Chapter 260

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Weisuo asked the sharp faced friar to wait outside the house. He followed the young clerk into a separate elegant room.

A moment later, the young shop assistant led a scholar in a light blue dress to come in.

As soon as the Confucian scholar came in, he saw Wei Suo and said with a smile, "I'm Wang Xiao, the shopkeeper of this square city. I don't know what this Taoist friend wants to sell and buy?"

When he saw this name, he was in his thirties. His face was white, and his mood was very natural. However, Wei Suo was also awe stricken.

Wang Xiao, the shopkeeper of Wang family business, is actually a monk who has three levels of cultivation in mind.

"I mainly want to buy some things." Although in the heart dark startles, but Wei Suo on the surface is silent said, "at the same time sell a batch of monster body can be used for refining materials."

"Let's see what Daoyou want to sell first." "I heard this disciple in my shop say that the things that Daoyou want to sell are of high value," said the scholar with a smile

"I'm afraid it can't be stacked here."

"Can't pile it up?" On hearing Wei Suo's words, the young man in black brocade clothes standing respectfully behind the Confucians immediately frowned, and the look of disbelief flashed in his eyes. This elegant room is more than ten Zhang square meters. It is very spacious. What can't be stacked? But at the sight of more than ten nabao bags taken out by Weisuo, the black brocade boy's face suddenly changed and his eyes showed awe for the first time.

Seeing that Wei Suo took out a dozen nabao bags all at once, the blue shirt Confucian scholar immediately flashed in his eyes and said, "there are a lot of things that Daoyou want to sell. In this case, please follow me."

With that, the blue shirt Confucian scholar led the way in front of Wei Suo into a very empty warehouse with at least 100 Zhang square meters in the back.

"Should it be about here?" After entering this storehouse, the blue shirt Confucians looked at Wei cableway with interest.

Weisuo nodded, but without much words, he poured out all the things in his pocket.

"So many monsters?"

The scholar in blue and the black brocade boy standing behind him were shocked.

To tell you the truth, at first glance, most of the monsters that Weisuo took out from the nabao bag were not very high, they were all below the fourth level. But it's a terrible amount.

Just a glance at the rough, pile up like a mountain, at least four or five thousand head.

Is this monk, in the past ten years or so, he has always carried the demon beasts he hunted with him and has not been sold?

If it is not for these monsters, it seems that they have been dealt with, and their flesh and blood have been lost. Otherwise, this warehouse may not be able to accumulate.

Wei Suo didn't expect the reaction of the blue shirt Confucian scholar and the black brocade young man. In addition to the thousands of demon animal bodies he got in Guhuai village, he also got at least 1000 demon animal bodies in the sea of stinging Qi. Weisuo reserved a part of it for the practice of weapon refining in the future, and high-level monsters like black bat and magic dragon were not taken out, but now, the number is at least 4000.

Ordinary friars, even if they are lucky, can hunt and kill three or four level three or more monsters every day, and it will take three or four years to kill so many monsters. In addition, most friars want to buy magic weapons to enhance their strength. They all want to practice in seclusion. Where is it possible to hunt and kill monsters every day. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it will take at least 10 years for a monk to hunt and kill such a large number of monsters.

"This Taoist friend, the demon pills of these monsters have been taken away?" Although the qingshiren Confucians were shocked, it was also business. After a little inspection, he just looked at Weisuo and asked.

"Yes, I have taken out the demon pills of these monsters. Most of them have been used by me for other purposes. There are still some left in them." Weisuo said and handed a black nabao bag to the scholar in blue shirt.

As soon as the consciousness of the scholar in green shirt was swept away, his face became more dignified. "I can quote the price of these demon pills right away, but the number of the corpses of these monsters is too large, and there are many kinds of them. It will take at least several hours to count them up. Do you want to watch the inventory here? "

"It doesn't matter." Weisuo took a look at the Qingshan Confucian scholar. "Anyway, I can still trust the reputation of your Wang family business, and then I want to buy some things, so please ask the shopkeeper Wang to send someone to check it slowly."

"That's natural. Among the more than ten cities around us, there is no one that dares to say that it has more credibility than our Wangs. Since Daoyou trust me, I will gather more people to come here and try to finish the inventory in half an hour." After the scholar said this, he nodded to the black brocade boy behind him. Then he took Weisuo back to the former private room and asked, "what treasures do you need to buy?"

"All the things I want to buy are recorded on the jade slips." Weisuo directly took out a piece of long and narrow blue jade slips from nabao bag and handed it to the blue shirt Confucian scholar."A flying sword and sword rhyme, a divinity shock technique, a flower of returning Yang, a Yang Zhi bird demon pill, a piece of annihilating magic crystal, exquisite water, black oil grass..." Seeing what was recorded on the jade slips handed over by Wei Suo, the Qing shirted Confucians who had made three accomplishments in Nian Jing all gasped, "this Taoist friend, the value of these things is amazing."

"Of course I know that." Wei Suo nodded and looked at the scholar in the blue shirt and said, "I don't know if these things are sold by your Wang family firm?"

