Chapter 173

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Without the suppression of the white monk's extensive control of the technique, the situation of Sihai hall suddenly became extremely unfavorable.


But in a flash, several fire beads shot by a phoenix tailed fire crow hit the chest of a middle-aged monk in black robe, and broke into the chest directly. As soon as the fire burned, the black monk just gave out a scream, and immediately there was no sound.


Seeing that he was obviously unable to defend himself, Huang Tianya, whose face was extremely ugly, bit his teeth and cried out in a loud voice: "my uncle is elder Li Shaohua of Dongyao resort. Please be merciful for the sake of Dongyao resort!"

With the corpses of several monsters as the cover, Wei Suo, who has been retreating for several Zhangs towards the right rear, was stunned slightly when he heard Huang Tianya's words.

But he did not have any indication, and after two or three Zhangs, he stopped behind the corpse of a demon beast.

Huang Tianya and Jinhuan Toutuo looked around in horror. After hearing no response, Huang Tianya cried out: "as long as the elder doesn't do anything, we will leave all the monsters and other things here to the elder!"

After saying that, there is still no response around. Huang Tianya makes a color to the golden ring Toutuo and others. A group of friars resist with all their strength and move, trying to break through the encirclement.

But what makes these people look blue is that no matter where they move, the remaining monsters are chasing where they can't escape at all.

"Spell it

"Self exploding Xuanyin Sha Dan!"

Huang Tianya naturally did not know that it was because he and the golden ring Toutuo and others were contaminated with Tianyun spirit. He only said that the other side refused to give in and still drove the monster to attack. His face changed a few times. Huang Tianya gritted his teeth and ordered the two beautiful nuns to follow him.

"Husband At the sound of Huang Tianya's command, the two nuns trembled and there was no trace of blood on their faces.

"It's just a waste of cultivation. We can practice again. If we don't blow ourselves up, we'll all die here!" Seeing the hesitation of the two women, Huang Tianya's face was twisted and said in a very ferocious voice: "explode Xuanyin evil pill quickly! Or I will kill you immediately

The two nuns could not help but gnaw their teeth. They saw two blue pearls whirling violently in the air and shot into the densest place of monsters. Then they exploded violently.

When two blue beads were blasted, two groups of extremely cold blue flame exploded. The stirring power changed Wei Suo's face. This kind of power seemed to be more than several times stronger than Yin phosphorus bone sword. The seven or eight Phoenix tailed fire crows that were close to each other were blown to pieces. The Phoenix tailed fire crow in the scattered blue flame volume also stumbles like drunk, unable to activate the technique.

"What a power!"

"What kind of technique is so strange that I haven't even seen it." When the old man in green robe saw such a scene, he also cried out.

While the two blue beads burst open, the two nuns are also a mouthful of blood from the mouth, pale face sitting on the ground.

Huang Tianya didn't even look at the two nuns at the moment. The black and Green Qi in his hands came out again. The ghost claws swept through the air. He caught all the five or six flaming Phoenix tailed fire crows in his hands. They all lost their breath!

After the vast majority of Phoenix tailed fire crows were removed, the rest of the monks in Sihai hall got the upper hand. However, with a sound of Bo, a hole was broken in the throat of a monk without any sign.

This monk was a green robed friar who had been standing on the wall before and hated the monster.

"What kind of rat are you? If you have the ability to fight with me openly and honestly, you can only hide and attack. What kind of hero are you?" As soon as he saw these scenes, he could not help but scream.

"Boo!" But almost at the same time that he uttered this scream, there was a light sound coming from him, but this time it was not that terrible invisible magic weapon, but a transparent ripple that spread. "Ah Jinhuan Toutuo almost immediately held his head and screamed in agony.

Sacrifice in the air of the golden stick also lost its dependence, lost its aura, all of a sudden fell down.

"The impact of consciousness?"

Huang Tianya just exclaimed. There was a blood hole on the forehead of another friar.

After that, the invisible magic weapon disappeared again.

And the monster in the field, and immediately occupied the upper hand.

At the moment, Huang Tianya has thoroughly seen that the other monk, who is hiding and doesn't know where he is hiding, is not impatient at all. He always keeps a situation where the demon beast is slightly stronger than them, so that they and the demon beast will lose both sides.

