Chapter 420

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Since the great friars of Jindan are not enemies of unity, naturally we have to give you this face. All the disciples of juxingzong went back to the Seven Star City

Without the slightest hesitation, Han Wuya, the patriarch of the gathering star sect, who was stopped in the air, made such a sound with his face slightly twisted for a moment.

If Immortal Changfeng was still there at the moment, he would have to fight for everything. However, he was almost killed by the other party and stabbed at the bottom of his feet. The gold elixir of the other side was too big to scare people. Han Wuya knew very well that if he didn't retreat now, juxingzong would become the second baoxuanzong, and the other party would become the second baoxuanzong Two real people of Shura.

Hearing Han Wuya's order, he was very arrogant at the beginning and didn't pay any attention to Wei Suo. However, the middle-aged monk in black robed who had already been frightened at the moment also immediately took back the silver tripod and ran away without looking back.

When the silver tripod was collected, Weisuo was not in a hurry to stir up the fire boat.

At this time, the remaining monks in Dongyao resort had lost their backbone. As soon as they saw the monks of juxingzong returning to the city, they all ran to the Seven Star City in horror.

"Tell Dong Miaozhen that shrinking head tortoise, if he announces to the world within three days, and makes it clear that the treasure Pavilion and Jiya have not married into Dongyao resort, I may be able to let you go. If you don't do this, after three days, those who don't want to die in Dongyao resort will make me a turtle and hide in the mountain gate, or I will kill one One. "

Seeing such a scene, Wei Suo, standing on the fire boat, did not pursue him, but said this coldly.

"Who on earth is this man who has such magical power?"

"Listen to him, Jiya didn't marry into Dongyao resort three years ago? Is it all about Dongyao resort? "

After hearing Wei Suo's words, he saw the scene of all monks fleeing in Dongyao resort, and the Seven Star City was boiling.


Wei Suo today is equivalent to one person's ability to single out two sects, and in the enclosure of the two sects, he killed dozens of friars as if he had gone into no one's land, and one nearly killed immortal Changfeng. Moreover, even immortal Changfeng, a monk in the golden elixir period, did not know what means he used to stab the soleplate of his feet.

It seems that there are at least 20 monks who have been stabbed on the soles of their feet. Before that, Li Shaohua, the golden friar, was killed by him.

Today, such a thing will definitely become a legend in the Tianxuan land. However, these monks who are watching this scene have witnessed it with their own eyes.

"It's manly. No, I've fallen in love with him. I'm going to ask him if I'll be his concubine or not." At this time, a delicate voice, let the monks outside the Seven Star City can not help but turn their heads.

"Isn't it? Just like you, they want it

What made the sound that the nun who was rising in the air at the moment was short and fat, and her face was covered with powder and dressed like a goblin.

"If there is a stalker, there will be no amnesty for killing!"

At this time, Weisuo collected all the things that had been dropped from the killing friars. After collecting the heart eating insect and the color butterfly of the king of Dharma, he shot out from the fire boat and made such a sound at the same time.

Hearing such a sound, the fat nun who had just risen from the sky and wanted to fly over had to stop.

"Ha ha, it's flat now." Many friars around were gloating, and felt that the fat nun must be depressed. But what made them almost fall to the ground was that the fat nun was still more florid and said, "more manly, people like it more."


On the other side, Wei Suo, who was carrying the boat from the fire, swept out a section of it. No one in the rear kept up with him, but he fell down quickly and fell into a forest.

Then, he immediately changed into a robe, quickly dressed up as a 40 year old monk in yellow robes, and then went around again, flying back toward the Seven Star City.

It took only a moment to go. At this time, the whole seven star city had been talking about the war between him and just now, but no one thought that he would return to the Seven Star City after changing his clothes.

Without any pause, he went directly into the teleportation array leading to the moon city.

After the transfer of the transmission array of Luoyue City, with the flash of the transmission array, Weisuo's figure appeared in the Lingyue city.

Once out of the transmission array of Lingyue City, Wei Suo didn't stop at all. He sacrificed the door plate flying sword in front of him, and fired at the direction of treasure Pavilion directly.

"Be bold! Don't fly in Lingyue city

As soon as Weisuo rose up, he was forced by several dodging lights.

