Chapter 318

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"You .。”

The most charming Chi * * Xiu thought that Weisuo was a stupid goose and wanted to make some teasing. But when he saw Wei Suo's clear eyes, he flashed a surprised look on his face. At the same time, his eyes moved and he gave out a tender smile, "little villain, that sister still has this dress. Do you want it?"

At the same time, when the enchanting voice came out, the nun actually untied her only belly bag as thin as a cicada's wing and threw it towards Weisuo.

A pair of jade rabbits that have lost their restraint suddenly jump out and look bigger than in the corset.

"Well! Thank you

As soon as Weisuo reached out his hand, he actually caught the clothes, put them into his arms, and said this, but the figure flying back was still on.

"Do you want that sister's thing?"

Although she was naked and her seductive body was exposed to the air, the nun didn't seem to feel anything different. Instead, she held her chest up and waved her elegant jade hand. A whirling black air shot at Weisuo who was flying backward.

"No more."

As soon as Weisuo reaches out, a white ice dragon that becomes Mini emerges from his body and collides with the black gas.

"Pa!" The white ice dragon was smashed to pieces, but the black air did not lose much power. It continued to shoot at Weisuo.

Although the accomplishments of any friar in this lunar eclipse array are only 10% of their original accomplishments, they are all 10% of their original accomplishments. They can't cast magic tools. They all cast their own magic methods. Wei Suo is a heaven level skill, which can be divided into four levels of mindfulness. However, the magic power cast is much lower than the opponent's, and the accomplishments and identity of this nun are immediately revealed 。


This naked nun is the only female nun of the golden elixir period in the northern part of Yunling continent!

This nun is famous for her beauty and cultivation. Now she is naked in front of Weisuo. The protruding place is convex, the warping place is warping, and there is no flesh. Even the mysterious dark is thick. One minute is too thick, and the other is too light. It can be said that it is perfect.

But at the moment, the white ice dragon cast by Weisuo was easily broken by this golden elixir nun's technique, but his face did not change much.

I saw his body suddenly appeared a light yellow mask, the appearance of this light yellow mask, there are some as evergreen as the same symbol.

At the same time, a thing from Wei Suo's body protrudes the head, it is Wei Suo's bird - Yang Zhi bird. "Hoo!" Yangzhi bird's mouth spewed out a golden flame, at the same time, Weisuo body originally empty place, but also suddenly emerged many white blades.

After the black gas broke the ice dragon, it was rushed by the golden flame and the white wind blade, but it failed to hit the pale yellow mask outside Weisuo's body, and quickly dissipated.

Seeing the pale yellow mask and the scene easily blocked by Weisuo's body, this beautiful nun who was originally proud of her two peaks and chuckled was shocked, but her eyes flashed with disbelief, "what's your name? What is the relationship between Xuanyuan and you? "


Weisuo did not stop to fly back, a person a bird in her line of sight quickly turned into a black spot, far away came the voice of Weisuo.


The naked yinlihua was stunned and repeated it. She could not help thinking that how could there be such a strange name in the world? Moreover, this person obviously used the heaven level defense skill of Xuanyuan ancestor, which was never spread abroad. Among Xuanyuan's disciples, there was no young monk named Mao?

But after repeating the name, the extremely angry nun suddenly seemed to react to something and looked down. As a result, this name just chased Wei Suo's gorgeous nun, who was not blushing at all, but suddenly and unconsciously turned a little red on her face.

Its white as jade thigh, there is an invisible black silk, slightly floating.

"Little villain!"

The nun's hand seemed to move slightly, and the black silk turned to ashes. After a slight red on her face, the nun's face appeared a look of crying and laughing.

As a friar of the golden elixir period, this charming and gorgeous creature has few rivals. She thinks that this young man in blue clothes is a monk of huohuang palace. She also sees that he has only one cultivation in mind, so she can rest assured to enter this array. Originally, she thinks that the young monk has extraordinary bearing. If she wants to see whether it is interesting or not, she will "eat" him Then kill him. Anyway, there are so many boring men in this world.

