Chapter 218

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Are you looking for me?"

When the old rat Xu seemed to want to leave the place, there was such a sound coming from the dense forest below.

"Are you a technique for hiding breath? No wonder I was able to escape my search. " This moustache Lao Dao did not have a look of panic at all. He covered the direction of the voice and sneered.

With a flash of red light, Weisuo, wearing a red shirt, glanced out of the dense forest on one side and looked at the old man: "I never seem to know you. What's the purpose of chasing me?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't know me. As long as I don't chase you away, just die!" With a wave of his hand, a white light shot from his hand and hit Weisuo.

This name does not know what is the origin of the moustache Lao Dao, unexpectedly is did not say two words directly moved his hand.

As soon as Wei Suo's face changed, he immediately activated a aura mask and sacrificed his red armor shield which had been cracked by the ancestor of Zhangjia.

With a bang, Weisuo's aura mask was broken in an instant. The white light hit the red armor shield, made a pit, and then rebounded back. However, it was a magic weapon only a foot long, like a willow leaf.

Seeing the power of this willow shaped magic weapon, Weisuo's face showed a look of panic. He was in a hurry to stimulate a aura again. At the same time, he turned around and fled to the dense forest below.

"Still want to go?"

The old way of moustache snorted with some disdain, and chased down with the flying escape magic instrument under his feet.

With his escape speed, Weisuo, who was under his eyes, must not escape.

In escape, Wei Suo, who looked very frightened, suddenly appeared a sneer on his face.

Seeing such a change in Weisuo's complexion, the old rat Xu's heart suddenly thumped.

Suddenly a burst of yellow gas surged up. In his sight, Weisuo was lost. All around him were huge yellow rocks.

"Earth series array!"

The frightened look in the eyes of the old moustache flashed away, and he reached out to offer a white gourd. But without waiting for him to move, a transparent ripple suddenly exploded on his forehead.


This moustache Lao Dao suddenly gave a cry of pain, and his whole body was stiff. The white gourd that had been suspended in front of him was not able to be aroused in time.

This is a sudden meal, "bang" for a moment, around several pieces of yellow boulders are fiercely pressed on his body.

The old moustache snorted and rolled his eyes. He didn't get knocked to death. But at this time, a completely transparent figure appeared not far behind him.

This completely transparent figure seemed to just wave his hand. With another transparent ripple, it exploded on the forehead of the famous moustache Taoist priest, and several thin black lights also pierced the back of Lao Dao's neck at the same time.

After the next roll of his eyes, the rat finally pulled out and passed out.

"It's ridiculous that I'm determined by my accomplishments like this." Taking off his invisible robe, Wei Suo showed his figure in the array. Looking at the moustache Taoist priest who had fainted in the ground, he muttered with contempt.

The old moustache Taoist priest just had the same four levels of cultivation as Weisuo. With Weisuo's current strength, he could barely deal with the friars who had the same level of cultivation as Weisuo. However, the monk, who was of the same level as him, ate Weisuo's appearance. He underestimated the enemy and didn't release any defensive weapons. It can be said that he killed himself and sent the spirit stone to Wei Suo.

After some disdainful mutter, Weisuo searched the moustache Taoist.

Anyway, he is a four fold friar of zhoutianjing. The old moustache who belittles Wei Suo has a lot of things on him.

The willow leaf white refined gold flying blade he used just now is obviously a magic weapon of the real spirit level. His willow leaf like magic weapon is not only much higher than Weisuo's white jade crane, but also his flying speed is much higher than Weisuo's white jade crane, which is very useful for Weisuo.

In addition to these two magic weapons, there are more than 7000 lower level spirit stones in the treasure bag of this old moustache Taoist priest. Two sides of the ancient bronze Dharma shield are close to the spirit level. On one side, there is a dry character in ancient style, and on the other side is an ancient Kun character. It seems to be a complete set of defense weapons.

Next, in addition to some Huiqi pills and common talismans, there are two yellow paper symbols in the nabao bag of this moustache Taoist priest.

These two yellow paper talismans are very strange. Not only do the paper look very old, but the red patterns on them look like ghost amulets. They are twisted and extremely strange. They can't tell what kind of grade and function they are.

Some curiously looked at the two yellow paper symbols. After a while, Weisuo picked up the white gourd that the moustache had fallen on the ground.


Just a little inspection, Weisuo's eyes flashed a look of disbelief.There is nothing special about the white gourd itself, but it contains all the "rotten corpse water" that can pollute and corrode the magic tools.

This let Wei Suo can not help but think of the green wind mausoleum in the mausoleum, there is an umbrella shaped defense magic weapon of the old way. The old Taoist also had a gourd containing carrion water, and the gourd is still in Weisuo's nabao bag, but there is only a small amount of carrion water in it, which has no effect. But now this white gourd is full. Just now the old Taoist priest can't see Weisuo's gate of Golden Gate Stonehenge. He wants to break Weisuo's array by spraying a lot of rotten corpse water inside.

