Chapter 183

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"This is probably the coarsest artifact I have ever seen."

In the ground fire stove room, the green robed old man looked scornfully at a short silver stick which had not yet dissipated in Weisuo's hand.

There are no ornaments and shapes on the silver staff except for some fine patterns. One side is round and the other is flat. There are five holes on it. It looks rough, but it is hard to describe.

But looking at the finished silver stick, Weisuo was excited.

You know, it took Wei Suo three days and three nights to successfully refine the green rope silver staff. In the second step, it took him a full day to control the silver short staff which was initially refined to control the fire that would not melt. It's not easy to refine it. Ugly is ugly. Anyway, it's a magic weapon. It's not a wife. It's practical.

In the scornful eyes of the old man in green robe, Weisuo took out the yellow heart eating insect elder's Dharma bead which had already been prepared, and embedded it in a hole in the staff.

This yellow crystal bead is a little big, only half of it can be embedded. However, after inlaying, the green rope silver staff has some decoration on it, which makes it look better.

After seeing that there should be no problem, Weisuo tried to put a real yuan into it.

"Bo" a light ring, almost instantaneously, in front of the green rope silver staff burst a cloud of gray and black light.

At the sight of such grey and black brilliance, Weisuo's eyes were filled with ecstasy.

He reached out and offered a broken silver shield.

This shield is the last one left by the monks of Sihai hall. There is nothing special about the material. It's just that there are not only more than one control array inscribed on it, but also its control array is very small. Therefore, although the shield is full of holes, it can still be used as a commander. It's just that the defense power of this dharma shield is not even half spirit level, and it's no use for Weisuo.

With a light sound of "Bo", Weisuo raised his hand, and the gray and black light from qingsuo's silver staff impacted on the silver shield.

The silver shield immediately lost its aura and fell on the stone ground in front of Weisuo with a bang.

I picked up the silver shield and saw that there were many pockmarks on the surface. It was as if it had been corroded in some concentrated acid.

What is contained in this heart eating insect elder's magic bead is really the talent ability of the heart eating insect elder. It has the same power as Yin phosphorous sand, which can corrode the method tools and magic weapons!

At that time, when Wen Daozhou was dying, he wanted to use a magic instrument with the shape of a bird's beak, but it was the gray and black light inspired by the heart eating insect elder that destroyed his magic weapon.

With this thing, even if the opponent is a real spirit level magic weapon, it will be enough for the opponent to drink a pot if he suddenly gives it to him.

What's more, Weisuo was more proud that the old man in green robe had said before that this kind of beads could only stimulate the power in them. Every time they were excited, the power in the beads would be reduced by one point. Finally, the power consumption would be exhausted, so the beads would be useless and could only be replaced by other beads. But now, after sending out this kind of gray and black light twice, Weisuo saw that the Yellow magic bead on the qingsuo silver staff didn't dim much. It was sure that there would be no problem to stimulate it for at least dozens of times.

This kind of box bottom goods can also be used for a long time for dozens of times. It must be much more durable than the rotten body water hyacinth used by the old Taoist in the tomb of Qingfeng mausoleum that day.

At the thought of this, Weisuo couldn't help but pat his head. He remembered that there was a little carrion water left in the gourd, which could be used once.

After collecting the green rope silver staff, which can be inlaid with four magic beads, Weisuo took out the pocketed green flying sword of the red robed Yin Li friar, who had competed with himself for the underground furnace room.

After taking out the body of the flying sword which had lost any aura, Weisuo opened thirty-two Golden Toad mouths on the furnace room.

With the 32 ground fires gushing out, a fiery fire mass forms in the center of the furnace tripod, and the temperature of the whole ground fire furnace room rises suddenly.

Weisuo put out his hand and put the green sword body into the fire. He saw that the green sword body held by the fire tongue kept turning over and over in the fire group, but after a moment, it was still only slightly red. Obviously, the melting point of the flying sword embryo mixed with silver Gang essence and Tianxuan black gold was many times higher than that of qingsuo silver.

However, it's no wonder that most of the time, flying swords rely on the body of the sword to attack the enemy. If it is easily burned by fire, it will not be able to resist, so it can't be called Flying sword at all.

"About five more openings will be opened." Attentively observing for a while, the old man in Green said this to Weisuo.

