Chapter 298

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Seeing Wei Suo nodding and agreeing, Xuanyuan Laozu laughed and said nothing more. He turned and left the hall.

After seeing the figure of Xuanyuan ancestor disappear from the sight, Weisuo immediately takes out a silver straw blanket from his nabao bag, spreads it on the ground, and then sits down immediately, and waves to Jiya, "dear wife, come on, come on, sit down here, I'll show you something."

Seeing Wei Suo's appearance, Ji Ya saw that Xuanyuan's ancestor Tieding had already left. She was sure that she would not come for a while. Then she sat down beside Wei Suo.


Wei Suofei quickly took out a picture album and handed it to Jiya.

"This..." Ji Ya opened it and spat at once, blushed to his ears and threw the album back to Wei Suo.

"Old husband and wife, still so shy." Weisuo extremely obscene hey hey a smile, "we can watch and learn at that time."

"Bah, don't even think about it." When giarden fiercely white Weisuo one eye, reaches out to want to snatch that picture album to tear over again.

It turns out that all the paintings in this album are pictures of nuns and nuns doing road work, and they are all illusions. The nuns and nuns in the album can move, which looks very lifelike. Most importantly, there are notes at the bottom of each picture. This picture is called Koi sucking water. This one is called electric light and poisonous fire. At the same time, it also introduces how men and nuns who practice water system and fire system can achieve such wonderful skills.

"Ah?" As soon as he saw that Jiya was going to tear it, Weisuo quickly put the album into the nabao bag. "My dear wife, don't pull it. If you take it out and sell it, you'll have to sell it for thousands of spirit stones. You can see how precious it is when people enter places like the black wood islands with them. "

"If you want to see it, you can see it by yourself. Don't show it to me." Jiya gave Weisuo a red look.

"I'll talk about it later." With a smile, Wei Suo took out a magic weapon like a blue oil lamp. He was very proud to look at Jiya and said, "dear wife, you can't guess what kind of magic weapon this is."

Ji Ya white Weisuo a look, "is not can sense around hundreds of Zhang there is no hidden monk magic weapon?"

"Ah?" Weisuo's eyes widened in surprise, and he took out a green and white bead. "I'm sure you can't guess what the magic weapon is."

Jiya snorted, "this is not a magic weapon of aura. After excitation, it can form a bluish white aura. Defense power can reach higher spirit level. "

"No, you can see that?"

Kya couldn't help laughing. "The refraction mirror is always facing you. These magic weapons have been used. Of course I know."

"It seems that you can't be frightened if you don't get something powerful to come out." Wei Suo, who was sweating for a while, took out a spirit stone bag and handed it to Jiya.

"So many spirit stones!" Jiya was slightly surprised, "whose is this spirit stone bag? It's very dangerous to enter the heimu archipelago. According to the reason, the monks participating in the sea hunting meeting should not take the spirit stone with them. "

In this spirit stone bag, there are many top-grade spirit stones. There are 3000 hundreds of them, which is equivalent to more than 300000 lower grade spirit stones.

"It's from Oren Meng. Maybe this guy didn't expect him to die in it." Weisuo said this with some pride, but he couldn't help being a little surprised when he looked at the scene that Ji Ya didn't feel. He said, "how, dear wife, so many spirit stones haven't scared you yet?"

"There's nothing frightening about it." Jiya skimmed her lips, "not as much as the spirit stone on you."

"This..." Weisuo grabs his head and thinks it's true. The spirit stones on his body now add up to more than 400000 inferior spirit stones.

"It seems that I have to come up with a killer." Looking at Jiya a little proud, Weisuo shook his head, took out a treasure bag, and then piled up all the things inside except the monster corpse.

"Whoa ha ha ha ha!"

What makes Jiya laugh and cry is that she knew for a long time that Weisuo's harvest must be extremely amazing, because many of the magic weapons on the elite disciples of the sect were of high-level spirit level, so she didn't feel too surprised to see Wei Suo suddenly take out many magic weapons. However, Wei Suo himself could not help his signature style A chilling laugh.

However, it's no wonder that the harvest is so amazing. If an ordinary monk of Fen Nian state comes and points to this pile of things and tells him to give it all to you, he may be so excited that he faints.

All the napalm bags add up to 12!

At first, Wei Suo didn't meet twelve friars in the sea hunting meeting. However, like ou ran Meng and the four Ziwei friars, there were friars who killed other monks and took their nabao bags on them. 'Probably because of the fact that the size of the monster beast is relatively large, for fear of too much hunting and killing, the nabao sachets of the twelve monks are all medium quality nabao sacs with the capacity of three or four times the capacity of ordinary low-level nabao sacs.

There are no spirit stone bags in the rest of the nabao sachets except for one of Ouran Meng's, but for nothing else, if the 12 medium quality nabao sacs are taken out and thrown, they will be at least one of the six or seven thousand inferior spirit stones, which will add up to 70000 inferior spirit stones.

All the good magic weapons, except for the red shirt monk's lamp shaped magic weapon which can detect the hidden monk and the Ruyi Linglong tower which can move quickly, the number of the remaining magic weapons is 38.

