Chapter 352

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent

When this piece of white jade Rune shot in front of Wei Suo, the white light in the shape of ancient sky dragon also passed through the void and suppressed Wei Suo's body at once. Then, it seemed as if it had penetrated into Wei Suo's body.

"What's up with you, vesuo?"

At the sight of such a scene, both kya and Yin lihuadun gave out a cry of surprise.

Weisuo's whole body was tight, only felt a strong and extremely huge will, which filled his whole body in an instant. At last, he was quickly shrinking in the first God sea he had built. Looking inside, there is a white ancient sky in the God sea like purple whirlpool, floating and sinking in Zhenyuan.

"This is the essence and will of an ancient dragon!" Weisuo's heart moved, immediately to Jiya and Yinli flower shook his head, "I have nothing to do."

Reaching out a little, Weisuo grasped the white jade symbol which seemed to recognize the owner automatically.


Under the sweep of divine consciousness, a huge breath poured into Weisuo's divine consciousness.

Dense text, catalogues, formed an ancient dragon appearance, appeared in Wei Suo's mind. This is a Book of skill.

Weisuo changed color in horror.

Because this huge breath is the first sentence of the book itself, which gives people a feeling.

"Tianlong Group Star quenching method! Heaven level top level skill! "

This skill is the most top level skill in the whole cultivation world!

"What's in this white jade talisman?" Yin Lihua looked at Wei Suo, whose face changed dramatically. She couldn't help asking.

Just when that piece of white jade Fu came, Yin Lihua couldn't help sweeping it with divine sense, but it was completely suppressed by an inexplicable force. She felt sad and wanted to vomit blood. At present, the white jade Rune flashed, but the aura was immediately dimmed. It looked like a plain white jade piece.

"Tianlong Group Star quenching method Ancient dragon, can be with the stars around the sky induction, with the star quenching body .。”

Wei Suo read the content of this skill, and did not hide anything. He explained to Yin Lihua and Jiya: "this is a piece of Tian level top level skill."

"Heaven level top level skill?" Weisuo's words, yinlihua and chiaaton all took a cold breath.

Anyone who cultivates Taoism knows the meaning of the word "Tian level top level skill"!

There are no more than ten pieces of Tianxuan and Yunling combined, and this skill can only be practiced by the inheritors of the patriarchal clan. Unless the clan destroys the clan, it is impossible to spread it out.

Although it is extremely difficult to practice the real skills above the heaven level, they not only have amazing power, but also have many unique mysteries. For example, Wei Suo promoted the Zixuan formula to the lower level of the heaven level by relying on the sky tonic pill and opening up the divine sea. However, this kind of promotion was only promoted to a certain degree of true yuan thickness and strength, but it was not unique and magical of other real heaven level skills.

Take "Tianyuan Avenue" as an example, which is a middle level skill of Tianyuan sect thousands of years ago. However, all the Shenhai skills have the effect of absorbing fighting skills and breaking the vitality of their own skills. In the fierce fighting, the real elements lost by themselves can be greatly supplemented. The ability of continuous fighting is much stronger than that of ordinary skills Times.

"This skill is a kind of skill that imitates the ancient Heavenly Dragon's body quenching with star light, and specializes in refining the body's body. Finally, it can be cultivated to be as strong as the ancient dragon's body. Its meridians and orifices are extremely strong, and it has nothing to do with its own skills." When yinlihua and Jiya were so shocked, Weisuo continued.

"What! It has nothing to do with self-cultivation! This is like the star shining Scripture of Xingchen sect! Finally, you can become a star holy body! Strengthening meridians and orifices is equivalent to being able to accommodate more Zhenyuan and strengthen Shenhai As soon as Wei Suo said this, Yin lihuadun completely changed her face. "Weisuo, you must not let anyone know about this skill. Otherwise, you will not only be chased and robbed by all the strongest sects in Yunling continent, but also the strongest sect and the most powerful friars in other continents will be moved by the wind!"

Kya's face was white.

She is very clear that some treasures will be destroyed if they are not given certain strength.

This kind of heaven level top level skill, which does not need to abandon its original cultivation, is of great significance to all sects and top monks, and is definitely above the xuanjie magic weapon!

"It's not so exaggerated. If anyone wants it, I'll give him this skill. It's no use at all." Weisuo didn't look too frightened.

"No use? What do you mean Yinlihua and Jiya are both stunned.

