Chapter 510

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Fog gorge", "peripheral magic array", "Zhenci abyss", "Xijian pool", "Jade Terrace passage", "zhenzang hall" and "lingmiao Valley".

Li ruohai gave Wei Suo the blue jade talisman and the map of Qingcheng ruins, which were divided into these places.

Because of the simple graphics and some text marks, Wei Suo didn't understand the map very well before. Now he broke through the outer magic array and saw the real inner mountain of Qingcheng ruins, Wei Suo understood the map thoroughly.

Otherwise, the following terrain and annotation will not be able to connect before Weisuo.

According to the notes on this map, the next thing we have to face is the "true magnetic abyss" at the foot of the inner mountain. Look at the mark. This is the place where the immortal fahua said that we can't use any pure gold magic weapons.

At the moment, there are all kinds of brilliance on this huge mountain, just like that in the small heaven.

What's more, it seems that the splendor is even more chaotic than that in the small heaven, and all kinds of vitality and strength are more disordered.

The reason is that most of the prohibitions in xiaotianjie are intact, while those in Qingcheng ruins are obviously damaged.

The powers aroused by these damaged prohibitions are even more unpredictable. Moreover, some powers are entangled together without any reason. I'm afraid that even the Qingcheng disciples at that time could not be cracked and were more dangerous.

It seems that Wei Suo and Li ruohai took some time to look at the inner mountain of Qingcheng ruins and stopped for a moment at Qilong mountain, which is the front leading road.

After that, he nodded to Wei Suo and Li ruohai, and then, together with Qingping and fahua Zhenren, flew towards the foot of a huge mountain in front of him.

It is obvious that the prohibitions and unpredictable forces surrounding this huge mountain are too chaotic to fly directly into the mountain. Instead, they can only fall at the foot of the mountain and climb up along a fixed route.

The map in the hands of Qi Longshan and Li ruohai must have been the result of the explorations of many predecessors.

Looking at the huge mountain from the top of the mountain, it seems not far away, but in fact, it also has a long distance.

After carefully flying for a while, people flew to the foot of a mountain near the north side of the mountain.

From the top of the mountain outside, the feeling of this huge mountain is not particularly amazing. But at the foot of the mountain, compared with this huge mountain, people are as small as ants, and a huge sense of oppression is coming.

Weisuo saw that at the foot of the huge mountain, there were all huge pebbles, and on the foot of the mountain, there were obvious traces of water immersion.

From this point of view, the surrounding mountains are like a continuous city wall, and inside the wall, around this huge mountain, there should be a surging river.

From the bottom of the huge mountain to the water trace, the great river surrounding the inner mountain should be as deep as 100 Zhang, and its width should be at least hundreds of Zhang, which is very amazing.

But now there is not a drop of water under the mountain, and it is completely dry.

From a distance, there are several huge cracks, from the bottom of the mountain bed, seems to have spread up the mountain, anyway, to the middle of the hillside that Weisuo can see, it has not been interrupted, it seems that the cracks have been spreading to the top of the mountain.

It gives people the feeling that a monk with supernatural powers is fighting on the top of the mountain. Under one blow, the whole mountain body of the huge mountain is cracked with many huge cracks.

This kind of magic power, this kind of power, in any case even the blood spirit ancestor's kind of golden elixir five levels of great friars, are simply unable to achieve.

Weisuo and others are now in the same place as a dock platform. This platform has been completely destroyed, leaving only an irregular place for more than ten people, connected with a broken stone path.

However, this broken dock like platform and broken stone path are all made of a kind of white jade. After at least 60000 years, it has not been able to completely erase the luster of its surface. And on its surface, you can also see some exquisite and mysterious patterns and patterns of lotus and lotus leaves.

After a short stay in this place, it was headed by the immortal fahua who flew up the broken stone track.

About 90 Zhang up, a huge stone tablet shaped remnant stone, lying on the stone path.

"This ancient ancestral gate has nothing to compare with today's clan." At the sight of the stone, the old man in green could not help but make a sound of air-conditioning in Weisuo's ears.

It turns out that this remnant stone looks like a section of a building similar to a archway or a gate arch.

However, some of them, lying horizontally, are more than 20 Zhang high. How grand the whole archway or arch like building should be when it is in good condition?

Now, in the middle of this thing, there is a hole that can accommodate several people. In front of him, the real man fahua passed through first. It looks like the hole was made the last time they passed by.In this kind of place, the golden elixir friars, like them, dare not break into any place at all. They only dare to move cautiously along the map, and even dare not to make a detour.

After passing through this hole, there is a dark blue light curtain in front.

This light screen obscured the scene behind, and as soon as Weisuo's divine consciousness shot, he immediately found that he could not penetrate the dark blue light curtain at all.

