Chapter 315

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Along with the sound of fighting, carefully through the valley full of fighting traces and bones, what appears in front of you is a "forest".

What stands in the "forest" are not trees, but blue stone pagodas of all sizes.

The shape of the blue stone pagoda looks very similar to the pagodas and relic pagodas of some Buddhist sects. They are all very slender and covered with reliefs of auspicious clouds and Baolian patterns. The smallest blue stone pagoda is more than one person tall and is as thick as an adult's thigh. However, the large blue stone tower is more than ten feet high, with the diameter of one or two people encircled. It looks like a towering ancient tree.

With a sweep of Wei Suo's divine sense, he felt that the blue stone pagoda seemed to be nothing different, as if it were all solid.

After a little hesitation, Weisuo reached out a little and saw his flying sword cut one of the small stone towers in half.

Although his door plate flying sword doesn't look like a flying sword, it is actually much sharper than other flying swords because it has melted a large piece of Xintian refined gold. Cutting it on this small stone tower at the moment is like cutting tofu.

The small stone tower cut in half is really solid, like ordinary bluestone, without any abnormality.

At this time, in the depths of the tower forest, the place where the fighting voice came from suddenly sounded an extremely heavy weight falling sound.

Weisuo immediately looked up at the Yangzhi bird in front of him, and the extremely spiritual Yangzhi bird seemed to understand his meaning at once. Without waiting for Weisuo to give any instructions, it took the initiative to fly in front of him and secretly flew towards the place where the voice was made. What's more, what makes Weisuo more satisfied is that the sun like halo outside it has disappeared, and the brilliance of his body has converged to the extreme.

Weisuo put the divine consciousness into the largest, followed by Yangzhi bird.


In the middle of Tallinn, there is a very magnificent altar.

The altar is square and upright, with a circle of more than 200 Zhang and a height of more than 20 Zhang. There is a step directly leading to the top of the platform.

The altar seems to be made of ordinary bluestone, but the outside of the whole altar is covered with a blue light shield.

What's more amazing is that there is a blood red flame in the center of the top of the altar, with four flashes of fluorescence. People can't even look closely at it. They can't see what is emitting such bright and dazzling light.

At this moment, in the open space directly in front of the altar, two monks in black robes stood side by side.

The two young friars were both in their twenties and eighties. The first monk on the left had a round face, while the one on the right was very thin and sharp, with a very different face. But the two men as like as two peas were almost the same, they were all gloomy and covered with many black tattoo heads. If the native monks of the cloud Ling mainland saw the two sworn robes, they would recognize them immediately. This is the unique style of the Yin corpse disciples, the black skeleton robe. This kind of spiritual robe is not only one of the inner disciples of Yin corpse sect, but also the inferior quality of the real spirit level.

Beside the two friars, a large blue stone pagoda more than ten feet high fell down and broke into five or six sections.

Under the broken blue stone pagoda, scattered in pieces into pieces of bronze gold, these bronze fine gold are about a foot thick, one side is shiny, and the other side is full of talismans. In addition to the broken gold, there is a half human body, the appearance is also this kind of refined gold. There are several pieces of bronze axe around, as well as a few pieces of broken crystal like crystal, and some strange things like gears.

The root of the blue stone pagoda seems to be broken very irregularly. It should be this human shaped puppet like thing that was hit on the blue stone tower and knocked down the stone tower.

"You don't have to look at it. It should be the legendary golden puppet with talisman pattern in the middle and small heaven. Although it has five levels of strength in the surrounding sky, the materials for refining this kind of refined gold puppet are very common. As early as in the monastic world, someone has studied it for a long time. It's better to find out if there are any treasures on the altar. "

Looking at the monk with round face walking forward and staring at the miscellaneous things scattered on the ground, another monk of Yin corpse sect, who was sharp mouthed, said this sentence lightly.

"It turns out that elder martial brother Zhao knows so much about this golden puppet with talisman pattern. What the elder martial brother said is that the red light on this altar looks extraordinary. If there is any powerful treasure, we will make it this time. " Round face friar Leng Leng after Leng, nodded immediately, the vision conceals some excited color.

"If it's really a treasure, then we can stay here, and then we'll go back to the original road and go out to work." "The little heaven is too dangerous. I don't want to die in it."