"Get out of here

In the past, even if Wei Suo Xiu went to Jindan, he would give tianyimen a little face and try not to make more enemies for himself. However, since he knew that tianyimen was also an accomplice in Dongyao resort, Wei Suo didn't like tianyimen. Moreover, Wei Suo and Jiya had two ways, mainly to hold down the power of tianyimen.If Ji Ya and other people were involved in the hard work just now, it would be inconvenient. He was not as flexible as he was. Of course, if the immortal Tianshen and the experts of tianyimen arrived at the Seven Star City and joined hands with immortal Changfeng, it was not impossible for Wei Suo to have a more arrogant massacre. However, one more day and one gate not only means one more golden elixir, but also may mean two more powerful magic weapons. One day and one gate less are more safe to deal with Dongyao resort.

Moreover, he gave the bead and the other two golden magic weapons to Jiya. With the extinction gold elixir and Hunyuan yinwa in hand, it is absolutely impossible for Jiya and Han Weiwei to have any problems.

Now Li Shaohua has been killed by him, and immortal Changfeng has been severely damaged by him. Even if there is a pill of Tianjie, it is impossible for him to come back to Lingyue city. In this way, he would have been in trouble with tianyimen. In this Lingyue City, of course, there is nothing to worry about.

"What? Master...! "

At this time, the treasure Pavilion received a small roll of sheepskin handed over by a shop assistant. After opening it, the middle-aged white monk who was originally looking at Jiya and others with a sneer suddenly turned white.


At the same time, Tianshen's face changed slightly, his figure moved, and he stood at the door of treasure Pavilion.

Weisuo was less than 200 Zhang away from the treasure house, but in the sky around him, there were fifty or sixty evasive lights hovering around him, as if he were facing a great enemy.

"Are you vissault?" Looking at Wei Suo who comes towards treasure Pavilion, Tian Shen real face says without expression.

"It seems that you are Tianshen immortal." Seeing Tianshen immortal, Weisuo also stopped and said calmly: "where are they now, Jiya? I think the real Tianshen should not embarrass them."

"We're fine, weissou." Jiya's voice came from the treasure Pavilion immediately.

"Good." Hearing Jiya's voice, Weisuo nodded with satisfaction, looked at Tianshen and said, "Tianshen immortal, you should be able to make decisions in tianyimen. Now we have calculated the account with Dongyao resort, and my conditions have been opened to them. Now it's up to us and tianyimen to calculate the account of the treasure Pavilion. "

"Arrogant!" Tian Shen looked at Wei Suo without expression, "do you think you can threaten me with an elixir?"

"Tianshen, my master..." The middle-aged white shirt monk went to the back of Tianshen, and wanted to say something. But Tianshen directly waved his hand and was extremely cold and interrupted his words, "what's the matter with elder Li? I'll talk about it later."

"Why, can you even resist the elixir?" Weisuo looked surprised.

"I don't have to deal with you." The immortal Tianshen sneered and said, "I can wait for you to use this elixir before you take action. Anyway, tianyimen wants to find a few friars who can deal with Fen Nian Jing Yi Liang. It's very easy... "

"Tianshen, my master..."

"I didn't tell you, elder Li. I'll talk about it later." Tianshen, who was interrupted by his speech, suddenly jumped his eyebrows and turned his head fiercely. He looked at the middle-aged white monk with a flash of cold in his eyes.

"My master jiedan succeeded, but he died in his hands!" But the middle-aged white monk with a pale face said quickly.

"What!" Tianshen, who was originally angry, was stunned.

"He's right. This is Li Shaohua's golden elixir." Wei Suo stretched out his hand and took out Li Shaohua's elixir. His hand was green.

"How could you kill a golden friar?" Tianshen immortal's face changed for a while, and his eyes narrowed slightly, "but do you think you can deal with a zongmen's encirclement?"

"Since you already know the news that Li Shaohua died in my hands, the next news should also be known soon." Wei Suo did not answer the words of Tianshen, but said this sentence lightly.

Weisuo was right. Just as his voice fell, the clerk who had just given the middle-aged white monk a small roll of sheepskin ran out of the room and handed the middle-aged white monk a parchment.

Just opened a glance, the middle-aged white monk seems to be a ghost like expression.

"What's going on?" The immortal Tianshen took a picture of Zhenyuan directly. He took a small scroll of sheepskin in his hand and glanced at it. The golden elixir, who had just threatened Wei Suo, "do you think you can deal with the siege of a clan", was also a shivering, gurgling and swallowing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!