Chapter 465

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"It turns out that there are so many restrictions on the so-called gambling fight, which can only be selected among several competitions." Weisuo gave a cold smile.

"It's natural. Otherwise, if there are no agreed restrictions, the opening conditions will be strange. For example, if you choose a monk with short hair from my side, and his hair is longer than him, this kind of gambling will not have any suspense and significance." Tianluo looked at Weisuo without expression. "With the restrictions of the agreement, it's more fair for both parties. Moreover, you can choose between the conditions of these agreements twice, which is a big advantage."

After a pause, the immortal Tianluo looked at Wei Suo, who had not made a statement for a while, and said, "and I don't want to say that I use cultivation and leisure cloud alliance to bully you, a backward monk. After all, you are younger than me. As long as you accept this bet, no matter whether we win or lose, even if we have both good and bad feelings, I will not deal with you again after I go out. What do you think? "

"Since Taoyou have said so, do you have any other choice?" Weisuo's cold face swept the Tianluo immortal and several monks around him, and said quietly, "but I'm not interested in the low-level attack techniques of heaven level. If you change it into Zhuang Yang Zhi, I can promise this gambling fight right away."

"Zhuang Yang Zhi?" Tianluo real man took a look at the blue friar who had traded in zhuangyangzhi, and immediately nodded, "OK, as you said, if you lose this gambling fight, you will hand over the torrential scroll. If we lose, we will hand over a pinzhendao pill and a zhuangyangzhi."

"Du Daoyou, take out shiyangzhi." After nodding to Weisuo and saying that sentence, Tianluo immortal stretched out his hand, and a cold and white air suddenly congealed in front of him not far away, but instantly formed an icicle more than one person high. Then the Tianluo immortal reached out a little, and a milky red bottle floated out of his hand and flew to the icicle.

The monk in blue with a face of Yin dove on one side also reached for a wave without any nonsense. The transparent crystal Dan bottle containing Chuang Yang Zhi also flew out of his hand and fell lightly to the top of the icicle.

"Since it's an appointment to gamble and fight, which conditions can be selected in the end? Please tell the immortal Tianluo clearly." Wei Suo but also did not take out the long river torrential volume, just looked at the Tianluo immortal one eye, light said.

His indifference greatly increased the interest of all the Jindan friars present, because not only this kind of gambling was not difficult to see, but also full of fun, and Weisuo's name of a domineering real man was really loud and deadly.

"In addition to the few without suspense, both sides can choose from the following several competitions." The real man of Tianluo is no nonsense. He directly said, "first, try to escape quickly and see who gets to a place fastest. In the meantime, they can rely on their magic powers to block each other. 2、 Both sides are not allowed to use any magic weapon. They can only fight with the magic method. 3、 Both sides are only allowed to use magic weapons, and are not allowed to compete with each other. 4、 No matter who is forced out of the designated area by any means, it will be the loser. 5、 Each time the two sides can take out one thing and let the opponent identify it. If one side fails to distinguish the other party's things for the first three times, it will be regarded as a loss. 6、 To crack the prohibition, both parties can set their own prohibitions, and the party who can't break the other party's prohibition will lose. Four are martial arts contests, and two are Wenbi. Each of these six contests can only be conducted once. You can't always choose one. What do you think? "

"It's not as interesting as I thought, but I can try it." Weisuo took a look at the Tianluo immortal, and said, "I don't know which three of you are going to fight with me this time."

"On my side, Du Daoyou and he Dao are friendly." After Tianluo immortal said this, two monks behind him did not say anything. They stood up and walked to the side of Tianluo immortal.

The two golden elites, one wearing a withered yellow robe covered with mulberry leaves, looked old. His face was wrinkled and his mouth was a little shriveled. His face was the same as that of an ordinary bad old man. But the aura outside his body was condensed into the shape of green eyeballs. It seemed that there were thousands of ghost eyes floating outside him A very weird feeling.

The other monk, however, was only in his forties. He was wearing a shiny black robe. He was thin and shrewd. His aura was dim, forming a pattern of vermilion lotus.

"Both Du Daoyou and he Daoyou are the accomplishments of Jindan. All Taoist friends present can testify." Seeing Wei Suo looking at the two monks, immortal Tianluo turned his head and took a look at the blissful immortal who was enjoying the excitement. "Immortal blissful, you are the landlord here. Where is the gambling going on, please mark out a place."

