Chapter 410

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
In Weisuo's ground fire stove room, the turbulent red light penetrated the door, as if the whole ground fire furnace room were burning up.

With the passage of time, the red light suddenly disappeared.


Then, a muffled sound came out of the ground fire stove room, which was like a magic weapon suddenly offered.

In the ground fire furnace room, a yellow robe in silver is quietly suspended in front of Wei Suo's body.

There were three semi-finished robes made of Hunyuan silver wa material, which were placed beside Wei Suo. Now there are two left. Obviously, this is the missing one.

Compared with the previous robe made of silver scale monster material, the surface of this robe is obviously coated with a layer of very moist light yellow crystal layer. The edge of each scale under the crystal layer is engraved with beautiful runes. Even if you look carefully, you can't see that there are flakes under the crystal layer, instead, it looks like a circle of mysterious patterns.

The whole robe looks very gorgeous and noble. Obviously, it is slightly different from the previous two pieces in refining method. It uses more materials.

But at the moment, the spirit of this robe is flowing, and it has not been inspired at all.

The dull sound just now seems to be just the sound of the Dharma array penetrating when the Dharma suit is refined, and the aura vibrates the surrounding air when it flows.

Just because of the spiritual vibration of the robe itself, it makes such a sound, which indicates that the quality of the robe must be extremely amazing.

Weisuo's eyes flashed at the robe, and a stream of true yuan penetrated into it, inspiring this robe!

I saw the outside of the robe, immediately formed a continuous light yellow and silver, like feathers in general.


With a crack of silk, Wei Suo didn't inspire any magic weapon. It was xuansha ghost's claw that hit the robe.

"Medium grade!"

"Boy, the material on this Hunyuan silver Wa is a little poor. In addition, these two robes refined by the four arm Hunyuan silver Wa and the ancient Hunyuan silver wa must be refined to a higher level, which should reach the top grade of Taoist level."

Said the old man in green, squinting at once.

Under the full attack of xuansha ghost's claw, the outer radiance of the robe was not broken, and there was no damage at all. If there is no damage to the inner body of the mantra, it means that the defense of this magic weapon can not be broken by the number of blows.

"The middle grade . top grade "."

although he had expected this in his heart, he could not help but feel the incredible thought in his heart when he saw such a result.

To know the magic weapon of this stage, before Weisuo, it was something that I didn't dare to think about.

At the level of Ye zero and yinlihua, a monk of this sect had no magic weapon of the highest level before he entered the small heaven.

It's very likely that a common sect doesn't even have a magic weapon of inferior quality.

After all, some of them have become monks in the golden elixir period for decades. They may not have a magic weapon on them. They can only rely on their own skills and other means to fight against the enemy.

But now they have all refined their magic weapons!

But just after a few breaths, Weisuo's mind is also calmed down, the corner of his mouth showed a smile of self mockery.

Not to mention the old man in green robe, who is a master of weapon refining, and his cultivation in the golden elixir period, this material alone is available but not available. Even if Wei Suo still wants to find it, he can't get it again. The magic weapons of Dao level are still extremely rare, which can not be refined.


At this moment, Weisuo suddenly slightly stunned and turned around.

A moment later, a breeze came in, and Han Weiwei's figure appeared at the door.

"You've already noticed that I'm coming, and you don't make a sound. You just look at me so still, trying to scare me to death." As soon as he swept in, he saw Wei Suo motionless and looked at himself. Han Weiwei was a little scared.

But her habitual movement, let Weisuo some depressed.

This is because when the little beauty with buttocks is frightened, she always likes to pat her chest. As a result, she always makes some places tremble slightly.

"Is this the robe you made? It looks good. " However, Han Weiwei was never aware of this, and her eyes were immediately attracted by Weisuo's vestment.

"How about you try on this robe?" As soon as Weisuo reached out his hand, he put the warm robe in front of her.

"Did you refine this robe for me?" Han Weiwei impolitely put on this robe, and found it very fit. It was obviously refined according to her figure.

"The young man is good. He has a good conscience." See Wei Suo nodding, Han Weiwei's mood suddenly good, a certain place in the heart also immediately softened up."The material of the other two robes is better, but I think you must give the good one to Jiya, so I refined this one to you."

