Chapter 485

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
This shows a small problem.

Weisuo met an old acquaintance, so he couldn't help but aim, to see if there was any change, where there was no smaller, where there was no bigger.

However, Wei Suo was not so handsome that he could not remember who he was. Moreover, Wei Suo usually kept a low profile and didn't want to attract the attention of other monks. He looked like he was wearing an ordinary blue robe, and even his aura was restrained by the secret formula. It didn't show up. It seemed that Wei Suo was not different from the ordinary free cultivation of dividing cultivation period.

But in this longevity City, who dares to be so undisguised and stare at xinyoulan?

And now he's still outside the gate of the spirit beast palace, but the guy in front seems to be addicted to seeing himself.

"Do you really think I'm here for a beauty pageant, and you're looking at me in this way?"

See Weisuo this pair of appearance, the heart has Langdon in the heart a sneer, but on the surface is actually more gentle. "I said this Taoist friend, you have been looking at me, do you think I look good?"

"Oh?" Seeing xinyoulan looking at himself with a smile, Weisuo suddenly realized that he was the monk who met with her in Luoyue city a few years ago, even if he had not changed some appearance with Yi Rong Dan and his cultivation had changed so much, Xin Youlan might not have thought that he was the friar who met with her in Luoyue city a few years ago. Moreover, Weisuo also reflected that xinyoulan was so hot dressed, as if he was It is intended to let the lustful male monk want to see it but not want to see it. At that time, she can take advantage of the opportunity to fight on the ground. In any case, as a disciple of the master of the spirit beast palace, she will not suffer any loss and gain more experience in fighting skills. But at this time, Weisuo had already done this kind of cultivation, and he was waiting for Li ruohai to come out here. Where would Weisuo be afraid of this? So when he heard the words of xinyoulan, Weisuo pretended to be ignorant of anything, nodded and laughed, saying, "yes, I just think it's good-looking, so I've been watching it all the time."

Said, Weisuo's eyes are still deliberately not the same, in the heart of blue snow-white delicate two thighs to see a few eyes, as if eager to see the end of the thigh, the inside of the skirt.

Originally, xinyoulan wanted to tease Weisuo on purpose, but seeing Weisuo's "color fan" eyes, xinyoulan could not help it, and his face was flat, "do you want me to take off all my clothes to show you?"

"Really?" Weisuo laughed in his heart, but his face was serious. He pretended to be surprised. He looked around and said in a low voice, "girl, are you so open? Is it seven hundred spirit stones once? "

"Seven hundred spirit stones once?" Xin Youlan almost fainted with anger.

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong. Judging from your accomplishments and wealth, it's certainly not 700 spirit stones once." She was about to have a seizure, but Weisuo patted her thigh and looked at her again. "You all have to study in the state. I think it needs at least two thousand spirit stones..."

"You The heart has orchid this next finally can't help, the eye takes cold to stare at Wei Suo, "who are you after all, what are you doing outside the spirit beast palace?"

"I, a monk, I came to the spirit beast palace. The master of the spirit beast palace asked me to go out with him to do something. Anyway, I didn't want to go in to look for him. The disciples of the spirit beast palace have already informed me. He should come out to see me soon." Said vissault.

"You said that the master of the spirit beast palace asked for it from you? If you don't want to go in to see him, he will come out to see you right away? You're a little too big, too. " Hear Wei Suo say so, heart have orchid can't help but sneer. At this time, in her heart, it was not just a lesson to Weisuo.

"I can't boast." Weisuo deliberately looked around, a pair of ordinary people, I do not tell him the appearance, whispered to the heart of orchid: "I am really very powerful."

"Good? Why didn't I see it? " Xinyoulan really doesn't want to talk nonsense with this guy. He sneers, "do you know who I am? I am the disciple of the master of the spirit beast palace. "

"Are you the disciple of the master of the spirit beast palace? It can't be true? How can the disciples of the master of the spirit beast palace wear so little clothes? " But on Weisuo's face, there was no shocked expression in xinyoulan's imagination. Instead, he laughed, "I said this beautiful woman, don't make fun of me. You'd better tell me your real name and residence. I'll come back to you when I'm done with the master of the spirit beast Palace."

"I think you are impatient to live!" Her face turned white with blue in her heart. A blue magic weapon like a crescent moon was immediately suspended in front of her body. At the same time, her hand also immediately patted on a slave animal bag on her body.

"Wait! Good guy, dare to do it in front of the spirit beast palace. Are you really a disciple of the spirit beast palace There was a quick cry from vissault.

"It's too late for you to wake up. How dare you brag in front of me and say that my master has asked for you, and that he will come out to see you immediately. I will arrest you to see my master. When I see him, can you still boast like this? " The heart has blue angry voice way.

"Since you are the disciple of Li palace master, we don't need to fight." Wei Suo ha ha ha smile, way: "I am really not bragging, your master will come out immediately, do not believe us to make a bet.""Hit .。” Xinyoulan can't help but scold and beat you a ghost, but just say a word, let her eyes suddenly stare big, the rest of the words are hard to swallow down is, in front of the white light Huazhong figure flash, but showed the figure of Li ruohai.

And close behind Li ruohai, there are three golden elixir friars, who also appear immediately.

"It's too fast." As soon as he saw Li ruohai show up, Weisuo immediately murmured to himself. Originally, he was amused by LAN, and now he must not be able to play.

"Wei Daoyou..." As soon as Li ruohai was born, he immediately said hello to Weisuo, but when he saw Wei Suo and his heart had LAN talking, he couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

"Master." Heart has orchid immediately obediently jumped down from the water grain green ox, to Li ruohai line a salute.

