Chapter 538

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Weisuo's face turned white in an instant.

At the foot of Qingping's foot is a large fragment of longevity stele. The Yellow aura can be seen as a package of Qingping.

But the Yellow aura on the stele of eternal life under Weisuo's feet could not even cover half of his body!


Her face turned pale.

At this time, Weisuo gritted his teeth, and a yellow light appeared in the nabao ancient ring on his hand, and was immediately excited by him.

This group of yellow light is the fragment of the longevity tablet that he got before.

The Yellow aura on the fragment of Changsheng tablet was matched with the Yellow aura from the fragment of Changsheng tablet under his feet. Weisuo held his head in both hands at the same time, and fiercely curled up to form a ball as much as possible.

At this moment, Qingping's figure has been completely separated from him by the transparent vitality and disappeared.


There was a sharp pain in Weisuo's hands, but he did not dare to see how his hands were. He only dared to hold such a posture.

After a moment, as if squeezed out of a hole, Weisuo's pressure around him was light, and his unrivalled vitality disappeared.

Under the sweep of divine consciousness, Wei Suo stood still in the air. At the same time, there were countless cracks on the two pieces of longevity tablet under him.

He is now above an unknown valley.

The valley looks very wild. It should still be in the wilderness outside the sky. However, if you look at the surrounding scenes, you can't see the inner mountain of Qingcheng ruins and the surrounding mountains of Qingcheng ruins, forming a lotus like mountain. It seems that it is far away from Qingcheng ruins, and I don't know where it is.

After several deep breaths, Wei Suo raised his hands and looked up to his hands.

The skin on the back of his hands had been cut off, revealing the bones below, bloody and shocking.

"Weisuo, this enchantress deer is so insidious! Ah! If you don't take revenge, you will feel uncomfortable all your life! " The old man in green roared.

At the moment, Weisuo is totally feeling like a human again. In fact, in the space gap, when the enchantress deer was suddenly in trouble, the old man in green robe had already screamed and roared constantly. However, in the situation just now, it was really too dangerous. Until now, Weisuo could not understand what the green robed old man was calling.

"Enchantress deer!"

Seeing his hands like this, Weisuo's eyes were filled with unspeakable anger.

Fortunately, he had a fragment of longevity tablet on his body. Otherwise, no matter how he curled up, at least half of his body was exposed. It was not as simple as cutting off such a layer of flesh.

Before that, he had no intention to kill the enchantress deer, but she had completely broken through his bottom line.

Also did not deal with his hand injuries, Weisuo directly sacrificed to the fire boat, in this valley near the search.

After several circles within a radius of tens of miles, Weisuo, who was very ugly, stopped and patted on one of his nabao bags. The red light flashed, but he took out the blood essence stone.

With the injection of Zhenyuan, a drop of red medicinal liquid with extremely fragrant smell was dropped from the blood essence stone.

Wei Suo Zhen Yuan a package, will this drop of medicine evenly on the back of his hands. Weisuo's bloody wound immediately began to recover slowly.

"It's not around here! This ghost space crack The old man in green was screaming with anger.

Within a few decades, there is no trace of the enchanted deer, nor the trace of Qingping. It seems that Qingping has not been transmitted to the same place as Weisuo. As for the enchantress deer that makes Weisuo kill his heart at the moment, even if it is also transported to this place, if it is not within the range of dozens of miles around him, Weisuo can not find her at all.

Moreover, she had seen the magic power of Weisuo. If she saw that Weisuo was not dead, she would not dare to confront Weisuo again.

Weisuo's face was cloudy and clear for a while. After that, he collected the boat from the fire and fell into the forest below. He untied the package that the enchantress deer had given him.

It was too late to pack up the bag and squeeze it into my arms, occupying some space. Otherwise, Weisuo's hands in the back of his head might not have been injured like this.

But fortunately, the enchantress deer thought that in that case, Weisuo must die. She laughed at Weisuo and threw the package to him for burial. Otherwise, the package would not reach Weisuo's hand.

And if this package is not in Weisuo's hand now, Weisuo is afraid that he will vomit blood with anger.

The mantra of Panlong immortal is at least of the top grade, but it has been damaged. There are many holes in it. After putting these two vests into one of their own sachets containing discarded magic weapons, there are only three sachets left in this package.Wei Suo first took the nabao bag of baijiankong in his hand.

In the unknown space in Qingcheng ruins, the magic weapons that the ancient crocodile cave owner and others fell on the ground are all contained in this treasure bag.

