Chapter 312

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
With a flash of gold, Wei Suo, who looks ugly, appears in a "Hall".

Just a glance at the scene, Weisuo's face suddenly became more ugly.

At the moment, where he was in, what was the main hall was clearly a huge cave.

The cave is a hundred Zhangs round, more than sixty Zhang high. The top of the cave is round. The rocks around and at the top look uneven, like canine teeth, without any emblems. But the wall is covered with a layer of dark yellow fluorescence, looks very strange. Weisuo stands in the middle of the cave.

In front of and behind Weisuo, there is a hole several meters round. The inside of the hole is filled with rare blue and red light, which looks more strange.

There was no one in the cave except Weisuo, only a bird and a worm.

The Yangzhi bird of huoyun immortal, which Wei Suo wanted to get, was hovering over his head in panic. The invisible heart eater was at Weisuo's feet just as before the launch of the array.

Obviously, the golden light column just now is really the aura when the array is activated.

The bodies of the three monks hanging should be just a cover to lure the monks to move in order to activate the teleportation array.

As for the reason for such arrangement, it is impossible to guess. Anyway, under such a pretext, it is just to lead friars to move and then stimulate the teleportation array. It will not be good to think about it.

The most important thing is that this teleportation array does not transmit the monks inside to one place.

Man didn't send one to weissordo, just a bird, a worm!

Wei Weiya can't kill Han Weiji's head now, but she can't use her strength to cure Han Weiyang's head.

If Ji Ya and Han Weiwei are together with Xuanyuan ancestor, it will be a little bit secure. If Ji Ya and Han Weiwei are also like him, trapped in such an unknown place alone and faced with many unknown prohibitions, he would not dare to think about it.

If Ji Ya and Han Weiwei miss something in this small heaven, then this trip to the small heaven will surely make him regret his whole life.

His face changed several times, and after taking a few deep breaths, Weisuo forced himself to calm down completely and began to look carefully at the surrounding environment. In this case, no matter how anxious it is, it's no use trying to calm down completely. Only by calming down can we find Ji Ya and Han Weiwei.

In general, the transmission array is bidirectional, but Weisuo saw that there was no sign on the ground around him. It was totally different from the arrangement of any transmission array.

After taking a deep breath, Weisuo released his divinity without reservation.

An indescribable invisible pressure surged out of him, enveloping the huge cave in an instant, and pouring into the holes on both sides.

The yangzhiniao above Weisuo's head, which was originally very frightened, suddenly appeared a very frightened look in his intelligent eyes. It seemed that he had examined Weisuo's strength for the first time.

After sweeping out the divine consciousness with all his strength, Weisuo found that there were two long passageways at the exit of the two caves before and after that. The divine consciousness could not be explored to the end, nor could he detect any special aura fluctuation. It was empty and empty and dead.


After Wei Suo pondered for a while, he bit his teeth, but he first beat Zhenyuan and yelled. With his current strength of Zhenyuan, even if his voice is muffled in the mountainside, there is no problem at all for several miles.

After shouting, he immediately held his breath and listened intently.

But in addition to the faint echo, it was not heard any voice of kya.

"Kya!" One more cry from Weisuo.

After calling for three times in a row, Weisuo's face was gloomy. First, he offered the blue white bead which he got at the sea hunting meeting. He inspired a green and white aura to cover himself. Then he offered the black water lotus and door flying sword.

After that, Weisuo took the ghost jar out of the nabao bag, and then took out a Dan bottle, and dropped a drop of blood in the ghost jar.

This bottle contains the blood of huodilong. Before leaving Haixian City, Weisuo had already said that if there was a very urgent matter, he would call out the old man in green robe in this way, because once the blood of huodilong drops into the array in the ghost tank, the old man in green robe will feel it immediately.

"What's the matter?"

