Chapter 264

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"I don't know what the old monster is going to trade this time." After saying a few words to Weisuo, the square faced friar looked forward to the pale old Zhuge monster. After all, in the identity of Zhuge old monster, if it is to sell or exchange something, the level of that thing is certainly not low.

After a while, a monk in a silver fish scale robe came into the red mask.

The monk's facial features are very delicate, more than 30 years old, but his hands are a little deformed, uneven length, his face looks very soft.

As soon as he saw this man, both the square faced Friar and the shopkeeper Wang all changed their faces, and the shopkeeper Wang immediately reminded Wei cableway in a low voice: "this man is a loose man of silver carp, and he doesn't know where he has built his own cave in the sea. He has four levels of cultivation. There are some deformities in his hands. I hate that others stare at his hands. You must pay attention to them. "

"It seems that this person's psychology is also somewhat abnormal." Weisuo of course did not want to cause trouble. After nodding quietly, he did not look at the man.

After waiting for about half an hour, five or six more friars came in succession. The dwarf, who was wearing a yellow robe and had no smile on his face, also stepped into the red light mask.

"It should be about to start." Weisuo just moved in his heart. As expected, he only listened to the yellow dwarf's expressionless face, without any nonsense saying, "the time has come, this exchange meeting will start now."

Weisuo's eyes swept. He saw that there were about 40 monks present, and more than 10 chairs were empty. At this time, they all stopped talking and listened to the yellow dwarf.

"From left to right." The Yellow robed dwarf took a look at the far left and said, "Dear Taoist, what treasure do you want to trade this time?"

The one on the far left, known as "Qian Daoyou" by the Yellow robed dwarf, is a thin Taoist man in a dark blue robe and a black Taoist crown on his head. After nodding, he took out a piece of flashing green light from his arms.

"Magic fragment?"

Weisuo can see at a glance that the thing on the hand of this skinny road is a piece of pure gold fragment, but it is full of primitive and simple runes, and the brilliance is flashing, and the aura is very amazing.

Sure enough, the skinny Taoist, who only heard this title and state of mind triple, said: "this is an unknown piece of ancient treasure. After being inspired, it can emit a beam of green light, which can reach the power of the top-grade magic weapon of the spirit level. There is no limit to the number of times it can be activated. It's just that it takes a long time to activate, it takes five breaths. Once excited, the consumption of true yuan is about one tenth of my current cultivation. I want to exchange this for a medium level defense magic weapon. "

"Li Daoyou, I forgot to remind you of one thing." Hearing this man's words, the manager Wang sitting next to Wei Suo suddenly remembered something. He lowered his voice very low and said to Wei Suo, "we don't want to exchange this kind of exchange meeting. It doesn't matter if we can't exchange, but we can't bargain."

"What if several parties are interested in one thing at the same time and bid for each other?" Weisuo asked in a low, still voice. To tell you the truth, the first thing is a magic weapon fragment with the power reaching the highest level of spirit level, which really shocked him. Although the excitation time is a little long, it is extremely useful for the friars who have a powerful defense weapon on hand and are not afraid of the other party's bombardment and can be slowly excited.

"If you give something that is above the other party's conditions, you can see that someone is fighting for it, and then you can add something to it. Finally, it depends on the monk's choice of shipment. This is OK." Manager Wang replied.

"I don't know if this Feng Huo Pu Tuan is suitable for Qian Daoyou." At this time, a balding, pudgy purple friar with a nice face took out a green and red futon and threw it directly to a dry and thin old Taoist priest.

"Dragon Taoist friend, this is the real spirit level of wind, fire two defense magic weapon, I am certainly satisfied." At the sight of the putuan thrown by the bald and stout monk, the dry and thin Taoist priest's eyes were full of surprise.

"Do other Taoist friends like Qian Daoyou's magic weapon fragment and want to exchange them with other defense magic weapons?" The yellow dwarf asked without expression.

Weisuo had a greedy look at the piece of magic weapon fragments, but he also had two magic weapons like yellow hills and black water lotus on hand, which could meet the requirements. The yellow hill itself was obtained by killing the friar with disordered hair, so he could not appear on such occasions. Therefore, although the eye greedy for the spirit level high-level attack power, but also helplessly swallow saliva.

"Good thing! They are all good things The voice of the old man in the green robe suddenly rang in his ears, which made him roll his eyes. It seems that the old Shopaholic really wants to shop for nothing.

