Chapter 117

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Lao Feng, can you continue to focus on Zhenyuan now?"

Zhang zhouyu, a pudgy monk, looked at the approaching black light and asked Feng Zhiyou, "if you can't keep focusing on Zhenyuan, we're going to die this time."

Feng Zhiyou's face is extremely ugly and waves his hand. The skill of using Zhenyuan to show his concealed breath just now is the limit of his serious injury. If he wants to maintain the continuous output of Zhenyuan, he can't do it even if he wants to do his best.

"What's going on?" Zhu Xiaochun's quick-spoken cold sweat came straight down, but he pulled Zhang zhouyu and asked, "why should he continue to pay attention to Zhenyuan?"

"I have a big shift symbol, which can spread so many of us for two thousand miles. Even if this man is a friar of five levels in the world, he can't catch us again." Zhang zhouyu said with a grim face, "it's just that my big moving rune is a six level ancient rune, which requires at least three monks from the same level in the surrounding world to work together at the same time. Originally, if laofeng could still work, I would lose more if I lost more, and I could also stimulate this ancient Rune to escape. At least, my life is still more important. Now Lao Feng can't do it, even if I want to run."

"Ah? Big brother, what about this? " Zhu Xiaochun opened his mouth and looked at Wei Suo like a cry for help.

"Hoo", that black armor friar who had sacrificed two sides of black iron shield before, unexpectedly was directly plundered out, several ups and downs disappeared.

"Grandma, this guy is so ungrateful." Weisuo didn't have to think about it. He knew that the black friar wanted to go to another place, hide his breath, or have some other escape weapon on his body. Now he left them alone.

"Just three friars from zhoutianjing?" At this time, Han Weiwei bit her teeth and looked at Zhang zhouyu and asked.

"You're not stupid at this time, are you?" Zhang zhouyu wanted to cry without tears and said, "or am I not clear enough? I am a unique ancient talisman. Unless I am a monk of fenniangjing, even one or two friars with five levels of zhoutianjing can not be inspired. Only three friars with one level of zhoutianjing can be inspired. "

"Take out your ancient Rune as soon as you can." Han Weiwei said.


Han Weiwei said this sentence, not to mention Zhang zhouyu, even looked up at the flying black escape light, quickly thought there was no way Wei Suo was a little surprised.

"He Xu Dan?" Han Weiwei did not see any extra action, she took out a blood red pill from the nabao bag. At the sight of this pill, Weisuo immediately unconsciously patted his nabao bag. But he nabao bag in that he Xu Dan still good stay, it is obvious that Han Weiwei is also with a he Xu Dan.

At the sight of Han Weiwei's pill, Zhang zhouyu's eyes suddenly showed the light of escaping from death. Almost in a hurry, he took out a blue background, which was covered with silver dots of token like jade.

Without waiting for Wei Suo to say any words, Han Weiwei has swallowed the he Xu Dan in his hand.

The reason why he Xu Dan was called a life saving pill in desperate times by friars is that its medicinal power is extremely amazing. With the sound of "poop", Han Weiwei's body almost instantly gushes out a lot of red medicinal power, forming a lily shape outside her body.

Han Weiwei's five gods are in full swing, and her body temperature rises sharply, which makes her feel that her Qi and blood are flowing too fast and her internal fire is burning herself. But just in this moment, Han Weiwei's body appeared the sixth God sea of glory, and then the six God sea became a Sunday. As soon as the real yuan flowed, Han Weiwei's temperature immediately dropped.

Han Weiwei a dull hum, pretty face also appeared a trace of pain look.

It is obvious that only Ji Ya can refine the hexu pill in Lingyue city. Although it is worthy of its reputation, it can make the friars below Fen Nian state improve their cultivation level by force. However, it seems that the whole body is roasted by fire when it breaks through. It is also extremely uncomfortable.

"Come on, we three people together into the inside of the real yuan!" Because of the lack of time, the short fat friar Zhang zhouyu didn't show any pity for her. She handed the jade symbol to Wei Suo and Han Weiwei directly.

"How about it?" Wei Suo looked at Han Weiwei and asked.

"Nothing." The little beauty with the buttocks is very stubborn and nods, and a real Yuan Dynasty penetrates into the jade Fu.

With the three people's real yuan continuously penetrating into this ancient rune, a line of silver light flowed out of the ancient Rune like water, but it seemed to form a silver mask covering the area of three or four feet.

The simple minded muscle monk seemed to be at the edge of the mask. At a glance, the muscular monk was not stupid, and immediately came to the middle.

The monk on the black escape light seems to have felt something strange. The speed of escaping light is a little faster in an instant.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

The pudgy monk Zhang zhouyu's forehead and nose were covered with beads of sweat. At the moment, they could even see clearly that what was flying away was a very ferocious black golden centipede like magic weapon."All right?"

