Chapter 213

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Weisuo turned his head and saw that on the two purple Ganoderma beside him, a thin young man in a mixed golden robe and a friar in a dark green robe with pockmarked face were talking.

These two friars are the triple cultivation of Zhou Tianjing. At the moment, their faces are very envious. Seeing Wei Suo turn his head, the friar with pockmarked face bows his hand and says, "this brother is also here to attend the recruitment meeting. Do you want to join the Xuanfeng gate?"

Weisuo shook his head in silence and said: "I just happen to be in the city of Miyun. I'll come here and have a look at the style of the main gate. For joining the xuanfengmen, there is no such idea. "

"It seems that you and I share the same aspiration." It seems that the monk with pockmarked face was born to be a familiar person. After talking to Weisuo, he took a look at the thin young man in the mixed golden robe. He was helpless and said, "but my good friend is a little confused, and I really want to join the xuanfengmen."

"What's wrong with joining xuanfengmen?" Looking at the numb faced friar shaking his head helplessly, Weisuo was a little curious.

"Why, you don't know much about it?" The Ma faced monk said with a wry smile, "let's just say that the number of disciples recruited by xuanfengmen is the largest among the ten major sects in Tianxuan mainland. However, the total number of all the disciples of Xuanfeng sect is not the largest among the ten major sects. What's the reason? I think you can figure it out. "

"You mean it's not once and for all after joining xuanfengmen. The trial of disciples is very strict. It is likely that they will fall down? " Weisuo's eyes moved and said.

"It's true." The Ma faced friar patted his thigh and said, "the test of xuanfengmen is the most severe among the many sects in Tianxuan mainland. For example, in order to test the loyalty of new disciples, they are often sent to do some very dangerous tasks. All the disciples in the sect should not carry any spirit stone after they have completed the first level of zhoutianjing. They are only allowed to bring some magic weapons and pills to restore Zhenyuan. Some elders throw them out of the sky and stay outside for a month. Only those who stay out of the sky for a month, survive and hunt a certain number of demon pills can be considered as the real disciples of Xuanfeng sect. Otherwise, even if it is difficult to survive for a month, but not kill a certain number of demon pills, a certain level, will also be regarded as unable to pass, the next time we have to continue to try to pass such a trial. Therefore, although the inner disciples of xuanfengmen were treated extremely well, they really took their lives to get rich. If we join the xuanfengmen, we will also be arranged with a series of internal trials. After passing, we can become the inner disciples of xuanfengmen. For example, after four years of his introduction, he was also a master of prefecture level skills and skills. He must have been dying. I don't know what amazing contribution he has made to xuanfengmen. "

"Brother Zhuo, you don't have to try to persuade me." When Weisuo heard what the friar with pockmarked face said, Weisuo did not say anything. However, the thin young man in the mixed golden robe saw his intention, sighed and said, "I know all that you said. Indeed, if you practice yourself, you may be safer. However, it is very difficult for us to reach the golden elixir realm. It is better to join the xuanfengmen and fight for it. Maybe we can achieve something. Besides, if you join a sect like xuanfengmen, you don't have to be angry with some so-called big schools. I have considered the advantages and disadvantages clearly and have made up my mind. "

"Since brother Mo has made up his mind, I won't say much." The Ma faced friar was also a man of temperament. After listening to the thin young man's words, he sighed and was not happy to talk to Wei Sodo.

At this time, the Xuan Fengmen disciple Xin may, who was wearing a white shirt and was very handsome and elegant, had already returned to the pavilion of King Jinzhou, but there was a young man about the same age as Xin may.

This xuanfengmen disciple is tall and straight, looks like white jade, and looks more handsome than Xin may. He is wearing a light blue robe. On the light blue robe, which looks extremely soft, there are countless silver stars on the light blue robe, which gives people the feeling of wearing a layer of starlight.

I saw his cold and arrogant smile, and did not say much at all. The whole person just flashed out of the white aura above the king of God's golden boat.

Wei Suo's eyes were slightly cold, and his Qi watching skill showed that this name was full of cool and arrogant breath, and his lips were slightly raised. For example, Xin may, the first to show up, was much higher. He not only practiced low-level skills at prefecture level, but also reached the late stage of the fifth level of Zhoutian state. He looked like he was about to break through Fen minding state.

"It's snowing!"

Suddenly there was a cry of surprise.

Wei Suo's eyes just moved away from the man. As expected, the clear sky was filled with ice and cold air. In the hundred Zhang sky centered on the disciple of xuanfengmen, white snowflakes began to fall.

