Chapter 536

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"This old devil is so abnormal."

With a grunt, Weisuo swallowed a mouthful of blood foam and called in his heart.

The tyranny and treachery of immortal Panlong was completely beyond his expectation. If he had not cheated immortal Panlong with the black knife with fine gold, his blood eating Sabre would have been directly destroyed. Maybe he would have died at this time. Even so, his golden elixir and body are not small damage, it is estimated that at least dozens of days to repair back.

"What are you going to do?"

But also at this time, Weisuo saw, originally hiding in one side of the enchantress deer, but suddenly shot at the body of Pan Long immortal.

"Didn't we agree that if we killed these people, I would take care of all their belongings? What kind of sword is your? It's too powerful. What if you put such a knife in his body and kill me The enchantress deer stopped in front of the body of Panlong immortal, and snorted.

"His body is also his thing? The magic weapons and magic instruments on his body can be kept by you first, but his body is not included in this list. " Weisuo also immediately facial bad cold hum. To tell you the truth, his opponent is also very dissatisfied with the cooperation of the enchantress deer. If the enchantress deer has been controlling the white sword sky, it will not let the white sword empty cast such a powerful magic weapon. Moreover, the enchantress deer has always been in a state of being on the top of the wall. In addition to resisting the real man Pan Long, she didn't try her best at all other times. In addition, he may not care about it for a while, but in order to deal with the ancient crocodile cave master and Pan Long immortal, Wei Suo has been fighting for his life. He has only one elixir on his hand. What's more, the blood eating Sabre can't absorb the life of Panlong immortal after a long time.

"Why isn't his body what he has? Is your head what you have? If you don't, I won't refuse to take your head off and give it to me. " The enchantress deer put her hands on her hips and looked disdainful.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Why, don't you think I can't kill you without this dharma knife? If I don't keep my promise, I don't need this magic sword to kill you? " Weisuo glared at the enchantress deer, and directly shook the "great extinction golden elixir" to the enchantress deer.

"Mom, it's so big. It's frightening to death. If this bad guy gets angry, I'll be blown to pieces by this big thing."

As soon as the enchantress deer saw Wei Suo's big extinction elixir, her face suddenly turned pale.

"Well! You're cruel, but I tell you, you don't want to play any tricks, or I'll explode the demon pill directly, and we'll die together. "

After stamping her foot and threatening Weisuo, the enchantress deer brushed it and rolled up the magic clothes and nabao sachet of the real man Pan Long. She just threw the body of the real man Pan Long to Wei Suo.

"As long as you don't play any tricks, and you can give me his golden elixir." Weisuo took a look at the wary monster and inserted the blood eating Sabre into the body of Panlong immortal.

"What, do you want his elixir? You don't have to push your luck. " The enchantress immediately called out angrily.

"I can't use his gold elixir directly. What are you afraid of?" Weisuo also does not have the good spirit to look at the enchantress deer to say.

The enchantress deer looked at Weisuo angrily, and finally gave in. She threw out her hand and threw the golden elixir of Panlong immortal to Weisuo.

"Wait, I'll come to you. You don't want to play tricks." This is also a very large gold elixir of the Panlong immortal was thrown to Wei Suo. Seeing that Wei Suo had pulled the blood eating sword out of the Pan Long immortal's chest, the enchantress deer's eyes turned, and immediately said this to Wei Suo.

"Come to me?" This is to let Wei Suo Leng Leng, don't know what this enchanting witch deer means.

"In this way, if you sneak on me or something, I'll blow up the demon pill, and you can't run away." The enchantress deer nodded definitely.

"Blow your head." Weisuo couldn't help cursing. "Well, then come to me." However, he did not refuse the proposal of the enchantress deer and said this.

As a matter of fact, Wei Suo was afraid that the enchantress deer would suddenly attack him and Qingping. After all, this enchantress deer's divine sense is very strong. Once it is launched, Qingping is equivalent to being abandoned directly, and has no resistance. Let her come to his side, Weisuo is to let the Black Ghost King stare at her. In any case, the impact of the spirit sense of the enchantress deer has no effect on the dead thing of the Black Ghost king. If she wants to attack Weisuo secretly, she will have no time to resist the attack of the Black Ghost king in a short distance.

"That's about it." The enchantress deer did not think of Weisuo's calculation. After humming, she moved cautiously and swept to Weisuo and Qingping.