After saying these two words, they walked very carefully towards the very magnificent altar in front of them.

The two men were also very careful. The way to explore the way was exactly the same as that of Weisuo. The round faced monk first inspired a technique and sent out a green fire into the blue light mask. Seeing the green fire coming in without any hindrance, the monk with sharp nosed monkey's cheek, whom he called elder martial brother Zhao, offered a white bone spear, Stabbed at the cyan mask.The blue light mask just made a layer of ripples like water. Like a water curtain, it was poked in by the white bone spear without any hindrance.

Seeing such a scene, both of them were Yin corpse sect disciples who had already reached the Zhou Tianjing, and there was a glimmer of joy in their eyes.

Then the two men carefully into the blue light screen.

The blue light curtain did not seem to hinder the two men. However, the two friars just walked up the steps for about ten steps, which made them grow suddenly! A figure of two people, more than two tall, was swept down from the top of the altar.

The two men were tall and covered with red light. They were also a golden puppet with strange talismans, which seemed to be covered with tattoos!

The pure gold on the surface of the puppet is all red, but in his hand is holding a long gun with a length of three Zhang. The armor of his body is covered with long and short spines, which looks very terrible.

"The sky is full of fire!"

The two monks of the Yin corpse sect suddenly changed their faces. The round faced Yin corpse sect disciple, who seemed to have few opinions, also had the demeanor of Han Weiwei at that time. When casting the skills, they actually stamped their feet and called out their names.

Two pale green pillars of fire with thick arms, like two giant boa constrictors, rushed to this golden puppet with talismans and spines on its face, which was extremely terrifying.

At the same time, the sharp nosed Yin corpse sect disciple also circled his hands, and the white bone spear floating in front of him was also a white light and stabbed at the golden puppet with talisman pattern.

In the eyes of the two Yin corpse sect disciples, this golden puppet with talisman pattern must be the same as the previous one. At least it will be beaten backward.

However, the two disciples of the Yin corpse sect could not believe that the two powerful and tragic green pillars of fire, as soon as they touched the red light outside the talisman, disappeared without a trace, and had no impact on the pure gold puppet.

With the sound of "Ka", the white bone spear stabbed in the face of this golden puppet. However, the golden puppet just flickered slightly and rushed down without stopping. The spear in his hand was fiercely picked. The sharp faced Yin corpse clan had not had time to make any response. Before even making a scream, it was penetrated into the chest by the long gun. Then, the whole person was picked up and thrown away like a shrimp on a fork On the altar at the back.

The lower level defense power of spirit level can't stop this spear!

The hole in his chest, which was broken by this spear, almost cut him in two. When he fell down, the monk of Yin corpse sect had no sound, and he could not die any more.


Seeing such a scene, the monk of the round face Yin corpse sect almost stood up in fear. He didn't care what kind of magic weapon to cast. After throwing a magic method behind him, he ran away crazily.


However, his escape speed was totally unable to compare with this red gold puppet covered with spines. Just after escaping from the blue light mask, a huge spear had been stabbed on him from the rear. Just as the monk in front of him had just flashed a trace of despair, he was immediately pierced by the spear and flew back into the monk In the altar.

After killing the friar, the pure gold puppet with red light in his empty eyes and no emotional color, flashed back to the top of the altar. Because of the dazzling red light at the top of the altar, it is impossible to see where the pure gold puppet is located and what the top is like.

"I can't imagine that the cloud world clan can refine the annihilation demon God general!"

At this moment, Wei Suo, hiding behind a stone tower more than 200 Zhang away from the altar, completely saw the whole process of the two monks of the Yin corpse sect being killed.

"This kind of annihilation demon God will be equipped with annihilation magic array, and its efficiency is somewhat similar to that of annihilating magic crystal. The power of general skills is not effective at all. The strength is about equal to that of a monk with two levels of mind and state. With your flying sword, you should be able to deal with this kind of annihilation demon God General easily. "

After hearing the voice of the old man in green robe, Weisuo came out from behind the stone tower and swept towards the altar. But suddenly, his face suddenly changed and he flew towards the back of the altar.

As soon as his figure disappeared in the rear Tallinn, a black light swept in from the left back of his original position and stopped in front of the altar.

This black figure is graceful and moving. She is a charming woman in black robe with snow skin! , the fastest update of the webnovel!