Chapter 310

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

These ghosts poured into the Yellow aura inspired by Xuanyuan ancestor.

"Shit! Don't you have knives? Think it's steamed bread? "

What made Wei Suo faint was that these gloomy ghosts clearly had two long swords in their hands that looked very sharp. However, when they threw themselves on the aura mask inspired by Xuanyuan's ancestors, they didn't need a knife at all. They just fell on the aura mask and chewed it like a steamed bread.

Dare Qing, the two big knives in my hand are totally bluffing.

"My flying sword is not as bluffing as your sword."

As soon as Weisuo reached out his hand, he offered his famous "your sister Yo" flying sword. With a flash of golden and yellow color, he smashed the three ghosts in front of him like a fly.

In any case, this Jinyun sword formula will absorb a little spirit of gold spirit once used. Wei Suo decided that he would take it out to chop and pat several times in the future.

"Isn't it?"

However, Weisuo himself almost couldn't help calling out "your sister Yo". After the three ghosts were shot to pieces, they actually condensed quickly, and then threw a pair of knives and rushed up with shaking their buttocks.

Seeing such a scene, huoyun real man's hands closed and saw a black red fire lotus with a diameter of more than three Zhang.

After the powerful flame giant lotus congealed out, it began to rotate slowly. This rotation, however, seems to have produced a surprising force of attraction, all around a head of ghosts involved.

I saw that the ghosts within the area of more than 30 Zhang were all rolled in and burned into a fluffy of flying ash.

Such a scene, let Weisuo's heart also can't help some hair.

Judging from the power of this huge flame lotus, if ordinary friars fight against huoyun immortal's Taoist technique, not to mention the magic weapon inspired out, maybe even themselves will be sucked in directly. Obviously, this is at least a low-level skill. It seems reasonable that huoyun immortal can make monks like Xuanyuan Laozu fear.

But what made Weisuo's eyes widened even more was that after the fire lotus disappeared, the fluffy fly ash was actually scattered again, still turned into a fluffy gray mist, and then turned into a head of ghosts.


A bright thunder light appeared in front of Li Yizhan, forming a two foot two long golden lightning sword.

Then the golden sword flashed and hit a ghost in front of him.

But the same, this ghost, not to mention big brother, didn't say a word, even squeak, it turned into a flurry of fly ash, but immediately turned into a fluffy gray fog, and condensed into the original appearance, a pair of you have the ability to bite me like me.

"This thing is actually the same as the Yin corpse sect's" taking away the demon soul "and is not afraid of general skills Li Yizhan's face suddenly changed slightly.

"Take away the ghost?"

Weisuo heart move, a shake hands, directly hit a bag of Yin phosphorus sand. Li Yizhan said that he really felt that the smell of this ghost was somewhat similar to that of the "ghost soul" who attacked him last time.

"Although I don't know much about him, he is very experienced in fighting." At the sight of Weisuo directly shaking his hands to beat out the phosphorous sand, Li Yizhan and huoyun Zhenren's hearts all have such an idea in mind, but on the surface they are quietly watching the change of ghosts burned by the phosphorous sand.

When the Yin phosphorous sand was burned up, the ghosts still did not suffer any damage. Moreover, the phosphorous sand did not adhere to its body, but burned and passed through.

With a frown on his brow, Xuanyuan Laozu was just about to suggest that he should not try to deal with these ghosts. He relied on the defense technique, and just like resisting the blood light before, he just crossed the hillside. Because if these ghosts are the condensation of the array, they will not follow up as long as they cross the hillside.

But at this time, I saw Wei Suo's hands blue and black, and the congealed xuansha ghost claws were suddenly seized by several ghosts and pinched them fiercely.

The several ghosts were pinched, but still squeak, not a sound was pinched to dissipate. But what is different from before is that after the several ghosts were pinched and scattered, they did not condense again.

"Wei Xiaoyou, your skill is just able to control this kind of ghost?" Li Yizhan and huoyun were very surprised to see such a scene.

And at the moment, Weisuo's eyes were as bright as seeing a spirit stone.

He used this xuansha ghost claw, but he just tried it casually. Unexpectedly, it was not only really useful, but also the vitality of these ghosts seemed to be absorbed by his xuansha ghost claws. He obviously felt that several wisps of Yin were integrated into his own xuansha Yin Qi, which made his xuansha Yin Qi more powerful A little bit.

