Chapter 216

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
In the morning of the seventh day after Weisuo's figure disappeared from the city of Miyun, a middle-aged monk in a red shirt with a somewhat arrogant face stepped out of the transmission array in the moon city.

The red shirt monk was wrapped in a long cloth package behind him, and all the monks who saw the long cloth wrapped behind him along the way were all slightly changed in their faces and looked as if they were afraid to avoid it.

This monk is obviously a friar of zhoutianjing, and the long cloth behind him is wrapped in a cold air, which is obviously like a flying sword.

It's a sword cultivation in the world, but ordinary monks can't afford it.

And this red shirt friar is also a pair of do not like to take care of people's arrogance, after a walk in some shops in Luoyue City, he walked into a shop named Lingdan Fang.

As soon as he saw this red shirt monk, a shop assistant in Lingdan square didn't dare to be slighted. He quickly welcomed him and asked cautiously, "what do you want to buy?"

"You don't have to buy anything. What's worth buying in a shop like you?" The red monk said this in a great tone, but then he was very arrogant and said, "find your manager to meet me. I have some things to sell to your shopkeeper."

"Please wait a moment, please. I'm going to ask my shopkeeper to come out." Although the shop assistant in Lingdan square was very unhappy, he did not dare to neglect him. After saying this, he quickly ran into the inner room. A moment later, I saw an old man in Shouwen Huafu and shopkeeper's appearance walked out quickly with the shop assistant.

"My surname is mo. I am the manager of this shop." The old man saluted the friar in red and said, "what do you want to sell to our shop?"

"What I sell is very heavy, but it is not convenient to show it here." The red shirt friar glanced at the old man surnamed Mo carelessly, "we need to talk to the shopkeeper alone."

"In that case, please come in." The old man, surnamed Mo, hesitated a little, then turned and took the road.

After all, although the monk in red looks like he is not easy to be provoked, he is not afraid of his murder in this moon city.

"We are the only two of us now. You can show me something valuable." He brought the monk into a quiet room in the inner room. After closing the door, the old man named Mo said to the monk.

"Good." The red monk didn't say much, but he took out a wooden bottle and poured a brown pill in his hand. Then, in the astonished eyes of the old man, the red monk swallowed the brown pill into his mouth. Then he said softly, "manager Mo, do you know who I am?"

Hearing this Friar's voice that he suddenly became young, shopkeeper Mo was in a daze, and then there was a look of surprise and joy in his eyes, "Weisuo, is it you?"

"I'm afraid something big will happen to you." This red shirt friar was obviously dressed up, and his voice was changed by some pills. When he reached out, he inspired a magic talisman for sound insulation. At the same time, the tired meaning in his voice could not be concealed: "shopkeeper Mo, what happened to treasure house?"

"Weisuo, you really come!" manager Mo's body trembled slightly. After taking a deep breath, he calmed down and quickly said, "it was the big miss who had an accident."

"Han Weiwei, what's wrong with her?" Weisuo's body was suddenly stiff.

"More than ten days ago, Dong Qingyi, the young master of Dongyao resort, visited manager Jiya again at treasure Pavilion." Manager Mo said with some gnashing teeth: "the elder named Li in Dongyao resort who went with him to visit manager Jiya this time is said to be extremely amazing. This time, Dong Qingyi did not mention his marriage proposal. He said that he was just passing by. When he was with the elder Li, the eldest lady had no problem. But it was only one day after they left. The old lady who was originally in the quiet room fell into a coma like poisoning. Two days later, Dong Qingyi sent someone to bring up the marriage. He also said that if the manager Ji Ya had any conditions, they would be satisfied. "

"Poisoning?" Wei Suo took a deep breath and said: "even the manager of Jiya is helpless, so she promised Dong Qingyi that she just proposed to cure Han Weiwei, right?"

Manager Mo nodded his head with a black face and said, "that's exactly the case. Moreover, the situation of the eldest lady is still very poor. Manager Jiya has no time to find someone to treat him. He can only promise to come down. The elder Li came to stop the situation of the eldest lady from deteriorating for the time being. He also said that it would take about a month to prepare the medicine The date of the wedding proposed by Dong Qingyi is one month later. This man's means can be said to be extremely despicable

"I want to eat like this Wei Suo cold voice way: "that such day a door also does not care?"