Weisuo nodded and opened five Golden Toad stoves. With the influx of these five fires, the sword body finally began to turn red.

The old man in green nodded and said, "OK, it's time to start."Weisuo didn't say anything. He stretched out his hand, and a natural fire came out of his hand. First, it formed a fire mass, then slowly changed in the air, and gradually became the shape of a white awl.

"When!" "When!" "When!"

I saw that the hammer, which was congealed with natural fire, was repeatedly quenched and knocked on the bright red sword body, and the sound of iron beating came out.

Seeing this scene, the green robed old man hummed, but a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

It seems that the fire spirit root monk's ability to control the fire system technique is much higher than that of the ordinary friars. The monk without fire spirit root needs at least ten days' practice to achieve this step. However, Weisuo has been able to use the naive fire to hammer the sword body after only three days.

The old man in green robe was a little satisfied, but Weisuo was bitter, because it was as difficult to temper the sword embryo as it was to make a needle on the silver of qingsuo to make a sword array.

Because we should not only control the strength of the natural fire, but also control the power of each stroke. If the firepower and power exceed one point, the useful gold will be scattered.


Every time a small white real fire hammer falls, the body of the sword sinks down, and then it is held up by a strong ground fire pillar. Every time it is knocked down, a layer of fine sparks will appear on the body of the sword. Some fine impurities seem to fly out, and then they are burned to ashes and swept out by the ground fire.

Under the constant forging hammer, I saw that the sword body was slowly beaten into a ball shape by Weisuo.

After more than an hour, Weisuo, who had obviously exhausted Zhenyuan, directly touched out five or six Huizhen pills and swallowed his stomach. Anyway, except for a small part of Huizhen pills obtained in sihaitang that day, most of them were in Weisuo's place. After a long time, it was estimated that Wei Suo didn't need to buy such pills at all.

After breathing for a while, after Zhenyuan recovered almost, Weisuo turned into a white real fire hammer and forged it again.

This time, the strength of the hammer was obviously increased.

More than half an hour later, I saw a red ball of pure gold, which had become only about half the size of the original. Then the ball of gold in Weisuo's slowly hammering, but turned into a knife shape.

"When!" "When!" "When!" After hitting the knife repeatedly for more than half an hour, Weisuo carefully forged the blade of the knife until it could not be seen that there was any spark. After that, Weisuo carefully forged the blade of the knife. After that, Weisuo stopped and pulled out the knife fiercely.

Then, Weisuo directly inspired a water system talisman, only to see a ball of water coming out of the cavitation, instantly hit the still red knife.

"Hiss!" At the sound of the sound, a group of white gas gushed. The red knife gave a strong feeling of shrinking, and then the whole knife immediately turned into a thick dark green.

Without waiting for the heat to dissipate, Weisuo immediately took the knife in front of him and looked at it.

I can see that the carcass of this knife looks very close and meticulous at a glance. The color of the knife is much better than the previous green flying sword. Moreover, the blade of the whole knife, especially on the blade, has a lot of ink chrysanthemum like patterns because of countless times of forging.

After a while, Weisuo reached out and took out a group of glittering things, but it was the body of a three-level high-level golden hornet.

With a newly refined knife, a crack was cut out on the shell of the golden Hornet, which was as hard as dark iron.

"Ha ha!"

At the sight of such a sight, weisoton laughed with joy, and took out the bodies of twenty fire eating sapphire lizards, one by one.

Then, Weisuo used the knife to cut a fire eating lizard.

Originally next, Weisuo still wants to use the corpses of some monsters on hand to try out some useful magic weapons. However, the ordinary blade of many monsters could not be cut. So Wei Suo made such a sharp knife with the red monk's flying sword under the guidance of the old man in green robe.

The process of forging and making knives is also preparation for the body of other tools in the future, which is equivalent to a training.

Now, Weisuo is trying to refine the ruby like carapace of the fire eating lizard into one side of the Dharma shield.

However, if the old man in green robe didn't give a hand, it would not be too bad. The shield he taught Weisuo to refine was a set of 20 sided Dharma shields. That is to say, when he sacrificed, one set could be offered at one time, and the twenty Dharma shields would be suspended around the body at the same time.


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