"It's not easy." With a funny smile, he reached out to the square outside the hall and said, "it's just where you can't compete."


Tianluo real man looked at Weisuo, and his figure moved. First he swept out and stood on the square with fog.

"Immortal Tianluo, you are too anxious." The blissful immortal smiles indifferently, pats with both hands, and sweeps the gold armour Friar and maid around. I saw that these golden friars and maids were very tacit, all standing around the square outside the hall. All the maids took out a red lotus shaped magic instrument made of unknown crystal stone and held it in her hand. The red light suddenly lit up the square, which was hundreds of meters around the square.When these golden friars and maids stood around the square, all the monks in the hall, including the real man of bliss, also came to the square, while Weisuo and Tianluo immortal, the old monk named Du, and the intelligent monk he, stood face to face in the middle of the square.

The icicle with pinzhendaodan and xingyangzhi on it was left in the hall for the time being.

"Now Wei Daoyou can draw a line." Tianluo immortal calmly looked at the opposite Wei Suo and said: "which one of the three of us do you want to compete with first?"

"It's better to be friendly first." Weisuo was not nervous at all. With a cool smile, he took a look at the face of the vermilion lotus blossoming out of his body.

"Wei Daoyou, I've heard a lot about you." The monk in black and Tianluo Zhenren looked at each other and stepped forward, but politely bowed their hands to Weisuo and said hello. He looked like he did not want to offend Weisuo and get angry with him even though he had a contest at the moment.

"How can I help you?" The immortal Tianluo faintly looked at the monk he and Wei Suo, "Wei Daoyou, do you want any Taoist friends to open conditions, or do you open conditions?"

"It's up to him to open the conditions." Weisuo said quietly.

"How can I ask the conditions for the opening up of the rest?"

"What kind of medicine does he sell in his gourd?"

"Is he really skilled and courageous, or is he too conceited?" As soon as Wei Suo said this, most of the golden elixir friars, including the blissful immortal, frowned slightly, which was somewhat unexpected.

The rules originally set by Tianluo immortal are not clear about the benefits. After all, it is impossible for any friar to surpass other friars in these six items. But Tianluo immortal is the triple cultivation of golden elixir, which must be the most difficult to deal with. These six items must be much higher than ordinary golden elixir friars. In the vast majority of the monks on the scene, Weisuo had better simply give up the Tianluo Zhenren scene and guarantee to win the other two. In this way, it should be the scene of Tianluo Zhenzhen. Let Tianluo Zhenren open the conditions. The other two scenes, that is, Wei Suo chooses his best opening conditions. And see Wei Suo this person, again is clever tight, also can't think of this layer. This made most of the golden elixir monks at the scene a little confused.

Hearing Weisuo say so, Tianluo immortal's eyes are also slightly narrowed, but he did not say anything. "In that case, why don't we try to run faster?" But the smart monk he surnamed, however, did not have any nonsense, calmly nodded and immediately said.

"Of course." Weisuo's eyes flashed and he nodded.

"Blissful immortal, please point out a route to escape. Otherwise, there will be no winner or loser at this point. " Tianluo immortal turned to look at the blissful immortal and said.

"We will do it according to this, and the one who is on the top of the hall everywhere will win first." With a smile and a little stretch of his hand, a red light shot out of his hand, slanting upward, until it reached the top of a temple beyond the distance. Then it exploded and turned into a rain of fire.

"Let's get out of the way for a few tens of feet. Take my skill as a signal. As soon as I send out this skill, you will use your own means and fly away to that place, OK?" Tianluo real man also stretched out his hand as a demonstration. A yellow thunder light like a swimming snake exploded above its head.

Wei Suo and Friar he did not have any nonsense. Their figure moved and they stood at a distance of tens of Zhang.


There was no stopping. As soon as the two men stood still, the real man of Tianluo raised his hand. The same yellow thunder light had exploded above his head.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"

Almost in the moment of the Yellow thunder, the entire square, then sounded two violent sound of breaking the air.

What's different is that one of the voices is the voice of monk he's escaping light and breaking the void. He did not inspire any skills, but the whole figure turned into a black streamer, which aroused countless vigorous winds.

The other sound of breaking the air is the sound of Weisuo's attacking technique.

Just in this moment, I saw a gold crystal light column, a black archaic fire and a large amount of colorful mucus. At the same time, he smashed his head at friar he! , the fastest update of the webnovel!