Chapter 530

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Yellow crystal tablet fragments?"

When hearing this, Wei Suo's eyes flashed, "friend Qingping, how many pieces of yellow crystal tablet have you found? Can they still be inspired? Look at the way they are chasing you now. Should this piece of debris still be in your hands? "

"This is the crystal tablet fragment I found." The yellow light flashed. She could not catch up with the elusive light behind her, but Qingping took the fragments of the yellow crystal tablet directly from the nabao bag. "As for whether it can stimulate, I didn't have time to try at that time."

This piece of yellow crystal tablet is much larger than that of Weisuo, which is about one third of the size of the original piece of yellow crystal tablet.

Without any hesitation, his eyes just flickered. Wei Suo's real Yuan went into the yellow crystal tablet.

With Wei Suo's attention to Zhenyuan, the yellow crystal tablet immediately gave off a light yellow aura, forming a pale yellow light mask, which could accommodate about three people.

Seeing such a scene, Weisuo's eyebrows jumped and took a deep breath. On the contrary, he stopped his imperial envoy from the fire boat.

Of course, he knew that the great friar of Jindan triple was extremely difficult to deal with, but he intuitively had a lot to do with whether he could leave here or not.

"Wei Daoyou, do you think they may have found out the way to leave here, and it is related to the yellow crystal tablet?" Qingping is not a fool either. When she hears Wei Suo asking about the yellow crystal tablet and seeing Wei Suo's expression at this time, she immediately responds and looks at Wei Suo and asks.

"Put this thing away first." Wei Suo nodded, "I don't think this kind of yellow crystal tablet can break away from this kind of space crack, and what effect does the three great friars of the golden elixir covet. The ancient friar who left the map has studied how to crack the forbidden methods of zhenzang hall and lingmiao valley. If the yellow crystal tablet has other magical effects, the monk may have studied it and used it himself. "

"Wei Daoyou

"This man's surname is Wei, and he knows Qingping again. At such an age, he seems to be the monk I'm looking for! It's really hard to find a place to find. It's easy to get here! Bai Daoyou, this person is not easy to deal with. Let me talk about it later. It's time to get up and try not to damage the person's body. "

Just between Wei Suo and Qingping, the two monks in the Yellow hiding light are also talking.

The yellow light is emitted from a topaz tripod tripod.

This Topaz tripod is the size of a room. It is covered with yellow dragon dragons. It looks like a magic weapon left over from ancient times.

On top of the topaz tripod, an old man in green robes with bamboo leaf patterns forms a yellow dragon with a length of five or six feet. It is the elder of zhenwuzong, the real man of Panlong.

But the other one was not the Old Crocodile cave master who had been with him before, but with the dwarf friar. Among the three friars, the one with a weak face and dressed as a Confucianist.

The monk didn't know how to get together with Panlong immortal, but judging from the appearance of these two people, it was obvious that they had reached some agreement and joined hands.

"Very well, it seems that there is no magic weapon in this son who can escape faster than I, the pan Dragon Emperor tripod. Moreover, this son seems to see that we know how to get out. There are some talks here."

The real man Panlong is obviously a crafty and extremely alert character. When he saw Wei Suo's escape stop, he immediately guessed Wei Suo's idea.

With the sound of "bang" and a flash of treacherous light in his eyes, the topaz tripod tripod at his feet also slowed down and no longer seemed so aggressive.

"Who is the Taoist friend ahead?"

At the same time, the voice of Panlong immortal also rolled out.

"My surname is Wei. It is said that you are a famous immortal Pan Long. I don't know what is the name of another Taoist friend?" Looking at the topaz tripod tripod, Wei Suo's face did not show any change, and his voice was neither humble nor arrogant.

"I'm really a real person Panlong. This Taoist friend is a real person Bai Canglang of BaoFan." The jade tripod of Panlong immortal continued to approach Wei Suo's lihuofang.

