Chapter 268

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"What I need?" Xuanyuan's ancestor was slightly stunned. He looked at Wei Suo with great interest again, and then his eyes flashed fiercely, "how do you call this Taoist friend?"

"Younger Li Ling." Weisuo replied not humbly.

Xuanyuan ancestor slightly pondered for a while, as if he was thinking about something. After a moment, he looked at Wei cableway, "what do you have on you, want to exchange a sky blue orange crystal?"

Wei Suo is not nonsense, took out two pieces of ground fire fairy lotus, directly threw in front of him.

Also did not see Xuanyuan ancestor have any action, two pieces of red brilliant ground fire fairy lotus then suspended in front of Xuanyuan ancestor.

The golden elixir, whose hair and hair were all white, looked at the two fire lilies, and his face slowly showed a complex look of joy and regret.

A moment later, Xuanyuan Laozu just moved his hands slightly, and put the two pieces of fire immortal lotus into the wide sleeve.

In front of him, the one in front of him falls into the orange one again.

This orange luster is an oval orange crystal the size of a pigeon egg. Its appearance is covered with pits and lines of orange peel. When it falls on Weisuo's hand, Weisuo's hand obviously sinks violently. It is obvious that the weight of this small crystal is very amazing.

"This is the legendary Tianlan orange crystal, which is used to refine the magic weapon and can enhance the magic weapon's power?"

Manager Wang looked at this strange crystal stone, and the idea just emerged in his heart. Only listen to Xuanyuan old ancestor light said, "you these two pieces of fire immortal lotus, is really qualified to exchange for this sky blue orange crystal."

"Silver carp Sanren, this is what you want." After saying that sentence to Weisuo, Xuanyuan Laozu reached out a little, and a green light flew into the front of the silver carp Sanren, and was immediately collected by the silver carp Sanren. According to its appearance, it should be a blue jade symbol recording something.

"What's the matter with you, manager Wang?" Xuanyuan Laozu looked at manager Wang again and asked.

Shopkeeper Wang immediately shook his head and said, "younger generation just has some friendship with Li Daoyou. Today, we went to attend the exchange meeting of monks during the separation period. So we came together to open our horizons. There is nothing wrong with it."

"Your royal business has done a good job and attracted many friars for Haixian city." Xuanyuan Laozu chuckled indifferently and said, "I'm crazy for a long time. You respect me as an elder. Since you're here, I can't let you go for nothing. This dharma shield should be of some use to you. It should be my gift to you."

As if snatched out of thin air, there was a silver pure gold Dharma shield which was more than one person high enough to protect the front of a monk. This dharma shield is covered with snake like reliefs, and the silver light is very dazzling.

As soon as the voice fell, the face of the Dharma shield was stretched out by the emperor Xuanyuan and flew to the front of the shopkeeper Wang.

"Thank you, master Xuanyuan." The shopkeeper Wang, who took the Dharma shield, was surprised and grateful.

"Give me a meeting gift, too." Weisuo looked at the shield, and was excited to death. He thought that Xuanyuan Laozu also gave him one. Because it is obvious that the aura on this dharma shield is far more than the medium level spirit level. It seems that it is at least the defense magic weapon of the top level. However, to his great depression, after giving this magic weapon to manager Wang, the great monk of golden elixir, who was not angry and self-confident, nodded and said, "I am still in the closed door, so I won't talk to you more."

"Don't talk to us any more. What does that mean? Is it a farewell? And me, and I'm a later generation. Give me a gift to meet you Weissou would love to call that.

But Xuanyuan Laozu didn't pay attention to his thoughts at all. After saying that, he waved his hand. Then the lotus platform carrying Wei Suo and others in flew out of the huge hall and flew to the place where Wei Suo and others came in.

"Three elders, please."

The monk of haixianzong was waiting on the white stairs. When he saw the lotus terrace stop in front of him, he bowed to Wei Suo and others and made a gesture of invitation.

After the three men followed the haixianzong disciple out of the white aura, Yinli Sanren ignored Wei Suo and manager Wang, and left in front of them.

"Doesn't this guy know that it's easy to have multiple friends?" Wei Suo speechless looked at the silver carp scattered figure, then immediately to the side of the Wang manager said: "thank you very much this time."

"Where and where, I should be grateful to Li Daoyou." Manager Wang sighed with a smile: "if it wasn't for following Li Daoyou, how can I get such benefits this time?"

After a pause, manager Wang apologized: "to say, this time still did not help Li Daoyou anything, Li Daoyou asked for the two skills, Yang Zhi bird demon Dan and annihilation method crystal, were not able to buy."

