Chapter 199

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Jin Qiaoer moved a wooden frame of an empty flowerpot and pressed it three times on a piece of brick that didn't look any different at the bottom against the wall, "pa" a light sound, but the intact stone floor suddenly turned down, revealing a black channel.

It's obvious that this is just a common mechanism. Even if the most powerful monk sweeps it seventeen or eight times, it's hard to find out.

"Night pearl and other lighting things, you should have?" after opening this channel, Jinqiao son turned to ask Weisuo coldly.

Weisuo also said nothing more, took out a white emitting night pearl and handed it to Jin qiao'er. After taking over the night pearl, Jin Qiaoer quickly leads the way in front of him without saying a word.

This tunnel can only stand the appearance of two people passing side by side, without any decoration or any fork in the road. After walking quickly in the tunnel for less than two sticks of incense, Jin Qiaoer pressed the button on one side of the tunnel wall. After walking up, it was in a granary where a lot of rice grain was stored.

Wei Suo didn't feel anything at all when he saw such a scene. After all, the ordinary people in the Jin mansion were no less than the monks. They still consumed a lot of rice and grain a year. But when Jin Qiaoer opened the door, Wei Suo was surprised.

The door was filled with yellow gas, and there were countless stones more than ten feet long, which seemed to come to a huge riprap valley.

"This is our golden gate Stonehenge. This kind of array can't be cracked unless the caster raises the flag himself or destroys the eye of the flag. And as soon as you enter this array, you will be immediately sensed by the array setter. " Looking at Weisuo, she was surprised, but Jin Qiaoer looked down on Weisuo. She said in a cold voice: "I only prepared a talisman that can pass this array. Don't be three feet away from me later, or you'll be ready to fight fairly with Jin Shenxuan old dog."

Wei Suo has been used to Jin qiao'er's extremely unpleasant and mean attitude. After hearing this, he ignores it. He just looks at the Golden Gate Stonehenge in front of him.

With his present divine sense, he can't penetrate ten Zhang away from the array. Moreover, the Yellow Stones are also complete essence. According to the jade talisman given to him by Jin Qiaoer, as long as the eye of the array is not broken, the huge stones formed by the array can be mobilized to bombard and squeeze the monks who appear in it.

Moreover, this array can be used to ambush and calculate opponents. It is also very useful.

What Jin Qiaoer means is that the array was made by Jin Shenxuan, that is to say, they have entered the nine storey building directly now?

Between the meditation, Jin Qiaoer has inspired a yellow talisman. See a flurry of dust like yellow gas immediately diffused out, in jinqiaoer and Weisuo's body formed a yellow eggshell like shape.

After a cold hum, which can be regarded as a reminder to Weisuo, jinqiaoer goes directly into the array.

Following Jin Qiaoer's back and turning around, Weisuo only felt as if he had passed through a corridor, then entered a hall, and then walked forward about 80 or 90 steps. Weisuo's eyes lit up, but he found himself in front of a wide staircase, and behind him was a yellow filled hall.

After Jin Qiaoer stealthily climbed the stairs, Weisuo saw a long corridor in front of him and jinqiaoer. Looking out from the window at the end of the corridor, Weisuo saw that he and jinqiaoer were already located in the second floor of the highest nine storey building in the Jin mansion.

At the moment, the corridor in front of me is full of green. Among the potted plants, there are all the green pearls that Weisuo planted in the heaven level residence.

Even if Weisuo now uses the secret formula to hide his breath as much as possible, it is impossible to enter without disturbing the twenty or thirty green plants.

But at this time, Jin Qiaoer is already ready in general, the face does not change color to take out a bottle, first poured out a dark brown pill from it, and then use a finger to shoot. The pill fell into the potted plant of a green plant closest to them.

As soon as the pill fell into the soil, it immediately began to melt, and then the Green Pearl Rose instantly turned yellow and withered.

One by one, Jin Qiaoer walked forward all the way and shot the pills into those potted plants. This does not use the slightest true yuan, will this kind of pill accurate bounce into the pot, but let Weisuo some admiration. It seems that Jin Qiaoer's plan to enter the nine storey building while Jin Shenxuan is in the closed door is not a day or two. I don't know how many times he has practiced this skill.

After passing through the corridor, a pale golden light curtain stood in front of them.

