills is No. 1 in Lingyue city.

In the whole Lingyue City, only a few of them can master the prefecture level skills. For Wei Suo's age, only the most elite disciples of Tianyi sect can get the prefecture level skills and achieve the highest level of cultivation in the whole world.

As a matter of fact, last week, the six God seas in the body of friar Tianjing had formed a cycle of the whole world. Zhenyuan kept on circulating, moistening the monk's body.

Therefore, the friars who have practiced in zhoutianjing have at least 30 or 40 years more than those in Shenhai.

If ordinary monks in Shenhai realm don't get another elixir, they may be nearly exhausted by the age of 100. However, as long as they break through to zhoutianjing, they will have at least 130-40-year-old Shouyuan even if they stay in zhoutianjing all the time.

After a burst of sobbing, Weisuo calmed down and entered the room to test the power of magic methods and magic weapons. He felt that he had broken through the lower level of the Zhou Tianjing, and had changed before.


Weisuo's body is filled with six groups of dazzling purple light. There is no sound, but it gives people a strong sense of explosion.

This is the friar of zhoutianjing. After the connection of Shenhai and Zhenyuan, the aura on his body naturally produces a distinctive pressure. As long as they don't deliberately suppress the flow of their true elements, even if the ordinary monks do not practice the method of looking at Qi, they can clearly feel the difference in the atmosphere of friars around the world.

So after Wei Suo broke through to Zhoutian territory, as soon as he entered Jiuding village, the dark colored shop assistant looked at Wei Suo carefully and immediately changed his face. Naturally, he felt awe in his heart.

"The prefecture level skill is the prefecture level skill. Ha ha, compared with the ordinary friars of zhoutianjing, the Shenhai requires more cattle."

After taking a look at his six God seas which are obviously much brighter than those of the friars in zhoutianjing, Weisuo carefully feels that his divine consciousness has changed.

It's sharper and clearer.

After the five breakthroughs of Shenhai realm to zhoutianjing, the divine consciousness was as good as that recorded in ancient books, which was more than doubled.

Before Wei Suo's five fold cultivation of Shenhai realm, the range of clear perception was only about 20 Zhang, but now the scope of Wei Suo's perception is almost 40 Zhang. That is to say, within 40 Zhang, if the opponent doesn't have any magic arts and magic weapons for hiding breath, Weisuo should be able to find out.

The enhancement of this divine sense not only lies in the fact that it can discover the opponent in advance and react faster to the enemy, but also can greatly improve the speed of using the true element because of the sharper and faster reaction.

If a monk of Shenhai realm and a friar of zhoutianjing meet each other, even if they find the opponent at the same time, the friar of zhoutianjing must be the friar of zhoutianjing who can cast the skills first, and if the distance is far away, the skills and tools cast by the friar of zhoutianjing must be more accurate in judging and locking.

"It's quite useful to save your life."

Weisuo couldn't help but sigh for a while, because many low-level monks in Shenhai realm were not as powerful as high-level friars, who were secretly approached by some monsters, but died after they were not detected in time.


After sobbing for a while, Weisuo tried to put on a green water blade that he had used for the longest time.

Weisuo was pleasantly surprised by the ordinary green water blade technique.

Because before Weisuo cast the green water blade, it looked like a thin piece of blue water knife, with the luster of water spray. However, the green water blade released by Weisuo this time looks like a blue blade made of pure gold. After cutting on thousands of refined silver, it splashed with water.

Judging from the traces left on the thousand refined silver, the power of this green water blade is more than double that of Shenhai state.

The total amount of Zhenyuan in Weisuo's body doubled from the four fold breakthrough of Shenhai realm to the fifth level of Shenhai realm, and it seemed that the total amount of Zhenyuan in Weisuo's body had only doubled when Weisuo had just broken through zhoutianjing before refining and refining butiandan.

But before Weisuo's Zixuan Zhenjue's Zhenyuan cast, it looked like purple clouds, but after zhoutianjing, it was obviously like transparent purple liquid. This is the result of Zhenyuan being more powerful and concise.

Therefore, although the total amount of Zhenyuan has only doubled, the power of the technique has been greatly enhanced. Moreover, if a single skill could only be released 20 times in a row, then the true yuan would be exhausted. Now, if the same skill is cast, it will not only double 40 times, but also reach 50 times at least.

This is the biggest difference between zhoutianjing and shenhaijing.

In addition to these two points, there are also distinct differences between the two.

