Chapter 125

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"You want to plot against me, grandma. If you were not a disciple of Yuehua sect, I would have plotted against you in turn."

After the young man of yuehuazong left, Weisuo's figure appeared again in the mountains behind.

Just now he didn't go far, he used the invisible robe and hid. Therefore, Wei Suo listened to what the yuehuazong disciple said to himself.

What made him feel bad just now was that the monk in red armor still had a perfect half spirit level attack weapon on his chest.

Now that someone has taken away their spirit stone bag and other things, it is impossible to leave this artifact, so Weisuo immediately became aware that this should be a trap.

The result is exactly the same as Weisuo imagined. If he gets closer to check the two bodies, he will be attacked by the yuehuazong disciple who is lying in ambush there.

Wei Suo was afraid of the strength of the Yuehua sect disciple when he saw that the two monks were killed by powerful magic methods and magic weapons. Moreover, he didn't want to cause more trouble. Otherwise, if he attacked this disciple of Yuehua sect secretly, he might have a success rate of more than 67%.

However, this Yuehua sect disciple seems to have some means of hiding his breath. Just now, the distance is only more than 20 Zhang, but even the old man in green robe has not been able to detect the existence of this Yuehua sect disciple.

This makes Wei Suo's inner disciples of these major sects, especially the elite ones, more afraid.

Moreover, from the perspective of the Yuehua sect disciple's style, it seems to be a matter of course for the disciples of these major sects to kill people and steal goods in the Mitian Valley, and there is no great concern at all.


A blue friar carefully pushed aside the vines with many poisonous thorns in front of him, and a steaming, reddish pool appeared in his sight.

The water in this pool is nearly boiling. From time to time, air masses about the size of bowls come out, making a light sound of waves in the air.

"Rotten bone spring, it should be here."

The monk in blue, holding a simple map of sheepskin, was suddenly refreshed. After searching around for a moment, his eyes focused on the northwest corner of the pool, and his face showed a look of ecstasy.

On the edge of the pool in the northwest corner, there are two peculiar yellow plants. The leaves of these two low plants are very tender, and they look like mushrooms. But under the top two thick leaves, there is a small yellow berry with some dark red spots on the peel.

After a moment's concentration, the blue friar walked out of the room with his hands and feet. At the same time, he was very careful to stimulate a blue light mask and walked towards the two strange yellow plants.

"Come out, hide there and attack me. If you don't come out, don't blame me for being rude."

All of a sudden, the monk in blue stopped fiercely and said this in a cold voice. At the same time, he flashed the brilliance of six groups of God sea.

The friar of zhoutianjing.

However, after the blue friar drank this sentence in a cold voice, there was still a silence around him. After a moment, the monk in blue was greatly relieved and continued to walk towards the two plants.

Obviously, the monk in blue was very careful. He didn't find anything just now. He just called out and tried.

Without any accident, the blue friar walked safely to the dark red hot spring, but just as the blue friar was ready to stretch out his hand to pick the two strange plants, the blue friar with excited light in his eyes suddenly changed his face, his throat gurgled, and then he fell down to the edge of the pool.

After the time of a incense stick, two monks, one tall and one short, appeared excitedly from the dense forest on one side, wearing the vestments refined from the skin of the scale snake.

"Brother Cheng, that's a wonderful idea. Put the eclosion powder in this pool of water, and let the medicine of eclosion powder radiate soundlessly with the heat of the rotten bone spring. In this way, not to mention the friar with the first level of the heaven, even a monk with the third level of the heaven, will drink our foot washing water. " Among them, the friars, who were short and fat, had dishevelled hair and looked very ferocious. They were very proud to kick the monk in blue who fell on the ground.

The monk in blue is not dead at the moment, and his throat is gurgling, but he is as soft as cotton and can't move.

The tall monk with a big mouth also had a ferocious look on his face. "My bag of eclosic powder is worth 500 low-grade spirit stones. Moreover, if I put it in this pool of water, after a few sticks of incense, the medicine will dissipate. If no one comes, I will have no loss of blood, and the investment is relatively large. Don't let me down with what you have." After some proud said this, the tall friar searched the blue monk's body.