After a little meditation, Weisuo will Jinmen Stonehenge a collection, try to send to the door to escape magic weapon.

This flying escape magic weapon, which looks like a willow leaf, is not big. It can only stand for three people at most. However, to Weisuo's great satisfaction, the escape speed of this magic weapon is much higher than that of the white jade crane. After two small laps, Weisuo has already controlled the magic weapon.

Then, like a sack, he grabbed the old moustache, who had fainted in the first place, and continued to fly away to xiaoyeshan.

In the middle of the day, Wei Suo, carrying the old way of moustache, inspired the green emperor gourd, wrapped in the green spirit, and fell into the valley where his cave was located.

To his great surprise, the 20 or 30 miexian rattan planted before grew very well, among which the highest was actually 30 feet high.

Moreover, on the ground below these miexianteng, there are three heads, which look a little bit like big turtle insects, but there are two big claw horns and a lot of speckled corpses on the back armor.

Obviously, this is the largest number of level Four medium level monster stareye pincers in Xiaoye mountain.

These three starfish claws should have happened to enter the valley, and then killed by miexianteng. The level 4 medium level monster is very powerful both in magic power and strength. The miexian vine in the valley looks safe and sound, which means that the roots of miexian vine, which has grown to about three Zhang high, have been deeply rooted in the mountain. I don't know how deep it is. Otherwise, if it is the same as the seedling of miexianteng before, it will be bound with demons of this level The beast, I am afraid, will be uprooted under the struggle of the monster.

Surprised to see for a while, conveniently put the remains of these four level intermediate level monster into the nabao bag. After that, Weisuo went through the miexian vine and plundered into the mountain.


I don't know how long it took, and he woke up leisurely and found himself sitting in a stone chamber.

This stone room should be located in the middle of the mountain. The air is not very well circulated, which makes the whole body paralyzed and unable to resist. It makes Zhenyuan's old moustache feel a little stuffy.

"You've been poisoned by my scorpion bee. You can't move, but you can still speak. Now you can tell me why you want to chase me and hurt the killer as soon as you meet? "

"Ah Until this time, the old way of moustache completely reflected what was going on, and he cried out in horror. Since the wild goose killed me in the hand, I didn't want to see myself in the face, but I didn't want to see his face in the distance


What the old moustache didn't think of was that after Wei Suo said these two words without expression, he didn't say anything at all. He turned around and walked out.

A moment later, Weisuo came in again with a small dark green bottle. Then he took out a silver knife and made a small cut in the hand of the old moustache, who had no resistance at all. Then he dropped several drops of dark green medicine from the small dark green bottle into his wound.

After that, Weisuo lost more than ten corpses of monsters in the open space in front of him, and then turned away without saying a word. The sound of his feet gradually faded away. It seemed that he was going to do other things for himself.


But after a while, the old moustache, whose face was suspicious, began to scream in agony.

Weisuo's drop of dark green medicine in his wound seemed to have formed countless extremely hot fine needles in his body, and kept puncturing in his body. The pain made him feel like his scalp would explode.

This kind of body by innumerable fire needle puncture pain has been lasting for an hour, just slowly disappeared.

Old moustache was soaked with sweat, as if he had been fished out of water.

"Bo" sound, and he did not have time to breathe a sigh of relief, only before meeting a monster on the ground, the spirit of the body for no reason appeared a blood hole, and then Gudong, the monster's brain was slowly absorbed. After that, there was a sound of "Bo", and another monster's tianlinggai was pierced, and a blood hole appeared, and the brain was drained out.

In this silent and spacious stone room, such a strange scene is almost oppressed by the already somewhat prosthetic moustache Taoist priest can't breathe.But a moment later, the footstep sounds, the expressionless Weisuo came in again, holding a piece of bloodstained animal skin, which seems to have just been cut from some monster.

Then, he was very interested. He cut a piece of meat from his hand, took out a bottle of white salve from the bag, poured it on the wound of old moustache, and then pasted the animal skin on the wound of old moustache.

After all this, Weisuo seemed not interested in asking. In the eyes of moustache, he turned and walked out.


After about half a stick of incense, the old man of moustache began to scream with his eyes bulging.

Not only did his wound itch hard, but he was terrified that the animal skin seemed to grow slowly on him.

… ...

"old man, are you sure these methods are useful?"

Standing in the furnace room, Wei Suo, who was refining his damaged set of Dharma shields, asked the old man in green robe.

"Of course, I have a master who is an expert in extorting confessions. Like many friars, they are not afraid to die. But if you feel that the other party does not seem to want to ask him, or very abnormal, interested in tormenting him for fun. From time to time in his body to get some fresh things, toss him. He will not be able to bear it in his heart, and he will say everything. " Said the old man in green.

"It depends on how long this guy will last." Weisuo nodded and said with some regret: "it's a pity that the nightmare skill in the real magic congealing physiognomy I've got will greatly damage my accomplishments, otherwise it will save a lot of trouble." , the fastest update of the webnovel!