Chapter 185

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Wei Suo, are you sure that the dusk fruit and the blood lotus stem can make the black blood Jiao dizzy for a while, and reduce its power to the enemy by one level?"

"I've read it in a classic book, and it should be no problem."

"How do you know that there is likely to be a golden spotted ginseng in duanlong cliff, and there may be black blood Jiao guarding it?"

"This is what I happened to see on a piece of ancient books. The golden spotted ginseng is useful for ginseng fruit. Ordinary friars should only collect it and not uproot it. The black blood dragon is very sensitive to the breath of the golden spotted ginseng, and the aura emanating from the golden spotted ginseng can nourish the black blood dragon. Therefore, there will be black blood dragon guarding the black blood dragon nearby


Near midday, a white jade crane, which is a little shaky, flies away in the wildness of the mountains outside the sky.

Wei Suo and Han Weiwei are standing side by side in front of the white jade crane. However, Zhu Xiaochun and Zhen Chongming, a pair of simple two people with simple brains, stand on both sides of the two people respectively, holding a magic weapon respectively. They are very seriously on guard.

After Weisuo connected Han Weiwei into his cave, he set out again after a night.

Wei Suo had calculated carefully before, because the distance from his cave to duanlong cliff is more than twice as long as that to Qingfengling. In addition, he has never been there and the terrain is not familiar. In addition, with four people, Baiyu crane's flight speed must be much slower. So even if he takes Zhu Xiaochun and Zhen Chongming to pick up Han Weiwei, he will leave FA, I can't catch up with duanlong cliff before dark. At most, I can only get near guangtouling, which is marked on the map.

That area is the place where high-level monsters are concentrated. It is very dangerous to go on the road or spend the night there at night. Only when you start in the morning can you enter the duanlong cliff before dark.

According to the old man in green robe, it is unlikely that there will be other high-level monsters within a hundred miles around the five level medium level monsters, because all the monsters entering this area will be regarded as violating its territory by the high-level monsters who stay there, and will be killed or expelled by them mercilessly. There seems to be a unique tacit understanding between ordinary high-level monsters. Unless the elixir of a place is extremely important for both high-level monsters, these high-level monsters will consciously choose to avoid each other, and will not fight for death.

So after killing the black blood Jiao, it will be safer to spend the night in the broken dragon cliff.

Now Weisuo and others have arrived at the place marked on the map, called the blood Maple wasteland. This place is a relatively flat wasteland, with a lot of blood red maple trees, gathering more than 800 li of duanlong cliff.

"Big brother! Look over there

While appreciating the wonderful scenery of the red maple forest, Zhu Xiaochun in the rear exclaimed. The man with thick eyebrows shaved two eyebrows in guhuaizhuang last time, and now the two eyebrows are more vigorous. They jump and jump like two black knives when they speak. Usually, Han Weiwei can't help laughing. But at this time, hearing his exclamation and seeing his two eyebrows, Han Weiwei didn't want to laugh at all. Because following Zhu Xiaochun's eyes, she and Weisuo saw dozens of lightning falling from the sky.

Although it seems that the lightning is very small from such a distance, the sky is very clear. It is obvious that the lightning is generated by a monk's magic or some magic weapon.

Weisuo's face changed, and the white jade crane fell a few minutes in an instant, falling to a height slightly lower than the maple tree crown below. At the same time, he took out the map that had been looked at many times.

He remembered correctly that the place where the lightning fell, if measured by the location of Qingfeng mausoleum, was in the northern part of the sky outside the Qingfeng mausoleum, which was not in the scope of Weisuo's map at all.

Only after a moment, I saw that there were five or six escape lights in the sky, and then the escape light became more and more clear.

Looking at this situation, it seems that these friars just met some monster when they passed through the place.

After a while, those elusive lights were getting closer and closer to the hiding places of Weisuo and others. They could be seen clearly in a trance. At present, the most insidious was a magic weapon like a peach wood black canoe. However, the flying beast with green light on its four heads was closely followed. From a distance, it was vaguely in the shape of an eagle, but the specific appearance was still unclear, and there was nothing for a moment How to judge the level of monster.

There are not many friars among the flying magic weapons with peach wood color and black canopy, but there are two or three friars standing on the four flying monsters which look bigger than the white jade crane at Weisuo's feet. The total number of these friars should be at least 10.