"It's the same as the friar who can go straight through the sky. But after passing through this light curtain, there will be the true magnetic abyss. You Taoist friends should not use any magic weapons of pure gold. " In front of this dark blue light screen, the real man fahua stopped and looked at Li ruohai and Weisuo in the back again and reminded him of this.

Li ruohai nodded and didn't say anything. He put out his hand and patted a slave beast bag on his waist.

that only two feet long, small size, all the scales like Topaz lizard monster, with the yellow light flash, appeared beside him.

At that time, in the city of the zodiac, Li ruohai offered a sacrifice to this monster and killed an emperor black Jiao. This small monster seemed to be on top of the emperor black Jiao.

At that time, when Li ruohai sacrificed this monster, Weisuo had already robbed the wild ancient Baize and ran away. He did not see the power of the monster. However, as soon as Li ruohai released the monster, Weisuo was immediately surprised.

"Master, what are you Weisuo couldn't help but look at the monster and asked.

The smell of this monster is very terrible, and now even the old man in green robe doesn't know this beast.

"My monster, named Sheri lizard, was bred by crossing and breeding the two lizards for generations." Li ruohai didn't hide it. Looking at Weisuo, he explained: "this monster was born with eight levels of low level. It's just that this monster can't reproduce. If you want to cultivate it, it can only be cultivated by tuntian lizard and LEIWANG lizard, and it will take hundreds of years of work."

"The spirit beast palace is worthy of being one of the top slave animal families in Tianxuan land. This kind of method is really admirable." Weisuo couldn't help saying this.

Although Li ruohai's words are simple, it is also a means to produce new monsters through the cultivation of monsters, and it is also a means of higher-level monsters. In the current cultivation world, no one can do it except the spirit beast palace and the eudemonic beast sect.

After saying this, Weisuo patted on his slave bag, but he also let the bird out.

"Wei Daoyou, you Yang Zhi bird, is extremely rare. There is no Yang Zhi bird in my whole spirit beast palace and so many disciples."

At the sight of the Yangzhi bird released by Weisuo, Li ruohai also smiles slightly.

Now the Yangzhi bird released by Weisuo is full of faint yellow aura, as if wrapped in a small sunset. Moreover, the aura in its eyes is very smart. It seems that it is very intimate with Weisuo. It is obvious that it has successfully recondensed the demon pill.

Weisuo didn't reply, but his eyes flashed and he worked out a formula. A white light column suddenly shot out from his right index finger, which hit the Yang fat bird which just flew to his chest.

The Yang fat bird was shot by a white light column, and instantly it looked like a frightened one, but its feathers trembled, but it immediately calmed down.

After the white light disappeared, the bird looked more cheerful and more intimate with Weisuo.

See such a scene, Li ruohai is a tiny smile.

"Master Li, your skill is two-way." But Wei Suo is immediately some depressed appearance, can't help to say this to Li ruohai.

The reason for this is that Weisuo suddenly found that he was also suddenly attracted to this Yangzhi bird, as if this Yangzhi bird was not from huoyun immortal, but had been raised for many years.

"This is true of the higher-level slave animal skills in our spirit beast palace." Li ruohai could understand Weisuo's meaning completely, and said with a smile: "the reason is that the ancestor of our spirit beast palace thinks that only when we regard the spirit beast of the imperial envoy as his partner and friend, can he be more careful and calculate when he is commanding the spirit beast, so as not to cause some unnecessary loss of the spirit beast."

After a pause, Li ruohai looked at the Yangzhi bird in front of Wei Suo, and then said, "besides, Yangzhi bird is an ancient spirit bird with great growth potential. It is said that if we cultivate it well and increase its intelligence further, it is possible for him to advance to a similar cultivation ability. But I have seen relevant records. In history, there was a Yang Zhi bird who was free to repair, but eventually he was promoted to level 9 monster. Wei Daoyou, you should be more careful when you get this kind of spirit bird. "

"Can you advance to a level similar to your own cultivation ability?" After Wei Suo was stunned, he looked at Li ruohai with a smile. "Master Li, I think you must have some ways to cultivate Yang Zhi birds. Anyway, there is no Yang Zhi bird in your spirit animal palace. This method of cultivating Yang Zhi bird is idle. Why don't you tell me how to use it? ""You can tell that, too?" As soon as Weisuo said this, the old man in green almost fainted. What is idle is idle.

"It doesn't matter. Wei Daoyou shouldn't spread it out at will." But what the green robed old man didn't expect was that Li ruohai was not stingy and couldn't help laughing. He reached out and took out a piece of blue jade talisman. He wrote down some things with the method of condensing Qi into a symbol, and then pointed it to Wei Suo. , the fastest update of the webnovel!