Chapter 285

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Xuanyuan Taoist friend, check these blink marks."

After sacrificing the light blue crystal column which is more than half a person high, Li Minghe reaches out his hand and hits ten pieces of jade amulets flashing with silver light into Xuanyuan's hands.

Purple Star immortal is also the same facial expressionless, will look the same ten pieces of jade talisman to Xuanyuan ancestor's hand.

The principles of the three special refining blink charms are the same, but the power of the talismans has been adjusted deliberately, and each blink Rune can move out of the same distance.

At the moment, the elders of the three sects have marked 30 entry points along the periphery of the heimu islands.

After the 30 monks participating in the sea hunting assembly draw a blink symbol, they will activate the blink symbol to enter the place designated by the three elders. As for which part of the island of ebony after the blink is triggered, it depends on personal luck.

saw the as like as two peas of jade, and the same old jade character, who had taken out ten jade patterns of one pattern, and mixed them with one hand, shook the thirty jade symbols together, and then waved them out. A group of yellow light wrapped up the thirty jade symbols and suspended them to thirty three Buddhist monks at the sea hunting convention in twenty.

"Take one blink for each." Xuanyuan Laozu glanced at the thirty monks and said faintly.

These friars of the three sects immediately sent out the real yuan and absorbed the jade talisman in the yellow light. Of course, there were two people who happened to see a blink at the same time.

"In a hurry to die?"

A yellow shirt disciple of Haixian sect and a red shirt disciple of Lagerstroemia sect happened to be photographed towards a blink symbol at the same time. The Ziwei sect disciple, who had two accomplishments in the realm of thought, was very arrogant. With a heavy cold hum, relying on his accomplishments far better than the haixianzong disciple of zhoutianjing, Zhenyuan snatched the blink symbol into his own hands.

The haixianzong disciple's face changed, and suddenly he looked angry and speechless.

"It's OK. Take another one. Maybe after entering this piece, you will encounter the first six level high-level monsters or the friars of three separate sects." A voice came from the side.

"Elder Wei said so." When he turned his head and saw the speaker, the face of the disciple of haixianzong suddenly looked much better. He took another blink.

"Are you still an elder even though you have done the same thing?" Crape myrtle clan of this very arrogant, left face has a black mole red shirt disciple smell speech immediately in the eye Li mang flash, murderous spirit reveals, "had better not let me meet you in inside."

"Fool!" Wei Suo disdains white this red shirt disciple one eye, crisp spit out two words.

"Damn it! Good! Hot Weisuo's voice was very clear. It was the monk who hoped that the more lively and hot the better, that the more excited he was.

"What are you talking about?" The red shirt disciple didn't expect Wei Suo to swear directly, and his face turned blue.

"I said stupid!" Weisuo almost cried out, "are you deaf, don't you hear me?"

"You want to die now, don't you?" the red shirt disciple of crape myrtle clan couldn't help but start fighting immediately.

"Fool!" Weisuo looked at the friar as if looking at an idiot. "Do you dare to break the rules and do it here? Don't dare to do it. You're a fart. "

"You The red shirt disciple's face turned blue and white, and he had a fight with Wei Suo. He was not an opponent at all. The most important thing was that he did not dare to fight here.

"Shut up!" Even the immortal Zixing felt very humiliated. He said, "don't quarrel here, waste your time. If you get the blink mark, you can leave immediately!"

Not only the red shirt friar, but also the rest of the Ziwei sect's friars also gave Wei Suo a fierce, murderous look. Then they flew up and flew towards a designated place.

"Let's go." When all the monks of the other two schools swept out, Wei Suo shrugged his shoulders and said this to the other disciples of haixianzong. Then he flew towards the entrance point marked by the three elders outside heimu island.

Thirty entry points form a semicircle on the periphery of the heimu islands.

"Let's go!"

When all the monks of the three schools were in place, Li Minghe said the three words first.

The sound of the killing atmosphere made the sky seem dark.

"Hum!" Purple Star real person looks gloomy cold hum. Li Minghe said it first. He clearly wanted to create the feeling that he was the leader of the three sects in front of so many onlookers.

But the Xuanyuan ancestor on the side just gave a faint smile. Thinking in his heart, Li Minghe, you still expect your talented disciple. It's better not to meet Wei Suo and not to provoke him. Otherwise, by the end of the sea hunting meeting, you will be unable to help vomiting blood.


It's finally on!In the thousands of monks watching silently, only 30 friars of three schools, each of which inspired the blink symbol in their hands.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

I saw a continuous flash of silver light, and the figures of thirty monks one by one disappeared from the sea.