"Master! My uncle Li Shaohua is already a monk with five levels of meditation. It is inevitable to promote the cultivation of golden elixir. Please consider it! "

"Master, maybe you don't like these low-level monsters, but I'm xuansha big. Dharma is heaven level skill! As long as the elder can spare my life, I can offer this xuansha great Dharma to the elder. "Seeing that Jinhuan Toutuo couldn't resist the impact of divine consciousness, Huang Tianya thought Wei Suo was a high-level monk whose accomplishments were far better than theirs. He immediately threatened and lured him to beg for mercy.

"Heaven level technique?"

Standing motionless behind the corpse of a demon beast, Weisuo curled his mouth and continued to watch silently.

The heaven level technique is really attractive enough, and Wei Suo has seen Huang Tianya exert the power of this gloomy ghost claw, but Weisuo doesn't think that he will have a good life after making peace with Huang Tianya. Weisuo had never met a monk who had suffered a great loss and did not retaliate.

Can not get any echo, Huang Tianya side of a monk who has been using both sides of the Dharma shield is not calm.

Suddenly, he inspired a aura mask, and the friar flew out directly. It seemed that he wanted to fight with the defense power of two Dharma shields and aura masks to see if he could escape from here independently.

Seeing this, several monks of the four seas hall could not help but curse.

However, their scolding started. Huang Tianya's eyes flashed with a flash, and the black and blue Yin Qi on his hands gushed out in an instant. With a click, he directly broke the spiritual light mask outside the monk's body and slammed the monk to the ground. Then the black and green ghost claws suddenly caught the two Dharma shields back.

When the monk landed on the ground, he was black and blue, and his seven orifices were bleeding to death.

The power of Huang Tianya's Taoist method is far higher than ordinary low-level magic weapons.

As soon as the two Dharma shields were caught back, the green and black magic hands on Huang Tianya's face flashed out again. It turned out to be a grab. All the monks except the golden ring Toutuo lost their breath. Even the two nuns were no exception!

"Huang Tianya, what are you doing?" Jinhuan Toutuo had just recovered from the headache of being stabbed by divine sense. When he saw such a situation, he immediately called out in disbelief.

"There are too many people. They can't defend with these Dharma shields. Instead, they are killed one by one! You make good use of these Dharma shields and protect me completely. I'll do my best to cast the Dharma! Only in this way can we have a way to live! "

Huang Tianya a fierce drink between, will catch back two sides of the Law Shield immediately excited up, blocked his before and after.

Jinhuan Toutuo suddenly woke up and inspired the most perfect Dharma shield on the other two sides and surrounded the two people from front to back, left and back.

Just for a moment, the golden ring Toutuo was specially responsible for defense, while Huang Tianya kept grabbing out the green and black magic claws, and even seemed to clean up the remaining monsters.

But at this time, a group of extremely hot golden light, just in front of the two people, on the left side of the void suddenly lit up.

As the golden light rose, Huang Tianya and Jinhuan Toutuo vaguely saw a transparent figure.

This transparent figure, in their eyes, is simply the most terrible devil.

After that, they couldn't see anything clearly, because on the golden light which seemed to be fork shaped, six groups of scorching sun suddenly appeared, which made their eyes stabbed like fire and couldn't open at all.

"Six Yang fire fork!"

At the same time, Huang Tianya sent out an unbelievable scream. At the same time, he saw a golden flame pounding on a Dharma shield in front of the golden ring Toutuo.

The golden shield, which had not been completely destroyed under the impact of many magic methods of level 4 monster, was easily torn like a piece of paper.

In this moment, a turbulent blue and black Yin Qi gushed out and condensed into a green and black magic claw, catching the golden fire light!

Huang Tianya made an accurate judgment through his divine consciousness even though he could not see things with his eyes.

But almost at the same time, "Bo" sound, a transparent wave in his head exploded, Huang Tianya's whole body also immediately bow up, issued a shrill scream.

The blue and black magic claws without support were like snow melting. In an instant, a big hole was burned out by the golden fire light. Then, the golden fire light hit the golden ring Toutuo. The fire light was just a flash. The golden ring Toutuo just uttered a scream, and his whole body was burned to ashes.

At the same time, Huang Tianya forcibly took out a piece of light blue jade talisman and wanted to crush it all at once. But almost at the same time, in a pile of monster corpses in the rear, a completely transparent shadow jumped up, and once again sent out a transparent ripple, impacting on his head.

Huang Tianya's body is stiff!

"Bo" sound, his spirit on a group of blood light, the whole body slightly twitch, then the breath completely fell on the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!