The blue shirt Confucian scholar said with a bitter smile: "most of the things listed by Daoyou are extremely rare. My Wang family business is one of the largest local cities among the nearby cities. However, on the list of Daoyou, there is only one sunflower, some are exquisite water and some are black oil grass. The rest of the things are not ready-made in hand

"What's the price of flowers and other things?" Weisuo asked quietly, "I don't know if these things are not available for the time being. Can Wang's firm buy them for you?"

"The flower of returning to the sun needs 30000 pieces of spirit stone. Water Linglong 300 under the spirit of a stone, 500 black oil grass under the spirit of a stone The scholar in Qingshan felt that Weisuo was extraordinary. After nodding, he said, "as for other things that we don't have, Wang's firm can buy them on behalf of others, but they have to charge some Lingshi fees."

"How much water Linglong and black oil grass do you have now?" Wei Suo took a look at the Qingshan Confucians and said, "I don't know how much Lingshi cost is needed for purchasing on behalf of others?"

"There are ten plants in shuilinglong and six in black oil grass." After hesitating for a while, the Qingshan Confucian scholar said with a bitter smile: "originally, the handling fee was 10%, but the value of Taoist friends is very high, which is at least more than ten thousand inferior spirit stones. Therefore, according to the rules of our firm, it is a charge of 500 inferior spirit stones."

"Well, I'll take all the sunflower and the delicate black oil grass." Weisuo took out a spirit stone bag, counted out the corresponding spirit stone, and handed it to the Qingshan Confucian scholar, "the rest of the things, please the shopkeeper to release the news of the acquisition."

"Please wait a moment." Looking at Wei Suo's big handwriting, the scholar in blue shirt's eyes was a flash of strange light. He immediately extended his finger and touched a golden bell on one side.

Soon after the bell rang, a shop assistant, also dressed in black brocade, came in quickly. After a few words from the scholar in blue, the shop assistant immediately walked out. After a while, he came in with three white jade boxes.

Weisuo opened the three white jade boxes, looked at it, then nodded with satisfaction, and put the three white jade boxes into the nabao bag.

The Qingshan Confucian scholar handed Wei Suo back the long and narrow jade slips that Wei Suo had given him before, and said, "in this case, Daoyou's other things I want, I will immediately release the news of acquisition. It will take a while to count the monster materials of Daoyou. Do you have anything else you want to trade with our firm

"Is there a high-level nabao bag?" After Weisuo pondered for a while, he looked at the blue shirt and asked such a question. At present, most of the nabao sachets on his body are low-level nabao sacs. After knowing the advantages of nabao Baoduo, he is reluctant to sell them. However, the nabao sachet itself can not be put into the nabao bag. It is indeed very inconvenient to carry a lot of nabao sacs with him.

"Do you think it's inconvenient to carry so many low-level nabao bags?" Hearing Wei Suo's words, the blue shirt Confucian scholar chuckled and said, "we have one high-level nabao bag in Wang's family. The storage space is equivalent to ten low-level nabao bags. If you want to, you can exchange them with ten low-level nabao bags."

"Good." Without any hesitation, Weisuo took out ten black low-level nabao bags and handed them to the blue shirt Confucians.

"Just wait for the Taoist friend's things to be counted, and I'll call for someone to get it." The scholar with a smile nodded and put the ten treasure bags on the table beside him. He reached for a move, but it turned into a red flame, wrapped in a white teapot on the table. Then, he took several small white petals from a small bottle in his arms and added them to the white teapot.

In an instant, a peculiar fragrance came out of the white teapot.

"This is the unique Qingling flower of our royal family, which has good eyesight effect. If you are interested, you can have a taste. " The scholar in green shirt poured a cup for Weisuo, and then he also poured a cup and drank it shallowly.

Wei Suo knew that this kind of big business would not do anything. He took a sip at ease and felt the fragrance of his lips and teeth. A cool breath went straight to his eyes. It was really effective.

So while drinking tea, he chatted casually. After a while, he saw the friar of black brocade that Weisuo first saw walked in quickly and handed a roll of white silk and silk respectfully to the scholar in green shirt.

"There are 437 demon pills of various colors and 4203 monsters of various colors. According to our Wang's price, it's worth 123400 The scholar in green shirt unfolded the white silk and took a close look at the record on it and handed it to Wei Suo, "this is a detailed list, with the price of each piece on it. If you are not satisfied with anything in it, you can also point it out.""Yes, I can still trust your company. That's the price. " Weisuo just glanced, nodded and said.

Seeing Wei Suo's cheerful appearance, the blue shirt scholar's eyes flickered slightly. When the disciples in the shop took the spirit stone and a purple gold high-level nabao bag, Wei Suo obviously hesitated for a moment when he was ready to leave. After that, he made up his mind and said, "this Taoist friend doesn't know how to address him. In fact, he wants other things It's very rare for a monk. If you buy it with a spirit stone, it may not be possible for a monk to trade it. We can buy it for you, and it's hard to get it at the moment. But there is a way, maybe it can help you

"Oh? What method? " Weisuo's figure suddenly and violently stopped.

"I know that there is a exchange meeting between friars. There will be many good things that can't be seen in the ordinary market. It's just that this exchange meeting can only be attended by the monks in the division period, and the general monks in the division period can't get in." Said the scholar. , the fastest update of the webnovel!