Jin Qiaoer sneered, her fingers on her wrist, a row of blood beads flying out, and then with her a technique to complete, this row of blood beads into a red rune, hit the pale gold light screen, after a flash of the pale gold light screen, there was a gap in front of the two people.

After passing through the gap, Weisuo found that there was this light golden light all over his body. It seemed that from the second floor, the whole pavilion was immersed in this golden light. However, after Jin Qiaoer's contribution, the golden light diffused over the two people, but there was no abnormality.Entering the pale golden light curtain, Jin Qiaoer is confident and bold to move forward, and does not look at the rooms in each floor. It seems to be certain that there are no other prohibitions on the next few floors, and there will be no other friars.

In this building, the arrangement of each floor is different. It seems that it is in order to match the forbidden arrangement. However, with Jin Qiaoer's bold and assured progress, Weisuo has no time to look at it carefully.

Looking at Jin Qiaoer's appearance, it seems that even if Jin Shenxuan is not in the top floor, it is closed at least on the seventh floor.

However, what he did not expect was that they just entered the fourth floor and just entered a hall similar to the bottom floor. The golden light in front of them suddenly disappeared.

This sudden change, let jinqiaoer's face instantly become a white.

Weisuo, who felt wrong for a moment, immediately inspired a light curtain and sacrificed his red armor shield at the same time.

Almost at the same time, Weisuo and jinqiaoer's body is full of gold.

But the golden light is more intense, is from the two people's head of the floor emitting a thick gold gas.

"Gold falling array"

As soon as he saw the golden airflow rolling over his head, Jin qiao'er suddenly screamed out in fear, "Jin Shenxuan, you have violated the ancestral precepts! Arrange the array on these two levels

"I'm against my ancestral precepts? Jin Qiaoer, you have violated the ancestral precepts and the elder's intention. I can't use any family law to you. "

With the voice of a man who was a little old but had a chance to win, a monk of forty years old appeared at the end of the hall, wearing a black golden robe and a ruddy face. The monk's face was gloomy. He looked at Jin qiao'er and Wei Suo with the expression of an old cat looking at a mouse.

But just a glance, then, the top of the gold gas pressure down, the whole hall is filled with thick gold, Weisuo only feel his shield and aura are fierce a sink, in the sight is full of this gold, at the same time, can't see the friar at the same time, but in the gold gas above the top of his head, there are pieces of five foot long gold bricks, like violence The rain generally hit Weisuo.

"Do you know the broken method of this array?"

Weisuo immediately exclaimed, the power of the pieces of gold bricks that fell down was close to the power of the half spirit level's magic weapons. It was obvious that even if he used the whole set of Dharma shields at the moment, it would not last long. Now he asked Jin Qiaoer and the old man in green robe.

"This kind of Dharma array is the Dharma array of your cultivation world now. I don't know how to break it! The man is obviously Jin Shenxuan! From what he looks like, what's the second revision of the impact of seclusion on the state of mind, it's clear that he is pretending to be closed here and waiting for her to come from touluo net. " The old man in green robe yelled angrily: "this girl is not only ugly, but also a broom star. She can't calculate others by herself. She also looks self righteous and drags us into the water!"

"This array can only be broken with strong force. It can only be broken by breaking the floor above our heads. However, the golden array can't use Lei Jue and Lei tie magic tools. Otherwise, the thunder light will eject and you will suffer greatly." Jin Qiaoer has already had no arrogant appearance before, so he took out more than ten yellow array flags and put them into practice.

As soon as a dozen yellow earth banners were sacrificed, a group of yellow gas gushed out, and Wei Suo and Jin Qiaoer immediately formed large yellow stones. Seeing Jin Qiaoer's hands waving again and again, the big stones and the gold bricks falling from above collided with each other. Wei Suo felt that the pressure was suddenly reduced, and he did not offer the whole set of Dharma shields for a moment.

However, Jin Shenxuan sneered and said, "Jin qiao'er, it seems that I have underestimated you, a tuberculosis ghost. You are still well arranged in the Golden Gate Stonehenge. But do you think that you are the only array that can stop my big gold falling array? It seems that your patron, the dead old lady, is really dead, or you should not be dying for a fight. Did you come here? "

As soon as Jin Qiaoer heard Jin Shenxuan's words, her hands and feet were even more frightened. Wei Suo's face became ugly again. It was obvious that she had nothing to rely on now. She had to think of her own way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!