Although this number is not particularly surprising, because most of the treasure bags only have two or three magic weapons, only the last few of the crape myrtle friars have more magic weapons.

But the quality of these magic weapons is a bit frightening.

Among the 38 magic weapons, except for 12 magic weapons of the spirit level, the remaining 26 are all magic weapons with power reaching the top level of spirit level!

It's no wonder that you can't talk with Mr. Wei xuanzu.

You should know that even if the strength of haixianzong and mingyuanzong is far beyond tianyimen and Dongyao resort, it is estimated that the top-grade magic weapons of Lingjie will not exceed 50.

This time, both the Yuanzong and the Lagerstroemia sect must rely on such strong men as Ouran Meng, and on the other hand, they all wanted to eat each other in one bite. Otherwise, they would not be equipped with so many high-level magic weapons.

It is estimated that in order to kill each other, the Ming Yuanzong and the Lagerstroemia sect piled most of the high-quality magic weapons in the sect on these elite disciples who entered the heimu islands.

However, they did not expect that haixianzong would suddenly kill a evil star like Weisuo.

There are so many top-grade magic weapons on the spirit level. All the lower level magic weapons on Weisuo are not needed.

Mother Jin's thunder hammer, even the six Yang fire fork, as well as Wei Suo's Yin magic blade, which she had been reluctant to lose and tried to repair, were completely unnecessary. The six Yang divine fire shield which had not been refined on her body In any case, it can be said that this is a super exchange of blood. In addition to Blackwater lotus, door flying sword, qingsuo silver staff and blood eating sword, all the other magic weapons can be replaced.

You don't need to look at the magic weapons of the middle level. Next, Weisuo first selected the defensive magic weapons among the 26 top-grade magic weapons.

Among the 26 top-grade magic weapons, there are 11 defensive magic weapons.

The blue white bead, the willow shaped defense magic weapon used by o'ranmeng and an ice blue jade plate were all picked out by Weisuo and put into the bag.

Then Weisuo picked out a short white stick like defense magic weapon and a black square shield.

These two top-grade defense magic weapons of the spirit level have their own peculiarities. Once the white short stick like defense magic weapon is activated, it will stimulate 16 white huge icicles, standing around, and have the effect of blocking and freezing the opponent's attack magic weapon. After that, the monk can not turn the black shield to make the other friars fly quickly.

Three aura defense magic weapons, add these two, and Weisuo's black water lotus, Weisuo has six defense magic weapons that reach the top level of spirit level. If you change other friars, it will be enough.

However, Weisuo, who never had too many defensive magic weapons, stopped to select offensive magic weapons only after he selected the shield with large defense area on both sides from the remaining several defense magic weapons.

The huge sickle shaped magic weapon of Oren Meng was first picked down by Weisuo.

Weisuo hasn't looked at the miscellaneous things in the knapsack of this guy. If he has the skills that he used to enhance the power of magic weapons, the power of this sickle shaped magic weapon can reach the appalling middle level.

Next, Wei Suo's favorite is the magic weapon of Ziwei sect's disciples. The key to this weight type magic weapon is big. Once it is inspired, it will turn into a big pure gold brick. When it comes, it will be sacrificed together with the door panel and flying sword. Maybe the opponent will call your sister louder when they see it.

Then Weisuo will these attack type magic weapon, two large-scale control magic weapon also immediately picked out.

One of these two magic weapons is the black box shaped magic weapon of the red monk, and the other is a vase like magic weapon on the monk of the Ming Yuan clan who is hanging in the gap. One of these two things can shoot countless black wind arrows, and the other can drop countless water jets from the air.

Because there are too many offensive magic weapons to use, so when Han Weiwei is included, Weisuo selects five magic weapons according to the standard of three for one person.

After Weisuo selects the remaining items, not counting the things to be replaced on Weisuo's body, there are 12 middle level magic weapons, 6 top attack magic weapons and 4 top defense magic weapons.Weisuo didn't want to give all these things to Xuanyuan. All the magic weapons of the spirit level and the things replaced by Weisuo could be all thrown to Xuanyuan ancestor. At least half of the top-grade attack and defense magic weapons of the spirit level should be left behind, because sometimes it is better to carry these magic weapons on his body to exchange things with other friars. And maybe back to the sky Xuan mainland, you can also give the brain simple two to enhance the strength.

This replacement, Weisuo and Jiya's equipment can be said to be the top-grade magic weapon of the spirit level.

And weissou couldn't help but calculate the value of all this time. It's not unknown. It's really a shock. Even if a piece of middle-class magic weapon of spirit level is 450000 spirit stone, and one top-grade magic weapon of spirit level is more than 100000 spirit stone, the total harvest spirit stone will be at least 34 million spirit stones.

And it's not as many monsters and vestments as Weisuo got.

Most of the vests on these friars were of the spirit level. In order not to damage them, Weisuo used his sword to take off, but they all chose to shoot instead of cutting them into two pieces at once.

"Grandma, it's a million spirit stone households all at once! If only this sea hunting meeting was held every day After calculating, Wei Suo, who was shocked by the value of these things, could not help but utter such a sigh. , the fastest update of the webnovel!