Chapter 425

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"This thick white fog has little effect on blocking the divine consciousness, and the power of the magic weapon can also force it open."

When Zhen Chongming started to stimulate the "Jiulong explosive meteorite" which was like a tripod and a deep pot, Han Wuya reached down and grabbed it, just like absorbing water. He captured a long white mist and pressed it into a small white air mass in his hand. After looking at it in front of her eyes, Han Wuya casually flicked off the white air mass. "This kind of white fog is just inspired by some kind of water magic instrument, which is not harmful to the friars. Immortal Changfeng, why don't we send some people to explore it? "

"That's the only way." Immortal Changfeng nodded, looked at Han Wuya, and pondered: "however, the attack power of this person is very strong, no matter in terms of magic arts or magic weapons, it needs at least a group of ten people, and several magic weapons with good defense ability can block his attack."

"In a group of ten, there should be no problem." Han Wuya said calmly: "in this case, we both send a group of monks, how about going down to try the water?"

"Good! You, you, you, and you... "

After the immortal Changfeng nodded, there was no nonsense, and he began to assign the first batch of monks who entered xiaoyeshan to test water.

Among the more than 150 monks surrounded xiaoyeshan, there are more than 40 monks in Dongyao Resort and those in juxingzong, while the rest 70 or so are monks from the killers like Heisha who are hired by the two clans with a large number of spirit stones, and some dead friars who do everything for the sake of the spirit stone.

Among the 70 or so monks, they are basically high-level friars from zhoutianjing and fennianjing.

Now Han Wuya and immortal Changfeng count their heads, which can be said to be very tacit understanding. They all point to eight hired friars, including two monks of their own sect.

In this way, even if the first batch of monks were all dead, they would lose at most two monks. However, when they went down this time, they could play the role of commander-in-chief and not become a basin of loose sand.

"All right

In xiaoyeshan Valley, Zhen Chongming called out excitedly. He had stopped paying attention to Zhenyuan. At the moment, on the magic weapon that did not look very good in front of him, he began to emit black flame light, which looked mysterious and dangerous.

"What's going on?"

Han Wuya and the immortal Changfeng are directing with great vigour. The ten monks just gathered behind them in a fierce manner. However, at this time, all the monks heard an earth shaking explosion in the small night mountain covered with thick fog below.

In the thick fog below, a little red light suddenly appeared.

Then, this red light at an amazing speed growing bigger and bigger, like a volcanic eruption, broke the thick fog, gushed out!


All the monks in the sky of xiaoyeshan first opened their eyes in a daze and immediately cried out in horror.

I saw that the red light gushing out was about three Zhangs in diameter. Moreover, the red light was all made up of countless rockets. When it came out, it turned out to be like a huge skeleton and a giant snake!


After rushing out of the fog, the huge red skeleton snake exploded and became thousands of fiery Rockets!

"Pa! Bang! Bang!... "

These rockets were so dense that they covered the area of nearly a hundred feet. For a moment, with the constant explosion of magic weapons and aura masks, they broke. The more than ten monks within a hundred Zhang were all reduced to ashes.

All this happened only in one breath.

It was just a huge red light skeleton snake rushed out and exploded. Then with the disappearance of the fire, more than ten monks in the sky had disappeared.

At this time, the twenty friars were just about to fly down. Seeing such a scene, the faces of the twenty monks suddenly lost a trace of blood.

"What magic weapon is this? Is it so powerful that the attack distance can reach such a level? " Immortal Changfeng and master Jinzhong also looked at each other with a pale look on their faces.

Even the most indifferent yellow bud son, eyes can not help but a violent flash.

In the valley, in front of Zhen Chongming, the magic weapon, which was like a tripod and a pot, was also torn apart. There were nine black fireworks in the shape of dragons, twisted and shaken for a while, and then disappeared.

"Boss, that's great."

Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun raised their heads in a daze. At the moment when the fog was blown away, they saw that more than ten monks were killed at once.

"It's a pity that goulizong is really stingy. We all know that we have to deal with Dongyao resort, and they have a feud with Dongyao resort. We went to our door, and they would only give us some purple nitrate thunder crystal. Otherwise, if we could make more such magic weapons, they would be scared to death if they could not be killed." After staying for a while, Zhu Xiaochun looked at the broken magic weapon in front of him and said this sadly.One hundred and fifty high-level friars, together with a large group of four and five level masters of fennianjing, and four golden elixir monks, came to deal with a loose monk. However, they did not do anything. On the contrary, more than ten friars were damaged. This made Han Wuya, who looked the most elegant outside, a little blue.