"The manager of Jiya had already thought of it, so when the first lady had an accident, she had already asked tianyimen for help. However, tianyimen only said that there was no definite evidence for this matter. It just kept dragging, and said that it was unable to cure elder sister and elder sister Manager Mo shook his head and said, "tianyimen's attitude may have been colluding with Dongyao resort for a long time. He wanted to carve up the treasure Pavilion. Otherwise, Dongyao resort would not be so unscrupulous."Weisuo was silent for a moment, and then asked, "what's the situation at treasure Pavilion now? Does manager Jiya have any plans?"

"The elder Li, on the pretext of observing the situation of the eldest lady at any time, has been living in the treasure house. Manager Jiya and the eldest lady are under house arrest, and Dongyao resort has arranged many friars around the treasure Pavilion. Manager Jiya thought that you might come to me when you heard the news, so he completely cut off from me during this period of time, for fear that I would also be found to be the property of treasure house. "

After a pause, a senior manager Mo choked up and said, "manager Jiya asked me to tell you that since tianyimen has been involved in this matter, the other party is no longer comparable to us. For the time being, you should not go back to Lingyue city and not interfere in this matter. If possible, when she married into Dongyao resort, she would take the opportunity to bring the eldest lady here, and then she would ask you to take her to escape here. "

After a moment's silence, Weisuo did not express his position. He asked again, "just now you said that elder Li's accomplishments were amazing. I don't know if you know what level of cultivation he has reached?"

"His specific cultivation is not clear, but it seems that he is at least a character who is above the three or four times of the state of mind." Manager Mo didn't say anything about this, because it was obvious that Wei Suo's cultivation at that time and the triple cultivation of Fen Nian Jing were basically difficult to deal with.

"I see." Suddenly, Wei dansuo didn't know how to treat the injury

"Now the best healing pill in our workshop is hanging pot pill." Manager Mo replied.

"In that case, I don't have to. I'm going to leave. If something happens, I'll find manager Mo again. " Wei Suo stood up and took a pill to change the voice. After that, he and manager Mo left Lingdan square.

After walking out of the Lingdan square, Weisuo pretended to be in a few shops in the moon city for a while, but he looked as if he wanted to live in the city for a long time. In the city, he found a place with a quiet room for practicing and a room for practicing techniques.

Wei Suo first entered the open room where he tried his skills. Then he released the heart eater. Then he took out a jade basin and poured two bottles of demon culture liquid in it. Then he threw dozens of demon corpses out, which almost filled the room.

After that, he entered the quiet room, sat down, took out a Dan bottle, poured out a blood red pill.

On the way to the moon city, he had to stay in different cities because his divine sense reached the limit. When Wei Suo was not idle, he also managed to refine several doses of demon cultivation liquid, and he also kept on cultivating heart biting insects all the way. Then, when passing through the cities along the way, Weisuo also looked for a better healing pill than xiaochangsheng pill and Baicao pill.

After so many cities, Weisuo was able to buy a pill with better efficacy. Basically, it took two days to recover Weisuo's jiuzhuanshenxue pill.

In addition to the nine turn God blood pill that Wei Suo took out now, Wei Suo also bought a he Xu Dan.

But now that he understood what was going on, Weisuo knew that it was no use to be anxious for a moment, so he simply stopped to refine the nine turn God blood pill and cure his injury first.

As for the body with a he Xu Dan, Weisuo is not ready to use.

After all, there is no big difference between the four levels of zhoutianjing and that of wuchong. If you want to deal with a monk of this level, you can only rely on the power of magic weapons and magic weapons.

With Dongyao Resort and tianyimen, Wei Suo certainly won't do it. But if Wei Suo really pats his ass to leave, he will not be reconciled.

Now treasure Pavilion must be difficult to keep, it depends on whether there are some opportunities to save Jiya and Han Weiwei to leave safely.

But at the moment, after taking out the blood red jiuzhuanshenxue pill, Weisuo took out the blood eating saber from golden Qiaoqiao, frowned and fell into meditation.

This magic weapon Weisuo has tried on the way to come, but it can't absorb the blood of monsters and condense into powerful blood beads.

From the experience of fighting against the old ancestor of Zhangjia, even the six Yang fire fork in the middle level of spirit level may not be able to win if he wants to deal with a monk who has more than three levels of mental state. This is the most important thing for him to rely on now. , the fastest update of the webnovel!