At this time, the distance between Wei Suo's fire boat and the topaz tripod was less than ten li. The immortal Pan Long on the tripod and the friars dressed by Confucians could already be seen clearly. On hearing this, Qingping suddenly changed her face and sent a voice to Wei Suo: "Wei Daoyou, you should be careful. This immortal BaoFan is not as weak as he looks, In the northern part of Tianxuan continent, he was a great friar in the late period of Jin Dan duality. He was called Tianbei three evils together with Bu Lao Shou Weng and Heiqiao immortal. He killed friars out of the sky, even those monks whose accomplishments were much lower than them! "

"It turns out that another one is also a famous man. I don't know how the two Taoist friends fell into this place, and how could they pursue Qingping Daoyou? " Wei Suo quietly continued to look at Pan Long real man and the white sword sky dressed by Confucians.A great friar with three golden elixirs and a monk with two golden elixirs, Weisuo did not dare to tear his face easily.

"I don't have to pursue Qingping Daoyou." The immortal Pan Long looked at Wei Suo, and there was no color in his eyes. It was obvious that he had already thought out his words. "It's just that piece of thing in her hand is very important to us and we must get it. If she leaves us, we may always be trapped here and die here. As for how we got here, to be honest, we did not know the situation at all. We were looking for something in the wilderness of the sky, and we were caught in a black light. "

"So you know how to get out of here?" Weisuo's brow jumped slightly.

"Yes, we've explored a lot of places since we've been involved here, and we've found a place to leave. But that place can only pass through the thing that is taken away by Qingping Daoyou. " Pan Long immortal also does not avoid what general, looked at Qingping, said.

"To tell you the truth, we brought this thing to you." Weisuo took a look at Pan Long and said, "since everyone is trapped here, why not go to that place together and try to leave together?"

"If we can, we will not refuse such an offer. Here, there is no production, no aura, no one wants to stay more. " Panlong immortal reached out a little, a yellow light floated to Weisuo, "you have a look at this first."


Weisuo's eyes flashed violently.

Panlong real point to him, it is also a piece of yellow crystal tablet fragments. It's just that this fragment is much smaller than the crystal tablet that Weisuo had on hand, only one piece the size of a palm. And now the color of the Yellow fragment has obviously become very light, and there are many fine cracks in it.

"I wonder if Wei Daoyou knows anything about this thing?" Seeing Wei Suo's eyes twinkle, the real man of Panlong asked this question quietly.

Wei Suo didn't answer and turned to take a look at Qingping. This thing was in the hands of qilongshan before. If you want to understand it, Qingping's understanding of it must be above him.

"We only know that this thing can pass through some space cracks, but we don't know anything about the others." Qingping took a deep breath and said.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's a fragment of the monument." The immortal Pan Long took a deep look at Wei Suo and Qingping. "I have seen the records of this thing in some classical works. Originally, this ancient treasure still has the magic of cutting space, escaping and hiding, but in the hands of ancient monks, it has been broken. So there's only the mystery through some cracks in the space. What's more, this fragment only has the power of the material itself, and the power of the array is very few. Therefore, if you encounter some space cracks with powerful powers, even if you can pass through them, they will be damaged. "

"Do you mean..." Hearing the words of Pan Long, Wei Suo's eyebrows suddenly jumped violently.

"It seems that Wei Daoyou has already guessed something." Pan Long looked at Weisuo and said, "yes, we happened to pick up this piece of debris, and then we went to the space gap we found that should be able to go out and have a try. It turns out that although the stele of longevity can barely protect the monks from passing through, it must be damaged after passing through. "

After a pause, the real man Panlong looked at the piece of light colored fragment in front of Weisuo and said: "this piece of thing, after being excited by Zhenyuan, I controlled it to stay in the space gap for a moment, and then it became this kind of thing."

"To tell you the truth, I've already tried this piece of fragment on Qingping's hand just now." Weisuo took a deep breath and looked at the real man Panlong without any nonsense. "But the brilliance of this piece can only cover the appearance of three people at most. I don't know what your plan is for this, real man?"

"In the sky and the wild, the most fair rule is the law of the jungle. I think every Taoist here doesn't want to give the opportunity to go out to others, but he voluntarily left it?" Pan Long looked at Wei Suo and said, "if I am not mistaken, the supernatural powers of Wei Daoyou and Bai Daoyou should be above Qingping Daoyou."

"Do you mean that the three of us will go out and leave Qingping Daoyou behind?" Wei Suo looked at Pan Long and asked lightly.

Hearing this, Qingping's face turned white.

"This is the best solution. Otherwise, with the magic power of the other three of us, we may not be able to get out of the fight Panlong real man looked at Weisuo and nodded his head. "Surely Daoyou are also smart people. You should also see the current situation." , the fastest update of the webnovel!