Chapter 234

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Weisuo also heard that the magic weapon refined with some exotic treasures can absorb the aura of some other special materials and advance slowly.

But this kind of magic weapon has never been heard of in Lingyue city at least. Who has it?

Forced to endure the surprise in his heart, Weisuo quietly took out the golden sunflower shield, and handed the black arrow and ice hinge together to the green shirt scribe, "I don't know how to call this Taoist friend?" I'm a little embarrassed because I took advantage of it. Weisuo also asked the monk who didn't know his name.

"I'm happy." However, the blue shirt scribe did not seem to know the mysterious appearance of heishuilian. After a little trial of ice and snow hinge, he found that it seemed to be more useful than the black arrow. However, he also took advantage of it and was very embarrassed. Like the blue monk, he took out a Dan bottle from his body and handed it to Wei Suo, "Ji Daoyou, I owe you so much It also contains white water elixir that can be used for cultivation, even if it makes up for some of my apologies. "

"Master Ji, you seem to have a lot of magic tools on you." At this time, the burly friar, who seemed to have been controlling the ship's sailing direction, summoned up his courage and asked, "we don't have the defensive magic weapons you want, but we also have some spirit stones and pills on our bodies, which may be useful to our predecessors. If you have some magic weapons that you don't use, can you sell them to us?"

After a pause, the monk added with a wry smile, "after all, the master may also know that there are few friars in the cloud spirit land who know how to practice weapons. Moreover, only those monks who have more than four levels of mind level can withstand the pressure of ultra long distance transmission array. For our kind of cloud spirit land monks, even if they have the intention, they have no ability to go to the master Tianxuan land and other continents where you are buying magic weapons. So don't say it's the magic weapon of the spirit level. Even the magic weapon of the half spirit level is very rare for us

"Why not. I still have some of them in my hand. " Wei Suo slightly a Zheng, then immediately agreed to come down.

Although a large number of magic weapons obtained by mitiangu's party have been sold away, leaving only Liu sanpao's broadsword, sinister mother's nail, golden carp's complete set of magic utensils, fire jade gourd and so on, Wei Suo also made a lot of benefits from some friars of qifengcheng golden mansion and the later moustache Taoist priest. Now Wei Suo doesn't need the banlingjie attack There were at least sixteen or seven magic weapons and shields, and Wei Suo also had a willow shaped throwing knife which was inferior to the spirit level. Because there was also Taiyi refined gold in it, it might be useful for Wei Suo to refine flying swords and other magic weapons in the future, so Wei Suo did not take it out. In addition, Weisuo also has a magic light class spirit level magic weapon subduing dragon ruler from Jin Shenxuan.

Hearing Wei Suo's promise, the 89 monks on the "stinging gas ship" were immediately overjoyed. The burly friar with almost all his upper body naked immediately asked excitedly, "master Ji, how many spirit stones do you want for a half spirit level attack weapon?"

Because he had already gained a lot of benefits, Weisuo didn't want to start the price, and offered a price equivalent to the bottom price of the auction. "The attack weapon of the half spirit level is 2000 lower than the spirit stone, and the defense weapon of the half spirit level is 1500 lower than the spirit stone. What do you think? "

"Mr. Ji, you are so generous." The blue shirt square face monk, who was the first to trade with Weisuo, couldn't help but cry out, "to tell you the truth, in our cloud spirit land, a half spirit level attack weapon can't be bought without 2500 lower spirit stones. A half spirit level common legal shield also needs at least 1800 lower spirit stones."

This reaction did not surprise Weisuo. After nodding without any response, Weisuo took all the half spirit level magic weapons that he got from the golden monk and moustache Taoist priest.

"I want that weapon of attack!"

"Master Ji, you can see that the combination of these pills and spirit stones is about 1500 lower than spirit stones. Can they be used to exchange for the Dharma shield?"


for a while, what made Jiya look silly was that on the deck, which was still in a tense atmosphere, it turned into a hot small trade fair. After hesitating for a while, Hua Weiyong, who had five accomplishments in Zhoutian territory, took out his 4000 lower spirit stones and bought two half spirit level attack weapons.

After all, although he can't use this kind of powerful magic weapon, his disciples can certainly use it.

Wei Suo seems to have become a magic weapon dealer from Tianxuan land. He is very happy to receive spirit stone.

However, the eight or nine monks on the "sting Qi ship" had limited spirit stones. When they almost wiped out all the spirit stones and pills that could be used for cultivation, Wei Suo still had four half spirit level magic weapons in front of him.

In addition to Huawei Yong and the Qingshan scribe named Qi Xinran who was a little reserved, the rest of the friars were angry that they didn't take enough spirit stone this time.