There was no word from the monks. After the yellow dwarf nodded to the dry and thin Taoist priest, the dry and thin Taoist priest could not hide his excitement and put away the "wind fire Pu Tuan", and then threw the green flashing magic weapon fragments to the bald monk. The bald monk looked at it for a moment, and then he put it away with great satisfaction.

"I also have a piece of dark brass, which is the best material for refining the magic weapon of thunder system. It can be sold at a price of 30000 lower grade spirit stones. If you exchange them with spiritual nourishing and longevity enhancing miracles, you can give priority to them. " Dry and thin, the Taoist put out his hand and took out a brocade bag, which contained a fist size. It looked like the color of the pygmy's robe, yellow gold."I can produce 30000 inferior spirit stones." As soon as the dry and thin Friar's voice fell, a friar in his fifties immediately said something.

"I can use a Ziyang Ganoderma for exchange." A middle-aged monk with two gold rings on his hands and a red fur coat, after a little meditation, also spoke out.

Seeing that no one else said anything, the yellow dwarf looked at the dry and thin Taoist. Without any hesitation, he threw the "black brass" in his hand towards the middle-aged monk in the red fur coat and exchanged a purple gold Ganoderma like plant he had taken out. Then he said to the yellow dwarf, "I have nothing to sell or buy for the time being It's something. "

"Ma Daoyou." The yellow dwarf nodded to a friar next to the dry and thin Taoist.

The monk's appearance was also very strange. He was of the same stature as an adult, but he had a baby face and wore a conspicuous red flower robe.

"I want to buy a water monster cub of level 5 or above, or live eggs that haven't hatched." The monk's real age is obviously not low, and he is a monk with three levels of cultivation, but he speaks with a childish accent.

"There's a living egg of the fifth level middle class deep-water law spider in the lower hand." A young monk in black, whose face was more yin dove, said coldly, "but I want to exchange this living egg for a piece of Taiyin stone."

"Taiyin stone?" The baby faced monk said helplessly, "do you have any other treasures you want to exchange?"

But at this time, the Yin corpse patriarch, who was full of Yin Qi and pale, just like a dead man, shook his hands without saying a word. He threw a dark blue crystal stone to the young monk in black, and the young monk in black did not dare to be slighted. He directly took out a white insect egg the size of a fist and threw it to the elder Zhuge.

The baby faced monk didn't dare to show any unhappy look. Seeing the monk who didn't respond to him again, he nodded to the yellow dwarf helplessly.

There was no change in the face of the dwarf in yellow robe. He nodded to a middle-aged woman with a gold hairpin on her head and a white magic weapon. "Du Daoyou, it's your turn now."

"I have a section of golden lotus root, I want to exchange for a piece of five color algae." The middle-aged lady smiles and takes a golden root in her hand. She looks at the friars around her with hope.

"Seven color algae, in the next hand there is a piece." As soon as his eyes brightened, the first dry old man who exchanged treasures immediately took out a ball of soft earth like things with a faint light of seven colors and threw them to the middle-aged beautiful woman.

Seeing this group of things, Weisuo was obviously stunned.

A light of surprise flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged beautiful woman. Just as she was about to exchange, Weisuo, who had been very low-key, even the monks around him did not look at him much, but he suddenly moved. From the nabao bag, he also took out a soft soil like thing, which was three times bigger than the dry old way.

As soon as Weisuo takes out this thing, the middle-aged beautiful woman also immediately some eyes take out the golden feeling.

"Du Daoyou, I have this thing in my hand, but to tell the truth, I don't know the function of this thing. I don't know if Du Daoyou can talk to me about the function of this object. If it's of no use to me, I can exchange the seven color algae twice as large as your hand for your golden lotus root. " Weisuo said not humbly. This piece of soft clay was collected by him on the way to "Turtle Shell Island". He just felt that the color was extraordinary, but the old man in green robe and Jiya did not understand the function.

"Oh?" The middle-aged woman looked at Wei Suo and said, "naturally, you can tell Daoyou that the seven color algae can make the refined gold material more compact and tough when refining refined gold magic weapons. It is effective on almost all refined gold and will not affect any array. It can be said that it is an all-purpose auxiliary material to improve the quality of the body of refined gold magic weapons

"Good!" All the friars saw that Weisuo hesitated for a moment, and his eyes were fixed on the lotus root. However, after a moment's hesitation, all the friars saw him nodding with determination, reached out and took the seven color algae from his hands, which was about twice that of the dry old way, and threw it to the middle-aged beautiful woman.

Seeing that the friars around didn't make a sound again, the middle-aged beautiful woman immediately couldn't wait, and threw a golden rhizome to Weisuo. , the fastest update of the webnovel!