Wei Suo didn't care much about her. First, she took out a healing pill and swallowed it. After that, her divine sense was swept away. Then xuansha ghost claw shot out hundreds of feet away, and seized the golden elixir of baijiankong.The whole body of the golden elixir in the sky is white, which is much bigger than the gold elixir of shark fishing.

As one of the three murderers in Tianbei, he has powerful and terrifying treasures on his body. However, he was shot to death by Panlong immortal. It is estimated that baijiankong can be regarded as one of the golden elixir monks who died the most in recent decades in Tianxuan continent.

Wei Suo estimated that if his golden elixir was in full bloom, he could barely suppress it and refine it into an extinction elixir. However, at this time, his golden elixir was not lightly damaged, but he was not sure at all.

With a flash of vision, Weisuo directly included the golden elixir of baijiankong into the ancient ring of Nawu. Later, xuansha ghost claw grabbed the black knife made of Rune refined gold, which had been beaten and flew back.

"Well? It's very strong indeed. "

As soon as he caught the black knife back, Weisuo's eyes flashed.

Just now, when he was dealing with Panlong immortal, he successfully cheated him with this small knife. He did not know how to stimulate this small knife. At that time, it was only wrapped in Zhenyuan and thrown out. The knife was not excited at all, but was hit by the magic weapon that had almost the highest spirit level, the carcass of the black knife was not damaged at all 。

"Wei's boy, their gold elixir and other things belong to you, but as agreed before, their magic weapons and so on should be kept by me first."

At this time, the enchantress deer was also very quick. She rolled up the magic clothes and tools of the ancient crocodile cave master who had been captured by Weisuo, and wrapped it with the things of Panlong immortal. At the same time, she reached out and rolled out a stream of red glow. She grabbed a treasure bag on the empty corpse of white sword.

"And these things are too big, but I can't use your Friar's treasure bag. You should also help me to put them away and keep them for me when they are received." Then, the enchantress deer immediately reached out and poked at several places.

The enchantress deer points some magic weapons that fall on the ground.

"This mysterious magic weapon is not damaged."

Weisuo glanced at a black thing in a big pit, but his face was obviously moved.

This is the black gold crocodile of the ancient crocodile cave owner.

"Hua La", Wei Suo also does not answer the enchanting female deer, xuansha ghost claw burst out, a fierce mention, but it is the thing forcefully mentioned in front of, a real Yuan Dynasty into it.

"What are you doing? You don't want to play tricks. " Weisuo's move made the enchantress deer startled.

"Don't worry, just see if it's good first." Weisuo glanced at the enchantress deer. Without saying much, he saw that the black golden giant crocodile suddenly exploded with black light, and black vigorous wind came out.

This real xuanjie magic weapon is not damaged as expected!

Under the impact of exterminating the golden elixir power, this magic weapon was only blown up, and the ancient crocodile cave owner lost control of this magic weapon for a time.

"Don't try again! If you want to try, I'll give it back to you and try again. " The witch deer saw Wei Suo's self-care, and her face was covered with a cold look.

"Qingping Daoyou, please help her put away these things." She said a little to Wei Qing.

To tell you the truth, he really does not want to give this thing to the enchantress deer to keep, because it is a real magic weapon of xuanjie.

Another mysterious level magic weapon, the Naihe Jinqiao of Panlong immortal, has been damaged by the strike of blood eating sabre. Now it looks like it has lost all its aura, so there is no need to try it at all.

Wei Suo had no real magic weapon of xuanjie stage. With such a thing in his hand, his strength could be greatly increased.

But the spirit of the monster may be very different from that of the friar. In this inexplicable place, Weisuo did not dare to anger the enchanting witch deer, otherwise, if something happened and could not get out, it would not be worthwhile.

There is another Topaz tripod tripod, which is also in good condition. However, judging from the situation just now, although this one is huge and looks powerful, it is only amazing in escape speed, without any special mystery.

"Good! What do you think if I put these things away for you first Qingping looks at the enchanted deer and says.

Until then, she seemed to come back from the complete shock of Weisuo's success in killing the ancient crocodile cave master and Panlong immortal.

"All right." Seeing that Weisuo stopped the stimulation of the black gold crocodile, the enchantress deer snorted and nodded.

Weisuo did not pay more attention to it. His eyes flashed. He did not know what he thought of. However, he collected the remains of baijiankong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!