Such discovery, let Weisuo a burst of desperate crazy grasp up.

"How can these ghosts increase the power of this skill?"After a gust of wind and the remnant cloud, even Xuanyuan Laozu and others felt it clearly. On the contrary, the power of xuansha ghost claw aroused by Weisuo was stronger and stronger.

After a look at each other, Xuanyuan Laozu and others are not much, waiting for Wei Suo to keep grabbing this head ghost.

The speed of Weisuo's capture was very fast. A long magic claw rolled around like a whirlwind. These ghosts had no brain. A brother in front of him was crushed by a handful, and a brother in the back went up again. In less than a stick of incense, all the shadowy ghosts on the whole hillside were captured by Weisuo.

"Damn it!"

After absorbing the vitality of at least a thousand ghosts, Wei Suo couldn't help but cry at his xuansha ghost claw.

It turns out that he and Jiya have been working hard to cultivate for so many days. The ghost claw of his xuansha Yin Qi has already been pointed. Compared with the claws of the black bat and magic dragon, it's terrible. But now the xuansha ghost claw can be said to be more terrifying than not knowing. Now the xuansha ghost claws are covered with scales like copper coins.

"I can't imagine that Wei Xiaoyou's technique can be increased. Just now I see that the power of this skill is only a little higher than that of the medium level magic weapon of spirit level. Now, after absorbing the spirit of these ghosts, you have reached the power of the lower level magic weapon. " Li Yizhan took a deep look at Wei Suo and said, "Wei Xiaoyou, is this a high-level skill?"

"Is it the power of inferior products?" Wei Suo's heart suddenly burst into a burst of relief. This golden elixir's judgment is basically correct. Li Yizhan says that his xuansha ghost claw has reached the power of the inferior level of the Dao level, which is basically the power of the inferior level of the Dao level. However, looking at Li Yizhan's meaningful appearance, Weisuo immediately gave a ha ha, pretended to be embarrassed, and said: "if my skill is a heaven level skill, I will wake up laughing in my dream. My skill is not fake, but it is only a medium level skill, or a double cultivation method. And although this power can be accumulated, it will be consumed when it is used to fight people. "

"Oh? I see. " Li Yi Zhan took a look at Wei Suo's side of Ji ya, a suddenly enlightened appearance.

"Grandma, if it's really heaven level high level skill, you don't want to deal with me?"

Wei Suo's face is just a smile, but in the heart is secretly scolded. Just now Li Yizhan and huoyun Zhenren are both silent, but Weisuo is very obvious to feel that they are very coveting their own technique. It seems that although it is the joy of the little friend's elder brother, the cooperation is also good. When we should be careful, we should be careful.

It's a pity that the Dharma array on this hillside is not top-notch. Otherwise, if this kind of ghost of Yin yuan is several times many and dozens of times, will the xuansha ghost claw directly surpass his door plank flying sword, become the top grade of Taoist level, and even reach the magic power of Xuan level?

If friar yunjiezong, who arranged the array at that time, knew what Weisuo was thinking at that time, he would certainly get up from the coffin, light Weisuo and call "your sister Yo" twice, and then spit blood again and die.

Because this array is called "the immortal ghost array", the Yin Yuan energy is very unique. At that time, there was no such technique as xuansha big% method. At that time, the big array had no solution at all. Moreover, this kind of ghost could catch up with the monks for miles. Basically, the monks below the golden elixir could escape only if they tried to break it If you do, you're basically dead. But now Weisuo still despises him. This array is not powerful enough.

After crossing the hillside, the front is a very flat plain, growing some low common shrubs.

All the way forward, flying forward for more than half an hour, the temperature in the air is a little bit cold.

Dense low shrubs, with their progress, from gradually rare to barren, after the ground is actually a thin ice.

A few miles further on, the ground and its surroundings were covered with huge pieces of ice, which, because of their long age and stained with dust, looked dark gray.

Not long after, in the plain covered with dark gray ice, in the sight of the public, suddenly appeared a icicle about 56 feet high!

The core of these icicles is a green wood column, but the outside is covered with solid ice.

On these pillars, there are all bronze chains of pure gold. Most of them are empty, but on three of them, there is a monk's body hanging on them! , the fastest update of the webnovel!