At the same time, Li Minghe stretched out his hand a little, and a stream of real yuan, which was obviously like the pure gold molten liquid, was in front of him, and the light blue crystal column covered with countless eye-shaped patterns penetrated into it.

A light blue light, constantly emanating from the crystal column, in front of the white jade platform, out of thin air, a blue glaze like light curtain with a length and width of more than 50 Zhang was erected!

After the exciting of this strange magic instrument, two other elders of Yuanzong of the Ming Dynasty took out a white round crystal disk respectively, and both of them devoted themselves to Zhenyuan. The two white round disks seem to be used to control the six giant sails of refractor mirrors suspended in the high altitude above the black wood islands.

As the two elders of the yuan clan of the Ming Dynasty did, the six large sail like refracting mirrors all turned in the air.

On the blue screen of light, suddenly appeared a somewhat dark dense forest scene.

And then, like the rapid change of sight, the scene on the blue light screen moved quickly to the front of the dense forest.

"This is the scene in the black wood islands!"

After the monks who gathered around the sea stayed for a while, a burst of earth shaking cheers broke out.

It turns out that the refraction method of the Ming Yuan Zong was driven by three monks at the same time, so that the external monks could see the scene of the island. And it seems that the six sides of the refraction environment, in order to spread the scene of a place in the island to the light curtain outside.

However, the scene is very clear, as if there is a pair of huge eyes in the air, swept in the black wood Island, will see the scene all spread out. This has also made thousands of monks who have traveled thousands of miles to see the excitement and feel extremely satisfied.

Six big sails of refraction mirror in the sky constantly swept in the heimu islands, and suddenly a monk appeared on the blue light screen!

"A disciple of haixianzong!"

The friar was wearing a brown robe. Almost all the friars who saw it recognized this guy. Just before entering, he said to a black robed elder martial brother beside him, "elder martial brother, there is something I haven't told you all the time. In fact, it was me who peeked at Liao's bath a few years ago, which made everyone think it was you. " As a result, monk haixianzong was nearly strangled to death by the black robed elder martial brother.

The monk of haixianzong was standing next to a black mud pool with a look of fear on his face. Then immediately took out a black conch like magic weapon, immediately inspired.

"Isn't it?"

Seeing that this guy of the Narcissus sect immediately inspired the magic weapon, almost all the monks in the audience were very worried, thinking that the monk had met an enemy or found a monster. But to their amazement, the disciple of haixianzong quickly fell into the conch shaped artifact that grew bigger in front of him, which was almost right for him to lie in, and then puffed into the mud.

The refraction mirror was aimed at the rotten mire for a long time without any movement. That is to say, the disciple of haixianzong was hiding in it and could not come out at all.

"Another haixianzong disciple?"

Two speechless elders of Yuanzong continued to use the refracting mirror. After a while, the monk who appeared on the blue light screen happened to be another haixianzong disciple.

Wearing a silver robe, he was just crying to a younger martial brother. He left a beautiful picture album in the nabao bag in the quiet room. In case he couldn't go back, the monk of haixianzong, whom the younger martial brother could take a look at, fell right in a dry valley full of yellow rocks.

"Isn't it?"

What made the monks stare big again was that after looking around, the disciple of haixianzong, wearing a silver robe, took out a piece of yellow tile like magic weapon. After concentrating on Zhenyuan, he threw himself under his feet, and a mass of yellow gas rose. The disciple of haixianzong, wearing a silver robe, immediately fell into the yellow stone field under his feet, and then the yellow stone ground recovered as before. There was no monk hiding underneath.

Then the haixianzong disciple was hiding and didn't come out at all.

These two are not enough, but with the continuous search of refraction mirror, it is no coincidence that the third monk found is also a disciple of haixianzong.

This haixianzong disciple, wearing a blue robe and a loyal face, is lucky. After he inspired the blink sign, he is good at it. In a giant wood forest, there are huge black trees surrounded by more than ten people.

At the moment, there are more than a dozen white bats hanging upside down on a big tree in front of the haixianzong.

The heads of these ten bats are just like the heads of little monkeys, which are the four level low-level monster White Monkey bats. This blue shirt disciple of haixianzong is the five fold cultivation of zhoutianjing. It should not be a problem to deal with these monsters. It is just a good harvest."Damn it!"

However, the monks could not help crying out. This seemingly loyal and honest disciple of haixianzong took out a blue magic instrument about the size of an olive without hesitation, which aroused him. Then, with a flash of green light, the monk's body did not enter a nearby tree. Unexpectedly, he didn't want to hunt and kill the monster at all, so he hid directly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!