In the state of Fen mindfulness, not only can Zhenyuan reach the level of condensing forms, but also its power even surpasses some magic methods. It can also divide the mind and control two magic weapons at the same time. Even the friars in zhoutianjing are different from those in Shangfen state, just like one person has to deal with two people at the same time.As for the golden elixir, it can form a golden elixir. It not only has all the magic powers of the mind state, but also can be sacrificed to the enemy like the demon pill, which is very terrifying.

For the ordinary monks in Shenhai realm, Shouyuan is only more than 100 years, while for those in zhoutianjing, it is about 140 years. For those in fennianjing, Shouyuan can reach 200 years, while in Jindan realm, Shouyuan is at least 2560 years.

The longer you live, the more skills and magic weapons you will get when you travel. Therefore, ordinary low-level monks can't kill high-level monks at all. Naturally, low-level monks are extremely awed by high-level monks. For example, Wei Suo's four - and five - fold cultivation of the supernatural realm before Wei Suo was able to kill the friars in the surrounding heaven. Besides the relationship between the old man in green robe, there was also a large part of the reason that he was lucky enough.

Wei Suo himself is very clear about this, so he is also a burning spirit stone to improve his cultivation.

According to the amount of spirit stone left on his body, Wei Suo had to go out of Lingyue city to earn spirit stone, because the higher the level of cultivation, the greater the demand for spirit stone, which is equivalent to burning spirit stone more severely.

Moreover, Weisuo is now a major cultivation in the Zhou Tianjing, and he can display the stone puppets of the Golden Snake and thunder rhyme and the earth God's true formula.

Stone puppet is very useful as soon as it is used as a helper who does not need to be controlled. The Golden Snake dance is a group attack technique that can cover a range of ten Zhang and paralyze a large range of enemies. It will be extremely useful to use this technique to hunt low-level monsters and earn spirit stones.

But in the next few days, Weisuo did not go out of the city, nor began to understand the two methods immediately. Instead, he entered the underground fire furnace room and tried his best to refine Huang Yuan into medicinal liquid and prepare Peiyao liquid.

Because Weisuo has already felt that the heart eating insect controlled by his psionics is finally about to be born!


After three days of nervous and anxious waiting, there was a slight crack of an egg in weisseau's quiet room.

Some cracks appeared at the top of the egg, and then the whole egg was broken from the top.

"Isn't it? This is a level five monster? "

At the sight of the heart biting insect that he had been looking forward to for a long time, weisoton couldn't laugh or cry.

The newly born heart eater can't be invisible. It looks like a bunch of slugs sticking together. And this heart eater is obviously very thin, only two snails in size.

It seems that now Weisuo can trample it to death with one foot, which is far from the image of the clever invisible heart eater in Weisuo's imagination.

After shaking his head helplessly, Weisuo immediately poured his refined Huangyuan essence into the jade basin prepared next to the heart eating insect larva.

Under the guidance of the old man in green robe, Weisuo's refined huangyuanjing liquid looks like ordinary yellow rice wine, but it emits a strong smell of cinnamon. Without waiting for Weisuo's control, the tiny larvae of heart eaters scramble up, leaving a pool of slime, and then soaking in the jade basin.

Weisuo was a little worried about whether this tiny and pitiful heart eater would be drowned directly by Huangyuan essence. However, he was soon relieved that the little heart eater was like a ball, half sunk and half matched in the dark yellow liquid, and then stretched out a small straw from his mouth, sucking the liquid of Huangyuan essence like sucking milk.

Weissorton was still watching, expecting the change of the heart eating larva.

However, what made him extremely depressed was that after about half an hour, the heart eating insect, which seemed to have been fully absorbed, actually fell asleep directly in the Huangyuan essence liquid.

After a moment's helpless look at the heart eater who fell asleep directly in the Huangyuan essence liquid, Weisuo gave the heart eating insect a command through soul control. Even if he absorbed all the Huangyuan essence liquid, he could not leave the jade basin. Then he sorted out the things on his head and walked out of his day's residence towards the Jinyu pavilion which he had not been to for a long time Went over.

Now Weisuo's hand, but there is a red beetle elder has not dealt with.

In line with the principle that all secrets should not be known to the same shop, the red beetle elder, who Wei Suo prepared to use to refine his utensils, was not prepared to let Jiuzhai Ji know about it, but was prepared to let the uncle of jinyuge Tian master refine it on his behalf.


Just as Weisuo went out, an old man in black, who looked very cautious and meticulous at a glance, had a modest face and gave people the feeling of being a housekeeper. However, he was welcomed into the room by a waiter in treasure house. , the fastest update of the webnovel!