Chapter 460

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
In a flash of blue light, another friar appeared and came out.

At this time, there were more than 20 golden elixir friars in the hall. It was obvious that after the arrival of Weisuo and the black wolf, six or seven golden elixir friars arrived.

During this period of time, under the introduction of black wolf immortal and LV Qi, Weisuo had already known all the golden elixir friars. Among them, only four golden elixir monks didn't even know black wolf and Lvqi, so they couldn't know.

Among the more than 20 Jindan friars who have arrived, more than half of them are Jindan friars in zongmen, and most of them are not monks from the south of Tianxuan continent, and many of them come from the West and central part of Tianxuan continent.

It seems that the monks in the golden elixir period really formed a circle of their own, but if they were not qualified, even if they knew such a circle, they could not mix in such a circle.

"I didn't expect even him to come!"

At this time, the new monk just showed his birth shadow. All the monks in the hall were obviously slightly different. The black wolf real man and LV Qi who were talking were also slightly surprised and exchanged glances.

"What's the origin of this one?" Weisuo knew that this person's origin must be extraordinary, carefully looked up.

He was also a beautiful man. His hair was tied in the back of his head with a blue ribbon. He was very free and easy. He was wearing a silk gilded robe which looked very light and simple. It was pulled to the ground and covered the monk's feet. The spirit of the monk was green and yellow, and a wild ancient beast with four wings and a body similar to a tiger was formed outside the monk.

If the aura of the vast majority of the monks present were ethereal, the spirit of the monk was full of savage and ferocious atmosphere.

"This man is very famous. He is Li ruohai, the leader of the spirit beast palace in Wanshou city. Ji Daoyou, you should have heard of him, too? " Hearing Weisuo's inquiry, the black wolf real man immediately whispered a reply.

"This guy turns out to be Li ruohai, the master of xinyoulan?" Weisuo was stunned and nodded immediately.

The name of the head of the spirit beast palace is, of course, enormous.

Even a lot of high-level monks privately think that if they really fight for their lives in the 15 cities in the south of Tianxuan continent, the most powerful one is Li ruohai, the leader of the spirit beast palace.

"Immortal black wolf, Lu Daoyou, said that he may have several powerful high-level monsters on him. Do you know what kind of monsters he is carrying?" As he continued to look at the master of the spirit beast palace, who looked somewhat unruly and walked towards a golden chair, Weisuo asked in a low voice.

"Li ruohai doesn't usually deal with people. Although everyone says that he has several high-level monsters on his body, the monks who have dealt with him have basically died in his hands. It is estimated that none of the monks on the scene know what kind of monsters there are." LV Qi quietly whispered to Weisuo and the black wolf immortal's ears, "anyway, I know that the immortal thorn star fell into his hands, and the magic power of this person must be far superior to ours. We should not provoke him. He's just very protective, and he's not eccentric

"This is immortal Yunhan, the elder of Shengxian sect. Shengxian sect and Lingyun sword sect are fighting each other openly and secretly. Shengxianzong regards their seniority according to the eight words of xianyunliudan and Sihai Shengping. The generation of the four characters "Sihai Shengping" is all ordinary disciples. To the Liu generation, they are already the elder level. The Yun generation is the golden elixir, and the immortal generation is the great friar of the Shenxuan realm. But the Shengxian sect has not been a great monk in the Shenxuan realm for thousands of years... "

"This is immortal Bihu. He is a monk at the junction of the central and northern parts of the Tianxuan continent. He came so far away. I met this monk at the trade fair before, and his aura was very unique, so I recognized him."

“… ... "

after a while, another seven or eight monks came.

"I can't imagine that this kind of golden elixir trade fair should have such a scale."

And the number and scale of the monks on the scene also made Weisuo more and more surprised.

Among the seven or eight monks present, the black wolf immortal and Yunhan immortal and Bihu immortal introduced by LV Qi are also the double accomplishments of Jindan.

In this way, even if there are no monks who have concealed their accomplishments with special skills, there are already four great friars with double cultivation of golden elixir on the spot just from the breath of these monks.

At present, there are more than 30 monks in the golden elixir period. The aura of these people is so colorful that the whole hall looks gorgeous. Not to mention ordinary friars, even Wei Suo, who attended this kind of golden elixir friars' gathering for the first time, had a shocking feeling of witnessing the gathering of immortals.