Yin Lihua is quite confident in her beauty and body. Basically, in the northern cities of Yunling mainland, her beauty is the first brand. What's more, she has a magic secret skill "soul grabbing method pupil" which is used to seduce male practitioners. Even some old monsters in the golden elixir period can't help but look at her magic eyes The heart big move, forget to jump to her body.But what she didn't think of was that the young monk in green shirt didn't seem to be moved by her gorgeous color and magic eyes. She didn't fall in love with her. Instead, she ran away with all her things!

Moreover, judging from a fight just now, she felt that this young monk in green shirt was actually a monk of heaven level skill, who practiced four times in Nianjing!

This does not count, he also has two monsters which are obviously above level 6! What's more, there is another one that is invisible. Under this kind of array, she can't tell what kind of monster it is. It's so weird.

With the strength of the other side, under such a array, she would not be able to deal with the young monk at all. She might even be attacked by the invisible monster of the other side, and even fall into the hands of the young monk in blue.

A great monk in the golden elixir period was so naked that she didn't have any clothes left. Yinlihua didn't even think of such a thing when she was dreaming. How can she not laugh and cry.

"He clearly used the old man Xuanyuan's Taoist technique. It seems that I haven't come out of the Yin corpse sect for a long time, but I don't know that such a talented monk has come out of the haixianzong."

"It seems that old Xuanyuan has already got the news."

A moment later, the enchanting nun appeared with a smile. Looking at the direction of Weisuo's body disappearing, she bit her lips and scolded the little villain again, but then she chuckled to herself, "villain, I must eat you."


While the naked flowers were laughing to themselves, Weisuo was already in a basin full of pale yellow puddles.

In the mid air above the basin, there are many jellyfish like translucent brilliance, the color is peach red, very strange.

But Weisuo was extremely careful to walk in a certain direction. He often took a few steps to one side, then walked forward a few steps, and then turned to the other side. It seems that the old man in green robe knew the prohibition here and guided Weisuo to go through here.

After a long time, Weisuo went through the basin very smoothly. In front of him, there was a black peak.

But when he saw the scene of the black mountain, there was a look of horror in Weisuo's eyes.

The upper half of the black mountain was carved into a palace.

The black peak is more than 400 Zhang long, and its circumference is at least ten miles. Half of the peak is directly carved into a palace, and many Dharma arrays are arranged artificially. All the places are covered with gray clouds. Its momentum is amazing.

After taking a deep breath, Weisuo wiped a handful of sweat and quickly took out the nabao bag in the yinlihua clothes.

Thanks to the fact that Weisuo was used to the beautiful face of Jiya, and his divine sense was stronger than that of the beautiful flowers in the shade. In addition, the old man in green robes reminded him that he had not been bewitched by the gorgeous color and enchanting power of yinlihua. Otherwise, he would have been eaten and wiped away by yinlihua.

Jindan period of nabao bag, but he was the first time to get!

This nabao bag of yinlihua is blue, very small, but it looks more nimble than Weisuo's high-level nabao bag.

After a careful inspection with the old man in green robe, Weisuo took out all the contents of the high-level nabao bag after confirming that there was no hair style ban on the high-level nabao bag.

There are not many things in the nabao bag of yinlihua, only a few of them. But as soon as these things appear in front of Weisuo, Weisuo's eyes are suddenly bright!

One of the most dazzling is a one foot long prismatic red gem. The red light of this crystal clear red gem is so brilliant that people can hardly look at it. This red light almost makes Weisuo know for the first time that the dazzling red light on the altar of blue Tallinn is from this thing!

But the second one that caught Weisuo's attention was three white bone swords. These three white bone swords are all covered with flame like patterns. It is after penetrating into Zhenyuan that they will turn into a white flame cold flame "white bone cold fire"! , the fastest update of the webnovel!