In an instant, the falling snowflakes and the strong ice cold breath all gathered together at an amazing speed. It was in front of this disciple of xuanfengmen that a white ice sword with an ice length of more than 50 Zhang was formed!I saw that the disciple of xuanfengmen just pointed coldly with his hand, and the white ice sword standing in the sky suddenly chopped forward.

"Damn it!"

What made Weisuo cry in his heart was that this huge white sword cut down fiercely. It was not only that the air under the white sword was frozen into strips of ice, but also that the huge impact force made a crackle in the sky, which made the ground in the valley move violently.

It seems that the power of this technique is close to the magic weapon of the spirit level.

"Frost sword! This is the sky level skill of xuanfengmen! This son has such a good fortune to cultivate such a skill! "

The power of this Taoist technique made the friars on one side cry out for it, while the thin young man who is determined to join the xuanfengmen looks more enthusiastic, as if there are two fires burning in it.

The strength of the elite disciples of this level is really not comparable to that of the ordinary elite disciples.

It seems that at present, Wei Suo's cultivation and strength have no advantages for the elite disciples of this level.

After cutting out such a powerful sword, the xuanfengmen disciple shook his sleeve and said nothing, then he shot back into the pavilion of the king of God Jinzhou.

And then there was a very shocking scene.

Among the three old men sitting on the lotus platform at the bow of the boat, an old man in the middle used a little hand. The deck of the king of God's golden boat was separated on both sides, but a Golden Square cage rose from the cabin below.

In the Golden Square cage, a strange black cloud was rolling. It was not clear what was inside. But as the old man shot a bottle of pills into it, as if he had hit something, he burst out with a bang and sprinkled a bunch of yellow powder. All of a sudden, the whole black cloud gushed out. There seemed to be something sleeping inside. Something curled up in a ball suddenly stood up.

Inside the black cloud, it turned out to be a strange monster with a straight one horn on its head, which looked like a huge black crow at first, but it had the shape of a mouse head!

"Black nightmare devil crow!"

As soon as I saw the beast, most of the monks were shocked.

And Weisuo also can't help but draw a cold air.

Black nightmare devil crow! Level 6 low level monster! Not only can it naturally emit a lot of black gas and hide the figure, but also the black gas can demonize the Sorcerer's magic weapon, which can eliminate the power of the monk's magic weapon.

Xuanfengmen people, what do you want to do with such a monster at the moment?

Before that, the black nightmare demon crow seemed to have been controlled by some medicine, but when he woke up, and saw so many friars around him, he suddenly hit the golden cage outside of his body fiercely.

Every rail on the golden cage is as thick as an adult's thigh. As soon as the black demon crow bumps into it, a lot of runes will appear on it. In addition, a layer of golden light gushes from the golden boat of the God King below, suppressing the black nightmare demon crow. Therefore, the black nightmare demon crow can't hit out at all, but every time it hits, it makes a heartbreaking sound.

While everyone's eyes are attracted by the six level low-level monster whose strength can be compared with that of the state of mind, a beautiful figure appears in everyone's sight.

For a moment, most of the monks breathed slightly.

At this time, the xuanfengmen disciple who showed up at this time was a gorgeous young girl!

The girl was dressed in a light green robe. Her skin was like snow, her chest was thin and her waist was slim. She had a melon seed face. She had a slight smile at the corners of her mouth. The most unforgettable thing was that the girl's green silk was indescribable, and she looked like silk and shining. This makes the girl look unspeakable.

Standing in the air at the moment, it is really like a fairy walking down from the sky, giving people a feeling of suffocating beauty.

"Is she a water spirit?"

For a moment, many young monks couldn't help but say such words.

"There is a small mole at the corner of her mouth. It is not shuilinger, but huangyan'er, Shuiling's younger martial sister." And a monk, however, made such a sound again.


Weisuo, who heard the sound, looked at it carefully. Sure enough, he saw that there was a faint beauty mole on the corner of the mouth of the juelie girl who was floating out of the white aura.

The mole of beauty in her mouth, like a light rain between the beautiful mountains and rivers, not only did not affect her beautiful face, but also brought her a bit of unique wisdom.

At this time, the old man with xuanfengmen in the bow of the boat moved his hands. The golden cage also rose and flew out of the white aura. Then, the golden light flashed on the golden cage, but the top was turned over.

"My God! Xuanfengmen wants her to deal with this six level monster independently

All of a sudden, this Ganoderma valley around issued a voice of , the fastest update of the webnovel!