But at this time, the blue light flashed twice in a row, which made almost all the monks in the hall stagnate. What's more, two more monks came out one after another.Walking out in front of him is a low-lying old man wearing a treasure blue Taoist robe full of talismans. The Taoist priest had withered and yellow hair and a common face, but his aura was condensed into a large gray and black talisman behind him. On the rectangular talisman, there are twists and turns in the pattern of the talisman, just like the ghost amulet, and there is no word at all.

The other monk was tall, wearing a purple robe. His face was square and dignified. His aura was bright yellow, and he formed the shape of a golden unicorn. At first sight, he felt an overwhelming power.

A glance at the two monks who came out one after another, Wei Soton was awe stricken.

The prestige of these two monks is obviously higher than that of Li ruohai. Walking around, the body's strong aura drove the surrounding air, bringing out a stream of wind, making the whole hall air flow up.

As soon as the wind flowed, it stirred the aura of the rest of the monks, making all the forms of the aura of the golden elixir inside the hall seem to be shaking, which makes it a little chaotic for the arrival of these two friars.

These two monks are the great friars whose accomplishments have reached the triple level of golden elixir!

"Zeng laoguai and Tianluo immortal are all here Black wolf real man and Lu Qi's face color is suddenly changed.

"What are the origins of these two men?" Asked vissault in a silent voice.

"Zeng laoguai is the Taishang elder of Yinfu city in the eastern part of Tianxuan continent. The Yinfu sect is now among the cities in the eastern part of Tianxuan continent. Although it can't compare with Xianzong, Zeng laoguai has been known as the first friar in the East for decades. No monk in the eastern cities has been able to defeat him." The immortal black wolf whispered to Wei Suo: "as for the immortal Tianluo, he is a casual monk who can't be traced. Ordinary friars don't know where his cave is. He just heard that he happened to get the tradition of the ancient sanxiu in his early years, and then he has the cultivation of today. This man's skill is very strange. It is said that when he is against the enemy, he can make his body as tough as the body of magic weapon. "

Seeing the two monks enter, most of the monks present unconsciously show some awe. Among them, Zeng laoguai, who is the first monk in the eastern cities, found a golden chair and sat down without much conversation with others. But the real man of Tianluo, who entered behind, walked to the four friars who were opposite to Wei Suo and others. He sat down as if he were familiar with the four friars, and began to talk with his lips moving.

For a long time, another seven or eight golden elites came to the scene.

By the time the sun was setting, there were more than 40 golden elixir monks in the Grand Hall of the blissful palace.

It sounds like a small number, but in fact it is already very amazing. Because there are no 20 Jindan friars in all the sects of the fifteen cities in the South and all the sects in the fifteen cities in the east of Tianxuan continent. Even with the establishment of caves in the South and the East, the golden elixir monks who often work in this area will never exceed 40 First name.

According to immortal Black Wolf and LV Qi, this trade fair must also be due to the face of the blissful immortal. Otherwise, in previous fairs, when the number of golden elixir friars was the most, there were only 20 or so, which would never be so amazing as today.

In the next period of time, however, no new golden elixir monks appeared.

The sky outside the hall gradually darkened, but the conversation in the hall was also slowly quiet down.

The reason is that the concubinage ceremony starts at sunset and dusk. At this time, the real man of blissful should appear soon. All the monks who are coming should have arrived. Those who don't come at this time are not expected to come this time.


All of a sudden, there was a roar.

On the square outside the grand hall, dozens of red flames suddenly shot out, reflecting the brightness of most of the blissful palace.

All of a sudden, the sound of Qin, Xiao, drum and zither rose.

Rows of gorgeous nuns dressed up as ladies, carrying all kinds of things, emerge from the clouds at the end of the square like fairies.

"Thank you for waiting so long."

Then, what made Weisuo's eyebrows jump fiercely is that, with an extremely dignified light voice, a group of intense golden light spurted out from the cloud. A monk with white hair, a golden crown and a red robe on his body, but his face looked only over 40 years old, appeared in the sight of all the monks.

The aura of gold, outside the man's body, condensed into a tree with oval fruit. With the rhythm of the golden light, it seems that the tree is constantly breathing the vitality of heaven and earth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!