Chapter 111

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent

"What's the dark number?"


"I said, are you sure this is the place?" As long as there are enough spirit stones to pay for the cost of transmitting the array, it will not take long to get from Lingyue city to Huigu mountain. The time for Wei Suo and Han Weiwei to transfer the array from Lingyue city to Huigu mountain is shorter than that from Tian level residence to the west of Lingyue City. But to Han Weiwei said the last encounter with two headed dogs near the valley, Weisuo and Han Weiwei is a bit silly.

There are two groups of people who are quarrelling.

One on three, one was a big man with thick eyebrows and big eyes in a royal robe, while the other was a short friar in a dark red robe, a stout friar in a shabby gray robe, and a square faced friar with a big, muscular head and a lock armour.

If ye Xiao, whose body size is similar to that of this muscular monk with square face, is honest and honest, then the first impression of this square faced monk is that his limbs are developed and his mind is simple.

The friars of their group were quarreling with each other. He was looking at their cockfight eyes and giggling from time to time.

The cock eyed friar, who was dressed in a robe obviously made of the lower level Four fox skin, said angrily, "you can't even get out of the secret code of 'don't break into a pool, and you can't enter a hole'. Naturally, I can't let you in. '

"Why don't you let me in? You think you are the supreme elder of tianyimen. Even if you are from tianyimen, this place is not Lingyue city. Why don't you let me in? "

"Why are you so entangled? If you tell you that there are fierce monsters in it, you will be killed if you go in. Besides, we are not under you because of our three accomplishments. Besides, we have monks from the surrounding area sitting in the town. You can't break in if you want to break in." The cock eye friar was on fire, and his eyes were dark and almost crowded into a pile. "You can either bypass the valley and not walk through the valley. If you want to pass through the valley, you must be worthy of our code. I repeat, don't break into the pool. What's the next word of the code?"

The big man with thick eyebrows in the royal guards raised his eyebrows and wanted to attack, but when he looked at the other three and held it for a long time, he said helplessly, "OK, the next word of the secret code should be," break into it and die? "

Wei Suo and Han Weiwei have already been a bit silly. Now when they listen to the conversation between friar cockfight and the big man with thick eyebrows, they almost fall to the ground directly.

"And who are you?" At this time, the two cockfight friars, whose eyes were dark and almost packed into a pile, were the most sharp eyed. They saw Wei Suo and Han Weiwei who had just emerged from a mountain forest.

"Are we?" Weisuo had already seen the four people present with Qi watching technique. All of them were monks of Shenhai state. Although the cultivation of Shenhai state was very good, it was nothing to Weisuo now. So Weisuo didn't pay much attention to it. He just said with a smile, "we also want to go to the valley there."

"No, this valley has been occupied by us. If you want to go in, you must be our own people and give us our signal." The cock eye monk refused.

Hey, No. 1 hole, No. 1

"Is it my own man?" The rooster eyed friar was stunned.

"Zhoutianjing monk!"

At this time and Wei Suo, Han Weiwei closer to the royal clothing thick eyebrow big man saw Wei Suo, a moment, but slightly changed his face.

"Zhoutianjing monk?" The face of the big man with thick eyebrows in the Royal robe changed slightly, and the three of the friars of cockfighting eye all reacted to it, and some of them turned pale.

"Master!" After staying for a while, friar crosseye changed his name immediately, but he said nervously, "since the elder is a friar of zhoutianjing, the younger generation can't let the elder enter."

Wei Suo and Han Weiwei this is strange, can not help but ask, "why is this?"

"Because the elder must not be from our side, because there is only one friar from zhoutianjing, and he is already in the valley." The cock eye friar said with a bitter smile: "we found a monster with a high level in it, and we are searching for it. If the elder enters, we will encounter the monster and rob the monster. We will be busy in vain. After all, we all came from the moon city, and the cost of transmitting array was also very high

"Monk of the moon city?" Wei Suo was slightly stunned, but he did not think that these people were not Lingyue City, but monks of Luoyue city like Ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei.

"Why, just because you found the trace of the monster first, can you dominate the valley and keep people from entering?" However, the big man with thick eyebrows in royal clothes spoke for Wei Suo.

"According to the rules, the first thing we found out should be the monster. But if you promise not to use this monster and just pass through it, I can report it for you and let you pass. "

The monk of the royal guards turned his lips in disdain. In Tianxuan land, although most places say that there are such rules, if one party first hunts the monster, then the monk passing by can't rob the monster. But in fact, the vast majority of people in the wild who have big fists and big backgrounds will not abide by this rule. It is good to rob them first."Find out first?" Weisuo didn't argue. He just laughed and said, "do you mean two headed dogs? We found out a month ago, and today we want to take these two headed dogs back

"What!" The cock eye Friar's face changed as soon as he heard it. Obviously, what he said was the double headed dog that Weisuo and Han Weiwei were targeting this time. "I can't make a decision on this matter. Please wait a moment." After saying this, friar cockfight eye took out a piece of Rune paper and let out a rocket to the sky.