“… "But on hearing Wei Suo's words, Han Weiwei immediately rolled her eyes and wished to strangle him to death.

"By the way, your heart eater should be awake now." After a fierce stare at Wei Suo, Han Weiwei's eyes turned, but suddenly asked this sentence.

"What?" Weisoton sniffed out a little conspiracy and asked, looking at Han Weiwei with some vigilance.

Han Weiwei pursed her mouth and laughed, "my little silver wakes up. Now I don't know whether she is fierce or not. How about letting her compete with your heart biting insects?"

"Little silver?" Wei Suo some speechless looked at Han Weiwei, but he did not refuse, nodded.

"You say you can't make your heart biting insects invisible, or I'm afraid small silver can't see it, and I can't fight it." After Wei Suo walked into the nearby stone chamber specially used to cultivate heart eating insects, Han Weiwei saw that Weisuo's heart eating insect was as full as drinking, languidly soaking in a pot of demon culture liquid. Because of the liquid medicine immersed in its body, this heart eating insect is looming.

"With the level of Hunyuan yinwa, you can feel the breath of heart biting insects at such a close distance. But it's OK to see clearly. "

At the same time, Weisuo immediately jumped up from the heart biting insect soaked in the demon cultivation liquid. Then Weisuo took out a low-level demon beast and took several pieces of black crustaceans from its body. Under the extrusion of Zhenyuan, the pieces of shell were squeezed into powder, and then sprinkled on the body of the heart eating insect.

It's invisible again. It's like a worm.

"Come out, silver."

“… .。” What made Wei Suo almost fall to the ground again was that he always liked to shout when he used to cast his skills. When Han Weiwei released Hunyuan yinwa, he was also jiaodidi's cry.

With a flash of silver, Hunyuan yinwa appeared.

Compared with before, Weisuo saw that the silver beast had grown half a head. Although it was still not big and looked like a charming and naive one, it naturally exuded a unique terror of high-level monster.

Not far away from Hunyuan yinwa, the heart biting insect also showed a shivering appearance.

"Well, my little silver is OK." After a smilingly look at his Hunyuan silver WA, Han Weiwei said in a delicate voice, "Weisuo, you can let them two open to try."

"Good!" Weisuo's eyes were fixed on the two high-level monsters, and he nodded with no nonsense.

"Xiaoyin, it's time to fight." As soon as see Wei Suo nod, Han Weiwei is very proud to give an order immediately.


The action of Hunyuan yinwa and heart eating insect is much faster than Han Weiwei's voice. Han Weiwei almost just began to speak, a silver light column, has been from Hunyuan yinwa's mouth shot out.

At the same time, the heart eating insect is extremely flexible to the side, avoiding the attack of the silver light column.

With the sound of "Bo", almost at the same time, a layer of transparent ripples appeared on the head of Hunyuan yinwa.

Heart eating insect's unique divine sense impact!

"Hiss, hisses!"

Almost at the same time, a strip of white water blade, continuous toward the Hunyuan silver wa hit.

"Weisuo, how could your heart biting insect do this

Such a scene, let Han Weiwei suddenly surprised.

However, Hunyuan yinwa, who was hit by the impact of divine consciousness, didn't even shake her body.

This also let Weisuo slightly shocked.

Level 8 monster, after all, is a level 8 monster, and its divine sense is really unimaginable.

Seeing the striking white light water blade, the silver beast had no intention of dodging, and there was no obvious movement. All of a sudden, the silver rays emerged from its body.

"Pa!" "Pa!" "Pa!"

A burst of pea like noise, the white water blade hit the silver glow, it immediately broke open.

Then, urged by this small silver beast, the silver rays continue to turn out and go towards the heart eating insects.

"So powerful?"

Han Weiwei's mouth is open into "Oh" shape. It seems that the power of the silver rays is still on the silver column just now.

"How could it be?"

But at this time, let her unbelievable cry out is, Weisuo's heart eating insect suddenly yellow gas gushed, disappeared from the original place. Her Hunyuan silver Wa is also obviously a daze, a look of confusion.

Weisuo was also a little stunned.

His heart eating insect, not invisible, but directly like a fall, into the ground.Then, some confused Hunyuan yinwa seemed to have been burned to his buttocks. The silver light of panic flashed and immediately jumped into the air. , the fastest update of the webnovel!