"In order to cultivate this skill, we should take" dragon Qi "as the guide, just as if it incarnated into the ancient sky dragon, then we could understand and absorb the star light Wei Suo took a deep breath and said, "the white dragon shaped aura just now is the essence and will of the ancient Heavenly Dragon. It is the introduction of the" dragon Qi "needed to cultivate this skill. This group of "dragon Qi" has now been attached to my God sea, and it is impossible for others to take it out. If the classics I happened to read were correct, more than 10000 years ago, the last ancient dragon had been slaughtered and exterminated due to the emergence of the Lord of Zhenxian palace, who practiced the dragon blood method"So it is." Yinlihua's face became more beautiful and calmed down. "The ancient Tianlong was indeed extinct more than 10000 years ago. But you should be careful. After all, this skill is too frightening. Maybe there will be some madmen who practice. No matter whether it is useful or not, you should first grab it. And the complete spirit and will of the ancient dragon may not exist now, but the spirit of the ancient dragon may have been refined into a spirit, and so on. Some monks may not be able to resist the temptation of the heaven level top level skill, so they will take risks with this kind of spirit, so it's better not to let others know. "

"Then I'll ask you to keep it secret." Weisuo looked at the flowers and nodded.

"Then promise me a condition, and I'll keep it secret for you." Yin Li eye bead a turn, say.

"Well, you'd better not say that." Weisuo looked at the expression of yinlihua's eye wave and the faint smile that appeared at the corner of his mouth, he immediately sweated and waved his hand.

Yinlihua curled her mouth and looked a little unhappy, but the smile in the corner of her eyes was stronger. "Weisuo, I like you more and more. I must find a chance to eat yours." Such thoughts came to her mind.

"In daoxuan hall, there is such a level of skill. It's no wonder that the original yunjiezong was able to arrange such a small heaven. There would be so many monks in the Shenxuan realm who could connect the original cloud spirit land Weisuo took a deep breath and said this, but the more he was filled with awe for the ancient power that created the sky. Such a sect tried to attract some powers from the sky for their own use, but on the contrary, they were destroyed by some powers leaked by the sky at will. What was the ancient power that created the sky?

"It seems that it is because of the dragon spirit of this ancient dragon that this piece of magic talisman is left behind. In ancient times, the dragon was a level 9 monster. Even if it was a level 8 monster, it would be suppressed by the Dragon Spirit if it was close to it. On the contrary, it would be attacked and controlled by the dragon spirit. " Yinlihua nodded, and her eyes were as bright and full of little stars as ordinary girls saw attractive jewels. "Weisuo, let's search here quickly. If we find any other good things, it's almost like inheriting the tradition of the monks in Shenxuan realm. Even ordinary carp should be transformed into dragons, and ordinary chickens and dogs should be raised to heaven. Not to mention your age, you have such a monk

"How wonderful these monsters are?"

Hearing the words of yinlihua, Weisuo and Jiya are naturally excited, and quickly search up. But a moment later, yinlihua was the first one to cry out.

With her and Weisuo's divinity coverage, the search speed is of course very amazing. If there is magic weapon aura, you will soon feel it. But search the whole ruins, but it is not even found any magic weapon. Obviously, even if those monsters can't damage the magic weapons here, they must have taken the magic weapons that once existed here to some place that the friars could not get.

The intelligence of these high-level monsters born by the hybrid of Hunyuan yinwa and blue faced Shura is no different from that of monks.

Among the ruins of daoxuan hall, there are more than 20 pieces of silver scale demon beasts. There are no demon pills and magic beads. It seems that this kind of monster took away the demon pills and magic beads of their companions, but they did not have the concept of helping them collect their corpses.

Because it looks like a long time, the rest of the body of these monsters has been weathered off, only the external scale seems to be useful. So Weisuo collected all the silver scales first.


At this time, bursts of earth shaking roar came out from the sky on one side.

As the roar came, the ground seemed to shake. At the same time, a wave of vitality mixed with strong earthy smell came from afar.

"What an amazing soil vitality! That's Xuanyuan old ancestor fighting with others Weissorton responded.

"Who forced Xuanyuan to use this kind of power?"

"Go Without any hesitation, Weisuo inspires Ruyi Linglong tower. In a flash of white light, he, Jiya and yinlihua disappear from the original place. , the fastest update of the webnovel!