Chapter 148

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Old man, do you think this thing is really pure gold?"

In the quiet room, Weisuo took the silver stick in the wind old strange nabao bag, and put it in front of his eyes in disbelief.

At the moment, Weisuo's body still gives people a feeling of crystal clear. The miraculous medicine of purple fox flower is really wonderful. Now, compared with the ordinary friars in Zhoutian area, Weisuo has already lived 20 years more. Moreover, Weisuo has tried to refine a golden elixir. He found that after eliminating the impurities and adverse effects in his body, he now absorbs the aura of the golden elixir It was much better before.

Now, the old man in the green robe says that the silver stick in the bag of wind old strange nabao is actually Xin Tian Jing Jin!

Xintian refined gold is stronger and stronger than Yingang essence, wujinsha and even Taiyi refined gold. In the ordinary refined gold, as long as you add a bean sized Xintian refined gold, the toughness will be greatly increased.

And this kind of Xin Tian Jing Jin is the most sharp place, which is very sharp!

With the addition of Xintian Jingjin, the blade will be extremely sharp, so Xintian Jingjin can be said to be one of the best materials for making flying swords in the cultivation world.

However, the gold of Xintian essence is extremely rare, and its value is about ten times that of Yingang essence. It is estimated that if jinyuge is asked to look for it, it may not be possible to find Xintian essence gold the size of a soybean. But the old wind monster has such a piece?

For weissou, this is a little unbelievable.

"Nonsense, this is not only Xintian refined gold, but also refined pure Xintian refined gold." Seeing Wei Suo's suspicious eyes, the green robed old man sneered contemptuously: "but it's no wonder that people like you have never heard of Xintian Jingjin's unique arc halo."

"Arc halo?" Weisuo looked at it carefully again. Sure enough, the silver light on the silver stick was so unique that it was so unique. Wei Soton's heart moved and said: "old man, I have two defective flying swords on hand. Can't I use these two broken flying swords and the Xintian refined gold to make a flying sword. And you said that Liu sanpao's broadsword is made of very good material and can also be used for melting flying sword. If these materials are made into a flying sword, its power will be very amazing? "

"If you can refine these things into a flying sword, add so much Xin Tian Jing Jin. Don't say it's a spirit level magic weapon. Even the non aural magic weapon of Dao level is expected to be punctured by you at will. The general flying sword is expected to be cut by you as firewood. " The old man in green sneered, "but you have to be able to practice. The melting point of Xintian refined gold is very high, and ordinary ground fire furnace can't melt at all. It's necessary to repair the real fire to a certain extent, and then use fire control technique to cooperate. Moreover, there is no mold that can hold the pure gold liquid of this temperature when it is melted. The solidification and arrangement of the array need to be completed directly with the true element and the divine mind. Therefore, it is only after the triple cultivation of the Fen minding state that there is a chance of success. If you want to get high quality, you must at least have five levels of mind

"Last time, you didn't say that the three levels of zhoutianjing could be almost..."

"It's a common magic weapon. It doesn't require high fire control!" Weisuo's murmur almost just started when he was interrupted by the scolding voice of the old man in green robe, who knew what he thought. "Do you think that refining utensils doesn't need technology as refining amulets and pills? Although there are some things in common between refining weapons and refining talismans, to make a magic weapon above half spirit level, you must at least refine dozens of magic weapons and be familiar with them

"All right," Weisuo shook his head in surrender. The miser carefully collected Xin Tian Jing Jin. Looking at the old man in green robe, he asked, "anyway, I have got these things now. You can help me plan and how I should practice Dharma next."

The old man in green robe snorted, "how can you cultivate? First, you can cultivate the fire spirit root. Anyway, the whole six grade local fire immortal lotus is in your hand. Even if you're a pig, you should get at most two pieces of fire spirit root. "

"Will you refine the lotus first?"

"Of course, dihuoxianlian does not need other miraculous herbs to cooperate with, and can be directly refined." Looking at Wei cableway, the old man in green robe said: "after cultivating the fire spirit root, even if it's just a single spiritual root monk, the training speed will be faster than you are now. So you first repair the fire spirit root, then go out and sell some things. At the same time, you try to buy some miraculous herbs that match xuanming Xianlian. If you can prepare them, you will have a great chance to cultivate ice spirit root. At the same time, buy some miraculous medicine to cultivate heart biting insects. When you practice, you can cultivate heart biting insects constantly. In this way, you can improve your strength fastest. After cultivating the double spirit roots, you can practice with the golden spirit elixir and the tonic pill. In this way, it will take the least time to cultivate the double spirit roots and break through to the triple cultivation of the surrounding heaven. With your harvest this time, if you shut up for a long time, you can break through the four levels of zhoutianjing. At the same time, it is estimated that there will be no big problem to upgrade your Zixuan formula by one or two levels. At that time, we should also be able to teach you to refine some good magic weapons and magic weapons with the double headed dog and red winged Yanmo you got. "

After a pause, the green robed old man reminded Wei Suo: "don't forget, you also agreed to the conditions of mother-in-law Jin."