"These things are extremely rare in themselves, and no one can guarantee to find them all at once." Wei Suo wryly smile for a while, to Wang manager way: "these things, to me is very important, also has Lao Wang shopkeeper to help me to pay attention to.""Since Li Daoyou thinks I'm a friend, I don't have to be too outspoken. Daoyou told me about my residence last time. As soon as I get the news of these things, I'll get to know you immediately." Manager Wang looked at Weisuo and said.

After a few more words, Weisuo did not directly enter his residence not far from here. Instead, he followed shopkeeper Wang all the way down and into Wang's business.

About half an hour later, Wei Suo appeared from Wang's business and went straight into his residence.


"Weisuo, you're back, how are you?" As soon as Weisuo entered the tower like three story residence, Jiya, who heard the sound, immediately stepped out. It is of course extremely important for her to get the medicine to cure Han Weiwei.

"Only a section of lotus root is obtained, which can improve the efficacy of Huanyang flower and Yangzhi bird demon pill." Wei Suo shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "I also got a piece of weak water stem that can greatly nourish the black water lotus, and also got a sky blue orange crystal, but the rest of the things, is nothing."

Ji Ya's face slightly white, suddenly a little speechless.

"Don't worry too much." Wei Suo knew that she was sad. She took her hand and comforted her: "although Yangzhi birds are very rare, they are not extinct. Now we are not strong enough. If we disclose that we still have some things like Dihuo Xianlian, some are not safe. When we improve our cultivation level or two, if we can't find Yangzhi bird demon pill again, I will directly release the wind Sound, with the fire fairy lotus for Yang Zhi bird demon pill. I can't. You can exchange it with purple fox flower. For the rest of the monks, the value of dihuoxianlian and zihuhua is far above the Yangzhi bird demon pill. If there is no problem, we can definitely get Yangzhi bird demon pill. "

"It turns out that you've already made plans in your mind." Ji Ya Zheng a Zheng, looking at Weisuo's eyes suddenly some different up, "you have only a purple fox flower, you are willing to."

"That's bullshit." Weisuo's eyes turned, and he suddenly gave an embarrassed smile. "I still think about how I can talk to her after she wakes up. You and I have become a couple of monks."

The jade face of Ji Ya can't help but a little red.

At the sight of Jiya's appearance, Weisuo's heart suddenly became a little dishonest. She was old and old. Sometimes she was coy like a little girl. The more she looked, the more she could not stand it. "Dear wife, I was busy refining black water lotus two days ago, and I forgot to double practice. Shall we make it up now? You can't be lazy about this promotion of cultivation. "

On hearing Wei Suo say so, Ji Ya looked frightened, and then blushed and glared at Weisuo. "Finish the big thing first, and then you get a Tianlan orange crystal. Are the rest of the materials ready?"

"Yes, of course." Weisuo was very proud to say, "except for a piece of jade pulp, I have bought all the other materials in Wang's house today. On that day, the king's firm of Lingyu chalcedony also had goods in stock in the rest of the city. It should be delivered directly to your door at this time tomorrow. "

"I'm going to refine tonic pill." On hearing Wei Suo say so, Ji Ya eye wave a turn, very shy to the day furnace room to escape.

"I'll also visit to see how much higher your alchemy skills are than me." Weisuo laughed and immediately followed up. "My wife's got a rotten egg. I've got a piece of it."


"What did you call me?"

"Good husband..."

"That's about it."

"Oh, weissou, don't be in the firehouse on this day .。”

"Wrong again I think there is a monk's book which says that it's more exciting and the effect of double cultivation is better. "

A moment later, a beautiful dialogue, if there is no sound, came out from the sky fire stove room.


After a long time, Weisuo's figure appeared in the quiet room on the second floor.

At the moment, he has returned to his original appearance. Although there are still three colors on his face, they are obviously much lighter and will disappear soon.

In addition to the three colors brought by the golden spotted ginseng fruit, Weisuo's skin is also shining with a very moist luster.

Xuansha big% method, which reaches the middle level of heaven level, is not only amazing to the enemy's power, but also has great benefits to the monk's body. At this time, although Wei Suo's face did not change much compared with Lingyue City, if a person who knew him saw him, he would feel that he was much more handsome.

If you have a wife, what do you want. Weisuo is very satisfied with his life when he has a heart to heart double monk like Jiya.

However, after entering the quiet room, the gentle smile on his lips slowly disappeared and replaced with a dignified look.

To tell you the truth, although he comforted Ji Ya before, he was also worried about Han Weiwei. And after all, it's good for Han Weiwei to wake up one day earlier.

Now the most important thing is to improve your cultivation and strength as soon as possible.After his eyes flickered slightly, Weisuo took out the ghost jar, put it aside, and then took out the black water lotus and the weak water stem. , the fastest update of the webnovel!