Chapter 241

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent

Wei Suo Meng opened his eyes.

He had a nightmare just now. He dreamed that he was unloaded eight pieces by several golden elixir monks of Yin corpse sect.

After a cold sweat, Weisuo found himself in his temporary cave, lying on the soft silver grass blanket, and giya, who was amazingly beautiful, was lying beside him.

To be exact, the first beauty of Lingyue city is lying on one of his arms, nestling in his arms and sleeping soundly.

She seems to be the real yuan wear too much, look like a little weak, but the face seems to have a trace of scarlet, look incomparably attractive.

And Weisuo's eyes swept down, just from her collar to see a deep snow-white ditch.


Weisuo's clothes were a little scattered, like some of the gates, but only concealed. When he thought of what he had done before he was unconscious, he could not stand it, and some places reacted.

Wei Ya closed her eyes and whispered, but her eyes closed.

Her lips, soft and itchy, were imprinted on weissel's neck. Weisoton was so impulsive that he put his big hand around Kia. After a pause for a while, he reached into her clothes and covered the snow-white towering. This time, he can't stand it any more. Another hand also reaches in and walks on the upstream of Jiya's silky skin.

"Wei Suo", Yu. Feng was pinched by Wei Suo. Ji Ya opened her eyes and struggled a little shyly. She breathed out the orchid and said, "Weiwei."

"Han Weiwei!" Wei Suo was startled. His big hands stopped swimming. Han Weiwei, who was lying quietly in a corner of the room, asked nervously, "how long have I been in a coma? How is she now? "

"You've been in a coma for a whole day and a night, but she's OK. I've succeeded in casting as you taught me." Jiya was a little bit hot all over her body, and her white jade like skin became a little pink. The lower her voice said, "your poison has also been removed. It's OK."

As soon as he heard the first sentence of kya, weisoton was in a relaxed mood. Then he heard the next sentence of kya and saw the manner of her speech. He could not bear it.

As a matter of fact, anyone can't bear to see a beautiful woman who is as cold as ice and ice fairy, coy and coy.

So Weisuo no longer hesitated, lowered his head, and immediately printed his mouth on her soft lips.

Jiya shuddered and closed her eyes involuntarily. Her long eyelashes beat shyly. Originally, she lowered her head and seemed to dodge. But under Wei Suo's kiss, her head was slightly raised.

Weisuo's breathing suddenly heavy, his forehead some swelling, bath fire burn. When one of his hands was on the top of her twin peaks, and the other hand was sliding down her extremely soft abdomen, her hands tightly grasped her hand and kept her from sliding down.

"Weissou, don't..." Ji Ya hid in Weisuo's arms, blushed pretty face almost to drip water, the body kept gently trembling. "Wei Wei Don't be here. " Her beautiful eyes opened like begging for mercy and looked at Han Weiwei in the room.

Weisuo was a little embarrassed, but as soon as he heard this, he seemed to have been granted amnesty. His eyes suddenly brightened. Then, with a savage posture, he directly picked up kyya and walked to a room nearby. At the same time, as if thinking of something, he took out a small black pot in his pocket in his clothes Put it in a napalm bag.

"Weisuo! I'll fuck you! Don't let me see it! " At the moment of putting it into the nabao bag, the old man in the green robe yelled and cursed in Weisuo's ear.


"Ah A moment later, kya began to groan like a sob.

Spring is everywhere!

Jiya's perfect jade body is completely exposed to the air, and her ten fingers tightly grasp on Weisuo's naked back, leaving Weisuo to make trouble on his own body.

I don't know how long it took. It may be a long time or just a short moment.

With Weisuo also a can't tell pain or joy cry, two people stopped, tightly entangled together.

Two people did not say anything, just looked at each other affectionately.

Silence is better than sound.

"Weisuo", after a while, Jiya is shy, holding Weisuo's arm, as if to bury their own inside.

Weisuo's eyes are full of love, he caresses Jiya's bright and clean shoulders, suddenly he is a little proud, "I'm a man now."

Jiya's face turned red again, but she raised her head slightly, with a proud look in her eyes. "In my eyes, you have always been a real man.""Is it?" Wei Suo ha ha of a smile, pour is some embarrassed rise.