"Grandma, I'll do it naturally." At the thought of the poisoned oath, Weisuo couldn't help sweating and nodding, "but granny Jin said that her granddaughter still has two or three years' life in any case. I'll go back after this closure. It's enough time."For Weisuo's statement, the old man in green robe was very appreciative. He nodded and said nothing more.

Because the old man in green robe, who has not been a tool spirit for so many years and has changed so many generations of masters, knows the cruelty of the monastic world more than anyone else. For a monk, strength is of course the most important thing.

Compared with the promotion of strength, the rest of the things will naturally be placed in a secondary position.

"Old man, if this thing is made into pieces, the aura will not be lost." As soon as he thought that he had forgotten the heart eater in the past few days, Weisuo first took out all the medicine that had not been used up last time, and then ordered the heart eater to soak it first. Anyway, those liquid medicine should last eight or nine days without any problem. Then, Weisuo will be that piece of old wind broken by the fire fairy lotus down.

This piece of land fire fairy lotus is not small, if you want to swallow the whole, it must also be unable to swallow.

"Nonsense, most of the miraculous drugs have already been stored up. Just like an ordinary elixir, if you cut it into ten sections and eight sections, unless you keep it for a long time, what's the difference between it and the whole potion? However, the medicinal power of Dihuo Xianlian is extraordinary. You have to wrap it with real yuan and refine it a little bit. Otherwise, if all five parts are burned, don't blame me for not reminding you. " The old man in green robe did not agree with Weisuo's careful practice, and patiently explained a word.

Weisuo nodded, and no longer said anything. The "click" and "click" sounds were continuous. He directly folded the pieces of ground fire fairy lotus into small pieces and swallowed them all.

After that, Weisuo immediately began to meditate and concentrate on refining. He is also looking forward to "huolinggen".

The fragrance of weizhulian was different from that of his body.

At first, it was as light as mist, but as more and more red fog came out, the red fog wrapped around his body became thicker and thicker.

The green robed old man looked patiently for a while, and his face showed a satisfied look. Then the green light was collected and disappeared in the ghost pot.

Once again, Weisuo's whole heaven level residence became silent again.

… ... br >

two days later, there was still a dead silence in Weisuo's Tian class residence.

However, Han Weiwei, who is not far away from Weisuo's Tian class residence, suddenly heard a scream.

Feiwei takes off her clothes from the hot spring and walks out of the hot spring.

Obviously, Han Weiwei's accomplishments were lower than Weisuo's, so it took two days more to refine the purple fox flower.

If Weisuo saw this scene, the speed of Qi and blood flow would be increased several times, and the old man in green robe would feel that he was poisoned.

With the washing of hot spring water, Han Weiwei's body also gives people a feeling of crystal clear. Her white skin looks more moist than the best lanolin white jade.

Han Weiwei's jade body is also astonishingly exquisite. Her chest is like jade, two points are bright red, her small waist is full of one grip, her legs are straight and slender, especially the little buttocks that attracted Weisuo's attention before, which highlights an amazing perfect curve.

At the beginning, under the instruction of Liu sanpao, Huang Yiyi held the stone in both hands, which made Weisuo very unbearable.

If change Han Weiwei to put out such an action, it is estimated that Weisuo will directly gush blood and blood, two nosebleed spurt out.

Han Weiwei in the Lingquan pool some lazy bubble, slowly washing their own waterfall like long hair. The silky long hair falling on the chest is extremely attractive.

And the most let a person spurt blood is, Han Weiwei actually also touched his Shuangfeng, Du with a mouth to say to herself, "or elder martial sister's big ah, have not touched for a long time."

At this moment, coincidentally, a monk in a black robe, even his face covered, came to the entrance of the heaven level residence.

Originally, only the jade Rune of the heaven level residence can enter the area of the heaven level residence. Otherwise, even if you want to find someone who lives in the heaven level residence, you can only wait outside and ask the tianyimen disciple to report on behalf of him.

He didn't take out any jade talisman. He just moved the black robe which covered his face for a moment and said a word to the two tianyimen disciples. Seeing the appearance of the black monk, the two tianyimen disciples almost stopped at the same time and nodded in a daze. Then he let the black monk enter the area of the heaven level residence.

When the black robed monk's back disappeared in his eyes, the eyes of the two tianyimen disciples still flashed with excitement. , the fastest update of the webnovel!