Chapter 393

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"What monsters are these?"

As soon as she entered the room where Wei Suo used to cultivate heart eating insects, Han Weiwei was shocked.

Wei Suo left the seven silver scale monsters in the little heaven, the Hunyuan yinwa which was drilled out of the old monster Chen, the four armed Hunyuan yinwa that was evolved from the Queen's silver scale monster, and the ancient Hunyuan yinwa, which had been dried up in the body, were all left in this room by Wei Suo.

Even if Han Weiwei's insight is poor, they all feel that the level of these monsters is very terrible.

"These monsters are the monsters in the little heaven I told you .。” Jiya immediately explained to Han Weiwei.


As soon as his eyes swept, Wei Suo's face flashed with surprise. He reached out and took a picture from the corpse of a silver scale monster.

What he caught in his hand was almost transparent, and looked like a heart eater.

However, his heart biting insect is now well soaked in a jade basin full of liquid medicine, and he caught it in his hand, which is the skin of his heart biting insect.

According to Wei Suo's experience in cultivating this heart eating insect before, the molting of the heart eating insect represents the further progress of the heart eating insect.

During this period, Weisuo didn't help him prepare the body of demon beast because he wanted to attack jiedan with all his strength. He just put a few pots of demon liquid in it. But I didn't expect that this heart eating insect was promoted again. It was, of course, a great surprise to weisseau.

"It's really advanced again." The old man in green robe was very experienced in following Weisuo. When he saw the skin of the heart eating insect on Weisuo's hand, he immediately said the same thing.

"It seems that the cultivation effect of this high-level monster on this heart eater is not generally good. A monster of level seven or eight is likely to be equivalent to hundreds of monsters of level four or five. " Weisuo nodded and couldn't help saying, "it seems that we have to find a way to get more high-level monsters."

"With your current cultivation, you can also try to kill some high-level monsters. However, this high-level monster itself is very rare, where there is a high-level monster, or to inquire. Otherwise, if you want to earn spirit stone by hunting low-level monsters, you'll lose your gold elixir's status. With your accomplishments, you can compete with some big doors for some good things. The next step is to collect news widely. When you hear that there is something beneficial to cultivation and great benefit, you have to rob it. " After the old man in Green said these words, he looked at Weisuo's heart biting insect's skin. "Didn't you take two pieces of skin before? Together, it should be enough to refine another invisible robe. In particular, the skin that you shed off these two times should be better than the skin of the heart eating insect elder you got before. The invisible mantra refined should have better defense

"That's right. It's better to go back and find the weapon refiner who helps me to refine the invisible robe. With the experience of refining last time, it should not be damaged by refining. "


Just as Weisuo collected the skin of the heart eating insect, he seemed to be awakened by their conversation. With a crash, the heart eater in the liquid moved and woke up.

"Weisuo, are you such a big heart eater?" As soon as I saw the outline of the heart eating insect in the liquid medicine, Han Weiwei, who was almost starved to death by her, suddenly became depressed.

Weisuo didn't speak. He just looked at the heart eating insect's eyes flashing.

After he jumped out of the liquid, he became completely invisible, but there was no movement.

"Why, isn't it a direct attack or defense ability that the heart eater's advanced level produces?" Jiya can see what kind of natural ability Weisuo has produced just after Wei Suo tried to upgrade the heart eating insect. At the moment, seeing that the heart eating insect is not moving, she can't help asking this question.

"It seems that it's the same ability as the ability to discern the hidden after the last promotion. It's not a direct attack or defense ability." Wei Suo Wei frowned and said, "this heart eating insect is not as spiritual as Yang Zhi bird, or it is not difficult to know."

"By the way, I almost forgot that it should be done at once." At the mention of yangzhiniao, Weisuo immediately responded and took out the candlelight fruits he got at the auction of Wang's firm.

Then, he patted on the slave bag containing the Yangzhi bird and released the Yangzhi bird.

Without the demon pill, Yang Zhi bird's spirit will gradually disappear. Before Weisuo, it was only because the spirit bird was very psychic that he made a deal with it. If the bird lost its spirituality and didn't know Weisuo, Weisuo had no other way to control animals. It would have cost a lot of money.

In these days, Wei Suo also attacked the golden elixir. After the success of the pill, Lian Zhan Ye Linghe, a monk who had been inherited by the sanhuangzong, was not able to take care of the bird for a while.

"Not bad."