Sure enough, after a drop of the fire dragon's blood, the figure of the green robed old man immediately emerged from the ghost pot. After seeing the surrounding scene, the green robed old man's face changed greatly, "Weisuo, is this the ancient ruins? Didn't you come with the Xuanyuan ancestors and their people? "

"We accidentally triggered a weird teleportation array, and it was teleported here." Without any nonsense, Weisuo quickly told the green robed old man about the general scene of the ice valley with many green wooden pillars, how he triggered the array, and the situation when the array was triggered."All gold pillars?" When the old man in green robe heard the final excitation, there were gold pillars all over the ground, and he was shocked, "it should be a magic escape array of great illusions!"

"Little thousand illusions turn into wonderful escape array? Old man, do you know this array? What kind of teleportation array is this? " As soon as Weisuo's eyes brightened, he put the ghost pot into his arms, while the old man in the green robe turned into a green light and penetrated into Weisuo's ears.

"Strictly speaking, it's not a teleportation array, but a teleportation array. This normal array is arranged by a unique normal crystal. Generally, monks arrange in their own caves or fight with some monks. If they are defeated, they will immediately activate the array. Then the array will move it to the place set in advance, so that it can escape safely. However, the maximum instantaneous distance is only within 300 Li. " The green robed old man explained: "this array can set up at most 100 blink points, so it's called xiaoqianhuamiao Dun array. If it's more powerful, you can set a thousand blink points. It's called Daqian mirage miaodan array. However, when the array is excited, it's a silver light column, accompanied by silver lotus falling, which is very spectacular. But even if it's a hundred blink points, you don't know where the rest of the people are being sent

"So, Kiah, they are at most within 300 miles of us?" Asked vissault at once.

"Six hundred Li." Because of the emergency, and the old man in green robe always looked at Jiya more than Wei suoshun. He always thought that Jiya followed Weisuo was a real flower planted on cow dung, and the pile of cow dung was still that kind of ignorant and poor cow dung. So at the moment, he didn't have any nonsense. He immediately corrected Weisuo's mistake simply and directly, "because this array can send people 300 li away, but if they are sent to the farthest place opposite us, it will be 600 Li in theory."

"Is this the vestment you captured from the corpses of monks on those blue wooden pillars?" After the old man in Green said that, he asked again.

"Can you see what kind of prohibition is here?" Weisuo glanced at a pile of clothes in front of him, nodded, and immediately asked.

"The prohibition here is so strange that I can't see it for a moment. I think you'll have to try. "

Weisuo nodded again, and quickly checked up on the two friars.

When the xiaoqianhuamiao Dun formation was launched, he didn't pull it to Jiya. He found that Jiya had already been sent away. At the moment when the array sent him out, he grabbed all the things on the body of a monk.

Now that there are no three golden elixir friars as a shield, a person living in this ancient ruins which are forbidden everywhere, Wei Suo can't put these things away directly. Instead, he wants to see whether these two friars have magic weapons that are useful to the current situation and find Jiya. What's more, I don't know if we can find some clues about the little heaven from these monks.

Wei Suo first mentioned the scarlet and tiger head talisman, and immediately devoted himself to Zhenyuan.


I saw that on this robe, there was a roar of tiger like thunder, and the red flames formed a huge flame tiger with a length of two feet.

With Weisuo's hand a finger, this powerful and astonishing flame tiger suddenly rushed into the red and blue light filled channel ahead.

This robe is actually a unique offensive fire system robe, and its power seems to have reached the spirit level intermediate level appearance.

Weisuo's green hell mantra given to him by Xuanyuan ancestor is not only the top grade of the real spirit level, but also can directly change the aura of his body. It can make Wei Suo's cultivation even reach the golden elixir realm. If he doesn't show it on purpose, the other side will regard it as his cultivation of just dividing the mind state.

This spirit level medium-sized offensive robe is obviously of no use to Weisuo now, and it was immediately put into the nabao bag by Weisuo.

After putting away the robe, Weisuo immediately inspired another bright yellow one.

On this bright yellow robe, there are scattered star like patterns. Among the bright yellow lights, there is a faint silver light. It is very gorgeous and elegant. It looks like one of the most beautiful vestments that Weisuo has seen so far. , the fastest update of the webnovel!