Chapter 307

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Wei Xiaoyou, the technique of your black and green ghost claw is very mysterious. When you cast it, there is no sound and it is not easy to be noticed. It is better to press on the prohibition to let me feel what kind of prohibition this prohibition is and how its power is." Li Yizhan, huoyun Zhenren and Wei Suo are now familiar with each other. They don't call Wei Suo. Wei Chang is old. They just call Wei Suo Wei Xiaoyou. Obviously, after seeing Wei Suo's strength, the two golden elixir friars also regard Wei Suo as a monk of the same level, and dare not look down upon him. This is also the reason why Li Yizhan proposed to divide the things in this ancient relic by 50%.

"Please come as close as possible." Weisuo nodded and did not refuse, but only put forward such a request.

As long as the combination of yin and Yang, the xuansha big% method in the middle level of this day level can continuously condense this amazing Yin evil Qi and store it in the body. At the moment, Weisuo's ghost hand of Yin evil and Jiya's cold Dan are used. The power has exceeded the magic weapon of the middle level of the spirit level and is close to the magic weapon of the top level of the spirit level. Moreover, the more the double cultivation skill of the middle level magic weapon in heaven level, the power will continue to increase and gradually accumulate. Let alone the magic weapon that surpasses the spirit level, even the magic weapon that exceeds the Taoist level, it is not impossible.

Speaking of this skill, compared with other skills that are inspired by Zhenyuan and hit with a bang, its power is amazing, but it doesn't exist after it's finished. Moreover, although its power is great, its power is so constant that it can only grow with the growth of Zhenyuan's cultivation.

However, this technique is also flawed. If the Qi of yin and evil spirit meets the opposing power, it will be lost. If it is consumed badly at one time, the power will be greatly reduced, and it will be accumulated slowly by double cultivation. It is precisely because of this defect that the power of this gate can be accumulated continuously in theory. It is just like a magic weapon that can keep growing. It is only in the middle level of heaven level. Otherwise, this gate skill must be ranked at the top level of heaven level.

If you cast a spell at such a depth, you will lose some power against water pressure, so the closer you are, the better.

What's more, Wei Suo decided that if there was no need, he would not reveal this technique easily. At that time, he would accumulate gradually, but not use it. At that time, it will accumulate more powerful than the top-grade magic weapons. However, it will frighten people to death just like the famous "you Mei Yo" flying sword in the north of Yunling continent.

Li Yizhan, of course, couldn't think of so many ghost ideas in Weisuo's mind. Hearing Wei Suo's saying that he should be closer, he immediately had no nonsense. He made Wei Suo's crystal clam boat close to the place only four or five feet away from the invisible prohibition. Then he reached out a little, and the upper shell of the jingbeng boat turned up again.

A blue and black Yin Qi immediately gushed out of Weisuo's hands and condensed into a ghost claw, which could not be seen there, but pressed on the invisible barrier like a wall.

"Grandma! If I had known, I would have made an excuse and let them do it. "

As soon as he passed through the sea water and pressed on the invisible barrier, Weisuo felt that the pressure on the ghost claw was very great, just like driving the xuansha ghost claw through the steel plate, it was estimated that the lost power would take at least ten times and eight times to make up for it.

As soon as he pressed on the invisible barrier, Weisuo felt only a strong rebound, as if he had been pressed on a huge mountain, and could not be pushed at all.

With a ring of water spray, the Black Ghost claw was immediately collected.

Suddenly, there was a layer of blue and black light on the invisible barrier. Then, in the astonished eyes of Xuanyuan Laozu and Wei Suo and others, 50 or 60 pieces of blue and black light suddenly poured out on the invisible barrier, and rushed towards the crystal clam boat fiercely.

The sea water in front of these brilliance exploded in circles, which showed that the power of these blue and black brilliance was extraordinary.

After a close look, we can see that these blue and black luster are actually in the shape of fist sized moths. They look very vicious and strange, like living creatures.

Huoyun immortal reached out a little, and a black and red flame flashed in front of him, but it was also divided into the shape of dozens of flaming birds, just one at each head, and ran into the green and black moths that came in the face.

After burning up all these moths, they flew out of the sea for a while, and then they were put out in a sneer, forming a mass of white steam about the size of a millstone in the deep sea.

Seeing huoyun immortal show his hand, Li Yizhan immediately exclaimed, "huoyun Taoist friend, your real formula of leaving fire has become more and more exquisite."

Huoyun's face did not show any joy, but on the contrary, he frowned slightly. After pondering for a moment, he did not say a word. With a wave of his hand, a black red pillar of fire with the thickness of an adult's thigh was hollowed out, like a clock, and hit the invisible prohibition in front of him.