"Hey, hey." soon, the tall and vicious monk who dug out some things from the blue monk laughed with satisfaction. It was obvious that the blue monk's wealth made him very satisfied.

But then he simply took off the blue monk's Dharma clothes, and then, regardless of the blue monk's startled and begging eyes, he directly threw the blue monk into the dark red hot spring nearby.Just a few tumbles, blue monk's corpse was completely melted, even the bones could not be seen.

The two monks seem to be used to dealing with a friar of zhoutianjing so cruelly. Just listen to the short friar said triumphantly, "elder martial brother, this feather powder is worth buying."

"It's a pity that there's only one lost stone left. I hope to come over a few more people later, so that you can make a fortune at one time. " Said the tall monk greedily.

After saying this, the high monk took out a small black bottle. The mouth of the black bottle was sealed with a thick layer of wax. It seems that the inside of the bottle can make the monk's real yuan loose and his body soft and soft.

After being thrown into the rotten bone spring, the two men can safely escape from the scope of the power of eclosion powder by taking advantage of the thick wax layer. If the later friars are close to the water, they will unconsciously get the poison of eclosion.

The short monk's eyes had already fallen into the pool beside him. The next moment the bottle would fall in and make a beautiful sound of water spray, which was equivalent to the sound of falling bag of spirit stone.

But just then, a scene that made him extremely frightened appeared.

Without any sign, the two eyes of the high monk suddenly bulged out, and a blood hole appeared on his forehead. At the moment of blood gushing from the back of his brain, he was in a trance to see that there was a magic weapon stained with blood light, but at the moment of wearing out, it disappeared again.

The short friar, pale in face, took something out of his arms and wanted to be excited. However, he seemed to be scalded by something. He jumped up and a blood hole appeared on his left foot!

Then, a blood hole appeared on the forehead of the short monk who wanted to break the magic weapon, and then the whole person fell to the ground.

Weisuo's figure soon appeared in the dense forest on the left side, less than 20 Zhang away from them.

After picking off all the things they held in their hands and their clothes, Weisuo also threw the two insidious friars into the rotten bone spring by drawing gourds. Then he picked up the two plants and quickly flashed into the dense forest.

A moment later, in a hole in the middle of a huge tree that can only hold two or three people, Weisuo once again displayed the secret formula of hiding breath, and happily counted up the things he had just got.


It can relieve cold poison, strengthen Qi and blood, and increase longevity. This kind of miraculous medicine is very precious for those monks who are about to break through their accomplishments but are about to run out of longevity yuan. One plant is worth more than thousands of inferior spirit stones. But now there are two plants growing in this rotten bone pool, and they all fall into Weisuo's hands.

Weisuo put these two strange yellow plants into the nabao bag, and then took out three spirit stone bags.

Both the blue Friar and the tall friar are the friars of the first level of the world, and the short monk is also a friar of the five levels of the Shenhai realm. The spirit stone on these three people really let Weisuo's little heart and liver a little excited.

The spirit stones of the three people add up to nearly 17000 lower grade spirit stones, which is a huge sum of money for Weisuo now.

Moreover, all the friars know that it's very dangerous when they enter Mitian Valley, so they all carry enough magic weapons as much as possible.

Weisuo, who never despised the number of defensive weapons, was somewhat amused. Not only did they all have a nabao bag, but they also had five defense shields in the bag.

Weisuo was familiar with the dark iron shield, the fire turtle shield, and the divine wood shield. What he was most pleased with was that although the defensive power was also a half spirit level, it was made from the skin of Lei Wen beast, which could bounce back and splash out half of the power of the thunder system and fire system skills triggered by his opponent.

In addition to these Dharma shields, Weisuo also got two of them.

As for the attacking magic weapons, none of the three had any real spirit level magic weapons. However, Weisuo was very happy to have a jade plate specially used to cast cold Qi.

This piece of jade plate should be made of high-level cold jade, which is almost transparent. As long as you sacrifice it and put in Zhenyuan, you can keep surpassing the other party and eject icy air. It's not like ordinary magic weapons, hitting out to attack the opponent. This kind of magic weapon not only limits the effect of the opponent, but also is not easy to damage.

In addition to this item, there are as many as three other half spirit level magic weapons! , the fastest update of the webnovel!