Weisuo was a little relieved when he saw Yang Zhi bird released. Although his aura was very dim and his eyes were obviously cloudy, he still recognized Weisuo's appearance. As soon as he saw the fruit in Weisuo's hand like a small piece of red candle, the Yangzhi bird immediately chirped and flew down, swallowing the fruit in a bolt."This is Yang Zhi bird. It's lovely. Come on, visso, let me play with your bird Han Weiwei sees this Yang fat bird, immediately excited.

“… "On hearing Han Weiwei's words, weisoton was speechless. After a long time, he took a breath and said," sorry, this bird is not controlled by me. If you want to play, you can discuss with it. "

"Come on, my dear, come to my sister, and my sister will find you some delicious fruit next time." Pressure root did not expect the Han Weiwei of other places immediately excitedly outstretched hand, hook causes Wei Suo's this bird to rise.

After hearing Han Weiwei say so, Yang Zhi bird hesitated for a moment, and actually fell into Han Weiwei's hands.

Seeing this, Weisuo shook his head speechless. First he collected the heart eating insect, and then a purple real yuan gushed out of his hand, but he took a picture of the body of a silver scale monster.

Then, under the pressure of his Zhenyuan, a silver demon pill the size of a pigeon egg was squeezed out of the mouth of the silver scale monster.

Just a moment, Weisuo's hand, more than eight demon Dan.

Among the nine demon pills, seven of them were taken from the body of seven silver scale monsters. They were all about the size of pigeon eggs. They looked like pure silver, but inside they seemed to have very heavy silver mercury flowing.

The other one is the size of a pigeon egg, but this demon pill was taken from the body of Hunyuan yinwa, which was broken from Chen laoguai's body.

The whole body of this demon pill is pure silver, but there are some strange and scale like patterns on its surface, which radiates dense rays and even gives people the feeling of a monk's golden elixir.

The internal elixir of high-level monster, if there is a pill, it will have amazing effect if it is refined into pill.

In particular, the elixir refined from level 6 or above is at least a prefecture level pill. These silver scale monsters are all level 6 high level monsters. Hunyuan yinwa is even higher than level 8. If this internal pill can be refined, it will be at least the elixir above the top of the earth level, at least the same level as the Fulu Taoist pill.

It's just that the Hunyuan yinwa is more rare than the purple fox flower in ancient times, especially the silver scale monster, which is a variant of the monster, can not have a suitable prescription.

This kind of demon pill can only be soaked in tiyuan spirit liquid which can be refined by eight grade alchemists, leading to Dan yuan that can be refined by friars. The effect of Dan yuan is only half that of this kind of demon pill. But as long as it is level 6 or above, even if it can lead to half of the effectiveness, it is also very worthwhile.

After collecting the eight demon pills, "Bo" made a light sound, and the huge four arm Hunyuan yinwa demon Dan was also squeezed out of his abdominal wound by Weisuo.

"So big?"

Weisuo was not surprised by the size of the demon pill, because he had known for a long time that the demon pill was the size of a duck's egg. But playing bird happy Han Weiwei to see this demon Dan so big, but suddenly a little silly.

The surface of this demon pill is silver, but the whole one is translucent. And the whole demon Dan also exudes bursts of silver light.

The silver glint is also very rhythmic, like waves of tide.

"Wei Suo, this demon Dan also plays for me."

Weisuo was surprised to take a look at this strange demon pill. After a moment, he also wanted to put it away. But Han Weiwei on one side was excited and called.

Weisuo also knew that she was this kind of thing that she had never seen before, and would feel very funny. So she didn't think much about it. She directly threw the demon pill to Han Weiwei, who was playing with his bird.

Next, Weisuo put away all the other monster bodies and began to look at the bones of the four armed Hunyuan silver wa.

Then, Wei Suo reached out his hand and casually took out a magic weapon of the spirit level. It seemed that he wanted to test whether the bone of Hunyuan yinwa was as good as he imagined, which was very suitable for refining the "Black Ghost king."

However, at this time, a wave of magic power spread behind him, and then, a powerful life suddenly spread out from behind him.

This powerful vitality gave him the first feeling that he was suddenly born as a giant beast of the wild.

"What's going on?"

Weissorton turned his head in some fright.

But when he turned his head, he only saw Han Weiwei, Jiya and the old man in green robe. They were all staring at the strange demon Dan in Han Weiwei's hand. On that demon pill, there is a faint green light flashing, and that magnificent vitality is from Han Weiwei's silver demon pill. , the fastest update of the webnovel!