"Of course." Jiya said with a little pride, "which friar of zhoutianjing can beat Dong Qingyi into a pig's head, and let all the top friars of Dongyao Shengjing come out. Even the friars of Jindan period have run out, but they still can't do anything about it."

"Ha ha." Weisuo smiles triumphantly, but he is a little serious. "That's good luck. My cultivation is still too low. Although there are several magic weapons in the middle level of the spirit level, it is very difficult to deal with the monks who have three levels of mind and state in my current cultivation. "

"I will try my best to help you practice." Jiya looked at Weisuo seriously, "I believe you will achieve the golden elixir and become the great monk of the golden elixir period."

"Then we should be regarded as double monks?" At this time, Weisuo asked a very silly and frustrated question.

"What do you say?" Jiya blushed and bit heavily on Weisuo's arm. "Don't you want me?"

"Why, if you go out and shout, if you want to chase you to be your double monk, you will have to circle around Lingyue city for seventeen or eighteen times. I can't even grab it. How could I not Weisuo's eyes turned, and his face became thick again. In a low voice, he said in Jiya's ear, "let's have another real double practice?"

"Ah Isn't that intense just now, not double cultivation? Jiya opened her mouth a little incredulous, but after being shy, she became serious. She looked at Weisuo seriously and shook her head. "No, Weisuo. It's not good for us monks to indulge in this kind of love. It will greatly affect our entry into the country."

Looking at Weisuo's bitter face, Jiya's pretty face turned red again and said in a low voice: "Shuang xiudao couple, usually only once a few days."

"But in order to practice and improve our strength, it can't be done once a few days." But Weisuo shook his head and said with a smile, "as long as you have time, it's better to do it a few times a day."

"What are you talking about, vesuo?" Kya was so shy that she almost covered her ears. In front of Weisuo, she had completely lost the cold and rejecting expression of others.

"I mean it." Wei Suo said with a wry smile: "the last time I dealt with Li Shaohua's nephew, I got a heaven level skill. I think what he has done is really powerful."

"Heaven level technique?" Kia was shocked. You should know that there are only less than 50 Tianxuan techniques in the whole Tianxuan continent. Even the elite disciples of xuanfengmen, which are the top major schools, may not be able to learn them.

"And it's also a medium level technique." Wei Suo explained, "it's just that this skill is a double cultivation skill, and it's about..."

Weisuo said here, did not go on, but Jiya had already recognized the meaning of Weisuo's words, and she was so shy that she lowered her head.

"It's not too late. Let's get started." Weisuo could not stand the sight of Jiya. He took a deep breath and calmed down. He told Jiya the original formula of xuansha Dafa.

This method requires two people to exert their true strength together.

After listening to it once, Bingxue smart Jiya remembered it all. After a few words with Weisuo, she had almost completely understood the method of practicing double cultivation.

"Weisuo, your injury is still sealed by you, not healed. If it is delayed for a long time, the medicine of Yin Yang dragon and tiger pill will dissipate much more, but it will still be dangerous. " But see Weisuo immediately to the next step of action, kya is pushed him a push, some calm remind way.

"Once, once. It shouldn't take long. " Wei Suo had the cheek to embrace Ji ya, and said in her ear, "otherwise, I'm afraid that the devil can't be suppressed, and I can't calm down when I'm healing. On the contrary, something will go wrong."

Jiya twist the body, to refuse to return to welcome, the perfect carcass. Body alluring soul.

Weissorton stopped her mouth with an honest and impolite manner, so that she could not say anything she wanted to say.

"Don't forget to cast and practice Kung Fu later." Kya's body has been completely soft, melting in Weisuo's body, but let her more shy is, Weisuo also said such a word in her ear.

In the simple stone chamber, once again full of spring.

One black and one white, two groups of Guanghua, respectively wrapped Weisuo and Jiya, flowing.

"Weisuo, you will always treat me like you do now. Even if there is one hundred times better than Dongyao resort, won't you let me go?" Kia's voice rang.

"Of course Weisuo's voice is very sure to ring up, "Dongyao resort, I will not give them good fruit to eat." , the fastest update of the webnovel!