Chapter 281

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"I'm afraid haixianzong is really close."

Day by day, this has become the most frequently mentioned word of the friars in Haixian city.

The rate of Reiki exhaustion in Haixian City exceeded the imagination of almost all monks. It was only a few months. When there were five days before the sea hunting meeting, the aura in the whole city was almost invisible. Even if a monk absorbed it for more than ten days, he might not be able to absorb the aura of a inferior spirit stone.

Such a thin aura is of little significance to many friars of zhoutianjing and fennianjing who have settled here in order to improve their cultivation speed. And haixianzong has also completely cancelled the cost of spirit stone for staying in Haixian city. Only monks who rent houses in Haixian city will have to pay for the cost of spirit stone.


But in the middle of the night, only five days before the sea hunting meeting, a huge roar came from the inner city of Haixian city.

"Did the statue of the sea fairy fall down?"

The sound is like countless boulders with the potential of wind and thunder, falling from a high altitude, smashing into the sea, with a huge sound of water. Think of the red jade and lotus in the hands of the sea Fairy Statue before, and many monks in the inner city of Haixian city even came up with this idea for the first time.

"What's the matter? What's the sound?"

But when these friars plundered out of their homes, they all saw that the statue of sea Fairy on the top of the mountain of Haixian city was good, and the whole city was nothing different.

"Why did elder Wei make such a big noise? This is Zhenyuan's stirring voice? impossible! If this is Zhenyuan's stirring voice, at least it's a heavenly level skill! "

Two haixianzong disciples wearing silver shirts beside Weisuo's residence had a look of horror on their faces.

At present, the residences on both sides of Weisuo are also the disciples of haixianzong. These disciples protect Wei Suo's Dharma. If Wei Suo has any requirements, he can immediately convey them to Xuanyuan ancestor. In any case, the emperor Xuanyuan had put most of the future of haixianzong on Weisuo. Now Weisuo enjoys the treatment of super elite disciples.

The two silver clad disciples could hear it very clearly. However, the amazing voice came from the residence of their "elder Wei Chang". Moreover, the sound just like the voice made by a monk testing his own Zhenyuan cultivation, when all the Zhenyuan in the sea of gods vibrated. However, the voice is so loud that half of the monks in Haixian city have heard it. If it is really the sound of Zhenyuan concussion, it is only the low-level skill of heaven level, and I'm afraid that it can be achieved only by the cultivation of more than four levels of thinking state. But this "Wei Changlao" is only twenty-eight years old. Even if he is practicing heaven level skills, it is impossible to achieve such accomplishments.

"What's the matter, old man? How could the tonic suddenly be useless? "

At a time when the two haixianzong disciples thought it was impossible, Wei Suo's fourteen regiments had turned the whole quiet room into a purple God sea, which was slowly disappearing. He held a round elixir in his hand, which was like a crystal jade. The inner part of the translucent pill had a beautiful silver texture. This pill is obviously tonic.

Since his flying sword, which let the old man in green robe could not help but scold "your sister Yo", was plated with two layers of annihilation crystal. After the flying sword was completely completed, Weisuo began to refine the sky mending pill. Because according to previous experience, if you want to upgrade from medium level to low level, you don't need ten thousand tonic pills, at least you need nine thousand tonic pills.

According to the refining speed of several hundred Weisuo grains a day, it will take at least one month.

In fact, Weisuo spent 267 days day and night. Only five days before the sea hunting meeting, did he finally raise the Zixuan formula to the level of the lower level skill of heaven level, and consumed more than 10500 tonic pills before and after.

The power of Zhenyuan of this day level skill is really amazing. The sound of Zhenyuan's agitation reaches the legendary realm of rolling boulders on high mountains and generating waves on the sea.

But in the past half a year, Jiya has refined 12000 tonic pills.

At present, Weisuo still has nearly 1500 tonic pills on hand.

But what makes him depressed is that he now refines the tonic pill, which actually has no effect at all.

After the number of refined Butian pills increased, he also obviously felt drug resistance, and the later, the weaker the potency of Butian pills. But it seems that after his purple mystery formula has been upgraded to the level of the lower level of heaven level, the sky tonic pill is suddenly useless.

"I don't know." Looking at a gloomy Weisuo, the old man in green robe said simply.