After a while, a handsome young monk, dressed in white robe and described as very handsome, came through the air.

"Zhoutianjing monk!" Seeing this monk, Wei Suo's heart was slightly awe inspiring, because although he was the same as him, he seemed to have been promoted to Zhou Tianjing for a long time. What's more, he also practiced high-level skills of metaphysical level. His white robe had a very cold breath, which seemed to be at least half spirit weapon. Such a friar, not to have no way, Weisuo certainly is not willing to easily provoke.

At the sight of Wei Suo and Han Weiwei, the young monk who used the flying escape technique to fight against the sky directly also showed a dignified look on his face. After falling in front of friar crosseye, he arched his hand to Wei Suo and said, "I know you in the downwind. I don't know how to call you brother."

"My name is Li." Wei Suo winks at Han Weiwei. Anyway, he has decided that before Li Hongling really changes his face and won't deal with him, whatever he does, he will put his eyes on Li Honglin's head.

"My name is Wei." But let Weisuo almost fall to the ground again, Han Weiwei pursed her mouth and smile, but said these three words.

"My name is Zhu." The Royal friar, who had nothing to do with Wei Suo, hesitated for a moment, but also reported his surname.

"It turned out to be brother Li." At this time, friar cockfight eye has roughly explained the situation in Feng Zhiyou's ear. After Feng Zhiyou nodded, he looked at Weisuo and said quietly, "since brother Li can speak out the two headed dog, it is obvious that he has already found the trace of the two headed dog. No, what if we both work together to kill these two headed dogs? After all, if we work together, we will be more secure. "

Han Weiwei looked at Weisuo, Weisuo slightly pondered for a while and then nodded. After all, listening to each other's meaning is far more than the four people in front of them. With so many people coming from the moon city, they will certainly not give up their two headed dogs. Cooperative hunting of two headed dogs is also the best choice at present.

"How do you distribute it if you kill two double headed dogs?" Now Han Weiwei, who has a good head of Lingshi, does not wait for Weisuo to open his mouth and immediately asks.

"This..." Feng Zhiyou pondered, "how to distribute according to the head?"

"How many of you?" Han Weiwei immediately asked.

"Nine, including me." Feng Zhiyou replied.

"No way." Han Weiwei immediately shook his head and curled her lips. "Then we can only divide two claws."

Wei Suo looked at Han Weiwei with approval, but she could not deny that she was still very smart when she was smart. She is worthy of being mixed up in treasure Pavilion and has the potential to be a profiteer.

"How do you want to distribute it?" The wind knows you to frown slightly.

"At least five or five points." Han Weiwei said mercilessly: "otherwise, just according to the head, I can call a group of people from Lingyue city at any time. When I call on 30 or 40 people, you can't even get two claws."

"That's it!" the rich man surnamed Zhu also straightened out his chest and helped. After saying this, he whispered in Weisuo's ear and said, "master, take me. I can help you to fill the facade. I don't want much. As long as I have a seventy-eight spirit stone, I will do it."

"Seventy!" Wei Suo said quietly to the rich man surnamed Zhu.

"Good, deal!" The big man in the royal guards immediately opened his eyes and laughed.

Friar Cockerell and the monk with developed limbs and simple mind suddenly have some silly eyes. It is clear that the rich man and Wei Suo didn't go together. How come they suddenly become acquainted and become brothers now?

"50% Feng Zhiyou frowned and said in a slightly cold tone, "as long as you can prove your strength, you can do it. If you want 50%, you must have at least two attacking and defensive weapons. "

"Of course." Wei Suo motionless to Han Weiwei nodded, Han Weiwei immediately no nonsense, even released two sides of the law shield. One side is the cloud piercing bone shield before Weisuo, and the other is the soul swallowing shield. Weisuo stretched out his hand and released the short spear. After that, he released the small silver seal which he had obtained from wendaoge group, but had never been used much. These two things are also half spirit tools, and these things themselves are not the most powerful defense and attack magic weapons on Weisuo and Han Weiwei. It is not obvious to let the other party have a look at them.

"Good! Then five five. " See Wei Suo and Han Weiwei very common sacrifice these five things, wind know you eyebrows is slightly under a wrinkle, but no nonsense nodded to agree.

"Oh ~ ~" just then, in the deep valley, there came a roar which was similar to the wolf's howl, but it was bigger and more rough than the wolf's howl.Puff, puff, puff! In the mountain forest, many mountain birds, even some low-level monsters and birds, all started flying.

"Two headed dog!" Han Weiwei suddenly slightly changed her face.

"Go Feng Zhiyou's face changed. He also turned around and flew toward the direction of the roar of the beast. , the fastest update of the webnovel!