Under the orders of him and the immortal Changfeng, the 20 monks who had just begun to be fierce, all inspired their own defense weapons and carefully swept down towards the bottom.

"Boss, they have come down and have entered the attack range of miexianteng. Why don't you withdraw the mountain god protection array?" Seeing the bright light from the above magic instruments hovering down, Zhen Chongming nervously retreats to Wei Suo's side and asks.

At the moment, the mountain god's protection array in Xiaoye mountain is in an excited state. That is to say, at the moment, the whole Xiaoye mountain is still covered with the true spirit of ethylwood, so that even if a monk enters Xiaoye mountain, he will not kill the immortal vine. As long as Wei Suo orders the mountain god protection array to stop stimulating, the xiaoyeshan miexian vine will immediately move.

"It's just the people they sent down to test the water. If we use miexianteng at this time, we will kill chickens with a knife. " Wei Suo said with a smile, "but the other side at least has so many golden elixirs. Han Weiwei, Jiya, let's leave some bottom first. You don't need to use those two golden magic weapons."

"Good!" Hear Weisuo say so, Han Weiwei immediately obediently nodded, quickly will have taken in the hand of a golden magic weapon.


Two groups of people, one left and one right, slowly fell down.

The distance between the two groups was about thirty or forty feet, so that they could support each other if something happened.

"Not good!" All of a sudden, a thicker white mist suddenly floated over and separated the two groups of friars.

This thicker white fog is also different from the white fog that permeates xiaoyeshan. It is obvious that some magic weapon inspired it. But when the divine consciousness goes in, it seems as if it is empty.

"This is the magic lamp of our Dongyao resort! Be careful. This is what the man got from our young master Dong. " Among a group of monks in Dongyao resort, a monk in a dark green robe suddenly responded and gave a cry of surprise.


Hearing this monk's cry, the two groups of friars were all in a hurry. All of them were in a hurry to prepare for the fog that covered their sight and inspired the attack magic weapon on their heads.

"What's going on?"

But a group of monks on the left side suddenly became stunned.

Because they saw the air ahead, suddenly a group of big white pigs ran out, very happy from their body not far away from the past.

How can there be a herd of pigs in this place?

Even if there are a group of pigs, it is impossible to run in the sky?

These two groups of friars felt that their eyes had some problems.

But what made them swallow a mouthful of saliva was that after this large group of big white pigs ran happily, they were actually a large group of big white pigs.

On the other side of the friar, it is even the hair fried.

At the same time, a flying sword with golden and yellow lights, three black flames, a black light column and a silver light column gushed out of the fog, and hit the aura masks and various magic instruments outside them.


"Not bad!"

The ten monks were all very happy, because in an earth shaking explosion, their external defense blocked so much light, and there was still a aura mask.

But the joy on their faces disappeared in an instant.

Because a crystal ghost claw and a bright blue bead, and then impact on their body on the last aura.


Before the last aura was broken, the ten friars were all scattered and swept up to the upper wind.

"Ha ha, I'm waiting."

At this time, two extremely proud voices rang, and two flashes of light suddenly shot out, hitting the two friars on the body, beating the two monks upside down.

At the same time, the crystal like ghost claw, the two monks grasp breath completely, directly into the fog. And that blue bead also did not stop to hit a Friar's body, the friar was suddenly hit into pieces of broken ice.

Ten friars were killed instantly.

"Run away!"

On hearing the continuous screams around, ten friars who saw two groups of big white pigs on the other side were also frightened and flew away quickly towards the top.

On the other side, the remaining five friars who were trying to escape had already flown upwards for more than 40 Zhang.

All of a sudden, let these five monks stare big eyes is, in front of them in the white fog, suddenly appeared a little girl in flower clothes.The little girl looked at most two or three years old, white and tender.


But just when the five monks felt that they were hallucinating, the little girl aroused a terrible silver fog and hit three of them. As the silver fog surged, all the three monks flew back and forth without even uttering a scream.

Ten white faced friars and two more pale faced monks shot out of the thick fog.

Seeing that there are still 12 monks left, Han Wuya and Changfeng Zhenren, who were originally ugly, were all relieved. Han Wuya's expression, it seems to restore the general's wind, elegant up, "what is the situation inside, what do you see?"

"We saw two groups of big white pigs running in front of us." Exclaimed one of the ten pale monks.

"There was a little girl in fancy clothes, only so old." The two monks, who escaped from death with even whiter faces, tried their best to fight, while shouting like a wind, "we killed three of us at once." , the fastest update of the webnovel!