At the time when an extremely powerful and angry pressure swept down from the sky like substance and completely locked in the place of Wei Suo and others, the whole silver mask was closed, and the blue silver light ancient amulet was fragmented in Zhang zhouyu's hands.

But the fragments burned up again and became a piece of mysterious light symbols, full of the whole silver mask.

The whole silver mask was filled with dazzling starlight, so that Weisuo and others could not see each other.

In a flash, the starlight and the whole silver mask all disappeared. Wei Suo and Han Weiwei, who were present, all disappeared.


Almost at the moment when the silver mask disappeared, a black gas of the thickness of a bucket hit the place where Weisuo and others had been. The black flame and the dust and rocks that had been blown outward formed the shape of a black lotus.

An old man stood on the back of a two Zhangs black centipede made of pure gold.

This old man is the old man named Dong who was the housekeeper of the treasure Pavilion, who represented the young master of Dongyao resort to propose marriage to Ji ya.

At the moment, in his anger, his body faintly exudes the brilliance of the sea of nine gods.

The friars of zhoutianjing!

This old man named Dong, who had previously appeared very humble in front of Ji ya, was actually a strong man with four levels of cultivation.

In a moment, another escape light came from the other side and stopped for the first time under him.

The visitor was a young friar in a purple robe with a fair complexion, who also looked about the same age as Weisuo.

And this man's cultivation is also the triple cultivation of zhoutianjing, which is higher than the young monk who was killed by Weisuo and close to the triple of zhoutianjing.

The most shocking thing is that this man's magic weapon is a pair of skeletons that constantly gush out black gas.

In the eyes of this pair of dark skeletons, there was still a black glow, which kept jumping like a flame.

At the moment, the young monk's face was extremely ugly and full of murderous spirit.

"Elder Dong, what should I do now? If the master knew that Zhou Shidi had died, he would be extremely angry. " The young monk said to the old man surnamed Dong.

"It's the ancient talisman of great movement. It can't catch up with it now." The old man with Dong's surname was as cold as water and said, "Zhou Qing is too proud. We have other business to do. However, he has a dispute with others here. He is also responsible for his arrogance. Even if there is no accident today, he will suffer a lot in the future."

"But if you kill the people in Dongyao, you can't be carefree." The old man, surnamed Dong, was obviously well-informed, and said darkly, "only three monks above zhoutianjing can inspire the ancient talisman. I'll go back to the Seven Star City first, and you'll stay here to trace. As long as you find out all the friars in and out of the Dharma transmission array within 4000 li of Lingyue city today, it is possible to find out the clues. What's more, I have just explored with divine sense that Zhou Qing's dying place has the breath of danhuo of two headed dogs. He should have had a dispute with people for the sake of two headed dogs. At that time, you can track down at the same time, and you can have more than one clue about the transaction of the two headed dog. Zhou qingjiao has a good aptitude. The sect leader has spent a lot of hard work on him. If you can't find out the monk who killed him, if you can't find out the monk who killed him, you and I may have to punish him

"Of course I'll find out." The white faced young monk nodded calmly, "tianyimen should recognize Mr. Zhou. Since he is definitely not a member of tianyimen, I will let all the friars of zhoutianjing who have been in and out of Lingyue city to bury him with him."


"it's terrible divine sense and prestige. That guy's cultivation is definitely more than three levels of Zhou Tianjing."

Zhang zhouyu, a pudgy monk who successfully escaped from the silver light, sat down on the ground with a cold sweat on his head.

The Royal monk and the muscle man suddenly nodded. The pressure just rolling down just now almost made them feel oppressed.

"Green mountains will not change, green water will flow forever. Let's say goodbye to this and let's disperse. The probability of being found out by the other party will be much smaller. Remember to suppress a re cultivation with a hidden formula, which is more safe. " After taking a few breaths, Zhang zhouyu, who was still frightened, stood up and arched his hands at Wei Suo and others. "The old wind is seriously injured, so I'll take it with me first. The teleportation array that can circle as far as possible can go around the far point. "

"Take care. I'll see you later." Weisseau nodded. Although the short fat friar was obscene, he was obviously very righteous and was worth making friends with.

"Yes." The short fat friar took Feng Zhiyou on his back and used his escape method to snatch away several feet. Suddenly he stopped again, turned around and said to Han Weiwei, "Miss Wei, you are beautiful, but you are also righteous. Today is not you. I'm afraid my life will be over. I really feel sorry for you to take the hexu pill to save life, but I know that there is a kind of purple fox flower, which can relieve the side effects of he Xu Dan. You can also try to find this elixir in the future"Purple fox flower has this effect, even I don't know." Han Weiwei's eyes brightened, but she was extremely depressed.

As the eldest lady of treasure Pavilion, Han Weiwei is at least a low-level alchemist. Of course, Han Weiwei knows that purple fox flower is also a rare thing to see outside the sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!