"I don't know? You taught me to refine all these things, but you said you didn't know. "

"Nonsense." The old man in green robe gave Weisuo a look. "The materials of this tonic pill were very rare at that time. It's very difficult for ordinary friars to refine ten or twenty pills. It's not like now, even ten thousand can be refined.""It seems that at that time, no one has ever been able to upgrade the low level skill to the heaven level skill with the sky tonic pill." Wei Suo speechless looked at the old man in green robe, "Bu Tian Dan, it's not that this effect can only be made up to the sky level, but it's invalid to the sky level or above?"

"It's easy to judge whether it's like this or not." The old man in green robe said neatly, "in any case, if you break through the five levels of Fen Nian state, you must take purple fox flower before you attack the golden elixir. When you refine the purple fox flower, you can refine a tonic pill to see if it's drug resistance or the tonic pill only has such effect."

"Well, that's all. Anyway, this mending the sky is also useful if she wants to use it. " After Weisuo thought about it, he put away the rest of the mendiandan first, and then suddenly he laughed, and then he reached out and took out a thing.

"Your sister As soon as the old man in Green saw what Weisuo had taken out, he could not help but cry.

Because what Weisuo took out was the flying sword like a door plank. Now, after being plated with two layers of annihilation crystal, the flying sword, which was originally silver white, has become golden. It looks like it was made of pure gold. What's more, the talisman patterns inside have been covered by the coating of annihilating crystal, which makes the sword look more rustic than before. It's no wonder that the old man in green robe can't stand it any more.

The old man in green robe felt that if Weisuo had to carry out this sword to chop people, he would have no master demeanor. It seems that if you want more land rich people, there will be more local rich people.

"Ha ha!"

After a smile, Weisuo put away the flying sword again, "well, old man, there should be time to refine a magic weapon, right? Now with this flying sword and blood eating sword in hand, the attack power should not be a problem. Xuanyuan ancestor should at least also give me a spirit level high-level attack magic weapon. Do you think, with the materials we have on hand, can we refine any useful magic weapon? "

"Why, don't you want to test the power of this flying sword when your skill is upgraded to the lower level of heaven?" The old man in green robe was stunned when he saw Weisuo take off his sword and heard Weisuo say so.

"What's good to try? Thousands of refined silver have been chopped to pieces, but trying again is not so. Only then can we find out how powerful the powerful weapons are."

"If you don't try, what did you just do with it?" The old man in green robe asked.

Weisuo ha ha a smile, "nothing, just look at your appearance just now, take out to see your reaction just."

With that, Weisuo took out the big and frightening flying sword from the nabao bag and swayed in front of the old man in green robe.

"Your sister The old man in green almost fainted and couldn't help crying out, "Weisuo, if you don't make this sword appear in front of me again, you don't want me to teach you how to make weapons again!"

"Well, the next time I don't use it, I'll just take it out." Seeing that the old man in green robe was going to be crazy, Weisuo laughed and put away the flying sword.

"Grandma's!" The green robed old man glared at Weisuo fiercely. After thinking about it, he said, "take out the two bat wings of the black bat pterosaur."

"Good!" Weisoton was excited again. Without saying a word, he took out the two bat wings of the black bat demon dragon.


Three days later, a haixianzong disciple in a silver robe passed through the red light mask outside Weisuo's residence.

After standing in front of the Lingtian, the haixianzong disciple did not put down a treasure bag as usual and then left. But respectfully stood in front of the spiritual field, and did not make any sound.

"Elder Wei."

A moment later, Wei Suo, dressed in a blue robe, snatched out of his residence. Seeing the haixianzong disciple saluting himself, Weisuo immediately asked, "what's the matter with you coming to me?"

"Elder Wei, I was ordered by my ancestors to remind elder Wei that he will leave for the sea hunting meeting in the morning. At that time, the disciples came to greet Mr. Wei and set out together after haixianzong gathered. As for the elder Wei Yizu, we can say that the elder Wei Yisheng and his companion will stay here After saying this extremely respectfully, the haixianzong disciple still took out a treasure bag and handed it to Wei Suo, "this is the magic weapon that the ancestor asked me to bring to the elder. The elder can get familiar with it first. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!