"You are friendly." Wei Suo is also facing Li ruohai and qilongshan and others hit a ha ha.

"Master Li, is she really your disciple?" Then Weisuo deliberately said to Li ruohai.

"What?" Li ruohai also thought Wei Suo and heart have orchid some strange, looked at heart have LAN one eye, "this woman is just a small apprentice heart has orchid."

"Oh, nothing. I think you are a good disciple. Why don't you just promise me to be a Taoist partner?" Wei Suo ha ha of a smile way.

"Are you serious Li ruohai frowned, but it was really a bit of a heartbeat.

And qilongshan, Qingping and fahua also couldn't help looking at each other, and their hearts were moving. In their mind, if Wei Suo Zhen and the spirit beast palace get together, then this time more secure, easier to do.

"Master!" The heart has the orchid but is frightened the face to have some white, even shakes head the appearance.

But she thought that Weisuo was a man of color and obscenity, and hated him to death in her eyes, but she absolutely did not want to be his Taoist companion.

"Ha ha, I just think that the disciple of Li palace master is very similar to a Taoist friend I met before. That Taoist friend also said that he would accept me as a disciple and let me join their sect so that I could be protected by her sect. He also gave me a disciple token. That's why I played such a joke with the palace master. " Wei Suo said with a smile: "now, the palace master, you are a disciple, but you don't like me. You don't want to be my Taoist partner. I can't rob my wife."

"It's hard to avoid being seen by people." Hear Wei Suo so say, Li ruohai tiny smile, but stare at heart have orchid one eye, a blame her to have no eye appearance, "small apprentice clumsy, make smile generous."

"Hoo!" When she had Langton in her heart, she felt a sigh of relief. If she wanted to be a Taoist companion, she should at least choose someone who was as handsome and magical as the master. However, she was a little curious. After all, she was very clever. It can be seen that Li ruohai and the other three golden friars all have great respect for Weisuo. This guy seems to have a bit of a head.

"Daoyou asked us to come out and meet directly. Are you ready to go now?" Li ruohai looked at the smiling Weisuo, and then asked.

"I'm ready and ready to go." Weisuo laughed and nodded.

"In that case, let's go now." When Li ruohai and Qi Longshan and others heard Wei Suo say this, they were all in a spirit. After looking at each other, they took out a vermilion pill and swallowed it.

Immediately, the aura of Li ruohai and qilongshan disappeared, and their faces changed.

There was no change in vissault's look at the scene.

He was very clear that the pills that Li ruohai and others had taken at the moment must also be pills like Yiqi Dan and Yirong Dan. The reason for doing this is that to go to Taisu city in the north of Tianxuan continent is to transfer through the transmission array of many cities. If so many golden elixir monks are together, they will surely attract the attention of other friars. Although Wei Suo had such skills as hidden secrets, Li ruohai and others were also very interested. They knew that Wei Suo could not pass on this technique to them at will. Of course, they could only think of their own ways.

"Master Li, your disciple and I met here. It's lucky. Let's give her something as a gift."

Just when several people left, Weisuo turned around, reached out a little, and pointed a thing to the heart of orchid.

"In that case, thank you very much." It's normal in the world of monasticism that the elder sends the younger generation a meeting gift. Seeing this situation, Li ruohai is not surprised. He just glances at Youlan in his heart, then he smiles faintly and moves directly. He and Qi Longshan and Wei Suo who turn around sweep the direction of transmitting the array to Wanshou city.

"Does he think that if he gives me something, I will have a good feeling for him? what is it? It also comes with this kind of thing. There's something wrong with it! "

Looking at Wei Suo yuan's back, Xin Youlan thinks he is really a big pervert.

Because Weisuo just turned around and ordered something for her, he even winked at her and made a face.

When she saw one of the things he gave her, she was still a little surprised, because it was actually a bracelet like aura defense magic weapon, and the level was amazing. This level of defense magic weapon, xinyoulan's body does not have, this person's hand is extremely generous, but see another thing, xinyoulan is more and more think this guy is very abnormal.Because another thing is actually a piece of skin on a demon beast that can be used as a weapon refining material. This skin looks like it has been made for a long time. It seems that the other party can't use it. It hasn't been dealt with. The monster grade of this skin is OK. It should be a piece of skin with the best defense on the human face ice spider. However, this kind of monster material is very common in the spirit beast palace, and it can be sent seriously It is also sent together with a top-grade magic weapon.

Is this the ordinary people who buy vegetables, buy a piece of animal meat, and send a root of onion!

"The human face ice spider At that time, the Taoist friend also said that he accepted me as a disciple, let me join their sect, and gave me a disciple token "

xinyoulan reached out and prepared to throw away the skin, but suddenly, she thought of something, and her eyes widened beyond belief.

"Is it him?"

The body trembles between, the heart has orchid unbelievable call out.

"Hey, hey At this time, Wei Suo, who was passing the FA array to Wanshou city with Li ruohai and others, was in his heart a burst of proud smile.

He knew that with the heart has the orchid's head melon seed, certainly will want to understand who he is in the end.

At the thought of this hot girl who even looked at her a little more, she was teased by herself today, and Weisuo felt a burst of dark cool.

As for the top-grade magic weapon of the spirit level, it is Wei Suo's clear resentment. Although xinyoulan had some grudges with Dong Qingyi in the Luoyue City, but she was not the first one, Weisuo may not get a lot of benefits that time, and may not be able to get away smoothly. Anyway, Wei Suo's spirit level magic weapons are so much scaring to death that xinyoulan is nothing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!