Looking at these monks' annoyed appearance, Wei Suo's heart flashed with light and said: "I heard that the high-level skills and techniques of Yunling land are much more than those of Tianxuan land. If you have skills above the level of the earth, you can also exchange them for my magic weapons. ""The skill above the ground level?" When Wei Suo said this, the rest of the monks looked helpless. Only one of them, a short monk in grey robe, hesitated for a moment and said, "I happened to get a high-level skill on the ground level. This skill is called the killing God Sutra. It's not true yuan skill, it's a skill that can enhance God's consciousness."

"Are there any skills that can enhance divine consciousness?" When weisoton's eyes brightened, "if there is such an effect, let alone the four half spirit level magic weapons, I can also exchange them with one spirit level magic weapon."

"I don't know. From the introduction of this skill, I can really rank at the top of the prefecture level. However, there are many limitations in the cultivation, which can be described as chicken ribs. " The short monk in the grey robe gave a bitter smile and said, "to practice this skill, you must have a monk with the same strength of divine consciousness as himself, who will attack himself from time to time. Speaking of it, it's like practicing repeatedly to improve one's resistance. Therefore, to practice this method, you have to have a monk who has similar accomplishments around him from time to time, and he has to be able to master the skills of impact of divine sense. If master Ji is interested in my skill, I just need one of them

"Good!" Wei Suo's eyes flashed, and he immediately agreed, "tell me the skill of this sect. You can choose any of these tools."

"Thank you very much, master Ji!" The monk in grey robe was very happy. He quickly took out a piece of dark yellow jade talisman which looked very old and handed it to Wei Suo. Then from the remaining four magic weapons, the only one with a sharp cone shape is selected.

"If the time just mentioned by master Hua is not bad, the" sting Ling array "should lose its power immediately?" Just as the monk on the boat looked at the grey monk with envy, Weisuo put out his hand, collected the dark yellow jade Rune and the other three ordinary half spirit level Dharma shields, and said this leisurely.

All the monks on the "stinging gas ship" were shocked. A burst of lively "small auction" after, they also immediately respond to, at the moment the situation is still very bad.

"Master Hua, I have just read your records and found that you remember them in great detail, recording the characteristics and grades of the monsters around the sea of stinging Qi. However, it seems that there is no introduction to Pangu giant stinger, which makes this sea area covered with white fog. " At this time, only Wei Suo asked: "I don't know if this Pangu giant sting looks like a leech, but it is surprisingly huge, just like a hill, and has an amazing monster with a toothless mouth on its head?"

"as like as two peas in the same place, but you have never seen this monster before, but what you say is just like the Pangu giant jellyfish that was recorded in the legend." The faces of all the monks on the ship of Huawei Yonghe were filled with an unbelievable look. "Ji Daoyou, this is the first time you have entered the sea of stinging Qi. Have you ever seen this Pangu giant sting with your own eyes?"

Weisuo nodded and said, "I did see this thing before I met you. I was lucky to escape."

"Master Ji is really lucky. You can escape when you encounter this kind of monster. This time, you will be able to turn the bad luck into good luck." Huawei Yong couldn't help but look at each other with Qi Xinran beside him. His eyes were full of shock.

"I'm afraid it's also that Pangu giant sting just had a good meal and didn't show any interest in me." Wei Suo shook his head and said, "I don't know if there is a way to avoid this thing if you can detect it in advance?"

"No, it's hard to see it, and it's hard for ordinary monks to bump into it. It's just said that this kind of Pangu giant jellyfish likes to hide in the deep sea of one place, so it's better not to go to the place where it appears After saying this sentence, Huawei Yong suddenly remembered something, and said with a bright eye: "however, this demon pill of Pangu juzhe is said to be extremely pure, which is the best thing for refining high-level elixir that can be used for cultivation. And it is said that there are some special miracles. If brother Ji's accomplishments are high enough to kill this monster in the future, you can go to the sea area where you meet the monster and try to kill it. "

"Special wonder?" Weisuo was slightly stunned.

"It is said that it is of great benefit to the friars, but I don't know how it is. Go to some big cities in Yunling land and find some masters with high accomplishments and profound knowledge. Maybe some people will know what special miracles there are. " Huawei said.

Just as he finished this sentence, the grey aura rippling on the "stinging gas boat" disappeared.

"I'm ready to leave."

Wei Suo took the Yellow animal skin chart in his hand, looked at Huawei Yong and asked, "master Hua, I don't know where we are and what kind of position we are on this chart at the moment."

"We are here. This is the south, this is the North... " Huawei Yong points on the Yellow map and explains the four directions to Weisuo.

After Wei Suo's eyes were put away from the chart, he did not say anything. After nodding to Jiya, he directly sacrificed the willow leaf like magic weapon. After a few breaths, he disappeared into the white fog with Ji Ya and Han Weiwei. , the fastest update of the webnovel!