There was a slight tremor on the invisible barrier, and a layer of black and red light appeared immediately. Then, 50 or 60 black red lights poured out towards the crystal clam boat.

This time, the 50 or 60 black and red lights are actually the shapes of black and red ganoderma lucidum, which is very strange.Huoyun immortal did the same, reaching out to light a black red fire, and then divided into dozens of flame birds, respectively bumping into the black and red ganoderma lucidum.

After a collision, dozens of flaming birds and black red ganoderma lucidum disappeared at the same time, which shows that their powers are almost equal.

Seeing such a scene, Wei Suo and Ji Ya had no other special feeling except suspicions, but the eyes of huoyun immortal and Xuanyuan ancestor were suddenly filled with strange light.

"Xuanyuan ancestor, huoyun Taoist friend, why, do you know the origin of this prohibition?" This strange light also immediately fell into Li Yizhan's eyes.

"It's such a huge blinding array to isolate and rebound divine consciousness. What's more, it will immediately pop up any skill with similar nature and power." The cold face of huoyun immortal's eyes, lit up a strange flame, "it should be only plain color cloud array can have such power and effect."

"Plain cloud array?" On Li Yizhan's face, he also showed a gaping expression, "is this the forbidden area of yunjiezong

Xuanyuan's eyes were as bright as Weisuo's when he saw a lot of spirit stones. He did not say anything at the moment, but also stretched out his hand and turned out a yellow gas, which impacted on the invisible barrier. On the invisible barrier, there was a flash of yellow light, and fifty or sixty yellow lights were emitted.

This time, the yellow light is a fist size square seal. Each square seal looks like a piece of earth, but it is as heavy as a mountain. In such a deep sea, as soon as it is knocked out, there is an amazing undercurrent in front of each seal.

Xuanyuan Laozu stretched out his hand, turned out a circle of yellow light, and took the fifty or sixty Dharma Seals.

After receiving these 50 or 60 Dharma Seals, Xuanyuan's eyes became brighter. "It's very likely that this is the forbidden area of yunjiezong, xiaotianjie!" There was even a tremolo in his voice, which showed that the old man was very excited.

"Is it that the legendary little heaven is in the silent North Sea! No way Li Yizhan made a strong voice, "plain cloud array has more than such power. If it is a plain cloud array, we should not feel the existence of this array at all. If we run into this array, we will be confused by its blinding and power. We think that if we cross the sea here, we can't find the existence of the array."

"But apart from the plain cloud array of yunjiezong, there are no other arrays with this unique power." Huoyun immortal looked at Li Yizhan calmly and said: "it should be that the age is too long. The array has been damaged and the power has been lost. So we can feel that there is such a prohibition."

"It's very possible that such a large-scale array has such a unique power. I can't think of a second one except the plain cloud array." Xuanyuan Laozu took a deep breath and said: "such a large-scale array, in addition to communicating the vitality of heaven and earth, must rely on the power of many unique spirit stones. Such a long time ago, the changes of the earth's veins and the depletion of the power of the spirit stone will affect this array."

Wei Suo and Ji Ya heard the clouds and fog, but they could only hear the cloud world sect and the small sky, as well as the plain cloud array. Hearing this, Wei Suo couldn't help asking, "my younger generation has limited knowledge. I don't know what the origin of the yunjiezong and xiaotianjie are?"

"No wonder you haven't heard of it. It's really a long time ago. Yunjiezong was the first gate of Yunling land 16000 years ago. At that time, it ruled the land of Yunling for a long time, and a lot of rules were laid down. All the cities in Yunling land should abide by them. Monks who violated many of the rules and tried to make enemies with them should be punished. " Looking at Wei Suo, Xuanyuan Laozu roughly explained: "xiaotianjie is a place specially established by the yunjiezong to banish some hostile friars and to test their disciples."

"A place for banishment of friars and disciples?" Weissorton was a little silly. "Is there anything good in there?"

"I just saw some records of this little heaven in a broken classic. I only know that the small heaven is extremely vast, just like a completely independent world. It's completely comparable to a mountain gate with a large gate. " Xuanyuan Laozu said: "it is said that at that time, many friars also took the initiative to enter the small heaven world to cooperate with the yunjiezong's disciples in the trial. They were hunted down as prey by the disciples of the cloud clan in order to get benefits in it. As a prey, it must be a life of death to be pursued by the disciples of the Yunjie sect. According to this record, there should be great benefits in it. Monks who can survive may get amazing treasures. But as for what kind of amazing benefits there are, I don't know. Do you know what kind of amazing benefits there are , the fastest update of the webnovel!