When these friars fled to the place where Wei Suo was hiding about 200 miles away, they fell straight to a mountain forest on the north side.

That place, too, was outside the area of the map that weisseau had in his hand.

"Split Golden Eagle! Those people are from the Golden Eagle palace. "As the friars flew down, Han Weiwei, who vaguely saw the claws of the flying beasts, let out a low cry of surprise.

"People from the Golden Eagle palace?" Weisuo was stunned.

"It should not be wrong. The abdomen of the golden eagle is blue, and its claws are golden. Moreover, the four headed Golden Eagle is so large that it must be the elder level Golden Eagle cultivated by the Golden Eagle palace. There are eight such elder golden vultures in the Golden Eagle palace. Even if there are crack golden vultures in other sects and sanxiu, there can not be so many elder level golden vultures. " Han Weiwei is very sure of Weisuo nodded.

"Shall we go and see?" Wei Suo brow slightly frowned, and Han Weiwei discussed a word.

Originally, Weisuo didn't want to make trouble. Seeing that the monks had already landed, he wanted to leave secretly. But hearing Han Weiwei say that these are the Golden Eagle palace people, Weisuo can not help but want to see what they are here to do.

Because after killing the elder of the Golden Eagle palace in the Seven Star City last time, the relationship between Weisuo and the Golden Eagle palace is of course already a mortal enemy. If you have the opportunity to kill several Golden Eagle palace masters, Weisuo will be very happy.

"Good!" Han Weiwei also nodded suddenly. She wanted to go and have a look at it, weisseau said, of course she would like to.


"What the hell are these guys doing?"

Weisuo was still considering how to get close to the monks of the Golden Eagle Palace at that time, but when he got close to the mountain forest secretly, the activities made by the monks in the Golden Eagle palace had already made earth shaking. Moreover, the place where these friars are located is very low, so Weisuo and others on the top of a mountain in this mountain range are at least 20 miles away from these monks, but they can already see them at a glance.

In the forest, there is a small lake with a radius of several miles. The water color of this small lake is green. From the top of the mountain where Weisuo and others are located, it looks like a granny emerald.

At the moment, the monks who landed here could see all of them clearly.

There were 13 monks, all gathered in the grass covered flat lake, headed by a slender black monk and a middle-aged monk in a golden robe.

Nine of the other eleven monks were wearing the same dark yellow robes, while the other three were wearing dark blue, blue and earth grey robes, which gave people the impression that they were a little older than the nine monks. As for the specific appearance and dressing, because Weisuo and others were at the side and rear of these monks at the moment, and the distance was relatively far away, they were still not I can't see clearly.

At the moment, the nine monks, who were obviously wearing golden eagle Palace's Dharma suits, were exerting their own thunder method. They constantly stimulated bright lightning with arm thickness. They were aimlessly pounding at the lake, making water columns burst on the lake surface. The white air filled the air, and the sound shook the fields.

However, the monk, who was wearing a clay grey robe, looked rather stout, and had some slight baldness on his head, but he quickly presented more than ten triangular tiny blue flags.

As soon as these flags were excited, they turned into blue light and fell on the ground around the monks. In a moment, a cloud of fog came out from these flags, and soon covered all the monks. As the fog continued to diffuse, the area within hundreds of meters of these monks was covered with white fog Looking down from the top of the mountain where Weisuo and others are located, we can not see what these friars are doing inside. We can only see that the lightning as thick as arms is still falling on the lake.

When Wei Suo and Han Weiwei couldn't help but look at each other, there was a loud bang, and a huge water spray suddenly appeared in the center of the green lake.

Compared with this group of water spray, the water column of these golden vulture Temple monks' lightning is simply too thin.

A huge golden figure suddenly appeared in the huge splash.

"It was .?”

This huge golden figure, more than ten feet long, is covered with golden scales. At first glance, it looks like a huge golden carp. However, as the golden carp rolls round, it has a pair of golden wings and arms that seem to be longer than its body, and on its abdomen, it seems to have a pair of claw like claws.

"Kunpeng gold carp!"

Just slightly Zheng a Zheng, see this golden carp like monster on the back of a pair of also full of scales of giant wings, Weisuo and Han Weiwei and others all changed their faces.

Kunpeng gold carp!

Level six medium! At the same level with the black blood Jiao, the strength is equivalent to the demon beast of the triple friars in the sub reading period! , the fastest update of the webnovel!