With the penetration of Weisuo's Zhenyuan, the black gold giant crocodile of the ancient crocodile cave owner first emerged.

After a little look at it, Weisuo put this xuanjie magic weapon into the ancient precepts.

Then the Naihe Golden Bridge and the three legged Topaz tripod were also taken out. The damaged Naihe golden bridge was collected by Weisuo into the nabao bag containing discarded magic tools, and the three legged Topaz tripod was also put into the Nawu ancient ring by Weisuo.

After receiving these things, Weisuo's face looked better.


Weisuo's eyes flashed again.

In the nabao bag of baijiankong, a small ring of refined gold emerges again.

The gold ring is made of gold, white and silver. Three green crystal stones smaller than sesame seeds are embedded in the inner ring, which is very brilliant.

"What magic weapon is this? The grade is not low. " At this time, he began to count things, and the green robed old man stopped shouting and scolding. As soon as he saw Weisuo take out this thing, he could not help saying so.


Weisuo a real yuan into, the gold ring disappeared in an instant, but appeared in a hundred Zhang away. But when it appeared, it had become a huge ring of pure gold with a diameter of about ten meters, and as soon as the ring appeared, it shrank immediately.

"This thing is actually a magic weapon of fast moving and restraint." The old man in Green saw the clue.

Weisuo nodded. This magic weapon is also a top-grade power. If it is used to deal with him, it can at least make him pause. As one of the three evils in the north of the sky, Bai Jiankong has a good way of doing it. Fortunately, he was severely damaged at the beginning, and then he was controlled by the enchantress deer. Otherwise, when the real man Panlong and himself were struggling, Bai Jiankong would fall down if he used this magic weapon to hoop himself.

This magic weapon is also very useful. Weisuo also collected it into the ancient ring of receiving objects.

And when he put away this magic weapon, Wei Suo's heart was also the great monk who had triple cultivation of the golden elixir. From the point of view of the war, the goods at the bottom of the box are also very terrible. Under normal circumstances, with his own friars and supernatural powers, he may have a chance to win against a monk with triple golden elixir. However, he is extremely dangerous to deal with a friar of golden elixir and a friar of golden elixir.

After taking out the magic weapon, there were some magic weapons and pills in the empty treasure bag of white sword, but there was nothing particularly useful for Weisuo.

Immediately, Weisuo immediately took the nabao bag of Panlong immortal into his hands.

Pan Long immortal can coagulate the technique of yellow Pipa and yellow daozun, which is extremely powerful and terrifying. It is obviously the technique of heaven level top level. If there is such a skill in Panlong immortal's nabao bag, his strength will be upgraded to a higher level immediately.


"What's the matter?" The old man in green robe saw that as soon as Weisuo picked up the nabao bag of Panlong immortal, his divine sense went to one of them with a very strange look.

"See for yourself." Weisuo took a look at the old man in green robe, reached for a pat, and directly got out all the things in Panlong zhennabao bag.

"This .。”

"The spirit is vigorous!"

"Snake hair demon!"

"Heisha longicorn!"

“… .。”

Originally, the old man in green robe was still confined in the ghost pot. At the moment, Weisuo got all the things in the treasure bag of Panlong immortal. His figure could not help but emerge from Weisuo's arms and kept making a scream as if he had been choked by his throat.

In front of Weisuo's body, an instant more a hill.

This hill is made up of all kinds of monster corpses!

This nabao bag of Panlong immortal looks like treasure yellow. Before Weisuo thought it was a top-grade nabao bag, but now this nabao bag must be ten times more than the top-grade nabao bag.

Although the number of the corpses of the monsters piled up into a hill is only over 1000, many of them are very large, and the space for top-grade treasure bags can't hold at all.

Moreover, most of these monsters are monsters of level 5 or above, and even many of them are monstrous beasts of level 6 or above.

There are so many high-level monsters, even if they are based on the cultivation of Panlong immortal, they can't be hunted for years. Now, there are so many high-level monsters in the treasure bag of immortal Panlong. There is only one possibility. That is, immortal Panlong has stayed in the northern part of Tianxuan continent for a long time, and he should have met the tide of beasts when the sky cracks.

But now the hunting and killing of so many high-level monsters, but all fell into the hands of Weisuo.

"Is this?"At this time, the old man in green robe suddenly saw that Weisuo had a Dan bottle in his hand, in which there were many transparent pills. , the fastest update of the webnovel!